The Date and Chen's Confession

Let Me In
The next morning (well, it was almost noon but whatever), you found yourself walking out of your apartment door, wearing something casual, and taking the bus to Chen’s place.
You have been thinking about this ever since Chen had asked you about going on a date with him, and you even lost some sleep last night.
At first, your mind was set on saying no because you really weren’t ready for another date. You weren’t ready to risk getting your heart broken a fifth time. But after what Baekhyun had said, you decided to give it a try.
Besides, Chen wouldn’t do anything to hurt you right?
So the reason why you were at the front of his door that morning is because you thought it’d be awkward to just tell him on the phone. So instead, you decided to surprise him.
You rang the doorbell of his place once and waited for someone to open it.
“Good morning, Auntie!” You smiled when you saw Chen’s mom’s face behind the door.
“Haerin, darling! What are you doing here at this time?” She gave you a hug and opened the door wider for you to enter.
“I’m here to see Chen oppa. Is he awake yet?”
“He likes to sleep in on Saturdays so I think he’s still sleeping,” She smiled. “But if you’re here, then he should be awake by now. Did he not that you were coming over?”
You sheepishly smiled, “Uhm, no. It wasn’t planned.”
“Ah, I see,” Mrs Kim smiled. “Have you eaten yet? I was just making lunch.”
“Oh, that’d be lovely! You know I always love your food, auntie,” You clapped like a little girl.
Mrs Kim laughed. “Well, come on then.”
A little less than an hour later, Chen woke up. When he did, he heard laughter coming from outside and he stared at his door confusingly. “Is mom having any friends over?” he asked himself.
He shrugged and went out with his bed hair and pjs to wash his face.
Without bothering to brush his hair or changing out of his sleeping clothes, Chen walked towards the kitchen where he heard the laughter.
“Good mor- Haerin?” Chen stared at you in shock and felt ashamed that he was still in his pjs. “What are you doing here?”
“Good afternoon to you too, sleepy head,” You giggled and took another sip of the tea that Chen’s mom had made for you. Cute. He has bed hair. You thought and smiled.
“Are you hungry, son? Lunch is ready.”
After Chen ate, he went to take a quick shower and came out wearing a plain white undershirt and his denim washed jeans. He went into his room, took his favourite red-white plaid button up shirt and put it on. He folded his sleeves up to his elbows, fixed his hair in front of the mirror for a bit and went out of his room.
When he came back into the kitchen, you looked up. “Are you ready to go?”
He nodded then asked, “Where are we going anyway?”
You smiled. “We’re going on that date you asked me,” you said and his eyes widened. He was surprised but happy at the same time. 
“Mhm,” you hummed. “So let’s go! There’s this movie I really want to watch.” Then you turned to Mrs Kim. "Thank you for the lunch, auntie! See you soon!" 
With that, you took Chen by the hand and pulled him along with you. Mrs Kim watched the two of you as you left the house. 
"Have fun, kids!" 
"Bye mom!" Chen called out before he shut the door close. 
Half an hour later, the two of you arrived at your local shopping mall and went up to the top floor where the cinema was. 
"So what movie did you want to watch?" Chen asked. 
"Uhm...that one!" You smiled and pointed at the title of the movie when you found it on the list. 
"Frozen?" Chen asked. 
"Yeah! I watched the trailer just a few nights ago and it's really great!" You squealed. "Come on, I'm paying for the tickets!" 
Excitedly, you took Chen's hand and pulled him along to the queue and he could only chuckle. It was so cute how you were so excited to watch a cartoon movie. 
When you had reach the counter, you smiled at the worker. "Two tickets to Frozen please!" 
"Alright, please choose your seats." 
"Where do you want to sit?" 
"Hmm, the middle seems fine. Is that okay with you?" You looked up to your date. 
"Yeah, it's alright." Chen said. "We'll get these two seats, please," He told the worker. 
When she had printed out your tickets, you took out your card but Chen was one step ahead of you again and gave her his card instead. 
"Hey!" You lightly smacked Chen's arm and he only chuckled in response. "I told you I'd pay for this!" 
"And why would I let you do that?" Chen smiled. "I asked you out on the date, so I'll pay." 
"No, it's not fair!" You pouted. "Can I pay for the snacks instead?"  
Chen softened, "Will that make you stop pouting?" He asked and you nodded. He chuckled, "Fine then. Go ahead." 
"Yay!" You clapped. "What do you want?" 
He shrugged, "Nothing." 
You pouted again, "You're only saying you don't want anything because you don't want me to spend money!" 
"You caught me," Chen laughed. "Just get whatever you want and we can share. Okay?" He smiled that sweet smile of his and you nodded before walking towards the counter while he waited for you. 
When you came back with a medium sized popcorn and one large cup, Chen took them from you and the two of you walked towards the theatre that was written on the ticket. 
"Oh, here it is!" You pointed at the numbers on the door. 
"Let's go in then," he smiled and opened the door for you. 
During the whole movie, there were couples all around you cuddling with one another and you felt a little sad. You wanted Chen to put his arm around you like how the boyfriend of the girl infront of you had his arm over his girl. You just wanted to be able to lean onto his shoulder while you watched the movie. But, of course, you never said anything. 
"How was the movie?" Chen asked as he walked beside you. 
"The best! It was amazing!" You held up two thumbs to your face and gave him a big smile. 
Chen chuckled and poked your nose. "Cute," he smiled. "And I agree, it was a great movie." 
You felt your cheeks heat up at the 'C' word and shyly smiled. "So what do we do now?" 
Chen looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "It's only 5 right now. Do you want to go for an early dinner? Then we can get coffee or whatever and walk down the streets." 
You smiled at the idea. "That sounds nice," you said. "But let's walk around for a bit first. I'm still quite full from the popcorn." 
Chen raised an eyebrow. "You? Full? Wow," he teased and laughed when you lightly smacked his arm. "Please don't be another Kai. I think one Kai is enough in my life," you said and laughed. 
"Alright," Chen chuckled. "Let's walk around and while doing that, you can decide what you want to have for dinner." 
After walking around for half an hour, you decided to have dinner then at a western restaurant. 
"Table for two, please," Chen said to the waiter that was standing by the entrance of the restaurant. The waiter bowed, took two menus with him and led the two of you to a table by the window. 
Being a gentleman that he is, Chen pulled out the chair for you with a sweet smile. You shyly smiled and sat down and he pushed in the chair for you. After which, he took his seat on the opposite side of you. 
After a while of looking through the menus, you ordered the classic Fish N' Chips while Chen ordered their Sirloin Steak and in a short 10 minutes, they arrived. 
Throughtout dinner, Chen and you talked about the movie you had seen earlier and other random things. 
"I think Olaf is the cutest thing ever! I'd want to have a pet like him." 
"A pet snowman?" Chen raised his eyebrow. "Really?" 
"Oh come on, don't look at me like you've never thought of that during the movie." You laughed and bit on a fry. 
After Chen paid for the dinner, with much protest from you, of course, the two of you walked down the streets to your local Starbucks and came out with a cup of something warm in your hands. 
It was 8 by then and Chen had suggested that the two of you take a walk at the park near your house. You were cool with that and agreed to it. 
A while later, the two of you sat on one of the benches in the park and stared out at the pretty scenery. It was a peaceful night. The park was kind of empty and the lights that lit up the place was just...really peaceful to look at. 
"Is there something you want to tell me?" You suddenly asked. 
"How'd you know?" 
You shrugged with a smile. "I just had a feeling. So what is it?" 
"I was just wondering why you suddenly showed up at my house this afternoon," Chen said. "And by the way, what time were you there?" 
"I reached your place a little after noon. Your mom said you were still sleeping and offered lunch to me so I ate at your place." You said. 
"That early? You could've just woken me up. Or given me a call and I would've picked you up at your place." Chen siad. 
"I thought about that. But, I don't know. I just wanted to go over to your place and surprise you a little." You giggled. 
"Not that I'm disappointed or anything, but why'd you suddenly agree to the date? I thought you were going to say no." 
"I admit, I was going to just tell you no..what with all that has happened," You said and gazed down at your shoes. "But Baek Oppa talked to me after you guys left last night." 
"Really? What'd he say?" 
"Oh, he just said stuff about how I've already been friends with you for quite some time and he asked if I trusted you," you said. "Which I do, of course." 

