A new beginning

Fox and the Wolves


"Are you ready?" Yura asked me in her gentle voice.

"No...I'm not...let's call it off." I start to fidget and blabber things.

"C'mon, it will be alright!~" she tried to cheer me up.

"What if I trip and fall, what if I do something wrong or..."

"Don't worry, I got your back!~ did you forget we are sister?" She smile. 

"But still..."

"Kris is waiting~" 


Suddenly the door burst open, Tao, SeHun and Kai was 'bouncing in'.

"Roxy big sister~ you look so pretty today~" SeHun was chiming.

"Like an angel~" Tao add on. 

Oh my, they're making me blush.

"Yura, you look pretty today! I can't wait to see you in wedding dress!" Kai exclaimed while hugging Yura, who is my bridesmaid.

"I can't wait too!" I join in, which earn a playful smack from Yura

"How is Kris?" I asked.

"Hmm~, we haven't check on him yet." SeHun answer me.



"Hey!~ how are you feeling?" I slap Kris on the back as he seems to be dazing off. He slowly turn his head towards me.

"I don't know...this feel like a dream...can you believe it? I'm marrying Roxy." He whispered for no obvious reason.

"If you don't treat her good! I will be the one carrying this dream on for you!" I joke. I know there's no way Kris will give me, or any of us, the chance.

"Ge!~ suddenly the door burst open." SeHun, Kai and Tao stumble in. "Can you believe what I saw just now?!"

Kris look at them uninterested.

"I saw an angel!"

"Yeah right."

"And it's your wife~" SeHun tease.

"What?!" Kris shoot up and was reaching towards the door but the 3 of them beat them to it. 

"What are you these 3 brats doing?!" He try to shove them away.

"No, you aren't suppose to see her till she walk down the aisle!" Kai said.

"I don't care!" 

Well, seems like Kris run out of patient, after not having any news or contact with her since last week. He was still worried if Roxy might turn up today until he saw Yura.

Suddenly the commotion stop.

"Do you want to see me break up with Yura?" Kai was there trying his best to use puppy eyes are Kris. Which actually did work, Kris calm down. 

But it's not because of Kai, it's because Tao was standing behind Kai, doing his puppy face too. 

"I know you love me!~" Kai jump and hugged kris.

"Get off me. Don't mess my clothes." Kai pout.

"I will go check on Roxy." I announce and suddenly I found Kris standing right in front of me.

"No, you're gonna endure this agony with me." He grab my shoulder, trying to send a death threat through his eyes. 

"Well, alright. If that means she is gonna be my bride too." I smirk.

"What?! No!" He keep his hands back himself, "alright, you can go." 

And the 3 youngest is giggling. Kris really loves Roxy alot. He is smart for mind games. But when it comes to Roxy, he become like an idiot who don't even think. 


*knock, knock*


"It's me, Luhan."

"Oh, come in!" The voice reply me. I open the door and indeed, like what Tao's says, an angel in there.

"Hey there, you look pretty today."  I smile at her.

"Thanks." She shyly smile back. 

There was a moment of silent. Yura was looking back and forth from me to Roxy before she finally said she will be going out for awhile.

"Nervous?" I broke the silence.


"It's your day! make the best out of it. Kris is looking forward to seeing you so much that he starts to lose his rational."

Roxy chuckled. 

"Smile suits your face more. Stop worrying alright."

"Luhan" she came over and embrace tightly for few minutes. "Thank you." She whispered.

I pat her back as a response. "If Kris ever bullied you, tell me alright! I will take care of him for you."

"Okay!" She give me a thumbs up.

As long Roxy is happy, all this heartache I endure now is worth it.



I stand at the end of the aisle. Nervously fidgeting, waiting for Roxy to enter. Tao, who is my groomsmen, roll his eyes at me. Brat, one day you will understand this feeling! I will make sure you won't see your wife a week before the marriage! 

The rest of the brothers is sitting at the side. Waiting patiently and calmly. 

Suddenly, the door open, and a silhouette was there. Lay starts playing the piano and Chanyeol starts filling in with violin, for our wedding, he took violin lesson. Which I'm really grateful for.

As the figure starts walking towards me, I feel stunt. It feels like an angel has come to me. Although on the logical side, I knows she's a fox. I can feel tears start to gather in my eyes. God, please don't fall down.

But I lose it the moment Chen starts to sing.

(Imagine Exo's Lucky classic version)

I quickly turn my head to face the guy, who supposedly conducting my wedding, XiuMin.

"Are you crying?" Tao whispered cheekily.

