
Let Me In
Two weeks have passed since you and Luhan had gotten back together which also meant that it has also been two weeks of lying and sneaking around your dear brother and friends.
Sure, you felt guilty about it all but you really wanted to give Luhan this second chance. And so far, it's been going well. Luhan was treating you well and he always made you happy. 
Other than the two of you, Sehun knew about the secret relationship as well. It wasn't because Luhan told him though, but because he found out. 
That day after you had said 'yes' to Luhan, Sehun noticed that his best friend was in a much happier mood. He also noticed the secret glances and smiles Luhan gave you whenever you walk pass each other in the school hallway, or during classes or during lunch even. Basically, whenever the two of you would cross paths.
At first, Sehun thought that Luhan was just crazily in love with you even though it was one-sided. But then he noticed that you would smile back and return the glances he gave you.
This caused Sehun to grow suspicious, of course. Who wouldn't? So Sehun continued to observe the two of you secretly.
Two days was more than enough for him to have an idea on what was going on between you and Luhan. And especially after he had pieced all the information that he had gotten from observing, his suspicions were cleared.
Well, almost, anyways.
Sehun’s suspicions were ‘almost’ cleared because although he did have an idea about what was going on, he couldn’t believe it. How would you have agreed to patch up with Luhan after all he had done to you?
So since he wasn't exactly sure about it he had to ask Luhan to confirm. Of course, Luhan had tried to deny everything at first but Sehun managed to get him to spill everything in the end. What with being his best friend and all.
Of course, Luhan made Sehun swear not to tell any soul about this.
Well, anyways, the Anniversary concert was going to be held in a week and you have been using that as an excuse to hang out with Luhan more. Even though it would just be for practice. Every minute was precious.
No, scratch that. Every second was precious. 
You really felt bad about all this but you really wanted to spend time with Luhan. He made you happy.
You would always tell your brother that you had to practice for the concert. Sometimes, you actually would go for practice but most of the times the two of you would sneak out and have lunch together or go for a movie.
Either way, the time was spent with Luhan and you were satisfied with it. Besides, it wasn't like you needed any more practice for the song anyway. 
It was finally D-1 till the anniversary concert.
It was a Friday and the seven of you were in school as usual. You and your friends were by the lockers, as usual, talking.
Chanyeol was complaining about how they had their extra classes after school that day and just as he was saying something about how the school should cancel it because the concert was tomorrow and they had to practice, the PA system and you heard the voice of the principal giving an announcement.
“Attention all junior and senior students,” the principal said.
Yours and your friends’ ears perked up and listen attentively to the upcoming announcement.
“We will be having an extra rehearsal later this afternoon after school ends for the concert tomorrow. Full-dress rehearsals for the concert will still be the same; tomorrow at 10am,” he said. “And because of this, we are going to cancel all extra lessons the seniors are to have after school later. But you are required to attend the rehearsal.”
Chanyeol’s face lit up as he heard the announcement and his lips broke into a huge grin.
“That is all,” the principal said. “Thank you for your attention and have a great day in school.”
“WOOHOO!” Chanyeol cheered when he heard the beep from the sound system signalling that the PA system turned off. “No extra lessons!”
You chuckled along with your other friends as all of you watch Chanyeol happily ran down the hallway towards his first class even though the first bell hasn’t even rung.
Just as Chanyeol had disappeared at the corner, the bell rang and the students started moving off to their classes. You said goodbye to your friends and left with Minyoung and Chen to your singing class.
The bell rang for school to end twenty minutes ago but your Math teacher was holding the class back, as usual, because he wanted to finish going through a few more problems.
When the teacher had finally dismissed the class, you had half an hour till rehearsals start. You sighed a sigh of relief and packed your bag.
You went out of your last class, with Minyoung. But of course, you managed to share a quick look with your secret boyfriend first before leaving with your friends.
You went to the lockers with Minyoung and found that the guys were still waiting there for the two of you. When they heard your footsteps, they looked up and laughed at your face. 
“I’m guessing you guys just finished Math class?” Kai poked your cheek with a playful look on his face.
You swiped his hand away and made your way to your locker. “Yeah,” you sighed. “I hate that teacher. He’s always holding us back.”
“I hope we get a different teacher for Math next year.” Minyoung pouted. “I don’t think I’d be able to survive senior year with him.”
Although it was clear that you and Minyoung were miserable, the boys still laughed at your misery.
With only ten minutes left till rehearsals start, the seven of you made your way to the auditorium where the rehearsals and the actual concert were going to be held.
You enterned the assembling area and sat down in the third row with Kai and Chen on either sides of you. As you waited for the rehearsals to start, you were conversing with your friends. 
While you were talking to Kai and Chen about this movie that you've been wanting to see for a while now, you could feel someone looking at you and turned to see who it was. 
