That Night

Fox and the Wolves


I lay Roxy gently down the bed. And strangely, I'm captivated by her looks. Somehow, she resemble someone... Putting that aside, her sleeping face is so...
Wait...what the am I thinking. She is NOT cute. 
I push myself off and jump through the window back to the woods. 
"I will let you and Kris continue your search, but the next time, make sure it's the right information you give me. If not, i still kill whoever that person you guys bring me. And as for Roxy, continue observe her, anything wrong I expect IMMEDIATE report. You understand?" XiuMin look at me in the eye and tell me sternly.
I lie awake in my bed, thinking about what Yura said. Special to us huh. 
I suddenly heard the door creaking sound and turn to face it, as my thoughts is already broken, it was SeHun.
"Can I...sleep with you tonight?" He asked at me, giving me his oh-so-famous puppy face. But to say the truth, it doesn't suit his face. He's too cool for that. 
I shift myself and pat the bed gently, hinting him to come over. I turn myself to the side and can feel shuffling sounds of the sheets. And the next thing I feel is a pair of arms over my waist.
"'re a big boy now, you should..."
"Goodnight, big brother" I can hear him mumble in his sleep. 
Seems like his is really shocked by tonight situation.
"Goodnight SeHun."
I open the door and the sight shock me. 
"Tao! What are you doing on MY bed?! Didn't I tell you I hate people lying on my bed!"
Tao seems to ignored and continues on.
"I want to sleep with you tonight~"
I walk over to the bed and grabbed him by the legs.
I tried to pull him off which resulted him clawing at my bed! How dare he! 
"No, I want to stay here!!"
For the sake of my bed, I eventually give in.
"You stay at that side, you got..."
Before I finish my sentence, Tao already sprawl on my bed and went to sleep already. 
This kid, aish. 
~No One~
Meanwhile in Kai's Room...
"How dare SeHun and Tao uses tonight excuse to leave me alone and go be with their beloved big brothers! Aren't we brothers, on top of that, roommates too!!" Kai whined.
Suddenly the door open, and ChanYeol head pops in.
"Kai...Big brother is scared..."
Kai looked at him with the are-you-serious face and rolled his eyes.
And without further ado, ChanYeol just jump onto the bed and hug Kai, earning a kick from Kai himself. 
"You either take Tao's or SeHun's bed!"
And Kai find himself being hugged by ChanYeol in the middle of night.
"Ahh, my head hurts."
Wait, not only that. My arm and ankle still hurts! Idiot Kris!
I looked at the clock beside me. And saw the tray of food beside it.
Oh well, at least he tried to make up. But how could he just leave after I fall asleep?! Aish.  
After much difficulty, I manage to change into my uniform. As I open my main door, Luhan was standing just outside my door, causing me to jump.
"You scared me!"
"Shall we go?" Good, he ignored me.
"School of course!" He laughed.
"Oh, okay..." 
He suddenly squat in front of me.
"Hop on!"
"Huh!? I can walk! No worries!"
He didn't reply this time but just grabbed me by my legs, causing me to fall on his back. I just shut my mouth.
It felt akward along the way...
"Aren't you tired?
"I'm fine."
"I'm heavy..."
"you're alright."
Since I'm on his back, I can smell it. The wolf smell. I took the chance to sniff the nape of his neck when...
"Yeah, I'm a wolf."
And this resulted me covering his mouth with my hand. 
"Shhh! It's public here!"
But it's quite a shocking truth though, his face is too cute to be one!
The classroom door open and I see Luhan walked in, piggybacking Roxy on his back. I glare at them. I don't know what I'm feeling right now, but it's definitely not something good. 
He gently put her down onto the chair and then went to the seat beside me.
Roxy suddenly turn back and look at me, hitting my hand which I place on my desk.
"Yah! How can you leave my house yesterday without telling me!?" 
"Yah! People are getting the wrong idea!" I tried to hush her as some of the classmates eyes were on us."
The door suddenly open.
"So class today we're gonna have students joining us again. Seems like it's a popular time for students to transfer. Haha~"
Phew, nice save, Lay!
I look the new students and mouth drop agape. I turned to look at Luhan. We were both having the same expression.
It's Tao and SeHun...
Everything is going to either get very disastrous or more disastrous.
~No one~
Back in the wolves's lair...
"Yah, Chen! Why would you want Tao and SeHun to go? They would only pull back Luhan and Kris!" Suho exclaimed.
"it's because they insisted to! And besides, they promise me to buy me games..." Chen whispered at the last part.
"Oh well~ let see how it goes~" Kai hummed. "beside more eyes to obeserve Roxy, isn't that good?"
And D.O finally spoke a word!
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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^