A Typical Day

Let Me In
A/N: I ammended the Foreword just a bit! So read that again first before reading the chapter, so that you won't get confused. :) 


"Alright class, as you all know, we'll be having our annual Midnight Jam soon and you are all required to participate," Mrs Lee said. 

The Midnight Jam was that time of the school year where all the students are to come to school at 11PM on a Friday night instead of the usual morning hours. 

"You can either sing a solo or a duet with someone from this class and your performances will be graded according to how well you perform that night." 

Just then, the bell rang for school to be over and everyone started packing their bags. 

"Before you leave, I just have something to say." Everyone stopped what they were doing for a while and listened to the teacher. "I need all of you to decide which song you will be singing for that night and with who by this Thursday. Is that clear?" 

"Yes, teacher." A few mumbled. 

"Okay, that is all. You may leave now." 

While everyone left, you were still slowly packing your bag. You were in no rush anyway. 

As you were about to leave, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Luhan smiling up at you. 

"Hey Haerin." Luhan said. "I was wondering.... are you doing anything after school tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow after school?” You asked as you checked your schedule on your phone. “Hmm, nope. None at all. Why?”
“Well, I was wondering if you would go out with me?” Luhan sheepishly rubbed the back of neck as he smiled cutely at you. “Just hang out and go for dinner. That’s all.”
“You mean like a date?” You shyly asked.
“Yeah, a date. So would you go out with me?”
“Yeah. I would love to go on a date with you, Luhan.” You grinned.
“Really? That’s great!” Luhan cheered. “So I’ll just meet you at the gates tomorrow after school, yeah?”
“Yep, sure. I’ll see you tomorrow then!” You smiled and waved goodbye as you left the classroom.
What you didn’t know was that after you left, Luhan was smirking to himself. Ah, she’s so naïve. This is going to be so much easier than I thought it would.
After school, you went straight home by yourself because Baekhyun didn’t text you so you assumed he was too busy to go home with you. Besides, you had a few assignments to do. Not to mention, you had to also decide which song you were going to sing for the Midnight Jam.
“Hmm, I wonder where Oppa went though.” You said to yourself as you walked into the apartment that you shared with your brother.
Ever since the age of 6 you and your brother had started singing and dancing. It has been your passion for a really long time now.
After finding out about the Arts school in Seoul (SM Arts) you had asked your parents if the family could all move there so that you could study there. Your parents were okay with you and Baekhyun studying there but they couldn’t leave Daegu because of their jobs. So they decided that only the two of you would move to Seoul and Baekhyun would take care of you.
So that’s how it is now. But of course, they had conditions; 1. You had to always achieve good grades or else you would have to move back to Daegu. 2. You had to visit them whenever you could.
The apartment that your parents had helped buy for the two of you wasn’t fancy. It was simple and you were satisfied with it.
There were two rooms; one for each of you. There was a kitchen and a living room as well, of course.
Your parents had also helped buy all the furniture for you except a dining table. Baekhyun had decided that it was unnecessary because the two of you would probably just eat out most of the time. If not, you would eat in your own rooms or the living room.
After placing your bag on the sofa, you went into your room to get a change of clothes. While in changing in your room, you heard the front door open and a bunch of voices.
“Haerin? Are you home?” You heard Baekhyun’s voice.
Before you could answer him, you heard another voice. “Yeah, your sister’s home. Her bag’s here.”
Just then, you opened your door and stepped out in a sweater and a pair of shorts. “Yep, I just got here. Hi, Baek Oppa!” You hugged your big brother by the waist.
“Yah, what about us?” A deep voice asked.
“Hehe, Hi Chanyeol Oppa.” You waved. “And Kai oppa.”
“Much better.” Chanyeol grinned and patted your head, while Kai just smiled.
“So, what are you guys doing here?” You asked. But then said, “Oh what am I saying? When are you guys not here anyways?” You lightly facepalmed yourself while the boys chuckled.
“Do you guys want anything to eat?” You asked as you looked into the fridge.
Kai was about to say something when Baekhyun interrupted him. “No need, Rin. I bought dokkbukki.” Baekhyun held up the bag.
“Yay, dokkbukki!” You excitedly took it from Baekhyun and placed it on the coffee table so that the four of you could eat it together.
Chanyeol and Kai stayed over until it turned dark outside. A few minutes after they left, Baekhyun suggested that instead of ordering pizza for delivery, why not eat outside at the nearest Pizza Place. “It’s only 5 minutes away from here,” he said.
So you and Baekhyun got ready and in fifteen minutes, the two of you were seated at the restaurant and have already placed your order.
“So how was school today?” Baekhyun asked as he sipped his glass of Iced Lemon Tea.
“Not bad. My teacher already gave the announcement about the Midnight Jam thing.” You replied. “What are you gonna do?”
“For the Midnight Jam?” Baekhyun asked and you nodded. “I heard Kai and Chanyeol were thinking of doing a rap duet, so maybe I’ll sing solo. What about you?”
“Probably solo too.”
Just then, the food arrived and the two of you started to eat.
15 minutes later, there were only 2 slices of pizza left.
“Oh yeah, Rin-ah.” Baekhyun said as he took his last slice of the pizza.
“Are you free tomorrow? Kai is inviting us over to his place tomorrow. Wanna come?”
“Tomorrow?” You asked. You were about to agree to it but then you remembered Luhan. “Aw man, I would love to. But I have a date tomorrow.”
“A d-date?” Baekyhyun choked on his pizza. “With who?”
“Luhan.” You stated.
“You know, that Chinese guy from my singing class?” You reminded him.
“That guy?” Baekhyun turned wary. “Haerin-ah, do you really want to go on a date with this guy?”
“Sure, Oppa. Why not? He doesn’t look like a bad guy.” You said. “Besides, he’s been in my class and I actually do know him.”
“But still..” Baekhyun said, remembering the first time a guy asked you on a date and broke your heart badly.
“It’s okay, Oppa. I’ll be okay.” You courageously said. “Just because a guy cheated on me once doesn’t mean that the rest of the male population would right?”
“I guess you have a point there.” Baekhyun surrendered. “But please be careful, okay?”
“Of course I will, Oppa.” You smiled. “If anything bad happens, you’d be the first to know.”
That’s the thing, I don’t want anything bad to happen at all. Baekhyun thought as he finished up his pizza.
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Chapter 52: update soon please!!!chen and haerin is so cute together!!!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 50: I really like Chen & Haerin couple. They are so cute!!! Please update when you can. Fighting!!!!! Btw.,, You are so talented Authornim .
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh please update as fast as you can!!!
SHINee456 #4
My friend said it's really good!!!
redpanda123 #5
Hope that it's really good!!!
Taoris95 #6
Chapter 49: Omo, this was literally the first book I read on this site and it brought back so many memories! I love this story, don't worry about updating quickly. Your writing is daebak!
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 49: You're back~~~ Don't worry too much. I think we understand how crazy things get with school and trying to write a good story. About giving you ideas, mmm my mind's kind of been not very creative recently, but if I have anything I'll let you know~ (sowwies that I don't have anything to give you right now...)
Exo_Fighting #8
Chapter 49: yassssss you are back again author-nim
yeol_merpinn #9
Chapter 49: glad you're back, author-nim :)