Tao's fault

Fox and the Wolves


Kris...is kissing Roxy..This is the scene I see once I flung open the door, .It hurts to see... But right now saving them is my priority. 
"Oh my god! Ge! You're alright?!" Tao quickly rush into the room and place the winter coat over Kris, which he return with a glare, making Tao froze.
SeHun and Kai then went over to pick up the motionless Roxy and put a coat over her. 
"Roxy's heartbeat is weakening. Quickly take her to Yura." Kris said in his raspy voice. 
Upon hearing this, I lift up Roxy onto my back was ready to make a dash for it. 
"You're coming too, mister." I said to Kris, knowing him will act tough and refuse to get treatment. I then dash off. But I trust the 3 youngest will bring him there, even if it's by force. 
"How is she?" I asked Yura after she came out from the room where Roxy is lying. The rest of the pack were anxiously waiting too.
"She's alright for now, but she might have to be sleep for a long time."
"Coma?!" Chen shouted in his usual high-pitch voice.
"I mention SLEEP." Yura shot him daggers. "Her body is too drain out now that's why."
"What about Kris?" I suddenly remember.
"Ah~ he is quite drain out too. But he only just need a few hours of sleep."
Out of the corner of my eyes I can see Tao sighing in relief. Aish, this kid.
"Make sure you guys feed them something warm the moment they wake up. And you, Mister!" She suddenly point at Tao. "You're lucky they are brought here in time." 
Tao looked away in guilt. 
I was about to the open the youngest room to return Sehun his things when suddenly...
"What did you do this time?" 
It's Sehun. Are the kids up to some mischief again? I lean my ear to the door. 
"Ermm, I kinda lock Roxy and Kris together in the school gym equipment room for overnight..."
"What!?" Kai and Sehun both shouted in surprised.
"Are you crazy, it's snowing now!" SeHun whispered.
I suddenly twist open the door. And the three of them look at me in shock; eye wide and mouth agape.
"We're going NOW." 
I thought what Sehun did was too much, but Tao was at a higher level. I sighed. 
"Anyway, I got to go." Yura said.
"Thanks for tonight." Kai give her a pecked on the lips before sending her off. 
I can see Sehun cringe up. Haha~ their public display of affection is strong.
After Yura has gone back...
"Get a room." Suho suddenly said.
"In case you forget, I share a room with the other two! Not like Luhan, Kris, Lay or even you! I want my own room too!"
"Erm, you can go Yura's house." Chanyeol said which earn a gleeful smile from Kai, "why didn't I though of that."
Okay, guys. Off-topic already. 
"Tao!" I said in a loud voice in which Tao jumped in shock.
"Yes..." He asked meekly. 
I sighed, now is not a good time the reprimand him. Knowing Kris, he will give Tao cold-shoulder for a long period of time. And knowing how Tao loves to stick to Kris. He is probably depressed about what's gonna happen. 
"You go and have a early rest." I said, but just right after I ended my sentence...
"Do you know you've done a very stupid thing!?" Lay suddenly said angrily. Somehow, it's quite unexpected from the mild-temper and gentle Lay. 
Tao remain quiet. But I can see it. Tears is b up in his eyes.
"You want to feel guilt for the rest of your life if either of them dies?"
"Lay, I think you should calm do..." I tried to talk to him.
"Calm down? This brat done something like this and you expect me to calm down?" Lay walked away in anger towards the stairs. He suddenly pause. "We already lost BaekHyun, I don't to lose any one of us anymore." 
I watch at the leaving back view. I understands how he feels but upon looking at Tao who has tears steaming down his face, I feels sorry too.
"Alright now, everyone off to bed." I order. Hoping to end the drama tonight. And luckily it works, since I'm the alpha of the house now. That is unless XiuMin comes back. 
~No One~
"Tao...how could you do that?" Suho is consoling the crying Tao in the kitchen.
"I...I just want...Ge...to be happy..." Tao sniffed.
"Aish, by forcing them up together in a room? You never think of the consequences didn't you!?" 
Tao shake his head. 
"But SeHun did it too!"
"He locked Luhan and Roxy together in a room for 2hrs. He told me that that's why I did it too..."
"SeHun want Roxy to be with Luhan while I want her to be with Ge...that's why..."
'Oh my god, what are these kids thinking nowadays!? XiuMin is gonna be mad if he knows...' Suho thought to himself
"Here, eat up." D.O place a bowl of noodles in from of Tao.
During his sad times, food are his bestfriends...which only applies when Kris is unavailable. 
That scene keep flashing across my mind. The scene where they were embracing and kissing.
So the person she likes is Kris huh...I guess...I should give them my blessing, even though it stings for now.
"Yeap! I shall do that!" I shouted to give myself some encouragement.
"You sure you can?" I looked to my right in surprise and Sehun was there, smiling like an angel, which is so suspicious. 
"What are you doing in my room?!" 
"I want to sleep with you tonight~"
I knew it. That smile mean something. 
I sighed and move to one side of my bed while Sehun scurry in.
We were both lying down facing the ceiling, waiting to fall asleep.
"You sure?" SeHun suddenly broke the silence.
"Giving up Roxy to Kris?"
"How you know what I was thinking?"
"C'mon, you're my most beloved big brother. Of course I know! And that scene, I saw it too" 
I chuckled softly. "Yeah. Watching someone you like being happy is a blessing too."
SeHun suddenly turn in and hug me, burying his face on my shoulder.
"I know...Luhan big-brother, until you found your happiness, don't forget I will be always right here for you okay?" SeHun said.
Just like a child. 
"Even if I found my happiness, I will NEVER forget that you will always be here for me."
Even if I can't see, I knows he grinning,
"Goodnight SeHun"
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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be mean....it's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^