A Mother Knows Best

Let Me In
The night passed and so did the next day.
It was past 5 in the afternoon on the third day of your visit. You were sitting on the couch in short jean shorts and a tank top changing channels on the television every few seconds.
“IT’S SO HOT AND THERE’S NOTHING TO WATCH ON TV,” You whined. You switched off the television with a pout and threw the remote to the armchair. “Ugh, so boring.”
Mr Byun came into the living room after hearing your outburst and chuckled. He was about to say something when Baekhyun came into the room as well. “What’s wrong with you?”
“It’s hot.” You groaned. “It’s so hot and I’m sweating.” 
“Then go take a shower.” Baekhyun shrugged.
“I just did!” You continued to whine and whine and Mr Byun could only laugh.
10 minutes later, the rest of the boys came into the living room all sweaty and sticky. “Ew, what have you guys been doing?”
“We were playing soccer at the back yard.” Chanyeol said.
“In this insane weather?!” You gasped. “You guys must be joking.”
“I think it was quite fun,” Xiumin shrugged.
You stared at him and then just waved the matter away.
Soon, your mom came out of the kitchen and into the living where everyone else was. “What would you guys want to have for dinner tonight?”
“Can we have fried rice again please?” Chanyeol begged with a cute grin on his face.
Baekhyun hit him on the head. “We already had fried rice yesterday and the day before.”
Chanyeol pouted. “But I love your mom’s fried rice.”
Mrs Byun laughed and lightly patted his back. “You can always ask Haerin to cook it for you when you guys are in Seoul.”
"But it isn't the same," Chanyeol said. 
Haerin cooks? Chen heard their conversation and smiled. A girl who could cook was definitely a plus. 
“How about we have a barbeque party?” Mr Byun suggested and everyone brightened at the idea.
“That sounds like a great idea, dad!” You cheered and the boys all agreed.

“Yeah, barbeque sounds great.”
“Mmm, then we could make smores!”
“Yay, meat!”
“Alright, then it’s settled. We’ll have barbeque for dinner tonight.” Mrs Byun clapped her hands and smiled.
She was about to ask her husband to set up the barbeque pit when an idea popped into her head. “Son, why don’t you set up the barbeque in the back yard with Chanyeol and Kai?”
“Okay~” Baekhyun replied in a sing song voice as he pulled Chanyeol and Kai along with him to help.
“Do you need us to do anything, Mrs Byun?” Xiumin asked like the polite boy he was.
“I think I will need to get some things at the supermarket.” Mrs Byun tapped her chin. “Why don’t you boys go take a shower first while I check what’s needed to be bought? Then you can go over to the market with Haerin.”
The two boys nodded with a smile and walked up the stairs to go take a shower.
“I have to what!?” You shrieked when you heard the instructions from your mother. “Aw, mom, I really don’t want to go out in this weather!”
“Too bad, honey. You have to. Baekhyun’s already setting up the barbeque pit.” Your mom simply shrugged.
“How about I set up the barbeque pit with Yeol and Kai Oppa, then Baek Oppa can go get whatever you need from the mart with Xiumin Oppa and Chen?” You asked. You actually really didn’t want to go out in this insanely hot weather but you also didn’t want to go out with awkward Chen.
Mrs Byun slightly cringed when she noticed that you called all the other boys Oppa except Chen. “Oh please, honey, you don’t even know how to set it up.”
You sighed. Your mom was right. “Alright, fine, I’ll go to the mart. What is it that you need?”
“I really can’t believe my mom made me go out in this weather.” You groaned as you reached the supermarket with Xiumin and Chen.
“At least it’s an air-conditioned market, isn’t it?” Chen smiled and you just nodded in reply.
“Okay, so what do we need to get?” Xiumin asked as he took a trolley.
You took out the list your mom gave you out from your pocket. “We need to buy the meat, garlic, the vegetables, some fruits and drinks.”
After reciting the list of things needed to be bought, the three of you went through the different aisles in the supermarket and got them.
While the three of you were shopping, Mr and Mrs Byun were back at home with the three boys in the back yard.
Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kai had brought out the barbeque pit and were bringing out the chairs and tables from inside. 
The boys set the tables and chairs near the pit and as they were starting the fire, Mr and Mrs Byun sat on the chairs and watched them.
Suddenly, Mrs Byun spoke. “So, spill,” She said. The boys were a little startled at what she said and turned around.
“Spill what?” Baekhyun asked.
“Oh you know what I’m talking about,” Mrs Byun said with a smirk. “What’s wrong with Haerin?”
The three boys stiffened. “What are you talking about? She’s still the same; annoying but at the same time adorable.” Baekhyun said with a sheepish smile.
“She’s not exactly the same as she used to be and you know it.” Mr Byun said. “We’ve noticed it and we know that you know.”
“So tell us, boys. What happened to Haerin?” Mrs Byun’s voice was now filled with concern.
Baekhyun sighed in defeat and sat down in front of his parents and told him about the whole Luhan ordeal.
“Isn’t this the third time already?” Mrs Byun said. “First Kris, then Suho and now Luhan?”
Yes, that’s right. Even Mr and Mrs Byun know about your previous relationships with the boys who had played you.
“But that doesn’t explain why Haerin’s now being distant to Chen only.” Mrs Byun said. “Didn’t you guys meet Chen and Xiumin at the same time?”
“No no, we met Xiumin since we started school in SM Arts about a year ago.” Baekhyun said. “Like Chen said that day, he’s new but he’s an old friend of Xiumin’s.”
“So Haerin’s already kind of close with Xiumin. But she just recently met Chen only.” Baekhyun continued to explain. “And from what I think, Haerin’s just being more wary around guys. But I’m not sure.”
“Oh, my poor baby.” Mrs Byun frowned.
Your parents had always loved how social and outgoing you were although have been a little bit worried since the attention you seem to attract to yourself are mostly from boys. They knew that Baekhyun would be there to protect you but they didn’t know it would come this far.
“Have you noticed it though?” Mr Byun asked.
“Noticed what, uncle?” Kai raised his eyebrow.
“That Chen really seems to want to get close to Haerin.” He said.
“Oh, I was just thinking the same thing, honey!” Mrs Byun laughed a little. “It is pretty obvious, you know?”
“No, we haven’t.” The three boys shook their heads.
“But do you mean that in a good way, or a bad way?” Chanyeol asked Mr Byun.
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I just know that Chen really wants to know your sister but she has this huge wall built up now and it doesn’t seem like anyone can break it down anytime soon.”
“But Chen’s a great guy,” Kai said. “He really is a nice friend.”
“As far as we know, anyways.” Baekhyun muttered.
“I’m not going to come to any conclusion and say that Chen is a bad guy. But if what you say is true, that Haerin’s now wary around guys, I think you should keep an eye on the two of them.” Mr Byun said. “To be honest, I actually do like this Chen kid too. He seems like a nice guy. But…”
“But I’ll still have to protect Haerin like I always do.” Baekhyun finished his father’s sentence. “I don’t want to see Haerin hurt again for the fourth time.”
Mr Byun smiled at his son with a loving smile. “You’ll do better this time, son. I know you will.”
“WE’RE BACK!” You announced as you opened the front door. Your voice was so loud that those at the back yard could hear you loud and clear.
“Speak of the devil,” Kai muttered and everyone chuckled.
“What are you all laughing about?” You asked as you came out to the back yard. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s nothing,” Mr Byun smiled at his daughter and you smiled back.
“Mom, where do we put these?” You held out the bags that you were carrying and asked.
“In the kitchen, honey. Just put the meat in the sink and the rest on the counter and leave them there. I’ll take care of it.” Your mom said and the three of you did as told.
You went into the kitchen with the boys and followed your mom’s instructions. You took out the meat from bags and placed them in the sink and left the rest on the counter.
Soon, your mom came in and started making the sauce to marinate the meat in before grilling them.
“Chen dear, why don’t you help me with this?” Mrs Byun smiled at him and he became nervous.
“Of course, Mrs Byun.” He smiled back and walked towards her and asked her what he needed to do.
