The Beach

Let Me In

Within an hour, the five of you had finally reached the beach. 

You were filled with extreme excitement when the bus stopped at the stop in front of the beach. When you alighted, your eyes widened, though not in admiration but in shock. There were more than a ton of people at the beach! 

"What's wrong, Haerin?" Kai asked when he got down the bus and saw that you wouldn't move. "Why aren't you walking?" 

You pointed at the beach with a pout. 

"Woah." Even Kai was shocked to see this much of people. 

"It's really not a suprise to see this many people here." Baekhyun lazily said. "After all, it is the first day of summer break. Come on, let's go and find a spot before more people come." 

With a sigh, you walked with your friends along the beach to find a nice spot to set your things. 

After walking around for a while, the five of you still could not find a spot. 

You walked around the beach with your friends a little more, turning your head left and right every now and then, until you heard someone call Baekhyun's name. 

"Baekhyun!" The voice called out. 

"Oh, Xiumin!" Baekhyun spotted his Midnight Jam partner and brightened at the sight of him. 

"It's good to see you, man!" The two boys did a little fist bump and so did Chanyeol and Kai. 

"Are you guys looking for a spot?" Xiumin asked. 

"Yeah. And unfortunately, we cant seem to find a spot big enough for the five of us." Baekhyun said. 

"It's like every single person in Korea decided to come to this beach today." Kai made a face and complained.

"Well, if you want, you guys can join us." Xiumin said. "Our spot isn't that big either, but I guess it's better than nothing right?" 

"Us?" You asked. 

"Yes, 'us'. I'm here with Jongdae." Xiumin said but you didn't know who this 'Jongdae' person was. 

"Oh, he's here too?" Chanyeol brightened at the guy's name. 

Xiumin nodded with a smile and Chanyeol's grin grew bigger. 

"Yeah, I've been wanting to see that guy again." Baekhyun said and it made you more curious to who this guy was. Baek Oppa has a friend I don't know about?

Xiumin smiled. "So I'm taking it as a yes?" The boys nodded and Xiumin led everyone to where he and Chen's belongings were. 

While walking there, you nudged Minyoung. "Hey, do you know who this Jongdae guy is?" 

Minyoung nodded. "Yeah, he's Xiumin's friend and he's starting school in SM Arts next term. You'll see him later, he's a nice guy." Minyoung smiled.  

A minute later, the six of you reached the spot. 

"Okay, this is it. But I don't know where Jongdae disappeared off to." Xiumin scratched his head and looked around for any sign of his friend. 

"Thanks man, you're a life saver." Chanyeol patted Xiumin's shoulder and placed his things on one of the towels that have already been laid out on the sand. 

"Haerin, wanna go change now? Then we can apply the sunscreen lotion when we get back." Minyoung suggested and you nodded with a smile. 

Excitedly, you took you bikini from your bag and went off with Minyoung to the washrooms.  

"Be right back, guys. We're going to change!" Minyoung said as the two of you walked away. 

While you and Minyoung were changing, the boys were laying down their towels onto the sand so that all seven of you could sit down comfortably. 

When you came back with Minyoung, the guys were all already changed into their swimming shorts. 

"I swear you girls take a really long time in the toilets." Kai tsked when he saw the two of you had reached. 

You simply rolled your eyes at him and sat down on the towels beside Minyoung while the two of you applied the sunscreen lotion on each other’s backs. 

While the two of you were having fun applying the lotion, you saw someone familiar walk towards your group. 

"Ah, Jongdae! Where did you go?" Xiumin asked the moment he spotted his friend. 

Oh! That's the guy from the waiting room that night. You recalled when you saw his face. I thought his name was Chen?

"I went to the toilet at first but then I saw an old friend of mine so we just talked for a while."  Chen answered Xiumin and greeted the other boys and Minyoung. 

Chen turned his head and saw you applying lotion onto your arms and his eyes widened a little at the sight. He was mesmerized at how beautiful you looked and it wasn't just because you were exposing a lot of skin. 

"Hey. Haerin, right?" Chen tried to keep his cool and asked. 

You turned your head and saw Chen sitting beside you. He held out his hand with a smile. "Its nice to meet you again." 

You shook his hand with a small smile. "Hi." 

Chen chuckled and nodded. 

"I thought your name's Chen? Why are they calling you Jongdae?" You asked out of curiosity. 

Everyone chuckled.

"Why are you all laughing? I don't see what's funny." You pouted. 

"My name is Chen. Well, nickname, anyways." Chen explained. "But my real name is Kim Jongdae." 

"Oh, I get it. Just like that guy there." You pointed to Kai. 

"'That guy'? I have a name, thank you very much." Kai rolled his eyes. 

"Two names, actually." You laughed at your own joke and everyone else laughed along with you. 

Baekhyun watched the small introduction from the side and frowned a little. Usually, you'd be all happy and friendly when meeting someone new but this time, you were more distant and definitely less happier. 

Not only did Baekhyun notice it but so did your other friends. But they never said anything. 

In no time, you were in the waters with your friends having fun splashing around. 

You played in the waters for about an hour until you felt your stomach making noises. You got out of there and sat on the towels where only Chen was there. 

