Anniversary Concert

Let Me In


It was already 3 pm by the time the rehearsals ended. The concert would be starting in about 3 hours and Mrs Lee had given all the performers and backstage crew memebers a long 2 hour break. But they would have to report back to their waiting rooms (or the backstage for the backstage crew) an hour before the whole thing started. 

"I think I'm going to take a nap during the two hour break," You said as your stretched your arms and yawned. 

Every single one of your friends shook their head with a laugh, "Typical Haerin." 

"Don't you want to eat, though?" Kai asked. 

"Oh yeah," You said. "Okay, let's eat first then I'll sleep the remaining break time away." You eagerly nodded. 

"Come on, then." Baekhyun said, "Let's go eat at that burger place across the street." 

A few minutes later, you and your friends found yourselves at the fast food restaraunt that was just outside your school. 

You went in and found a table big enough for all seven of you to sit together and took a seat. "I'll wait here while you guys buy your food!" You offered. 

"Oh please, you just didn't want to walk there and wait for your food because you're too lazy." Kai snorted. 

"Yup! Yay, Kai Oppa knows me so well!" You clapped with a playful grin on your face. "Will you buy my food for me?"

"Nope," Kai said and turned away from you. 

"Meanie," You pouted as you watched Kai walk away. 

"I'll order for you," Chen offered and you looked up at him happily.


Chen nodded, "Yeah, really. What is it that you want?" 

"A double cheese burger meal please!" You smiled and handed Chen the money. He accepted it with a smile back and went over to the counter with the others while you waited at the table.


"Haerin?" You heard a familiar voice called your name and you looked around for the owner of it. 

"Haerin!" Whoever it was called again. 

When you finally found the owner of the voice, a huge smile was plastered on your face as you stood up to greet them. 

"Mom! Dad!" You went over to them and gave them a big hug before leading them over to your table. 

The three of you sat down and talked. 

"How's my little princess?" 

"Great!" The smile on your face grew bigger. "Oh my god, I can't believe that you're really here!" 

"We wouldn't miss another performance of yours, princess." Your dad said. 

"Where's your brother?" Your mom asked as she looked around the place but she couldn't find him because the place was really crowded. 

"He's over at the counter with the others ordering their food." You said. 

"What about yours? Aren't you going to eat?" 

"Of course I'm going to eat, mom!" You giggled. "Chen's buying my food for me while I sit here and watch the table." 

At the sound of Chen's name, your mom and dad gave each other a knowing smile. 

Just then, the others came back with their food. 

"Mom! Dad!" Baekhyun rejoiced when he spotted them sitting with you. He greeted them with a hug and a kiss on both their cheeks and smiled.

"Auntie! Uncle!" Kai, Chanyeol and Minyoung happily greeted your parents as well. 

Chen and Xiumin, on the other hand, were still kind of awkward with them so all they did was to slightly bow to them as greeting. "Hello Mr and Mrs Byun," they both said. 

Your mom made a face, "How many times have we told you to call us Auntie and Uncle? Mr and Mrs Byun is too formal." 

"Arasso," They chuckled. 

"Haerin, your food's here," Chen said as he scooted in next to you since both your orders were on the same tray. 

"What are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked as he scooted in to sit next to his dad. 

"What do you mean what are we doing here?" Mrs Byun laughed. "We're here to watch your performances later, silly." 

Baekhyun smiled but rolled his eyes. "I meant, what are you doing here?" He asked again and this time, he gestured to the burger place. "The concert doesn't start in 2 and a half hours." 

This time, your dad laughed. "Your mom was too excited on watching the concert so she made me leave the house early with her." He said. "So we reached Seoul 3 hours before the concert and we decided to come here and have a bite." 

"Why didn't you call us when you reached?" You asked with a pout. 

"We figured you guys would still be having rehearsals so we didn't bother," Your mother smiled. "But it looks like you guys were already done?" 

"Yeah, we ended at 3. And we have to report back at 5." Baekhyun said. "So we came here to eat."

"Oh yes! Speaking of eating, you guys should start before your food gets cold." Mrs Byun said as she gesturedfor everyone to start eating. "Your dad and I will just buy our food then we'll join you later." 

"I'll go buy your food for you, mom!" You offered as you stood up. 

"Wow, now she offers to do something," Kai rolled his eyes and muttered. 

"Well, duh. It's for my parents, so yes, I'll do it for them." You pulled down the skin below your eyes and stuck out your tongue. 




