
Let Me In
Days passed and you were still thinking about what Luhan had said a lot. You would always space out and your friend would always notice. They would ask you what was up but you would always just wave the matter away. 
Monday soon came. 
Your alarm rang at 7 as usual but Baekhyun ended up having to personally wake you up himself. You reluctantly got out of bed and continued with your morning routine.
For today, you had toasts and egg that Baekhyun had prepared for breakfast.
When you were done with your food, you quickly went back into your room and packed your bag before coming out again to wear your shoes.
As usual, Baekhyun was already fully dressed and ready to go while you were still putting your shoes on.
“Goodmorning everyone!” You happily greeted your friends as you walked closer to them.
“Good morning, Haerin! Hey Baek!”
“What’s up?”
“You look happy today.”
“Hello Byuns!”
Your friends greeted you and Baekhyun and made way as you went over to your locker. You opened it and took the books that you needed out.
“Do you guys have extra classes later today?” You asked as you shut your locker.
“Today is Monday…so yep.” Xiumin answered.
“What about you? Do you have on anything after school?” Baekhyun asked.
“Yeah, I have practice with Luhan again.” You made a face, but inside, you were feeling quite excited for it.
“We can just meet again after our class and go back home together.” Baekhyun said.
“Yeah, okay.” You smiled. “I’ll wait for you guys by the stairs again.”
Just then, the bell rang and the seven of you walked off to your respective classes.
The bell rang again later that day, but this time, it was signalling the end of school.
“Please remember that your homework is due tomorrow!” Your math teacher reminded. “Alright,” he said. “Class dismissed.”
At his words, you packed your bag at a quick pace but also slow enough so that Minyoung wouldn’t notice your eagerness.
Like always, you met up with your friends again by the lockers when school ended.
You unlocked your locker and placed your books back inside and only kept those that you needed to complete your assignments.
“What time do you end today, Oppas?” You asked the boys but no one in particular.
“We have two lessons again later so, around 5?” Kai said as he opened his palm.
“So I’ll end practice with Luhan by 5 too.” You said as you turned to walk away from your group of friends. “Well, see you guys later! I have practice to get to.”
“You know you can-“ Chanyeol started to say but you had already disappeared.
“Why is she rushing off to practice?” Kai raised his eyebrow. “With Luhan?”
Xiumin just shrugged, “Maybe she just wants to get the whole thing done and over with so that she wouldn’t have to meet him to practice anymore.”
It seemed logical and everyone bought it. Everyone except Chen.
She seemed a little too eager and excited to be just ‘wanting to get it done and over with’. Chen thought. I wonder what’s up?
When you reached the recording studio, you noticed that the light inside was already on and knew that Luhan was inside.
You knocked on the door twice before entering the room with a small smile. “Hey,” you greeted.
“Hello, Haerin-ah,” Luhan greeted you back comfortably.
You walked over to the couch and sat down, placing your bag on your lap. You took out your lyrics and the disc before putting your bag by your side.
There was a long awkward silence in the room before you stood up from the couch and headed towards the door to the other side of the room.
“I’ll start first?” You said and entered the other side.
Like last time, you took the headphones and placed them over your ears. After giving Luhan a thumbs up through the window, he nodded and started playing the music.
You sang your parts while remembering to emphasise on some notes more like what Luhan had suggested to you during the previous practice.
After the song was done, you took off the headphones and came out of the room.

“That was great!” Luhan smiled, making your heart beat faster and faster again.
“Thank you,” You smiled back. “Can I listen to the recording?”
“Of course.” Luhan pressed a few keys here and there and played your recent recording for you to hear how you sounded.
You smiled again, feeling proud of yourself.
You gave Luhan a little push and he looked at you confusingly. “Go on, your turn,” you said and the two of you laughed.
Luhan went in and did the same thing as you while you controlled the keys now.
It was almost 5 now and the two of you were done with practice for the day.
The two of you were sitting on the couch in awkward silence.
“So…” Luhan started to say, breaking the silence in the room. “Have you thought about it yet?”
He didn’t actually specify what ‘it’ was but you didn’t need him to anyway. You were thinking about ‘it’ all week.
“Yeah, I have.” You said.
Luhan’s ears perked up, hoping for a positive response from you.
“Honestly, I’m still really confused about it,” you said. “I’m not sure whether I can trust you or not.”
Luhan opened his mouth to tell you that he was being sincere this time but you interrupted before he could say anything.
“But you seemed really sincere when you were apologizing that day, so yes, I accept your apology,” You confessed to Luhan.
Luhan started to feel happy, he felt that there was more hope that he could get you back to him.
“So, is that a yes?” Luhan asked.
You chuckled at how impatient he sounded. Impatient, but still adorable.
“I still don’t know…” You sighed.
The two of you sat there in another long awkward silence.
“Okay, I have an idea.” You said and Luhan sat up to listen to you.
“What is it?”
“I’ll give you a second chance,” You said. “I’ll be your girlfriend again.”
At these words, Luhan’s eyes brightened.
You smiled. “Yes, really.”
Then your smile turned into a frown as you continued to talk.
“But my brother and my friends cannot know.”
Luhan opened his mouth to protest but he decided against it when he realized why you say such a thing in the first place. Her friends hate you, you idiot. He thought to himself.
“My friends and my brother don’t exactly like you, you know?” You tried to find nicer words to phrase that sentence but you realized that there wasn’t any nice way to say ‘they don’t like you’.
Well, if there were, you couldn’t think of it anyway.
“I understand.” Luhan smiled. “We’ll date in secret.”
You giggled at the thought of sneaking around to meet Luhan just to hang out with him behind your friends’ and brother’s back. But at the same time, you felt like you were betraying them.
I’m sorry, Oppa. But I really want to give Luhan a second chance. You thought.
“I’m so happy you’re giving me a second chance, Haerin!” Luhan pulled you into a tight embrace and he kissed your forehead.
Oh how much you’ve missed the feeling of being in his arms. Even though you now know that it wasn’t exactly real before.
You saw Luhan’s happy face and a smile began to form on your lips as well.
“I missed you, Lulu.” You said.
Luhan’s grin grew wider when he heard you call him with the nickname that you had given him.
“I swear I’ll prove to you this time that I really care for you.” Luhan promised and tightened his arms around you a little more.
Since you were shorter than Luhan, your face was buried into Luhan’s chest. You had missed this feeling so much that you snuggled in a little closer to feel more of the warmth of his body.
As you were snuggled into Luhan’s chest during that short while, you heard that tiny voice at the back of your head warn you.
What in the world are you thinking, Haerin! This is a bad decision! A very very bad decision!
You heard it. You knew you heard it. But you were too happy at that moment to listen to it and you chose to just disregard it.
Little did you know that that warning was the only one you were going to get to save yourself from another heartbreak. 




I definitely didn't even expect to get this much while writing this story!!! 

Thank you all to those who have subscribed & commented!!!

and of course all of you silent readers who read my story quietly hehe 

Well anyways, since I've reached 100 subscribers, I decided that maybe I should continue writing after this story? ;) 

I actually already have a plot in mind and it'll probably star Baekhyun (because I'm biased that's why) and an OC (which will be you!!!!) hehe but I don't know if i should continue on with it. 

So if you would continue reading my stories (or not, whatever) do participate in the poll down there and let me know, okay! hehe 

thank you for the support you guys! 




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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)