"Tired already?" Chen asked. 

"Not tired. I'm hungry." You clutched your tummy and pouted.    

"Here." Chen held out half of a sandwich. "You can have this half." 

"Oh, no. It's fine. I'll just wait for my friends and then we'll go grab something to eat." 

"Are you sure?" Chen asked. 

"Yeah, don't worry about it." 

"Woah, what is this I hear?" You heard Kai's voice. "Byun Haerin rejecting food? Especially when she's already hungry?" 

"And what else? She'll wait for us to come back and eat together?" Chanyeol joined in the teasing. 

"Hey hey hey," Baekhyun lightly whacked his two friends. "Don't disturb my pig, she might just eat you up." 

The three boys laughed hysterically. 

You rolled your eyes. "You guys are the most annoying people on earth I swear." You rubbed your temples. "Forget it, I'll just grab something to eat with Minyoung." 

While the boys were still laughing, you put on a cute yellow bikini cover up and went off with Minyoung. 

"Hey, wait for us!" Baekhyun quickly got onto his feet and followed the two of you with Kai and Chanyeol behind him. 

Xiumin and Chen stared at the group with amusement. "Haerin's really pretty, huh?" Chen said out loud. 

"Did you just say that you think Haerin's really pretty?" Xiumin raised an eyebrow. 

"Isn't she?" 

"Well, yeah. She is. But she's together with that Luhan kid." Xiumin said. 

"Luhan? Who's that?" He asked, totally forgetting that you had a boyfriend. 

"Remember that guy she was with during the Midnight Jam?" Xiumin reminded. "You saw him with her at the waiting room and he was her partner for the Jam, remember?" 

"Oh, that guy." Chen nodded. "I met them once." 

"Really? When?" Xiumin asked.

"That day I dropped by after school to meet you guys." Chen said. 

Chen unknowingly frowned a little at the thought that you were taken. 


"Oh! There's a burger place right there!" You pointed at it and exclaimed. "Let's eat there, yeah?" You looked at your friends willingly. 

"I guess burgers doesn't sound so bad, right?" Chanyeol smiled and walked with you towards the burger place. 

Behind you, the others followed. 

You went in and quickly got a table big enough for the five of you and sat down. "Are Xiumin Oppa and that Chen guy not eating with us?" You asked your friends. 

Baekhyun chuckled. "That 'Chen guy' is older than you." 

"So?" You shrugged. 

"So you should be calling him Chen Oppa like how you call the rest of us Oppas." Kai rolled his eyes. 

"I barely even know him." 

"You didn't have a problem calling us Oppa when you first met us." Chanyeol pointed out. 

"That was because you were Baek Oppa's friends. And his friends are always nice so calling you Oppas meant that I didn't have a problem becoming close with you," you said. 

Everyone became a little shocked with your response. 

"Don't you want to be friends with Chen too?" Minyoung asked. "He's really nice too." 

"Not really..." 

"Why...not?" Baekhyun slowly asked. 

"Because Luhan and I were once friends." You mumbled to yourself but your friends heard it all loud and clear. Instantly, they had regretted starting the conversation. 

It became silent for a while and you realized that you had dampened the happy mood. Feeling guilty that your friends became awkward because of you, you tried to lighten up the mood. 

"I'm hungry. How about we order now?" You asked and everyone snapped out of it and nodded. 


Half an hour later, everyone was at least halfway through their burgers and were laughing at a joke that Baekhyun had said. 

The atmosphere around you and your friends was a happy one once again. 

When you were all done with your meals, you went to get ice cream enough for the seven of you, including Xiumin and Chen. 

Quickly, before the ice cream started melting, Kai and Chanyeol went back to where Chen and Xiumin where waiting to give them their ice creams. 

"Aw, thanks guys. We were just about to get them ourselves." Xiumin beamed as he took his. 

Chen said his thanks as well and started his ice cream. 

After ice cream, everyone except Minyoung started playing beach volleyball. 

You were panting as you sat back down on the towels where Minyoung was. "You should join us. Beach volleyball is fun!" You nudged your friend. 

"You know I'm not really the sporty type," Minyoung said. "Besides, watching you guys play is fun enough for me." 

"Why are you here anyways?" Minyoung asked. 

"Just taking a break." You said. "Although beach volleyball really is fun, I'm not fit enough to play for so long." 

Minyoung chuckled. "That's because you eat too much pizza and ice cream." 

"I don't regret it though." You laughed along. "Pizzas and ice cream are the love of my life." 

You watched the boys play for a little while more before excusing yourself to go to the washrooms. 

After leaving the washroom, you decided to walk around for a bit. 

You walked along the shops that were by the beach and checked out a few things. 

While you were checking out this cute bikini from one of the shops, you heard a voice say, "I'm willing to bet that that bikini would look stunning on you." 

You stiffened at the familiar voice and reluctantly turned your head to confirm, still hoping that it wasn't who you thought it was. 

When you were face to face with the owner of the voice, your eyes widened. It was unfortunately, the guy who was the last person you wanted to see. 

"Hey, beautiful." He said as he smiled the smile you used to love so much. 

"Luhan..." You breathed.

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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)