Lunch, Movie and...Sleeping

Let Me In

"Two tickets for 'The Fault In Our Stars' please," You asked a little too excitedly that the person behind the counter laughed a little. "Of course," she said with a smiled and started to click a few buttons on the screen. 

"At which timing would you like it for, Miss?" She asked you. 

"What are the available ones?" Chen asked. 

"There's one that starts in 15 minutes. The next one starts at 2pm." 

Chen turned to look at you. "Which one do you want?" 

"Can we get the 2pm one?" You said. "We could go and grab lunch first or something." 

Chen smiled and nodded. He turned to the person behind the counter and said. "Two tickets for the one at 2pm please." 

"Alright. Please choose your seats." She gestured to the screen. 

After getting your tickets, the two of you walked around the shopping mall that you were in. "You know, if you were hungry, we could've just bought popcorn and ate while watching," Chen said. 

"Yeah, but I'm really hungry and I don't know if eating popcorn on an empty stomach is good." You shrugged. 

"Did you have breakfast?" Chen asked. 

"Yeah, but it was just a bowl of cereal." You pouted. "Plus, that was like 2 hours ago." 

Chen chuckled and shook his head. He pinched your nose and said, "Oh, my girlfriend is such a pig." 

"Hey!" You furrowed your eyebrows and slapped his hand away from your face. "At least call me a cute pig." 

"You're impossible," Chen laughed. "So where do you want to eat?" 

"Are you really asking me that question?" You stopped walking and raised your eyebrow at him. 

"Pizza?" He guessed. 

"Ding dong daeng, correct!" You smiled. "Come on, I haven't had pizza in forever." 

"Alright, alright. Where is it anyway?" Chen asked. 



You and Chen took your own sweet time eating the huge pizza that you had ordered since you had 3 hours till your movie started. 

The two of you were talking about normal school stuff when Chen suddenly brought up the Winter Jam. 

"Who are you going to sing with for the Winter Jam?" 

"No one." You said. "I'm singing solo." 

"Really? Not even going to sing with Minyoung?" 

"I've thought about it. Then I realised that I've always done duets for these performances and I've always wanted to try singing solo." You shrugged. "I know it's nervewrecking, but I think I can do it." 

Chen smiled at your bravery. "Of course you can. You're a great singer." 

"Thank you," you blushed at the compliment. 

There was silence for a while until you said, "I wanted to sing with you though." 

"What?" Chen didn't exactly hear what you had said. 

"I wanted to sing a duet with you for the Winter Jam, but you got called to sing with Krystal..." You sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice." Chen frowned a little. "But Mrs Lee was looking at me so expectantly I couldn't say no." 

You genuinely smiled, "It's alright. It's just one performance, right?" 

"That's right, it's only one performance." Chen said and he felt happy that you were understanding. 

Then there was another minute of silence. 

"Look, Haerin-ah," Chen said. "You don't have to be jealous of Krystal. She means nothing to me." 

You were surpsied that he was telling you this, actually. But you still smiled, "I know." and you took another bite of your pizza. "I also know that she's just flirting with you to get to me. That's what she always does anyways." 

Chen was about to ask what you meant by 'always' but then he remembered the time you had told him about her and didn't ask in the end. 

"Actually, I'm starting to think that Krystal probably proposed the idea of having you as her partner for the Winter Jam to the teachers," You tapped your chin. "Yep, sounds like something Krystal would do." 

"But that doesn't mean that she really did that." Chen playfully pointed an accusing finger at you. 

You feigned hurt. "Are you siding with her now? Literally just a second ago you said that she meant nothing to you!" 

Chen was startled and started stuttering. "I-I didn't me-" 

"I know, oppa. I was just pulling your leg," you giggled and Chen sighed in relief. 




After the movie had ended, it was already past 4pm. 

"How was the movie?" Chen asked as the two of you walked out of the theatre. 

"It was great! But also very very sad," You said as you wiped the tear that was strolling down your cheek. 

"Did you cry a lot?" 

"Yeah, I did. I'm glad I brought tissue with me today," you chuckled. "Did you tear up?" 

Chen blushed and looked away. "No, I didn't. I'm a man. I don't cry." 

You smirked when you saw his cheeks getting red. "Oh don't lie. I saw you using your sleeve to wipe your tear away halfway through the movie." 

"I wasn't crying. There was just somehting in my eye." Chen still tried to deny. 

"Yeah, there were tears in your eye." You laughed. "Stay here, my oh so manly boyfriend. I'm gonna go to the washroom for a bit." 

