
Let Me In
The concert ended and half an hour later, you were leaving your waiting room with Baekhyun and Chen to go meet your parents. As much as you had wanted to spend time with Luhan, your parents were here; which was kind of a rare thing so you decided to spend time with your parents while you could. 
"Mom, Dad!" You ran over and hugged the two of them. 
"You did great! All of you!" Your mom praised all of you as the seven of you met up with Mr and Mrs Byun. 
"Thanks, mom," Baekhyun smiled and pulled you away so that he could get his turn og the hugging. 
While the others were all saying their thanks, Mrs Byun turned to Chen. "You especially! I didn't know you could sing so well!" She said, patting Chen on his shoulder. 
Chen blushed and bowed slightly, "Thank you, Auntie." Now he felt awkward. 
It was 10pm by then and Mr and Mrs Byun had offered to treat the whole group to Korean Barbeque for late dinner. And as congratulations for a great performance. 
A week passed since the concert and Luhan and you were still dating in secret. You wanted to tell your brother and friends, you really did. But you just couldn't bring yourself to. You were sure that Baekhyun, Kai and Chanyeol would definitely be giving him a hard time. So you decided to continue keeping it a secret as best as you could until you felt ready to tell them. 
It was a normal Friday at school and you were having math again for last period. You groaned as you entered the classroom and sat down at your seat beside Minyoung. 
"Damn it, I totally forgot that we had math for last period today!" You said. 
"Me too! I really hate this class. I wish we could get another math teacher for senior year." Minyoung pouted and you couldn't agree more. "And I really thought we could have that movie marathon right after school ends!" 
Remember that movie you talked about to Kai during one of the rehearsals? The seven of you had decided to buy the DVD of that movie and watch it over at your apartment instead of just watching it in the movies but the DVD wasn't even out yet so all of you had just decided to have a movie marathon with all your favourite movies. It was a Friday night after all and it wasn't like you had anything else to do. 
You sighed, "Well, we'd better tell the boys that they should go off first and we'll just meet them at my place later." 
"Yeah, good call. I'll text Kai oppa now." Minyoung said and sent a quick text to Kai before the teacher came in. 
Rin and I are having math for last period T-T See you guys at the Byun's apartment instead, okay oppa? 
Under Minyoung's desk, her phone vibrated and she went to check what Kai had replied. 
"Did oppa reply?" You asked as you leaned over to her to see her phone. 
Haha, for you! 
When the two of you had seen his reply, you rolled your eyes. "What an , that Kai oppa is." 
Minyoung was just about to send him a reply but her phone vibrated again and a pop-up of Kai's new message appeared. 
I'm just kidding, hehe. I'll tell the boys after class. See you girls later!
Minyoung nudged you and showed you Kai's text before putting her phone away. 
You sighed when you heard the school bell ring to signal the end of school. Well, there goes the bell. You thought as you laid your head on your table. 
It was only half an hour later that your teacher had released the class and you sighed again, but this time, in relief. "Finally!" You exclaimed when your teacher had left the classroom and was out of the range of hearing. 
"Come on, let's go! Don't want to keep the boys waiting, now would we?" Minyoung said and took you by the hand as the two of you left the classroom. 
Just as you were leaving the school grounds, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and took it out to check who had sent you a text message. 
You stopped walking upon reading the text. It was from Luhan asking you if you could meet him for a little while at the studio the two of you had used to practice for the concert. You sent a quick 'Okay, be there in 5" text before turning to Minyoung. 
"I, uhm, forgot I left my homework in my locker." You fibbed.
Minyoung pouted, thinking that she'd have to go back with you to school to get your 'homework' from your locker. She absolutely loved watching movies and couldn't wait to start the movie marathon. 
"How about you go off first and I'll just meet you there?" You suggested with a smile. 
"Okay! We won't play the movies till you get there but be quick, okay!" Minyoung smiled before leaving towards the direction of your apartment building. 
Quickly, just as Minyoung had told you to, you turned back to go into the school and walked towards the recording studio where Luhan had told you he'd meet you. 
You grinned as you reached the room. The lights inside were on and the door was slightly ajar. You skipped through the last few steps and opened the door with a loud, "Lulu!" 
You expected to hear a, "Hey, my beautiful girl." or a "Haerin-ah! I missed you so much!" or something around those lines but you heard none of those. Instead, you were greeted with Luhan kissing another girl. A girl that wasn't you. A girl whom you recognised to be the one whom you've caught him kissing with the previous time. 
The scene broke your recently-cured heart into another set of tiny million pieces. Tears threatened to fall down your face and as much as you had tried to not show them that you were crying, it fell anyway. 
"Haerin!" Luhan exclaimed as he pushed the girl off of him. "Haerin, I can explain." 
"It's okay. There's no need to explain anything," You choked. "Apparently, you were busy. I'll just leave now. Goodbye, Luhan." 
You slowly stepped back a few steps before running down the hallway far away from that recording room. 
Luhan stared at the spot where you had once stood and sighed. He furiously pulled at his hair. He wanted to run after you and tell you that you had just caught him at the wrong time and that the kiss had meant nothing. He wanted to tell you he was sorry and explain the whole situation to you but he knew you wouldn't listen. 
He had done it again. He had broken your heart once again and he knew that this time, he wouldn't get a third chance. 
"Oppa, are you okay?" The girl, who you have caught kissing Luhan with twice, went up from behind him and put her hand on his shoulder. 
"Get your arm off of me!" Luhan roared. "I don't even know why you're in here in the first place!" 
"What are you talking about, Oppa? I thought you liked me?" 
"Liked you?! I never liked you." He said through gritted teeth. "Now get lost!" 
Terrified at the tone of his voice, the girl quickly took her purse and left the room without a second glance. 
While Luhan was just sitting in the recording studio and regretting what he had done again, you were still running down the hallway until you bumped into someone's chest. 
You were about to just say a quick sorry and leave but the person put his hand on your shoulder. "Haerin? Is that you?" The voice asked and you recognized it. Quickly, you left without even saying sorry to the person you had bumped into. 
"Haerin! Haerin, come back!" The voice called after you. 
The person continued to call your name and you didn't even realise that he was following you. 
You continued to run away and eventually ran out of school grounds. You were hoping that he wouldn’t catch up to you but unfortunately for you, he was a fast runner and caught up to you in a few seconds. 
He placed his hand on your shoulder and made you turn to face him. “Haerin, what’s wrong? Why are you running away?” 
You were facing the ground, making your hair fall down and cover your face. The guy reached out and moved your hair to one side. When he had noticed your ruined make up and the still visible tears, he immediately knew that you had been crying. 
“Come here,” he said with a soft voice and pulled you in for a hug. “Go on and cry some more if you want to. I’ll stay here with you.” He said and gently your hair as he let you sob into his shirt. 


A/N: Hello people! Hehe 

I actually already have the next chapter all written out but i've decided to just post it up tomorrow because i should leave ya'll hanging a bit hehe 

I guess it's pretty obvious who that 'he' is but idk, just take a guess? hehe 

i hope you enjoyed the chapter today!! 



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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)