
Let Me In

A few days later, after that talk you had with your best friend, you found yourself ignoring Chen. It wasn't that you were mad with him, but because it irked you that whenever you saw him, Krystal always happened to be right beside him, clinging onto his arm. Like a koala clinging onto a tree...except koalas are cute and Krystal isn't. 

"Haerin! Haerin, wait up!" You heard Chen shouting from behind you as you walked away from him. "Haerin, can we please talk?" Chen said as he finally caught up to you and stood in front of you. 

You were about to say yes to that but you noticed a brunette coming up from behind him and scowled. "We could. But your partner is here so I should probably just go," you said and turned to walk the other way. 

At first, Chen furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but when he heard Krystal call his name, he understood. Instead of answering Krystal's call, he decided to run after you again. 

"Haerin, wait!" 

"I'm gonna go home first okay, oppa?" You said to your brother as you walked past your friends.

"Uh, okay." Baekhyun nodded, confused. 

"See you guys next week!" 

Just as you left, Chen appeared and looked around the area for you. When Baekhyun saw the flustered Chen, everything clicked into place. "She's still not talking to you, huh?" 

"Yeah," Chen sighed. 

"Don't worry about it Chen, she's just jealous." Kai said. 

"Yeah. She'll get over it." Chanueol nodded hia head in agreement.

Minyoung watched the two older boys as she shook her head. "You boys obviously don't know girls that well," she muttered. 

"Say...can you help me?" Chen asked Baekhyun. 

"Help you how?" 

"I don't know. Help me get her to talk to me or something," Chen said. 

"Yeah, sure. Of course." Baekhyun easily said. But he had no idea how he was supposed to do that. 

"Haerin?" You heard Baekhyun's voice from the other side of your door. 

"Yeah?" You called out. "You can come in, you know." 

At that, Baekhyun slowly opened the door and grinned. 

"What's up?" You asked, raising your eyebrow at your brother's suddenly cute behavior. 

"Do you wanna go out? I'm craving for ice cream."

You narrowed your eyes at him. "This seems suspicious. What is your motive?" 

"Oh come on, little sis, it's just ice cream. Then we'll take a walk in the park. What's so suspicious about that?" 

You stared at him for awhile then your shrugged. "Okay, let me just change." 

After you had changed and gone out the door with your brother, the two of you headed to the ice cream parlor just like Baekhyun promised and then the two of you walked towards the park. 

"Can I ask you something?" Baekhyun said. 


"Are you mad at Chen?" 

You stayed silent for a while and sighed. "No, I'm not." 

"Then why won't you talk to him?" 

"I don't know." 

"Don't you want to talk to him though?" 

"Yeah, of course I do." 

"Great! Then have fun!" Baekhyun said before dashing off. 

"What? What the f- Oppa!" You called after Baekhyun. You were about to run after him but a voice stopped you. 


You turned around to face the owner of the voice. 

"I knew there was something suspicious of the sudden ice cream treat!" You snapped your fingers. 

"Can we please talk?" Chen said, his eyes obviously looking a little sad. 

"Yes, okay. We can." 

Chen smiled and led you towards the nearest bench. 

"Are you mad at me?" Chen asked. 

You sighed, "No. I'm not mad at you." 

"Then why aren't you talking to me? You've been avoiding me a lot lately." 

You sighed again, "Because I am mad." 

"What? But you said you wer-" 

"I'm mad. But not at you." 

"Then who? Or what?" 

"I'm mad at Krystal." 


"Because she keeps hanging out with you!" You exploded. "Ever since the two of you were asked to perform together, she keeps clinging onto you! Literally!" 

"You don't really like her, huh?" 

"Like her? I hate her!" You crossed your arms. "The feeling is mutual anyway, so it doesn't matter." 

"What do you mean by that?" 

"It means, she hates me and I hate her too." You said in a duh-manner. 

Chen chuckled lightly. "I know what 'mutual' means," he said. "What I meant was, why does she hate you?" How could anyone ever hate you?

You shrugged. "Who knows," you said. "I know she likes to make my life as miserable as she can." 

Chen stayed silent and waited for you to continue. 

"Remember I told you about Kris? The one who asked me out because he only wanted the popularity?" 

"Yeah, what about him?" 

"Krystal actually liked the guy. And when she found out that he was dating me, she got furious. The girl I found him kissing the day after we broke up was her. She also found out about how Kris was actually dating me only for the popularity and she kept telling me that I deserved it. And that boys obviously prefer her over me. And she continued to mock me about it for a longggggg time." 

"And then, remember Suho?" 

"Mhm," Chen nodded as he continued to listen. 

"Suho dated me because of a dare. And he was dared that by none other than her. Well, it wasn't actually her who dared him but she gave the idea." 

