
Let Me In
Weeks passed since that date you had with Chen (and not to forget that confession) and the two of you acted normal. The two of you were still happy and hanging out with one another like you usually would. It was like Chen never confessed to you at all; nothing changed. 
But just because you were behaving like it never happened doesn't mean that you haven't thought about it at all. Of course you did. I mean, a guy just confessed to you. How could you not think about that? 
And of course, because you thought about it a lot, you began to overthink things. What if Chen was just another one of those guys who made you trust them first and then they're going to throw you aside when they're done? What if Chen never really liked you? What if it was all just an act? But if it was, what is Chen's hidden motive? 
So many what ifs, and it's killing your brain, to be honest. You knew you trusted Chen and that you knew he wouldn't hurt you. But you know, after all you've been through, you couldn't help but doubt your trust for him. 
But then again, what if he really was being sincere? You knew you saw truth in his eyes when he was confessing to you that night. You knew that he was being genuine; that he realy liked you and that he meant all those words he said to you that night. 
What if he didn't have a hidden motive? What if Chen would be the one who was right for you? 
Oh if only it was all true. You wanted it to be. You hoped it to be. 
Because after all that thinking, you wondered whether you have fallen in love with Chen. But you couldn't find the answer to that. You still weren't sure. 
I mean, sure, you liked his personality. He had a nice smile, a great voice. He's handsome too, and dresses up nicely. He had manners, he was a gentleman. He had been there for you during the times Luhan had broken your heart. 
You liked Chen. A lot. But are you in love with him? That, you weren't sure. 
It was Monday and during Singing Class, Mrs Lee came in with a big grin on her face. 
"Good morning, class!" She said with such a happy tone. 
"Good morning, Mrs Lee," The class replied. 
"I have great news for you guys!" She clapped. "It's almost december and that means it almost time for...?" 
"Winter Jam!" The class cheered. Shouts of 'Woo-hoo's and 'Hooray' were heard. 
"That's right!" Mrs Lee smiled. "But for this Jam, since it's the whole school, there will be auditions and only limited slots are available. If you're planning to audition, you are only allowed to prepare either a Christmas song, or a love song. And also, you may choose your own partners from any class, from any year." 
Everyone smiled at the announcement and some already started asking around if they wanted to be their partners. 
Chen turned to you and was just about to ask you if you wanted to be his partner but Mrs Lee called his name. "Kim Jongdae, come here for a while, please?" Chen sighed, but went over anyway. 
"Yes, Mrs Lee?" 
"Jongdae, I want you to perform the Winter Jam with Krystal from the other junior class. There's this song the other teachers and I have discussed about and we think your vocals and Krystal's would compliment each other!"
Chen's eyebrows furrowed. "But Mrs Lee-"
"You'll do it right? Krystal already said she'd do it." Mrs Lee smiled. 
Chen sighed, it looks like he didn't even have a choice in this. "But I wanted to perform with someone else for the Jam," he said. 
"Oh! Speaking of performing with someone else," Mrs Lee said and Chen brightened a little. He thought she was going to let him perform with you instead. "The teachers and I also have this song we think that you, Baekhyun, Luhan and Kyungsoo would sing well for!" Then she turned to the rest of the class. "Luhan, can you come here for a while?"
When he stood next to Chen, Mrs Lee smiled. "You'll be performing with Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Jongdae for the Winter Jam," She said. It wasn't even phrased as a question. It was more like an order. 
Luhan nodded. He didn't have anyone to perform with anyway. 
"That's great!" I'll pass you the CDs and lyrics later after school so come meet me at my office, okay?" 
Chen sighed, "Yes, Mrs Lee." While Luhan just nodded again. 
When Chen got back to his seat beside you, he looked so troubled. "Hey, are you okay? What did Mrs Lee say?" 
"She asked me to perform this 2 songs for the Winter Jam. No, scratch that. She basically ordered me to. I didn't even get to say anything," Chen sighed. 
"2 songs? Really? Who are you performing with?" 
"One of the songs, with Baek, Luhan and some guy named Kyungsoo. The other one is with this girl Krystal. Do you know who they are?" 
At the sound of 'Kyungsoo' and 'Krystal', you stiffened. "Uhm, yeah. Of course I know them." How can I not when those two hate my guts?
"Really? Who are they?" 
"Uhm, Kyungsoo...he's friends with Suho." You said and it took Chen a short second to realise who you were talking about. "And Krystal is also a good friend of Suho's." And I hate that girl too. 
"So, you're performing with them?" You looked up to Chen. 
"I don't want to...but I don't have a choice," Chen said with a sad smile. I wanted to perform with you, though. He thought. "Who are you going to perform with?" 
"Myself, I guess. I'll just go solo," You said. Since the person I wante to perform with has already been taken.
Later that day, after school, the seven of you were at just standing and chatting by the lockers. 
"Chen oppa! Oppa!" 
You heard someone call Chen's name and the seven of you all turned to the source of the noise. 
When you saw Krystal running from the other end of the hallway towards your group, you growled inwardly. "What does she want?" You grumbled and Kai had to put his hands on your shoulders as if to hold you back from running over to Krystal and pulling on her hair. 
"Chen oppa!" Krystal finally reached him and she casually looped her arm through his and your eyebrow twitched unconciously. 
"Uhm, yes?" Chen raised his eyebrow and slowly tried to pry the girl off of him. 
"We have to go see Mrs Lee, remember? To get the lyrics and the CD for our Winter Jam performance." 
"Oh right, we have to do that." Chen said. "Come on, Baek. You have to follow too." 
"Me? Why?" Baekhyun pointed to himself with a confused look. 
"Mrs Lee wants to see you too. I just forgot to tell you earlier." Chen said. 
"Oh, okay." Baekhyun said and then turned to look at you with a concerned look. "We'll be back in a bit, okay? Then we'll go back home together." 
"Well, come on, Oppas. Let's go! Don't want to keep Mrs Lee waiting now, do we?" Krsytal flirtily said and looped her arms through Chen's again and through Baekhyun's this time as well. By this time, even Chanyeol had to put his arm around you. As Krystal walked away while pulling the boys along with her, she turned to you and gave you a smirk. 
When they were finally gone, Kai and Chanyeol let go of you. "Ugh, I hate that girl!" You practically screamed. 
"Come on, Haerin. You know she only did those things to you because she was jealous of you." Kai said as he tried to calm you down. 
"Yeah. Besides, you're way better than her." Chanyeol smiled and patted your head. 