When you came out of the toilet, you saw your boyfriend leaning against the metal railings as he looked down at all the other shoppers in the shopping mall. Smiling to yourself, you skipped toward him and gave him a back hug. Which you knew startled him because you felt him jump a little. "What were you looking at hm?" 

"Oh nothing," he smiled. "Are you hungry?" 

"No. That pizza we had was sooooooo filling I still feel bloated right now. I don't think I will be hungry enough to have dinner later." You clutched your tummy and shook your head. 

Chen laughed, "It's still really early for me to send you home. Do you want to spend the rest of the night at my place?" 

"That would be nice." 



It was now 5pm and the two of you had just reached Chen's place. He unlocked the door and let you in first. You took off your boots and sighed, "Oh man these boots were starting to kill me feet." Although they were comfy and kept your feet warm, it got a little uncomfortable after wearing it for a long time. 

"Are you alright?" Chen asked in concern. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. My feet just hurt a little is all," you waved your hand as if to tell Chen that it wasn't much of a big deal. "Is your mom home?" You asked as you put your bag on the couch in the living room. 

"Nope. She doesn't come back until 10 tonight." Chen said. "Do you want anything to drink?" 

"Oh, yes please!" You smiled and followed your boyfriend into the kitchen. 

"Is hot chocolate okay?" Chen asked even though he knew the answer was going to be a yes. 

"Do you have whipped cream?" 

"Yeah, it's in the fridge." He said and nodded toward the direction of the fridge. 

Once the hot chocolates were done, Chen brought the both of them to the living room where you waited for him. 

"Here you go," Chen said and handed you your cup. "Thank you, Oppa." 

A while later, after drinking the warm beverage and watching the tv for a little, the two of you were done with your drinks. You offered to take the cups to the kitchen and Chen let you go.

When you came back, you sat next to your boyfriend. When he put his arm around you, you voluntarily snuggled in and leaned your head on his shoulder. Although the tv was on, you couldn't help but just sink in to the peaceful and comforting the silence was. It wasn't long till the two of you fell asleep in that position. 

"Jongdae-ah," Chen heard someone nudge him and he woke up. 

"Oh, mom. You're home." Chen wanted to stand up but he realized that you were still asleep on his shoulder. 

"It's okay, you don't have to get up," Mrs Kim whispered. "It's already half past 9, honey. Not that I have anything against your girlfriend staying over but I'm pretty sure Haerin's brother wants her home soon." 

Chen blushed. He wanted to know how his mom knew that you were his girlfriend now but he decided that it wasn't the right time now. "You're right. Thanks mom," Chen smiled at his mother before turning to you. 

"Haerin-ah," he nudged you gently. "Haerin," he whispered your name once more. "Wake up, Haerin. I have to send you home before Baek screams at us." 

Slowly, you opened one eye and saw Chen smiling at you. ", we fell asleep? What time is it?" You started to panick a little. 

"Calm down, Haerin. There's still time for you to get home in time." Chen chuckled. "Come on then, I've gotta get you home." 

"Right. Okay. Let me just grab my bag." You said and took your bag from the couch. 

"My mom just reached home, by the way. She's in the kitchen." Chen said and you brightened. 

"I'll say bye to your mom first before we leave." You quickly said and went into the kitchen. "Auntie?" 

"Haerin dear. It's nice to see you again. But it's unfortunate that you have to go back home now." Mrs Kim smiled. "But you'll come back tomorrow for lunch, yes?" 

"Yes, of course! If you want me to." 

"Of course I do. I'll see you tomorrow, dear. Right now, you better get home before you get into trouble with your brother." She winked at you and you left. 




"Well, here we are." Chen said as the two of you reached your apartment building. "I'm sorry if you get in trouble if your brother later." 

"Oh don't worry about that. I can handle Baekhyun oppa." You said and Chen laughed along with you. 

"Thank you for today, Oppa." You smiled. "I had a great time." Slowly, you got on your tippy toes and quickly gave Chen a kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow oppa." You smiled at him shyly and walked away. 

"Goodnight, Haerin-ah. See you tomorrow." Chen called out as you entered the building. 



Hello lovelies i'm back again with another chapter hehe 

It's kind of late so i'm sure you guys must've read the news about baekhyun and taeyeon right?? I'm so sad about the news i can't ): i guess i'm upset mostly because i'm not really a fan of SNSD (oops) plus i'm not a fan of the whole older woman dating younger guy thing. 

anyways, i hope you enjoy this update! :) 



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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)