Sleepy Chen

Let Me In
The next few days went by okay. 
Luhan didn't bother you anymore, though he would still give you small smiles and waves and you would just acknowledge him whenever he did that. He was contented with being forgiven and not being hated by you anymore. 
It was almost the end of September and it was Friday again. The weather was really becoming chilly outside so you decided to wear a nice cozy knitted pullover and a pair of leggings. 
"Oppa, are you ready to go?" You called as you came out of your room to wear your favourite boots that you liked to wear for the fall time. 
"Of course. I'm just waiting for you. I'm always waiting for you." Baekhyun said with a playful roll of his eye. 
"Whatever, let's just go. I can't wait to get to school!" You squealed and bolted out the door. 
Baekyhun watched you as you went off and chuckled. You had been excited to go to school for quite some time now and Baekhyun knew that it was 100% because of Chen. The two of you became so close that the two of you were practically inseparable.
As usual, the two of you met up with Kai, Chanyeol and Xiumin who were already by the lockers.
“Hello wello,” you greeted and did a cute ‘V’ pose.
You were just greeting them nicely but Kai decided to be a jerk again and mock you. “Hello wello,” he said with a high-pitched voice as he imitated you and did the ‘V’ pose as well, making the others laugh.
You rolled your eyes and put your hand out as if to block his face from your view. “I don’t even want to bother,” you said and pushed him aside so that you could open your locker.
“Hey guys,” You heard Minyoung’s voice and turned around with a smile.
“Minyoung!” You gave your best friend a huge bear hug.
“Woah, hey!” Minyoung hugged you back and pushed you off of her. “What’s wrong with you today? Why are you all…”
“Overly happy?”
“On drugs?”
Kai and Chanyeol took turns in saying which just earned them smacks from you.  
“Yes, all of that.” Minyoung said, making the others chuckle. “Why?”
You made a face, “I swear, I think you guys have something against me being happy. I think you guys like me being all sad and moping around better, don’t you?” You pointed an accusing finger at your friends but of course, it was all jokes.
Just then, the bell rang. “Oh well, there’s the bell. Come on, let’s get to class!” You clapped and skipped towards your first class before stopping suddenly and turning back to your friends. “Wait…Where’s Chen oppa?”
“Right here.” You unconsciously smiled when you heard his voice behind you and turned around. But then you frowned.
He was panting, clearly because he just ran, scared that he might be late for class. But that wasn’t why you were frowning.
You were frowning because he had dark circles under his eyes and he obviously looked so damn tired.
“Wow, this is the first time you’re late,” Chanyeol stated. “Well, almost.”
“Yeah, I just couldn’t sleep last night and ended up waking up late.” Chen tiredly rubbed his eye with a yawn. “Well, we should get to class before the second bell rings.”
You watched as Chen walked towards the same classroom as you while the other guys walked towards their senior classes.

Is Chen Oppa okay? Why couldn’t he sleep last night? Is something bothering him? Many many thoughts ran through your mind and you couldn’t help but feel worried for him.
Towards the end of the day, Chen seemed to feel better. He still felt extremely sleepy, however, even though he slept throughout most of his classes.
Math class ended for you and Minyoung half an hour after the dismissal bell had rung. As usual.
You sighed tiredly as you walked out of your class with Minyoung.
“I honestly cannot remember a time that he dismissed us on time.” Minyoung said as the two of you walked towards your locker.
“Hm? Where are the guys?” You asked as you looked around the hallway when you noticed that the boys weren’t waiting where they usually did.
“Maybe they went off first?” Minyoung suggested.
“Hm, maybe.” You said and unlocked your locker.
Just as you did, a piece of paper fell out.
“What’s this?” Minyoung asked as she picked it up.
It was a piece of sticky note that you figured was previously pasted on the inside of your locker door. But apparently, the sticky part of the paper wasn’t strong enough to stay on it and it just fell.
“What does it say?”
“Oh, it’s from the guys. They said they’ll be waiting in the cafeteria because they know we had math for last period.” Minyoung said before handing you the paper.
“Really? And they couldn’t just send a text?” You rolled your eyes and shut your locker door closed.
In 2 minutes, the two of you were at the entrance of the cafeteria that was almost empty except for your friends and some other students.
“There you girls are!” Kai exclaimed when he saw the two of you enter the cafeteria. “We were just about to fall asleep while waiting for you!”
“Well, Chen fell asleep the moment he sat down.” Chanyeol snickered as he jabbed his finger towards Chen’s direction.
True to his words, Chen was sleeping. He had his left arm bent and under his right arm which was stretched out. He laid his head on his right arm and you could see his chest moving up and down according to his breathing.
He looks so handsome. You thought as your eyes scanned his face. Even in his sleep you could see his high cheekbones.
“Haerin, you’re going to burn the sleeping boy’s face with your stare.” Kai snickered as he poked your cheek.
He liked to do that; poking your cheek and teasing you at the same time.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Kai’s voice and turned your head to your left only to have Kai poke your nose instead.

“What did you say?” You asked not before slapping his hand away.
“I said ‘you’re going to burn the sleeping boy’s face with your stare’ but that won’t happen now since you looked away,” Kai smirked.
“Aish, you’re so irritating, Kai!” You huffed and just sat down beside Baekhyun who chuckled and put his arm over your shoulder, as if you console you.
Little did you know that Chen never really was asleep during the whole time. Okay, sure, he was sleeping when you first came in. But after a second, he woke up, but he just didn’t open his eyes.
And when he heard the conversation (more like bicker) you had with Kai, he smiled a little to himself. So she was staring at me while I slept? Maybe I don't have to be so nervous about asking her out on a date. Chen thought, and that made him happy. 


A/N: Hey guys!! 

Sorry for the short update again today ): Actually, I wrote this the night before because I have plans to go out with a friend today. And I didn't know what to write actually so I just did some filler chapter :) 
The next chapter will be what all of you have been waiting for though hehe ;) 
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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)