"Shut up." I life my head and saw XiuMin grinning at me. Aish, these two.

Yura pass Roxy's hand into mine, giving me a smile before joining Kai at the side bench. 

I smile at Roxy who is hiding behind the veil. I lean in her ear "you're beautiful today."

She smiled and we both turn to face XiuMin.

"You guys may exchange the rings." 

What? Aren't we suppose to make a vow first?

Luhan appeared and two rings was on the cushion box. Roxy slip a ring onto my finger then I slip the pairing one onto her's.

"I now pronounce husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" XiuMin threw his hands up into the air.

"What?! Didn't we have a vow to make?" 

"To remain by each other side just because you are tie by a vow and not willingly is stupid. Anyway, I'm the alpha." He grin.

Damm, why do I have a feeling he purposely want to mess up my wedding. 

Suddenly a pair of hand cup my face and pull me to look at her face.

"We will stay together because we love each other, not tie by a vow...right?" She smile.

"Absolutely." I lean in and kiss her on the lips, pulling her by the waist to pull her get in closer.  

And I can hear all of them cheering.

"I want the flowers!" SeHun pushes Tao.

"What?! Your Luhan big brother is still single alright! You can't even get a girlfriend yet!" Tao push SeHun back while Luhan sigh.

"C'mon guys, I should be the one getting it! I have Yura already!" Kai in.

"No! Go away!" And both of them combine their strength and push Kai away. Yura just chuckled.

D.O just stand there looking with his wide eye. 

"Lucky I have no need to capture the flowers anymore." XiuMin said while rubbing his hand on his wife, Xuan's shoulder. And she is carrying a baby in her arms. That will be me and Roxy someday too.

"Suho, do you think we should run and catch the flower or just stand here?" Lay asked.

"If it's fate. It will land in our hand without us snatching it." Lay nodded his head to Suho's word.

Base on where they are standing, I don't think the flower will even land near there. He should just truthfully tell Lay that he just doesn't want to involve in the 'fight' later on. 

ChanYeol an Chen...they are running around.

"I will definitely catch it!"

"No it's mine!"

The usual active duo.

"Are you guys ready?" Roxy voice break the commotion for a little while.

"3!2!1!" She throw the bouquet backward.

It just landed into Yura's hand. SeHun and Tao was like sitting on the floor with a dark aura around them while Kai was grinning widely and hugging Yura. Yura was smiling widely at Roxy. Seems like she already knew that Roxy will throw the flowers to her eventually.

"Okay guys! We're off to our honeymoon then~" we wave goodbyes go the group as we made our way to the car, while the rest of them sent us off.


Please be happy, Roxy. That's all I ask for. I love you. And kris! You better treat her right! If not it's mine and Roxy's wedding you attending next!


Roxy! You better be happy! Don't make my Luhan big brother heart breaks in vain!


Kris Ge! Must treat Roxy like a treasure alright! Don't make her sad! If not I will..err...I will...I will cry. I will make you feel guilty!




Looking far into the horizon was the gentle waves hitting upon the shore under the soft moonlight...oh right. Tonight is full moon. Tonight is gonna be a tiring night, I guess. Wolves are always at their prime during full moon. Suddenly a hug engulf me from behind.

"What is my fox thinking about?~" kris coo into my ear. 

"Nothing...look, the moon is so pretty tonight!" I tried to change the topic. 

"Oh~ so that's what you are thinking about, don't worry, I will be super duper gentle. Unless you want me go rough, which is no problem for me...especially tonight." He teases while blowing hot air into my ear.

"Ya!" I elbow him at his stomach. "What are you thinking about then?"

He snicker before closing into my ear, "Of course is taking a bite of you which is as sweet as honey."



Roxy immediately blush when I finish my sentence. As cute as usual~ I immediately bridal carried her to the bed and throw on it, and straddle on top of her.

"Don't worry, I will taste you more refine than drinking wine." She flushes red again. And I swoon down to take her lips. I'm gonna enjoy what's mine today.

From treating Roxy as enemy, to fall for her. Having one of my brother as rival while another who will oppose us being together. We came a long way,



A new beginning starts now. 


thanks to everyone who support and comments about this fic. Really appreciate it!! <3
And this is the first fic which I work on that have an ending, since most of it I just give up halfway. Haha~
Please do give me support on my another fic called "Force to cheat" which focus on HunHan and you! Will be working on it soon ^_^
Once again, really thanks to all of you, will reply all the comments I receive after I update on the day I update this fic with a epilogue or bonus chapter. It will be soon, promise! :)

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be mean....it's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^