
Fox and the Wolves


"Yes?" I asked at the tall towering figure in front of me. He didn't answer me and walk slowly towards me.

"Going somewhere?"

Finally he open his mouth.

"I don't think that is any concern of yours" I turned around to walk away when he suddenly caught me by my arm.

"It's a big concern. Foxy"

I slap his hand off. "It's Roxy"

"Well, well, you sure you aren't a FOX-xy girl?' He smirk at me.

I could sense myself tense up at the moment he say that but I can't let is show.

I pull him by the collar and whispered into his ear, 'I can't guarantee that.' 

I let go of him and walk away, relief that he didn't stop me this time.



I look at Roxy who is walking away from me, seems like she is on her guard already.

"Well, well, brother. Ain't she an interesting one?"

I turn around and saw him smiling sheepishly at me.

"Shut up, Luhan. She is still of them. Those creatures who eat man's heart as if their life depends on it"

"C'mon, brother. She's just a fox." Luhan whined at me.

"Fox-sprit, to be exact. Anyway, let's go. The pack is waiting for us."



"Hey sister, I'm back!~"

"Roxy, I'm going out again tonight. Don't wait for me"

"Okay..." I stare at the ground as her figure zoom past me. 

The moment I heard the door close. I slowly walked to the kitchen and settle down the groceries on the table, putting them away after that. I took out a strawberry pudding from the fridge and went to my room, and start to laze around my bed.

I wonder how long as it been since my sister and I last talked. We used to be buddies. But now I feel like I don't even exist in her world anymore. If only that thing didn't happened. I want my sister back. It's really getting hurtful to see her change everyday yet pinning onto the hopes that she might come back someday.

I suddenly felt something slide along my face. , it was tears. I quickly get up from my bed and went to the bathroom. It was time to bath anyway.



"Hey, big brother! I miss you!" a high school boy with his rainbow hair ran and pounce on me, knocking me over onto the sofa and start my face. 

"Alright now, SeHun. You're a big boy now. You should stop doing this." I sternly told him.

"Okay..." He slid himself off me and went to find Suho and D.O who is in the kitchen.

"Aww man, Suho, why are you here!? You can only cook ramen! Please don't spoilt the dinner!"

I chuckled as they are bickering in the kitchen with D.O who is trying his best not to flare up and kick them out.

"Where is ge?~" I heard another whining sound and turn to the source of it. It was the Tao.

"Well, Kris is 'investigating' now" 

"Huh?" I laughed at his wide-eye expression, "well, it's something you will know later at the right time."

Tao pouted at me and went off to find SeHun in the kitchen and join the 'fight'.

Suddenly the door open and Lay walked in. 

"Hey! You're back." I throw a stuff pillow at him

"It's was so scary today! Almost get killed by Kris's eye just because I pair Roxy up with you!"

"Sorry, bro. Thanks for help with the school matters anyway."

"No problem man!"



I look at her as she went out of the room and I quickly jump into her room. I took a sniff in the air, it's totally smell like what XiuMin had tell me. And the smell reeks!

I went around the room, checking out things over and there. 

I heard foot-steps and quickly make my way out of the room again. It was close. The moment I just land on the tree, she open the door and lay down on her bed, sprawling down there. 

I took out my phone and sent a text message to XiuMin. 

'It's her'


I heard a rustling sound of trees outside. Seems like the wind was gonna be strong tonight.

I get off my bed and make my way to close the window and then went off to dream-land.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^