"Haerin! Luhan! You're on in five." Mrs Lee came into your waiting room and called before leaving as quick as she had came. 
"Good luck little sis!" Baekhyun came over and gave you a hug. 
"No! Oppa! Go away, you'll ruin my hair!" You squealed and tried to push your brother off of you. 
Since you couldn't push him away, Chen had to come over and pry him off of you.
"What a mean little girl," Baekhyun pouted but got off you anyway.
"Good luck, Haerin," Chen smiled. "You'll do great." 
"Oh, I know I will," You grinned and winked. "But thanks. See you guys later!" 
Quickly, you smoothed out your dress before you headed out the door with Luhan behind you. 
Soon, you were standing backstage waiting for the group before you to end their performance. Just as rehearsed, they bowed and left the stage as the curtains closed. When the curtains had fully closed, you and Luhan took your places at the center of the stage and prepared yourself mentally. While you were doing that, the emcees came out and started to introduce your item. 
"Up next will be a performance I'm sure every single one of you will love!" Jonghyun, one of the emcees, said with an excited voice.
"Are you excited, Jonghyun? Because I know I am!" Soojung said with the same tone as well. 
"Of course I'm excited! Especially since our next performer will be by Haerin and Luhan performing Love Day!" Jonghyun said as the curtains opened and they walked back to stand behind the curtains. 
"Yeah, go Haerin!" 
"Go Luhan Oppa!" 
Excited shouts and cheers came from the audience but the loudest one you could hear was from your mother who was obviously extremely excited to finally see her own daughter perform live again after so long. What she wasn't excited to see was Luhan being your partner.
She and your father had heard about what you've been through with that boy and they were absolutely against you performing with him. Well, that's what they thought anyway. It wasn't like they had a say in who you could or could not perform with. Besides, they also heard about how you've gotten in to performing with Luhan again and it seemed like they really didn't have a choice. 
In all honesty, both your parents were hoping that you would be performing with Chen. But they wouldn't be getting that now, would they? Maybe next time, they thought. Hopefully. 
You took deep breaths in and out as you tried to calm your fast-beating heart before the music started to play. When it did, you looked up to face the audience and gave them a sweet smile before you started singing your verse. 
Throughout the entire performance, you and Luhan weren't looking at the audience. I mean, sure you were. From time to time. But most of the time, the two of you were looking straight into each other's eyes as you sang. 
Everyone watching you thought that since the two of you were looking into each other's eyes so lovingly as you sang the song, they thought that the two of you were in love. 
Luckily for you though, your parents didn't think that way. Sure, they were uncomfortable with the fact that you looked so comfortable with being on stage with someone who has broken your heart but they figured that since the teacher had practically forced the two of you to sing together again, you were just acting. But they had their doubts. 
When your song had ended, you and Luhan had received a standing ovation. Everyone, and I mean everyone, was standing and clapping. Some were shouting and cheering but most just stood and clapped at your wonderful performance. 
Moments later, the emcees came back out again while the curtains were closed to introduce the last performance. 
Behind the curtain,s Baekhyun and Chen were feeling extremely nervous. Especially Chen. Sure, he had a great voice and everything but he hasn't had that much experience performing live in front of a huge audience. 
"Up next is our last performance! But it will definitely be one of the best!" Jonghyun said into the microphone. 
"That's right!" Soojung said with an eager nod. "Our last performers won't be singing a happy song like the others did but a sad one. Although this is an extremely happy occasion, it is also an occasion to showcase our school's talents!" 
"And what other ways to really showcase a person's vocal skills other than through a song filled with so much emotion?" Jonghyun grinned. 
After a short pause, Soojung continued. "Our last two performers for the night will be none other than....Byun Baekhyun and Kim Jongdae with 'I Really Didn't Know'!" 
Baekhyun scooted over to Chen and gave him a pat on the back. "Don't be nervous, Chen," Baekhyun said with a smile. "You'll do great." 
"Thanks," was all Chen could mutter when the curtains started opening up again. 
By the end of the song, the audeience once again stood up and gave the two boys a standing ovation as well. Most of the people in the audience were already moved to tears. Your mother, especially. But it wasn't because they were sad but because the song had been sung with so much emotions that even they could feel it. 
Baekhyun and Chen had sung the song as if they themselves had experienced such a horrible love story. 
Soon, the curtains closed back again and the emcees came back out to greet the audience goodbye. 
"Wasn't that just a fantastic performance?" Soojung asked Jonghyun. 

"It definitely was! I didn't know Jongdae hyung could sing so well! No wonder he had been accepted into our school even though he was already a senior!" Jonghyun said. 
"We hope you had enjoyed all the performances like we had!" Soojung said. 
"Yes, thank you for coming down to celebrate our school's Anniversary with us and we wish you a great night!" 


A/N: Hello readers! <3

I just had to put BaekChen's performance in this chapter because their voices are uh-ma-zing. They should do more duets together, you know? (SME ARE YOU READING THIS?) 

Ugh, I just REALLY love that performance! it's just so full of perfection and all that. Did you guys get goosebumps from Baekhyun's first note? Holy sh*t it was like freaking eargasm okay i swear i'm not even kidding!!! 

but what makes me want to laugh is how different baekhyun and chen are on stage and off stage. they're so playful off stage (kkaebssong~) 

hehe omg i just lav those two boys okay i ship them 5ever. 

but i really hate how they keep ruining my bias list sigh ): it always used to be chen at the top until i started watching exo's showtime and baekhyun just.....he's just totally my type you know? 

annoying, irritating, noisy, nonsensical and just so funny and fun to be with at the same time!!!! (lol i feel like i'm just describing myself cause i really am annoying & irritating & noisy & nonsensical & just so funny and people say i'm "their ray of sunshine" and that "i'm fun to be with" in rl hehe) 

well anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! i'll really try to update as often as i used to okay hehe 

I love your comments okay guys (esp those who comment on every chap hehe lav you) 

and to all them silent readers! i hope you really like this story hehe cause you don't comment and i don't know if you do ): 

have a good day/night/week ahead everyone! 



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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)