Valentine Day

Fox and the Wolves


~No One~
"Today is valentine~ aren't you going to confess?" Tao asked that tower that is walking beside him."
"Roxy of course!" 
"No way" kris snapped back.
"It's valentine, a great chance!" 
"The one she like is Luhan, not me."
"What?" Tao looked at him with the bored face. "So you're giving up?"
Kris just kept quiet and continue walking.
"Tch, you're lame."
"Luhan! are you free after school?" Roxy asked.
"Yeah, why?" Luhan give his question mark face.
"Let's have high-tea at my workplace later!" She beamed.
"Yeah, sure." He smiled back.
"Oh ya, this is for you!" Roxy takes out a pack of chocolates and give it to Luhan,"I made it myself!"
Those two, seems like things are going well for them. What should I do? 
I grabbed my hair in frustration. 
Yeah, I should do nothing and wished them all the best! It's not like it's the end of the world.
...'s worse than the end of the world!!!
I groaned.
"Mr.Kris, you seem super enthusiastic. Would you like to stand up and read the 
next sentence?" 
The teacher suddenly called me, causing me to snapped out of thoughts and realized the class is looking at me.
This is embarrassing.
Today is valentine. Which means couple would be blooming everywhere in school!  Can't wait to see all the interesting stuff that will happen today, and the jokes that can last for these year.
I have make chocolates for someone but in the end it doesn't turn out as nice as it should be but...
"Luhan! Are you free after school?" I suddenly spot him in the hallway
"Yeah, why?" He turn around and give me his question mark face.
"Let's have high-tea at my workplace later!" I beamed.
"Yeah, sure." He smiled back.
"Oh ya, this is for you!" I takes out the chocolates and give it to Luhan,"I made it myself!" 
He seems surprise,"oh, it's just a friendship gift." I smiled.
I looked at Roxy who is walking away from me after giving me the chocolates. 
Suddenly a guy with his golden comb back hair approach Roxy, on top of that he is wearing quite smartly. And in his hand is one bouquet of rose. It's one of the school prince. 
With my hearing ability, I try to figure out their conversation. 
"Erm, Roxy. I had notice you for a long time and I had to say that you are quite pretty. I like you...can you please be..."
"No, I like someone else. Sorry." 
Roxy continue walking away, while that guy slung down his shoulder. 
Wow, straight rejection. But suddenly Roxy turned back and took the Rose from the guy's hand.
"But still, thank you."
She is indeed different. I turned around and was greeted by a hug from the oh-so-familiar person.
"Big brother! Happy valentine!" SeHun plant a kiss on my cheek.
"SeHun, we're still in school!" I scolded him. 
"But you left school early this morning, even before I wake up." He pouted.
"Sehun, you wanted to sleep some..."
"Is that chocolates in your hand? It's from Roxy isn't it?! She confessed to you?!" SeHun asked excitedly. Good, My words to him are just like the wind now. 
"No, it's a friendship gift."
"Heh~ on a valentine day? Is she giving you hints?"
"Drop it."
"Why not you confess to her?"
I ignored him and walk away.
"Hey! Wait for me!"
~No One~
"Damm, SeHun. Kris is so lame! He didn't want to confess to Roxy just cause he felt he had no chance." Tao whined.
"That's good news for me though. I wouldn't want anyone to get in Luhan big brother way though." SeHun smirk at him.
"Ah-huh. Too bad I'm not gonna let anyone take what should be Ge's too."
"heh~ so that means you want a war?"
"Bring it on."
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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^