
Fox and the Wolves


"How could you..." I can feel Roxy trembling, trying to hold back her tears. It definitely hurt to know that her girlfriend betrayed her and her sister is dead long ago.
"Just for the sake of revenge on your sister who took BaekHyun away from me." She said non-chalantly.
"But they like each other! My sister didn't took him away!" Roxy shout at her.
"She did. Just her existence did."
What? This girl is unbelievable...
"Then why did you erase BaekHyun existence?! Didn't you love him." 
XiuMin glare at Jade and questioned her in a low and serious voice. Although it's not that scary compare to when he is shouting. I still see Tao slowly inching to Sehun, hooking his arm.
"Simple. If he can't belong to me. He should just disappear. If I can't have happiness, he can't too." She smirked at XiuMin. 
Suddenly, a hard slap sound was heard. Yura just slapped Jade!
"The world don't revolved around you! I spoilt you too much when you was young!"
But Jade suddenly push Yura backward, making her stumble but lucky to be caught by Kai in time.
"Consider yourself lucky woman. That time when you didn't want to help me with breaking up BaekHyun and Rose. I nearly wanted to killed you. But since you are my sister. I let it go." 
Tears were streaming down Yura's face. It's really unbelievable that how can a person treat their own sibling like this. 
"Anyway, you guys are gonna killed me anyway right?" She suddenly throw this sentence out. Actually I guess that's  the way how things will eventually went base on XiuMin's expression. He never let anyone go when it comes to his family being harmed.
She suddenly took out something from her jeans pocket and spray some mist towards Roxy's face, causing her to inhale it. The next thing I knew is Jade plunge a knife into her stomach. What the...
"I'm not gonna go down alone, Roxy is coming with me. Within the next 48hours if Yura can't find the antidote to this poison, it's goodbye. Ain't it fun?! Kris, you shall experience the pain of losing someone you love." She laugh out loud evilly before spluttering out blood and die. A white snake lay before our eyes, lifeless.
Suddenly, my soul 'came back'.
"Roxy! Did you feel strange?! Anywhere?!" I spun her around checking her to see if anything is wrong. 
"I feel...normal?" She look at me, she isn't even sure she is alright or not. 
"No, she is not." Yura suddenly spoke up. She lift Roxy's hair up and there's a black horizontal line at her neck.
"Why is she always playing with forbidden magic?!" Yura groan in frustration. "The line will grow longer and longer around her neck as the time passes by. When the two end meet, Roxy...will die...with her head severed off.
Roxy look at me wide eyes while I look at her back wide eyes. I can see tears welling up.
"Isn't there anything you can do?" I asked hastily.
"I have to figure out how to cure it. But within 48 hours..."
"You have to!" Luhan suddenly grabbed at Yura's hand and plead. Yura looked back at Luhan pleading eyes and after awhile she gave her a affirming nod.
She walked to Roxy and cupped her face. "I will try everything in my power to break it, until then. Please don't give up." 
Roxy hugged her suddenly. "I'm sorry about your sister, I'm really sorry." She cried on her shoulder.
"I will be fine." She wipe away the tears on Roxy's face and dashes off, with Kai and Lay behind her, back to her home where she will start working on the antidote. 
I looked at the stars twinkling above while lying on the rooftop of the wolves's house. My sister is dead, there's no need to go back there now. I opened up the letter which my sister wrote to me. Luckily Jade just tear it into half, which means it still can be put back. Thanks to the moon, I'm able to read in the dark.
Dear Roxy,
By the time you see this lesson. I'm no longer around. Please don't cry for me. I'm happy where I am right now. BaekHyun is just beside me. I hope he will forgive me.
I didn't killed BaekHyun out of my will, Jade cast a spell on me. But please don't seek revenge on her, I don't want you to feel any guilt for your life. Actually, I feel sorry towards her to. As her bestfriend, I shouldn't get together with the guy she like, but I love BaekHyun...
Roxy, I hope you can find a you can really love too. I know we are foxes. We aren't suppose to love guys, we are suppose to used them. But to tell you one little secret I knew from mom before she died, we aren't pure foxes. One quarter of our blood belong to the rabbit spirt. This explain why we just don't behave like normal foxes do. 
Till the day that guy comes, you must always take good care of yourself alright? Eat normally, and sleep comfortably. You must present your best self to that guy. No matter what, trust that you can find love even if you are a fox. It do exist. I hope you will be happy, always and forever. I will always watch over, I believe BaekHyun will too. 
I love you. Roxy. You will always be my precious little sister. Remember, be happy!
I folded the letter and look up into the sky, with tears b in my eyes.
"Sister, are you and BaekHyun looking at me right now? I...might be joining you guys soon..." 
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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be mean....it's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^