
Fox and the Wolves


I open my eyes slowly, the sun was shining brightly as usual. And I'm on my bed in my room. Another normal day, boring routine...
Wait, something feels off. Oh! Where's Roxy?! I remember I passed out after Luhan takes her and dash off. 
I quickly get off my bed and ran out of the room, knocking into someone.
"Kai! Did you see Roxy?" 
"She's in LuHan's room." 
What, nooooooo. How could she?! She just confess to me yesterday! 
I quickly dash off again...
"Aish. This brother." Kai chuckled.
I push open the door room, expecting to caught them in the act or something. But only see Roxy lying down there alone, sleeping.
"Why? so anxious to see your girlfriend?" I heard a laugh behind me and turn back it's Luhan.
"How is she?" I asked, feeling relief at the same time.
"She just need to sleep for a period of time, no worries." He smiled.
"Phew~ that's good to hear. Wait, what is she doing in your room?"
"You can't expect me to put her in XiuMin's room right? He will be mad if his room have any trace of fox smells, that's why I take XiuMin's room instead."
Somehow, I feel so stupid after hearing his reasoning. Why didn't I thought of that.
"I will leave her in your care then. I will ask D.O to set some breakfast aside for you and Roxy when she wake up later."
Luhan closes the door and walk away.
I look at the fox that is lying in front of me. How could creatures who look so pretty and elegant can tear out hearts without blinking their eyes. But luckily the fox I fall for isn't like least I believe she is not. 
I kissed her on the forehead, "please wake up soon." 
I close the door gently and make my way down to the kitchen, when suddenly...
"Big Brother, let's go shopping later!~" Sehun jump out of nowhere and suddenly bear-hug me.
I chuckled abit. It's so obvious what he is up to. He don't really enjoyed shopping, only I does. 
"I'm fine, SeHun. Really." I ruffled his head, which he return with a pout. Oh my, using his cuteness on me as usual. "But let's go and get bubble tea at XiuMin's cafe instead."
"Alright!" He lit up, just like a puppy. 
Everyone was eating ther breakfast normally except for someone. 
Tao is having a dark and gloomy aura around him.
"Tao-ya~ your breakfast is gonna turn cold if you don't eat it now." Suho cooed. He really behave like our mother, especially to Tao, even though he at housework. 
"Just throw it away then." Tan answered non-chalantly, which earn a glare from D.O. No one ever throw away the breakfast he cook without touching it, NO ONE.
"If someone is gonna die due to starvation, I'm gonna make sure I will never ever forgive him." Lay speak out of no-where. It's true he is mild-temper, but when he is really angry, it's quite hard to please him. I guess Tao have to give him a few more days. With that sentence, he took his plates and place it in the sink, walk out of the house and SLAM the door shut. Since it's Saturday today, he should be somewhere playing basketball to calm himself down too. 
Tao quietly picked up his fork and stuff the sausage into his mouth, chewing slowly. I really feel pity for him. But at times like, only Kris can help, but I doubt Kris is no longer angry with him.
"Oops, I gotta go." Kai suddenly jump up and break the silence after looking at the wall clock.
"Where?" ChanYeol asked.
"To Yura's house of course. After what you suggest to me yesterday. Teehee." Kai then waltz out of the house.
Seriously, this Kai. Even Tao and SeHun still haven't even get their first girlfriend! But at least Kai produce great results in studies while Sehun and Tao...let's not talk about the miracles of them getting top 2 every year...from the bottom. 
"Tao, let's play some video game together later, how about that?" Chen grinned to Tao, hoping he can do something to cheer him up, even a bit. 
Tao only return a small smile and shake his head. He then push the chair out and retreat to his room.
"SeHun, do something about it."
I said to Sehun who obviously is uninterested in what is happening around as he continues to wolf down his food.
"Why?~ Now only 'Kris magic' can work on him." He whined.
"Well, you are the one that tell him you lock Roxy and Luhan up together that's why he entertain that stupid idea. Shouldn't you feel abit responsible?" Suho voice out suddenly.
"What?!" I stare at SeHun.
"I'll go now!" He quickly dashes off and make way to their shared room. 
So...he and Tao tried to push Roxy to either me or Kris. That's seems so...childish. Aish.
~No One~
"Tao~" SeHun bounce over to Tao who curled himself up into a ball on his bed, "I know things are abit hard now. But believe me, we are brothers. Brothers don't hold grudges forever. Just apologize to Kris later okay? Roxy too."
Tao didn't reply by only nod, and SeHun lean in to hug him, and he can feel Tao tears dripping down. 
"I'm sorry." SeHun apologized.
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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^