Worried Baekhyun

Let Me In
"Haerin-ah.." You heard the voice as you felt someone shake you. "Haerin-ah, wake up." 
Thinking that it was only just a dream, you snuggled into your pillow. 
"Haerin-ah!" The voice grew irritated. "Yah, you're going to be late for school if you don't wake up now." 
School? Oh yeah, I have school today! With that thought, your eyes shot open and you saw your older brother staring right at you with an irritated expression.
“Yah, it’s already 7am, didn’t you set your alarm?” Your brother asked.
“Good morning to you too, Oppa.” You sarcastically rolled your eyes. “Anyways, mianhae, I guess I just forgot to set my alarm.”  You went over to your study table and searched through the pile of papers for your phone.
“What is all this mess?” Baekhyun asked as he looked through the papers. “Were you staying up late again doing your work?”
“Uh, yeah. I had to compose a song for my song-writing class and it’s due today.” You said.
“You mean you procrastinated and did it at last minute?” Baekhyun accusingly said.

“No, Oppa. I started doing it since the work was assigned.” You put your hands on your hips and glared at him. “Besides, you know how song-writing isn’t my best class.”
“Alright, alright, you win.” Baekhyun surrendered. “Well you have less than half an hour to get ready. Breakfast is on the table and I’ll be in my room.”  With that, Baekhyun left your room for his own.
“Arasso. Thank you, Oppa.” You called to him as you got up from bed.
You looked toward the huge mess on your table and sighed, “Guess I have to pack my work first before anything else.”
You did it as fast as you could and in 5 minutes, you had your papers already in your bag and munching down the toasts that your brother had made for you.
After that, you rushed through the rest of your morning routine and pulled on a pair of jeans and a knitted sweater. You quickly did a simple make up which basically just included BB cream and eyeliner and for your lips, you just applied on a bit of your favourite lip gloss.
After tying your hair up into a messy bun, you took your bag and left the room. When you were out of the room, you were surprised to see Baekhyun leaning on the side of the front door, fully ready and waiting for you.
“Hurry up, slow poke.” Baekhyun said as he twirled his set of keys around his index finger.
“Aish, just give me a minute and let me wear my sneakers.” You irritatingly said. 
You searched the shoerack for your favourite pair of maroon converse high tops and quickly wore them and tucking your jeans into your shoes.
“Alright, let’s go!” You skipped out the door and towards the lifts. Baekhyun just chuckled while shaking his head and locked the door before following you out.
The moment you reached school, you and Baekhyun headed straight for your lockers which were, coincidentally right beside each other’s. Over there, you met Chanyeol and Kai.
“Yeollie Oppa! Kai Oppa!” You raced towards them and hugged them. “Good morning!”
“Okay, not that I don’t like this kind of greeting but is there something wrong with your sister today?” Kai chuckled and asked Baekhyun.
“Oh, you know her. Absolutely bi-polar.” Baekhyun shrugged.
“Yah! I am not bi-polar!” You punched Baekhyun’s arm at every word.
“Huh, so you say.” Baekhyun said, making Chanyeol and Kai laugh.
“Come on guys, the bell is about to ring. We should get to our classes.” Chenyeol said as he pushed everyone away from the lockers and towards the classrooms.
When you reached your first class, which was song-writing, you looked for your best friend, Minyoung. But instead, she found you.
“Haerinnie!” Minyoung called as she hugged you from the back.
“Minyoung!” You turned around and hugged her back, “Are you feeling better today? You sounded really sick when I talked to you on the phone yesterday.”
“Yep! I feel better, but I still have the runny nose. Other than that, I’m perfectly fine.” She grinned.
You smiled back, “That’s great to hear.”
Just then, the bell rang and the two of you took your seats.
You sat down and took your assignment out from your bag and placed it on the table.
“Oh you finished your assignment?” Minyoung asked. “I bet you stayed up late last night to get this done.”
“Ding dong deng, congratulations Minyoung you got it right!” You said, making the two of you chuckle.
Then you made a sour face, “I don’t really like this class. I think I’m not cut out to be a composer. I should just stick to singing.”
“Yep, I think so too.” Minyoung unexpectedly said.
“Well, thanks. I’m so happy to have such a supportive best friend.” You jokingly said.
Minyoung laughed, “You can always count on me for that.” 
