Sneaking Around

Let Me In

The next day, you woke up feeling extremely happy. In fact, you were so happy about getting back together with Luhan that you woke up at 6:45am. Fifteen minutes before your alarm rang. 

You took your phone from nightstand and checked for any unread messages. You saw one from Luhan and you immediately brightened. 


Goodmorning my beautiful girl! Can't wait to see you in school later! ;) 


You smiled at the text and quickly replied him. It felt so good to receive genuine good morning messages again. 

When you went out of your room, Baekhyun had just entered the bathroom to shower. You were about to greet him 'good morning' but he had shut the door without knowing that you had already awoken. 

Shrugging, you decided to start making breakfast instead. 

You took out the box of your favourite cereal from one of the cupboards and took out the milk from the fridge. Humming the tune of the song you were supposed to sing with Luhan, you took a bowl from one of the drawers and poured your cereal and milk into it. 

You were still not done with your bowl of cereal when Baekhyun had come out of the bathroom. He was drying his hair with his towel when you greeted him 'good morning', causing him to jump in shock because he didn't expect you to be awake already.

"Wow, this must be a dream. Byun Haerin is awake way before her alarm clock rings." Baekhyun teased. 

"Ha ha, very funny, Oppa." You playfully rolled your eyes. 

"But really, what is the reason that you're up so early, hmm?" Baekhyun sat on the seat across you and stared at you with accusing eyes. "Did something good happen?" 

You opened your mouth to say that you had gotten back together with Luhan but you quickly decided against it. You mentally cursed yourself as you said, "Nope." 

"Mhm, whatever you say," Baekhyun teased you again and went into his room. 

When he had shut his door close, you sighed, relieved that you didn't spill the beans. "What a close call." 




The first bell rang and the seven of you went off to your respective classes. The first class you had was singing and you were looking forward to seeing your boyfriend again. 

When you went into class with Minyoung and Chen, you scanned the classroom for any sign of Luhan but he wasn't there. Maybe he just hasn't arrived yet.  

Just as the thought appeared in your head, the person you wanted to see the most had entered the room and both yours eyes immediately made contact. The two of you gave each other knowing smiles and Luhan quickly went to his seat. 

If only I could give her a good morning hug and a kiss, Luhan sighed as he looked over to your two friends who were sitting on either sides of you. 

Class soon ended and you purposely packed your bag slowly and made your friends leave without you first saying that you had to ask the teacher something. But that was a total lie. All you wanted was to spend a little time with your boyfriend, even if it was just a few seconds. 

The class soon became empty. Even the teacher that you were supposed to 'talk to' had left. The only ones left inside the classroom were you and your boyfriend. 

"Lulu!" You squealed and jumped into his arms when you were sure that no one else was around. 

"Hey, beautiful," He chuckled and planted a kiss on your forehead. "Shall we go on a date later?" 

"A date?" You brightened at his words. "But how? Baek Oppa and the others don't have class later after school. I'll have to go home with them." You frowned. 

Luhan pouted. "When do they have extra classes?" 

"Hmm," You thought. "I think they have extra classes tomorrow after school." 

"Alright, then we'll do it tomorrow then." Luhan smiled. 

"Yay! Okay, now I can't wait for tomorrow to come." You squealed. 

Just then, the second bell rang and your eyes widened. "Oh no! We're gonna be late for class now. Hurry up!" 



The next day, you woke up before your alarm rang again because you were excited for the date you and Luhan were going on later after school. 

Baekhyun thought it was weird that you woke up early again for two days in a row but he was just thankful that he didn't have to personally wake you up. 

You were in a such a happy mood all day that you were always humming a happy tune when you weren't talking. 

During lunch, you were sitting with your friends and brother at your usual table and they stare at you curiously as you took a bite of your food. 

"Baek, has your sister gone mental?" Kai nudged Baekhyun and whispered. 

You looked up when you heard his comment and rolled your eyes. "I'm just in a happy mood, is that so wrong?" 

"No, it isn't." Chanyeol said. "But you're so happy it's weird." 

"How is being happy weird?" 

"I don't know. Maybe it's because you're usually cranky and bipolar and always throwing sarcastic comments at us." Kai said and the others chortled. 

"Ha ha ha, you're funny, Kai Oppa." You playfully rolled your eyes and him again. 



The school bell soon rang for the end of school but your teacher continued to talk. Your classmates were all starting to pack their bags but your teacehr barked, "Just because the bell has rung doesn't mean you're dismissed!" 

Everyone grumbled as the teacher continued to go through the last math problem. 

When he was done, he put down the marker. "Alright, now you can go," he said and most of your classmates stood up and headed for the door.

Finally! You thought. 

As soon as the teacher had dismissed the class, you were packing your bag and waiting for Minyoung so that the two of you could leave together. 

The two of you met up with the guys by the lockers who were whining and complaining about the classes they had in 15 minutes. 

When they had noticed the two of you making your way towards them, they looked up. The smirked knowingly. "Had math for last period, huh?" 

You sighed. "Yeah. That teacher always releases us late! What an ." You complained as you opened your locker and put your books inside. 

"Haerin's cranky again!" Chanyeol snickered. 

"Looks like someone's back to normal." Kai chortled.

"Whatever, you guys." You rolled your eyes. "Don't you boys have a class to get to?" 

As if on cue, the bell rang again. 

Chanyeol's grin immediately turned upside down. "Thanks for rubbing it in our face." 

You chuckled. "Bye bye, Yeol Oppa." You waved your fingers in his direction. 

"What about you?" Baekhyun asked. 

"Oh, I have practice again." You fibbed. 

"Alright, then we'll go home together later okay?" Baekhyun smiled. 

He was just about to leave with the rest of the boys but you stopped him. "Actually," you said. "I think you guys should go on ahead first." 

"What? Why?" 

"Since the concert is coming soon, I figured that I should practice with Luhan more." You lied. "So we'll probably be ending late." 

Baekhyun was hesitant but he let it go. "Alright, just don't stay too late, okay?" 

"I wont! Goodbye oppas!" You waved to the boys and the disappeared down the hall. 

As soon as you said goodbye to Minyoung and she went home, you quickly fished out your phone and dialed in Luhan's number. 

"Lulu!" You said into the phone when he had picked up the call. 

"Hey Haerin," He said and you could practically hear the smile in his voice. "Where you at?" 

"I'm at my locker. Where are you?" 

"I'm at my locker too," He chuckled. "I'll meet you outside school, okay?" 

"Okay!" You said and hung up and quickly went to the school gates. 




After the date, Luhan had walked you to your apartment building like he had always used to. 

"I had a great time today," you smiled. 

You arms were wrapped around his neck while his were wrapped around your waist. 

"I had a great time too," He smiled back at you. 

Luhan tilted your chin upwards and leaned down to kiss you on the lips. Gladly, you kissed him back. 

He broke it off sooner than you wished he had did. "Go on," he said as he nodded towards you apartment building. "If you're not home soon, your brother might come after me." 

You chuckled. "Alright," you said. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" 

"See you." 

"I love you, Haerin-ah," Luhan smiled lovingly into your eyes. 

"I love you too, Lulu." 

With a last peck on your lips, he pushed you towards your apartment bulding and you went in. 


You went back up to your apartment to find your brother and the other guys sitting in the living watching the television. 

"Oh, you're back?" Baekhyun said when he noticed you come in the apartment. 


"How was practice?" He asked. 

"It was okay." It was amazing. You thought as you recalled your lunch date with Luhan. 





A/N: Is it just me or is the poll that I posted on my prev chapter not showing? ): 


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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)