Alternate ending

Fox and the Wolves

-Continue from chapter 26-



(0 secs left)

With that last long kiss, my world black out.


(10 years later)

"Daddy! Take a look at this fish! It's so pretty!" Kyuri was shouting to me and running in the river."

"Be careful!" I shout back to her, falling on this hard surfaces could be quite dangerous. Especially for a 3 years old kid.

Suddenly, a pair of hand hook onto my arm. "Ain't she a cutie?" The owner of the hand ask me.

"Yeah. She is. Just like you." I smiled at her, my wife, Yuri.

"You stay here and watch over her alright? I have to go somewhere for a while." I give a quick peck on her lips.

"You're gonna go see her right?"

I nod in reply.

"Give her my regards." She smiled. Thanks you for being understanding.

"Alright!" I give her a thumbs up.


I place the flower gently on the grave and sit down beside it. Talking to to it.

"Roxy~ How have you been? I got married like you wanted me too. I have a wife name Yuri and a daughter name Kyuri now. Did you see them by the river just now? Aren't they pretty? Yuri is even wearing my first fang and the bracelet like you have requested. She is really a understanding girl. she even asked me to send regards to you"

"Yura had produce the antidote by now. She and Kai had a son called Kyu now. He's really a playboy just like Kai! And this trait often get Yura's being mad at Kai, but at least Kyu knows how to please his mother. Yura is also training Kyu to be top in witchcraft, and with the help from Kai, Kyu scores well for science. At least Kai did something to make Yura happy. Haha~ anyway they are still in the honeymoon period, seems like it's never over anyway, and they are expecting another child!"

"Luhan and SeHun is dating a pair of twin sister rabbit now. Although both of them had the same face. The personality is opposite. SeHun and the younger twin, Jura, is like the Devil pair, always teasing and playing around. While Luhan and the older twin, Juri, is on the more quiet and sweet side. And they always go on double date. On a side note, these 2 pairs are tying their knot next month!"

"Tao had found himself a wolf mate. But he's too shy to admit it. We only knows that a girlfriend exist after one day his girlfriend suddenly turn up at our house to return something, when they have already been dating for 5years! Tao is so good at hiding it. But I'm glad he found someone to take care of him. And to tell you a secret, even his girlfriend, by now a wife, is braver than him! They're also expecting a child soon~"

"XiuMin and Xuan already had a first daughter name XiuXuan. And a second son called MinXuan. On a side note, XiuXuan and Kyuri is always arguing who Kyu is gonna married in the future. This always amuse me and Kai! But xiuxuan is a good sister that take care of MinXuan alot. Even Xiumin feel proud for this."

"Chen and Chanyeol starts to work as singers ar XiuMin's cafe. They haven't settle yet as they feel they haven't meet the right one. Lay no longer teach at the school...he's a professional basketballer now, along with Tao and me in the same team. Although this might make me seems arrogant, we are the aces of the team! Lay hasn't found a mate yet too, along with D.O and Suho, who are working at XiuMin's cafe. Forgot to mention, Kai, Luhan and SeHun are under a dance team together, occasionally performing at XiuMin's cafe also. Thanks to the sudden appearance of our good-looking brothers, XiuMin's business is doing great!"

I pause and looked up...

"Everyone is doing great, how about you?'s been 10 years since then...from the day you're gone. I miss you. After you're gone, the house become quite deadly quiet. Xiumin becomes gloomy and quiet. Chen and ChanYeol would often play sad songs, Luhan would lock himself up in the room, SeHun would always just use some pick lock to pry open his door and snuggle in the bed with him. Same goes for Tao, he would often come to find me when feel like crying. Lay would always buried himself in the marking of worksheets or setting test papers. Kai and Yura will spent their time creating new antidote and cure for all types of poisons, curse, spells you can find. D.O always busy himself with cooking, while Suho just keep himself occupied with housework."

I can feel my voice choke.

"I'm dead on the day you're gone, same like everyone. But with the arrival of XiuXuan, everyone wounds seems to heal slowly, except mine. Everytime I look at XiuMin's family, I knew it could've been us. It feels so frustrated to know this fact. I keep myself shut for years until Yuri came along. Her accompany makes my wound healed, but a deep scar is left forever there...but at least I got a happy family now. The rest got it too. We all have fulfilled your wish of wanting a family...Are you with your sister and BaekHyun now Are they doing fine? Are you happy now?

A gentle breeze suddenly came, caressing my face gently.

"I know you are..." I smiled softly



So I will conclude the end of the stories here...

It's kinda sad to end it off like this :(

But if I have any new idea about the epilogue, I will come back and post it ^_^

Anyway, please support my new fics too!

Here's the link! :D


Thanks for reading it will the end.

I hope you enjoy it :)

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^