“Do you need any more help, mom?” You asked over the counter.
“It’s alright, honey. You and Xiumin and go to the back yard and join the others.” Mrs Byun said and the two of you left.
After a while of helping Mrs Byun wash the vegetables, she finally spoke.
“So Chen,” Mrs Byun started. “What do you think of my daughter?”
Chen stiffened. Why is she asking me this? “Uhm, well, I think Haerin’s a really wonderful girl although I haven’t known her for long.” Or talked to her for long.
“What else?” She probed.
Chen paused a little before answering. “She’s pretty, that’s for sure. Uhm, she has a great voice as well.”
“You’ve heard her sing before?”
“Yeah. I watched her performance with Luhan that night for the Midnight Jam. And she was amazing.”
“I still regret not being able to have gone.” Mrs Byun sighed. “So, go on. What else do you like about my daughter?”
Chen still thought that Mrs Byun had asked a weird question but he continued to answer anyways.
“Uhm, well, I also like how everyone treats her like she’s the princess. I mean, her friends and Baekhyun, especially. Although everyone’s always teasing and playfully disturbing her, it’s obvious that they all care about her a lot.” Chen smiled at the thought. “But the fact that everyone’s so extremely protective over her shows that Haerin’s actually a really fragile girl and it kind of makes me want to protect her too, but I wouldn’t know that for sure.”
“That’s right, she really is a fragile girl.” Mrs Byun said and Chen’s eyes widened. “Many things have happened to her and I guess it’s understandable that she’s become like this.”
Chen still stood there in silence. Why was Mrs Byun telling him these things?
“W-why did you ask me about Haerin, Mrs Byun?” Chen slowly asked.
She shrugged. “I just wanted to know what you really think of her. And the look on your face while you talked about her shows that you really do like her.”
“L-like her?” Chen gasped a little. “I mean, sure your daughter’s a lovable girl but I don’t like her like that, Mrs Byun. I barely know her, actually.”
“If you didn’t like her like that, why would you try so hard to always start a conversation with her, hmm?” Mrs Byun smiled knowingly. “I know she seems more distant towards you and you probably know why.”
“No, I don’t Mrs Byun.” Chen said. “I mean, I know that she is keeping her distance from me, but I don’t know why. Baekhyun wouldn’t tell me.”
“Huh, I guess I shouldn’t say anything then.” Mrs Byun said.
“If you know something, can you please tell me? I’m really dying of curiosity over here.”
“I would, Chen. But you should just wait till Haerin’s ready to tell you.” She said.
It was silent for a while before Chen asked a question. “How did you know that I liked Haerin, Mrs Byun?”
“A mother always knows best, my dear.” Mrs Byun winked and laughed lightly. “If you want any advice, however, I can tell you.”
“What advice?”
“On how to get Haerin to open up to you.”
“Oh, yes please! Please tell,” Chen nearly begged.
Mrs Byun laughed. “It’s simple really,” She said. “All you have to do is be there for her for every single thing.”
Chen nodded, listening attentively to what Mrs Byun had to say.
“Don’t give up on her, though. The reason she has this wall built in front of her is because she’s scared of being hurt again so she thinks that if she’s more distant to them, they’ll eventually give up and go away.” Mrs Byun continued. “So if you sincerely do want to be in her life, you mustn’t give up.”
“If you do manage to break down her wall and end up being friends, or even her boyfriend for that matter, but you hurt her, you’re going to have to answer to Baekhyun and his friends. And that won’t be a very pretty thing.”
Chen gulped at the warning.
“It’s just a little warning.” Mrs Byun said. “After all Haerin has been through, she deserves someone who decides to enter her life and stay in her life. And to be honest, Chen, I think that person is you.”
Chen’s face showed confusion and Mrs Byun laughed again. “Why me?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. I just have a feeling that you’re the one who’s going to be able to finally heal her broken heart.”
“Bring the vegetables out to the backyard too, okay, Chen?” Mrs Byun smiled.
With that, Mrs Byun left Chen deep in thought and alone in the kitchen as she brought the marinated meat out to the back yard. 
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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)