"I know. That's why she likes to take things away from me. Like Chen Oppa." You crossed your arms, leaned onto the lockers and sighed.
Although it was clear that you were feeling angry at that point in time, your friends just stared at you with a knowing smile on their faces. The way you had say the last part of the sentence made them think that you were jealous that Chen was going to perform with Krystal instead of you. 
Kai smirked. "Are you jealous?" 
"Jealous?! Why would I be jealous!" You raised your voice, trying to deny it but it only made them sure that you were jealous. 
When Chen and Baekhyun got back to where you were all waiting, and thankfull without Krystal following them, the seven of you started making your way to your apartment. 
Throughout the journey there, you never said a word and you had a grumpy expression on your face. You walked with you head down and arms crossed and nobody bothered to even talk to you during that time. 
Well, except Chen, of course. 
"Hey, are you alright?" Chen asked, clearly not aware of what was going on. 
You only shrugged in response and Chen grew even more worried. 
"Just leave her alone, Chen. She's just a little irritated with Krystal." Kai said and waved the matter away. 
"A little irritated is an understatement," You mumbled, sure that no one would hear it. 
Chen sighed and decided to leave you alone for a bit. But that doesn't mean he'll stop worrying. He'll just ask you again later. 


Hello lovelies! hehe where have all of you dissappeared to? ): I'm sad because no one's commenting anymore and it makes me feel like no one's reading my story ;_; 

Well, anyways, I do hope you guys comment so that I know if you're liking the story or not! 

Happy reading~ 

XO, asdfghjklex

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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)