
Let Me In
The week went by without problem except for the fact that whenever Luhan showed up, you could feel your heart breaking into tiny little pieces again. Thankfully though, the only times when Luhan had the chance to talk to you was when Chen was also with you. 
“Haerin, please! Let me just talk to you for a sec!” Luhan said as he jogged up to keep up with your pace. 
It was after lunch two days later and you and Chen were on your way to singing class. Minyoung didn’t show up to school that day because she has a massive headache again. 
Luhan continued to jog after you while Chen held onto your hand and led you away. 
“Go away, Luhan! Can’t you see I don’t want to talk to you?!” You turned around to face him and practically screamed in his face. 
He looked hurt, but he deserved it, you thought. He did more than just hurt you anyway. So yeah, he deserves this and so much more. 
“Come on, just let me explain. Please!” Luhan took your hand but you shook it off. 
“No.” You said and turned around. 
“Come on, Chen oppa, The bell’s going to ring soon,” You said and walked into the classroom. 
She calls him oppa now? Luhan thought and felt a little bit jealous. He sighed and trudged into class anyway. 




Sehun watched as his best friend walked home with him. If anyone else saw him, they would've thought that Luhan was a zombie. He had dark circles under his eyes, his face had no emotion and he was practically dragging himself as he walked.
I should have stopped him from going after her again in the first place if I knew this was going to happen. Sehun thought and sighed. 
"She won't even talk to me!" Luhan continued to rant. "If she walks pass me in the hallways, she would just turn away." 
"She probably thinks I played her again," he sighed. "But that wasn't it! I didn't plan that! Yuri just appeared there and then, I don't even know what for! I remembered telling her clearly that I didn't want anything to do with her anymore but she thinks i'm joking." 
"I just want to tell her I'm sorry," Luhan buried his face in his hands and started to cry. "I don't even expect a third chance anymore. I just don't want her to hate me." 
Sehun sighed as he continued to watch his friend cry. "If she doesn't want to talk to you...why don't you just send her a letter?" 
Luhan sat up. "A letter?" 
"Yeah, a handwritten one," Sehun nodded. "Not an email or a text but those legit letters you put in an envelope and stamps and mail it to her." 
"But I don't know her exact address. I mean, I know where she lives, but I've never been to her apartment before." 
"You could just drop it in her locker. Or slip it into one of her books?" Sehun shrugged as he gave Luhan more options. 
Luhan sat there and thought about it and figured that it would be a really good idea. So he decided to do it. The only thing he hopes for is that you wouldn't just throw it away when you realize that it's a letter from him. 
Two weeks soon passed. Chen and you had gotten extremely close ever since that night. And especially after Baekhyun had told Chen that he approves of you and him being together, Chen has been following you everywhere. Literally, everywhere. (Well, except for the bathroom, classes that he doesn't have with you and when he has to go home.) 
You didn't notice this because you were just happy to have Chen by your side. You have never regretted opening up to him that night even one bit. In fact, you were glad that you did. Ever since then, you had spent more time with him and you have come to realise how much of a wonderful person he is. 
He was bubbly, funny, sarcastic like you. He teases you from time to time but you've never gotten annoyed at him once. It was like he knew where the line is and knew when to stop. 
Sometimes, Chen even helps you carry your bag or your books. He helps you get lunch even. Basically, just having him around has always brought a smile on your face and you liked the feeling. 
One day, Chen had told you that his mom wanted you over for dinner again and you had agreed immediately. What can you say? You just loved her cooking. 
"What's your mom going to cook tonight?" You asked, secretly hoping that she would cook her kimchi jigae again. 