"And I never told this part to anyone but a few days later, I was at the library and, really out of all places, I saw her and Suho making out." 

"So moral of the story, Krystal hates my guts and seems to always like to take the guys that I like away from me, and mock me for my misery," you said. "And that somehow, my relationships always seem to end with me finding the guy and another girl making out." 

Ignoring the last part of what you had just said, Chen turned to look at you with mischievous eyes. 

"It's really sad to hear all this. But if I hadn't known better, I would say that you're jealous of her right now." Chen said. 

"Jealous? Pfft, who's jealous?" You rolled your eyes. 

Chen raised his eyebrow at you and continued to stare at you like that. 

"I am not jealous!" 

"Oh, I think you are. You're jealous that I've been spending a lot more time with Krystal than I have with you." Chen smiled knowingly. 

You felt your cheeks heat up and avoided his gaze. "Am not! And for your information, you can spend your whole life with Krystal for all I care and I still won't be jealous!" 


"Yes! Really!" 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes, I'm sure!" 

"Okay, then I'll call her right now to come down here. The two of us can go get dokkbukki and I'll send her home afterwards." 

"You have her number!?" You gasped then quickly cleared your throat when you had realized what you just said. "I-I mean, fine. Go ahead. Call her." 

Chen chuckled lightly. "Yep, I definitely think you're jealous." 

"I am not jealous!" you practically screamed. "Which part of it don't you understand?" 

"Every bit of it. Since you can't look me in the eye and say it." Chen said and slowly turned you to face him. 

Chen tilted your head so that it would be easier for him to catch your gaze. When he did, he smiled. "You're jealous, aren't you?" 

His eyes were fixed on yours and as much as you tried to look away, you couldn't seem to. 

And that was when you exploded. 

"Alright, fine! I am jealous!" You hugged and turned to look away from his eyes again.

"And why is that?" Chen pushed further. 

"Because I like you a lot and I don't like seeing you hanging out with girls other than me," you mumbled, hoping that Chen didn't catch it. But he did. 

Chen smiled and pecked your cheek. "I like you a lot too, and I don't like seeing you hanging out with guys other than myself." 

You looked at him, stunned as you touched your cheek that he just kissed. You stared at him as if it was the first time hearing him confess to you. 

"Can you say it again?" Chen smiled. 

"Say what?" 

"That you like me," he said. "I wanna hear it again." 

You blushed. "No. You heard it already. I won't repeat myself."

Chen pouted, "Please?"

You took in a deep breath and exhaled. "I like you. I like you a whole lot and I think I'm in love with you too. Wait, no. I am in love with you, oppa." 

"I'm in love with you too, Haerin," he smiled and pulled you into a hug. "And trust me, spending time with you is a gazillion times better than spending time with Krystal." 

It became dark while the two of you were confessing your love for one another and Chen had decided to bring you out for a simple dinner. After that, Chen walked you home with your hand in his. 

When the two of you reached your apartment building, he stopped. He took your other hand and held them both as he looked into your eyes. 

"You do know that you're officially my girlfriend now, right?" He said. 

You raised your eyebrow. "What?" 

Chen grew confused. "You...don't want to be my girlfriend?" 

"I do, but you haven't asked! I mean, you have. But you have to do it again." 

Chen sighed in relief and chuckled. "Byun Haerin, will you be my girlfriend?" 

"I would love to, oppa," you looked up to him and smiled. 

Chen smiled back. "Thank you for accepting me. I promise that I won't hurt you like your past boyfriends did. I won't even think of hurting you." 

"I know that, oppa. I trust you." 

After gazing intently into each other's eyes, Chen finally let go of you and kissed the top of your head. "Go in before your brother kills me." 

"I can handle him," you laughed. "Speaking of him, how should we tell them?" 

Chen shrugged. "They'll find out even if we don't tell them." 

"Well, goodnight oppa," you gave Chen another hug before turning to go. 

"Goodnight, Haerin. Sweet dreams." Chen smiled. 

You were just about to enter the building when he called your name again. 

"Let me make it up to you for that pizza date a few days back," Chen said. "I'll take you out for pizza tomorrow maybe? Then we can buy ice cream and rent a movie and watch it back at my place." 

You smiled. "Or," you said. "You can come over tomorrow then we'll go buy ice cream, rent movies, watch it over at your place and order pizza for delivery?" 

Chen chuckled. "That sounds like a better plan. So I'll see you tomorrow, yes?" 

"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow," You smiled. "Go home safely, okay, oppa?" 

"I will. Goodnight," Chen waved.

"Goodnight," you said before really entering the building. 




aw don't you think chen is just adorable? :') I wish i had a boyfriend who would treat me like that )':

Remember to give me it an upvote if you guys like the story!! 

XO, asdfghjklex

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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)