Sisters and Wedding Dress

Fox and the Wolves


Standing at the balcony looking at the moon with the breeze blowing is such a great feeling!

Sister, are you looking at me now? I'm getting married soon...maybe not that soon. It will be in year time. Haha~ how are you and BaekHyun up there? Enjoying couple world? Do I have a niece or nephew by now? haha~ I will leave a seat for you and BaekHyun, so you must definitely come for my wedding!
I'm worried...will everything be alright? It's feels weird to walk down the aisle without you...I miss you...sister...

"Hey, what got your thoughts?" A hand was gently slap on my shoulder.

"Oh, Yura. Nothing much. Haha~"

"Missing your sister I guess?"

I nod my head.

"Well, I miss Jade too...who would have thought she become like this."

"Is it alright?" I asked her.


"If she is killed by them instead of suicide."

"I...don't know. They are not bad, but she's my sister."

"I understand. It's okay then. Things already turn out this way, 'what if' is just a conversation." I smile at her.

"Oh ya, really thank you for your time and effort for making the antidote for me."

"You're welcome. It's the only thing I can do since Jade is the one that cause everything to start. I have to help her end things, it's my responsibility."

"If only Jade knew she had such a great sister..." 

"Roxy...I was thinking. How about we becoming sworn sister?" Yura grin at me.


"Um-hmm" she nod her head while looking at me with her bright snake eyes.

"Alright!" I jump and hug her.


(1 year later)

"Why Roxy had to to stay with you?!" Kris shouted.

"Oh. Don't you know the tradition of couples can't meet for a week before their marriage?" Yura smirk at me.

"Oh, who set that?" I retort back.

"Apparently me." 

Oh my gosh, I want to kill her.

"And it's approve by XiuMin."

"What?!" I turned around and look a XiuMin who is sipping his coffee non-chalantly. 

"XiuMin, what is going..."

"I agreed to her request." He looked at me.


And the door close in my face. Roxy willingly go with her too...




"You sure it's okay?" I asked Yura.

"Of course it is! Without seeing you for a week or contacting you at all will surely drive him mad. And when the day arrive and he saw you, he will definitely feel touch, especially when you're in wedding gown!" She excitedly tell me.

"But I miss him too!!" I whine while clinging onto her arm, "at least let me call him?~"

"No." And she went into her room...

It's alright, I will secretly use the ph...

"And don't think of using the phone, I already set a spell around you to prevent you from making any connection to Kris." Yura shout from her room.

I will call his brothers and ask them to help me! Heheheh, I'm so clev...

"And Kris's brothers knownwhat is going on, so don't even think of asking them for help!" She continue.



"Do I look pretty in this?" I asked Yura who is sitting on the couch, looking at me carefully. I hope this will be a pass.

Her expression on her face tell me it's not nice.

"Do you still have any other wedding dress?" She asked the attendant.

"Yes we do, I will go get it."

"Yura! It's the 15th wedding dress I tried on!" 

"Roxy! Wedding is once in a life time! I'm not looking for a wedding dress that look nice on you, I want it to look perfect!" She held onto my shoulder. I smile. A really caring sister indeed.

Suddenly, a man in with goatee, looking like in his early 30s approach us.

"Excuse me, are you Ms Roxy, sister of Rose?" 

"Yes, I am. You are?..."

"Oh, I'm Kevin, the owner of this shop and your sister friend. I just happen to hear your name just now."

"Nice to meet you!" I stand up and shake his hand.

"Rose had already asked me to tailor a wedding dress for you according to her wish before she pass on. But I can't find you because apparently you don't live in the old apartment anymore...I thought of selling the dress away and who would have thought I have the chance to meet you. What a fate! And I've only heard about what really happened recently...I'm sorry for it." He bowed down to me.

"Oh! It's alright, this matter is already a year plus ago!"

"Haha~ here's the dress." He pass me a big white box. And the moment I take it out, I can help but awe at it.


"Oh my god! Roxy is here too! On the other side! I can hear them talking. I was about to pulled open the curtain when I was stopped by Luhan. Who grabbed my had, I wanted to push him away, but apparently XiuMin, THE ALPHA, help him by glaring at me. And this got me going back quietly to my seat. Why can't I be the alpha instead!? Fate. Aish. 

I can hear their conversation...oh wow, she had a tailor wedding dress...and the guy, whoever he is, is explaining the design to her now.

"Along the chest lines, these pearls represent a woman's tears. Apparently, your sister wants you to find a guy who know that your tears are treasure. It's not something that should fall out frequently."

Don't worry, Roxy's sister, I will make sure it's her smile that she shows...always. Tears won't be fallen at all...unless I can't help it.

"And on the center of the chest part is a rose. She want's to tell you that even if she is no longer with you physically, she will always be in your heart. At the same time, it represent that your heart is as beautiful as a flower. "

Of course her heart is as pretty as flower! And shiny like diamond! Hmm, she should add diamond in the rosé too!

"The waist area is furry. To represent that you're a fox. And to congratulate you that you finally make it out, to be able to believe that love can happen on you too."

I'm glad that she believe. If not I would be still waiting for her right now...

"The last part of the whole dress, the skirt. It's actually make up of 7 colors to hope your life will be colorful everyday, like rainbow. Not a single dull moment in your life. It's also hoping that you can make the life of people around you colorful too"

Of course I will make her life colorful! And she do make others like colorful too, especially mine! Since she is my beloved wife!...soon to be though...

I want to see that dress right now! Argh!

"Mr.Kris, your suit is here."




Upon hearing finish the explanation. I feel my eyes getting teary. Till the last moment, my sister was thinking about me too...

"Roxy, this will looked perfect on you!" Yura tell me excitedly.

"I bet it will!" Kevin add in.

"I know it will." I smile at them both.

It's a dress that is full of blessing.



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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^