After song-writing class, there were a few more classes till it was lunch break and you couldn’t wait for it. When the bell rang for lunch break, you quickly packed your bag and practically ran towards the cafeteria for food.
“Yah, Haerin, wait up!” Minyoung shouted as she tried to catch up with you. When she did, you were already queuing up for food.
“Are you that hungry to rush off like that?” Minyoung asked.
“Yes I am! I only had 2 slices of toast that Baekhyun Oppa made this morning and I am starving.” You clutched your tummy and pouted.
After getting your food with Minyoung, you looked around the cafeteria for your brother and his friends. When you found them, the two of you immediately walked over to them and sat with them.
“Hi Oppas!” You and Minyoung chimed.
“Ah, the pig is here.” Baekhyun teased. “I bet you ran out of the class to the cafeteria again, didn’t you?”
“Pfft, did not.”
“Yep, she did.”
You and Minyoung said at the same time and you gave her a glare. Everyone just laughed heartily and continued to eat their lunch.
After you have had your lunch, you excuse yourself to the toilet. While you were at the toilet though, Baekhyun was talking to the others about you.
“Minyoung-ah, you’re in the same singing class as Haerin right?” Baekhyun asked and Minyoung just nodded. “Do you know anyone called Luhan from your class?”
“Luhan..?” Minyoung thought about it. “Oh, Luhan the pretty boy, yeah, why?”
“Do you know anything about him?” Baekhyun asked.
“Well, for one, I’m certain he’s a reaaaaally great singer.” Minyoung dreamily said. “Other than that, no, I don’t really know him.”
Baekhyun sighed.
“What’s wrong, man?” Chanyeol asked.
“Haerin’s going on a date with this Luhan guy later after school and I can’t help but feel so worried for her.” Baekhyun explained.
Instantly, everyone understood why Baekhyun was so worried.
All your past boyfriends, which were Kris and Suho, had very badly broken your heart.
Kris, as you found out, was dating you only for the sake of the popularity. Everyone in SM Arts knows you for your looks and talent and you are very well liked by others. Kris only wanted fame so he asked you to be his girlfriend.
You accepted, of course, thinking that he really liked you.
When the news spread throughout the school, many other girls started to notice Kris and became jealous of you. However, none of them did anything to break the two of you up because they all thought that you were “a match made from heaven”.
4 months after the two of you officially started dating, Kris dumped you just like that. And the next day, you found him another girl’s face.
You went home crying that day and Baekhyun and his friends saw you. They tried to comfort you but nothing worked. The next day though, Baekhyun and his friends made sure they taught Kris a lesson which ended up with Kris leaving SM Arts for another Arts school.
The incident that happened with Suho wasn’t as bad. But it was still not good.
Although it is true that you are well liked by the other students in SM Arts, there is definitely a group of people who didn’t.
Suho and his friends, Kyungsoo, Yixing and a few girls were a few of those people. When they were playing dare with each other and it was Suho’s turned to get dared, Jessica, one of the girls who really hated your guts, dared Suho to date you for two months. And when the two months was up, he was to dump you as harshly as he could and humiliate you in front of the whole school.
And that was exactly what happened.
So that is why Baekhyun is extremely worried for you when it comes to dating guys again.
“Would it be too much of me to ask you guys if you could help me keep an eye on her while she dates this ‘Luhan’ guy?” Baekhyun asked.
“No, it wouldn’t.” Chanyeol didn’t hesitated.
“Yeah, we care for Haerin as much as you do. She’s like the little sister I never really wanted but she’s great.” Kai said, earning a flick on the forehead by Baekhyun.
“I would really love to help you keep an eye on Luhan later during their date, but I have a ton of assignments waiting for me to complete because I didn’t attend school for the past 2 days.” Minyoung guiltily said.
“That’s fine, Minyoung. You can help us keep an eye on him during the classes you have with them.” Baekhyun smiled reassuringly.
“Yeah, okay, I’ll do just that.” Minyoung said.
“So what’s the plan, Baek?” Chanyeol asked.
“Plan? What are you guys planning for?”
The four of them looked up and saw you standing there with a blur expression.
“Are you guys planning to go out without me!?” You guessed.
“Yeah, that was exactly what we were doing and now you ruined our Haerin-Free-Outing.” Baekhyun lied naturally. “Thanks a lot, piggy.”
“Yah, Oppa, that wasn’t nice!” You continued to punch his arm as everyone just laughed at the brotherly-sisterly scene in front of them.
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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)