Without meaning to at all, you locked eyes with Luhan who happened to be the one who was looking at you for some time now. He was sitting a few rows behind you with Sehun on his right and some of his other friends on his left. Without thinking much of it, you gave your secret boyfriend a small and waved at him. 
"Who are you waving to, Haerin?" Kai asked when he noticed that you weren't paying attention to what he was saying. 
"What?" You quickly turned around when you heard his voice and grew nervous. 
"I asked who were you waving to?" He said again. 
"Oh, no one." You waved your hand back and forth. "Just someone from my singing class," you lied. Well, it wasn't exactly lying since Luhan really was from your singing class. 
"Anyways, as I was saying..." Kai continued. 
Soon, the clock striked 3 pm and the teacher in charge of the whole concert went up to the stage. 
Mrs Lee tapped the microphone twice before speaking into it. "Good afternoon students and staff," she said. "I know this is a little last minute but we realised that just one full rehearsal wouldn't be enough so we decided to have another rehearsal today." 
She took her clipboard and flipped through the papers. "I'm sure that all of you would already know the order of the performances. But just in case you have forgotten, I'm going to read out the whole list of performances from starting performance till the closing. So listen up carefully." 
"...Number 15, Luhan and Haerin," Mrs Lee said as she continued on the list. "Last on our performance list is number 23, Baekhyun and Chen." 
"Alright, now that that is done, we'll be starting the rehearsals." Mrs Lee said. "Here's how we're going to do it; according to the list that I have just read out to you a minute ago, we are going to go through each and every performance." 
"So for example, performance number 1 will come up to the stage and perform like you would for tomorrow's concert. While number 1 is performing, number 2 will have to stand by back stage and wait for their cue to come out on stage." 
"We'll be practicing with the emcees as well." 
"Also, we'll be testing out the sound system and the lighting as well throughout the whole rehearsal as well." Mrs Lee said. "Any questions from anyone?" 
A boy raised his hand and he spoke, "Do we wait in our waiting rooms or?" 
She shook her head. "Everyone will wait here so that you know how everything will be done on the actual day," Mrs Lee said. "Waiting rooms will be assigned to the performers tomorrow when you come to school for the full-dressed rehearsals." 
"Any other questions?" 
The crowd stayed silent and Mrs Lee took that as a no. 
"Well then, let's get started!" 
You mentally sighed as you realized that although you would be able to spend some time with Luhan later, you would have to act like you still hated the boy because your friends and Baekhyun would be there watching you. 
Soon, you were standing backstage with your microphone and everything all attached on you. You were now just waiting for your cue to walk into the stage with Luhan by your side. 
The song for the performance now was coming to an end and the two of you were now standing behind the curtains. You didn't know why but you were starting to feel a little nervous.
This is just a rehearsal, so why in the world is my heart pounding so hard? You thought as you inhaled and exhaled, attempting to slow down your heart rate. 
You peeked out from the curtains and looked for your friends. Since they were sitting in the thrid row, they were really close to the stage. What if Baekhyun Oppa and the others find out that I'm dating Luhan again through this performance? Quickly, you went back to behind the curtains and tried to calm yourself down again. 
Luhan seemed to have noticed this and took your hand in his. You snapped out of your thoughts as you felt him holding your hand and turned to look at him. 
"Are you okay?" Luhan asked. 
"Yeah, I'm fine." You smiled. "Just a little nervous, is all." 
"Nervous? Why would a great singer like you be nervous?" Luhan chuckled. "It's just a rehearsal, Haerin-ah. It's okay if you make a mistake." 
"I know," You gave him a small smile again. But that's not the reason why I'm nervous in the first place. 
The song for the previous performance had ended and they were taking their bows as the curtains started to close. As they left the stage, you walked towards the middle of the stage with your hand still in Luhan's and took your positions. 
You actually didn't even notice that you were still holding his hand until the curtains started to open again and you used both hands to hold your microphone. You were just praying hard that your friends hadn't notice it at all. 
Unfortunately for you though, the moment the curtains opened, Chen already had his eyes on you. He noticed the swift motion of you breaking your hold with Luhan's hand and his eyebrows furrowed. Did I just see correctly? That they were holding hands?  
Luckily, Chen had decided that it was just a stupid thought and dismissed the thought just like that. 

I'm really sorry for not updating for a week!

I actually already had the next few chapters planned out but after a reader comment on how the plot seemed to have been written too fast, I went to reread my story and agreed with her. So I was trying to see if there was anything that I could do to make the plot go better from there!

And so that led to me having a serious writer block. ): (and very little motivation to continue writing ><) 

And also, I've been busy with enroling myself into my tertiary education school so that was really time consuming. I also had to go pick up my new laptop (a 13" macbook hehe) and all that. 

Well anyways, I'm just really sorry for not updating for quite a while and now that I have a new laptop, I have motivation again so I'm going to start trying to update regularly hehe 

XO, asdfghjklex 

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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)