"Then he carried on and said that if I did trust you, why was I worrying so much. He also said that he trusted you and knew that you wouldn't hurt what the others did." you mumbled the last part, not intending for Chen to hear but in this quiet night, he did. But Chen chose not to say anything about it. 

Instead, he took your hand and put it in between both of his. 

You turned to look at him and he gazed into your eyes. 

"I'm glad you trust me and that you said yes to this date," he smiled. "And I want you to know that I really like you, Haerin. Like genuinely, you know? I have no hidden motive like your past boyfriends and I'm not asking you on a date only because I feel lonely or because you're the hottest girl in school." 

"Haven't you realized why I've always tried to start a conversation with you from the beginning even though you didn't want to talk to me at all? Haven't you realized why I was always there for you even though you kept pushing me away?" 

They were all rhetorical questions but Chen still stayed silent for awhile as he gazed straight into your eyes. 

"I like you, Haerin. I really do. I've liked you ever since I saw you step into that waiting room during your Midnight Jam." 

"I felt the need to protect you ever since that day at the beach when I saw you with him." 

"And I've fallen in love with every single part of you along the way. From the way you would shout at anyone who tries to wake you up in the morning, to how you look when you just got out of bed, to how your nose wrinkles up when you laugh...everything. Just, everything." 

"I promise you, and believe me when I say this, that I will never hurt you. I'd never plan on doing that. Ever." 

"I want you to be my girlfriend, Haerin. And I know you said you trust me, but maybe not that much yet if you still feel insecure coming on a date with me. But you know, we can always take it slow. You don't have to give me an answer now. You can take your time and sort out your thoughts, decide if you like me back or not." 

"But whatever your answer will be, just know that im always here for you, okay? No matter what." 

"That's really sweet of you, Oppa. But you must know that even though I do trust that you won't hurt me, I'm just not ready to be in another relationship yet. And I don't know if I'm in love with you like you are with me." 

Chen smiled. "I understand. Like I said, you don't have to give me an answer until you're ready. But as long as you promise me that you won't go back to pushing me away again after I've just confessed to you." Chen teasingly smiled at you and you laughed. 

"Of course not, Oppa! I still want to have my fun Chen oppa around in my life, you know?" 
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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)