
Fox and the Wolves


"What brings you guys here? News?" XiuMin asked as he settle two cups of coffee in front of us.
"Eww, I want bubble tea!!" SeHun whine.
"Grow up." XiuMin reply coldly
"At least give me hot chocolate..." XiuMin looked at him. Sighed and walk off. Coming back a few minutes later, and putting a cup in front of SeHun, it's hot chocolate.
"Waaa~ thank you!!" He smile happily and start to take small sip of the drink.
"So what brings you guys here?" XiuMin asked me again.
"My broken heart..." I faked a cry.
"It seems like she likes someone else."
"Wow wow wow. The prince gets rejected. That's a news." XiuMin chuckled.
"But I'm alright now! Just came here to spend time with Sehun," I grabbed SeHun and ruffles his hair
"Haha~ stop it!~" SeHun laugh.
I let of him and look-up to XiuMin
"and check up on you"
"I'm fine." XiuMin look surprised.
"You sure? That night, you were furious to the extent that the younger ones was afraid."
"Of course I am furious, I thought we finally found the one that killed our lovable BaekHyun yet you guys side her. On top of that, you guys are the one that said it's her!" XiuMin exclaimed.
"Cause you didn't give clear instructions to Kris! That log-head. But anyway, please don't flare up so much again. It's scary to the younger one." I said which SeHun agreed by keep nodding his head hardly. 
"I can only try." 
"How's Xuan recently?" 
"Oh my god! I totally forgot to tell you guys about it. I'm expecting!!!" XiuMin tell us excitedly.
"What!?" SeHun was shocked too.
"I mean...she's expecting!!!"
"Oh gosh, congrats!!" I pounce onto him and give him a bear-hug.
"Nooooo!" SeHun wail behind, "I don't want to be an uncle yet! I still want to be the youngest one!!"
XiuMin and I looked at him chuckled. Always thinking like a kid.
It seems like we are back to the olden times. SeHun would always stick to me while I would stick to XiuMin, so 3 of us would always end up playing together. Actually, Sehun ended up sticking to me because the task of taking care of him fallen on mine and XiuMin's shoulder. But he just seems to prefer me. Guess I'm kind-looking? haha~ As we grow up, I become less sticky to XiuMin but Sehun became more attach to me. And it eventually become just Sehun and me after XiuMin got a mate, and they are gonna have a little wolf baby soon~ actually is half wolf, since his partner is a human.
"Ge...I'm sorry. Really sorry..." Tao apologize looking down.
But upon hearing what he said just now, my heart just feel that I can't be angry at him anymore.
I pull him in and hug him. 
"Just don't do stupid things again." I sigh while ruffling hair.
He nodded against my shoulder and I can feel that area getting wet.
"It's okay now, Tao." I patted his back.
Tao has always sticks with me since young for some reason. Of course I hate it at first. Since I'm the third eldest in the household, and Luhan sticks to XiuMin more, I prefer to left alone. Even the brothers that came after me and before Tao would always go to XiuMin or Luhan. I's just my face. I still remember the first time I look at Tao when he was still a baby, he cried. But as he grow up, he would always come towards me. I still remembered the time I was sitting at a corner, listening to my music when baby Tao starts to crawl towards me and keep pulling at my hand. Indicating to put my hand down, and the next thing I knew is he crawl onto my lap and made a bed out of it. Of course I was irritated at that time, but I'm mature enough to not throw temper at a baby. Muahaha~ eventually I get used to Tao's presence. And as the rest of our brothers grow up, they starts to get closer with me too. So in the end everyone bonded quite well.
"Ge..." Tao suddenly said, sniffing and pulling himself away.
"Roxy left..."
I looked the two older brother teasing me. It feel so nostalgic. Luhan big brother always take care of me when I was young that's why I grew to became dependent on him. Even though XiuMin take cares of me too, it's just that Luhan treat me more gently and kind. And in the family everyone sort of have a brother they like to stick to. BaekHyun stick to ChanYeol who stick to Kai who stick to D.O. So alot of jealousy fight occurs quite commonly between them when we were children, which often results in D.O sighing and walking off to join Lay and Suho, creating the cool-headed line. And the most obvious one, Tao is to Kris. Chen is the only one who likes everyone fairly and he don't stick to any particular one. 
But for me, I still like Luhan the most. I always trail behind him and keep saying "Luhan big brother~" which he always respond by hugging me, and lifting me up sometime. I will always sneak into his room and snuggle in with him even though I had my own bed, but share a room with Kai and Tao. I knew Luhan expect me to sneak into his bed every night since the first day, as he would always sleep on one side of the bed.
As we grow older, XiuMin and Luhan become less attach to each other, since XiuMin got a girlfriend.  But they are still in a close relationship, they just got more independent. And I got Luhan big brother all to myself. Muahaha~ 
Luhan would never reject my requests which make me love him even more. I knew that one day he will find a mate and drift off away from me like XiuMin is to him. But until then, I want to be support, I want to be the person he can lean on when something happen. So when the time for goodbye had come, I can proudly sent him off and said "don't forget I took great care of you! If not you're an ungrateful brat!"
"What are you thinking?" Luhan snapped me out of my thoughts.
"About girls? How ertic!" Luhan smile and teases me. 
That smile, I don't want it to be ever wipe off his face. 
"Eh?!" Kris exclaimed in surprise and dash off. 
"Tao, I expect you to be home by dinner time later!" He shouted across. 
I smile and nod at him. 
The time for goodbye has come? I still remember when I was a toddler, all the brothers were playing together, except for one. Who look very lonely. When I crawl towards him, he just give me a look, stand up and walked away. This is how cold Kris is. But I feel attract to him. I will always crawl towards him, and eventually one day he just sit there and let me lie on his lap. That is the starting point. 
Kris slowly continue let me into his world. I would always trail behind him wherever he go, and he would always turn back once in a while to check that I'm not lost.  I did tried what Sehun did, I sneak into Kris's bedroom before. But he was sprawling across his bed, and I had no choice but to squeeze in somehow, only to get throw out the next morning. But weather I request or force my way, he will always eventually give in to me~ as long I open my mouth to tell him what I want. Once when I barge into the bathroom while he's taking a bath, I somehow manage to force him to bath with me. Muahaha~
Kris don't treat me gently like how Luhan treat SeHun. But I still like him. Because I know beneath that cold face, is someone who is very kind. When I get bullied in school or tease by other brothers, Kris would stand up for me, even to Luhan and XiuMin. He would always take me out for shopping since his taste in clothes is good and he would always dress me up, telling that being confident looking is the key to finding a mate. He carried me on his back rushing to a hospital in the middle of the night when I was having high fever.
Without Kris, there wouldn't be the me today.
When me and SeHun knew each other 'crush' on our older brothers, we make a promise not to find girlfriends until our brothers, Luhan for Sehun case and Kris for my case, finds a mate. Although this apply only after they got married but I feel Roxy is the final for Kris. A gut feeling tells me that. Even though Kris had a few girlfriends before.
Even though it's abit sad, but at least Kris is happy. I really hope that Roxy can keep that smile going or even brighter in my place. I will be happy just knowing that Kris is happy. 
The wind blows and I can hear it. The distant howling of a wolf. 
thanks for all the comments and subscriptions!
i will try my best to work harder to update new frequently >< 
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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^