"Not kimchi jigae again, definitely," Chen said and chuckled when he saw your expression. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll love what she's cooking tonight." 
"What is it?" 
"Secret~" Chen winked and put his index finger on his lips before walking away. You playfully rolled your eyes and followed after him. 
Your other friends had already gone back to your apartment where they decided that they would just have pizza for dinner. They had thrown tantrums when Chen said that only you were invited but they didn't take it to heart anyway. Let the couple have their alone time, they thought. 
But, of course, Chen had promised that he would invite the others over to his place one day. It's just that today wouldn't be that day. 
Chen opened the door to his home and and entered before opening it wider for you to enter. The two of you took off your shoes and placed them on the shoe rack before sitting down on the couch in the living room. 
"I'm going to make myself a cup of tea, do you want some?" Chen asked as he stood up from the couch. 
You brightened at the word 'tea' and nodded, "Yes please!" 
Chen chuckled and walked towards the kitchen, "Be right back." 
While Chen was inside the kitchen making teas for the two of you, you decided to look around his home for a bit. 
The last time you had been here was when he had caught you crying. You really weren't in the mood to do much that day so you didn't really took notice of how his place looked like. 
It was just a normal apartment, actually, but it was bigger than the one you shared with your brother. There were two rooms as well, but the living room and kitchen were a lot bigger. 
You walked towards a display shelf in the hallway where there were pictures and looked through the pictures one by one. As you looked at them, one of the pictures caught your eye. 
It was a family photo of Chen, his mother and father. But Chen was definitely much younger in this photo than he was now. You looked at the other photos and then you realized that there aren't any more pictures of the man in that photo. 
Did his father pass away? You couldn't help but wonder. You were definitely curious but you didn't know if it would be right to ask. 
"Haerin, where'd you go?" Chen asked as he entered the living and noticed that you weren't on the couch. 
"Over here," You said and put down the old picture and walked towards the couch again. 
"What time is your mom going to come back?" You asked as you took a sip of your tea. 
Chen shrugged. "Don't know. 7, maybe?" 
"It's only 4 right now. Let's do a little homework then!" You said and looked up at him. "Are you any good with trigonometry?" 
"Yeah, I can help you with that," Chen smiled and scooted closer to you. 
You took out your math text book from your bag and as you did that, a small pink envelope fell out of it and landed on the coffee table. 
"This fell out of your book," Chen said as he took it and handed it over to you.
"Huh?" You took the envelope and stared at it. "But I don't remember having this before." 
"Maybe it's from a letter from someone?" Chen said, but inside, he was starting to feel annoyed. Maybe it's a love letter, he thought and that made him even more frustrated. He didn't want any competition now since he has finally broken down your wall. He wanted you all to himself. 
You flipped it over and back but there was no name written on it. "No name. Are you sure this is mine?" 
"Yeah, it fell out of your math textbook." He said and you continued to stare at it, not sure whether to open it or not. "Well, open it," 
You did as he said and tore open the envelope. Inside, was a piece of paper that was folded in half and you took it out. You opened the piece of paper and realised that there were actually two pieces. And there were a words written on all four pages. 
You quickly scanned through the letter to make sure that it was for you. It was confirmed when you saw your name written on the first line of the letter but when you turned to the last page to see who it was from, you gasped. 
"It's from Luhan." You said as you felt a pang in your chest. 
Chen felt his eyebrow twitch at the sound of his name and looked at your face. "Are you going to read it?" 
As much as you had wanted to just tear the paper into tiny pieces like how he had broken your heart, something inside of you told you that you should read it. 
"I...I'll read it." You said before taking in a deep breath. 
Dear Byun Haerin, 
I know you probably don't even want to hear from me after what happened that afternoon.
I also know that I have definitely lost your trust and you won't give me third chance...but that's not what I'm asking for. 
What I've been wanting to talk to you about is not about me getting a third chance from you, but to tell you the whole story and to apologise. 
Although I have said that I'm not asking you for a third chance, I just don't want you to hate me...though I think I probably deserve it. 
But the point is, I just want you to read through this letter and forgive me...or not. It's up to you, really. The thing I want most now is just to let you know the truth. 
Okay, here it goes. 
It is true that I have intended on using for the Midnight Jam performance to get myself that A for singing class. 
It is also true that I had intentions on continuing to play with you even after the Jam had ended. 
But what's also true is that I really really really fell in love with you during the time that I was supposed to be playing you. 
I fell in love with you somewhere during then and I wish you'd trust me on that. 
What you saw in that recording studio just last week, it didn't mean anything. 
To be honest, that girl you saw was the girl I was two-timing you with before the semester break. But I had made it clear to her afterwards that I wanted nothing to do with her at all. But apparently she didn't understand because she kept coming after me. 
It was just bad timing that you had to show up when she forced a kiss on me. 
I'm really sorry, Haerin and I wish you'd belive me when I say this because I really really do mean it. 
Well, I've said what I've wanted to say.
Although it seems shameless of me to ask, but I do hope that we can remain friends? 
Thank you for reading this throughout, Haerin. It reallys means a lot to me that you took time to read this letter. 
"Woah," You breathed after reading it. 
Chen had also read the letter silently while you held up the letter. He did feel pity for the guy but deep in his heart, he was glad that the letter wasn't another 'I'm sorry, please take me back' kind of letter. 
"Do you believe what he says?" Chen asked as he warily looked at you. 
You sighed. "I don't know. Maybe?" 
"Maybe?" He raised an eyebrow. 
"He handwritten this whole thing! What player would write handwritten letters pouring out his feelings onto it and giving it to a girl?" 
Chen sighed, "You have a point."
"Well, you don't have to give him an answer now, so just think about it over a few days, okay?" Chen said as he snatched the letter from your hands. "Keep this away for now and let's get on with your math homework. How about that?" He smiled, as if showing you that he was trying to help you get your mind off of it. 

You smiled appreciatively back at him and nodded. "Okay," you said. 
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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)