
Fox and the Wolves


Me, Tao, Lay and Sehun were in our tent, spending a little bit of brother time together, when suddenly...
"Luhan! You have to stop Roxy, she's gonna killed Kris!" Jade suddenly flash open out tent flap.
"It's true! Roxy's hand were grabbing on to Kris's chest, as if digging out something. And she look so scary!"
"Where are they?!" Tao grabbed her shoulder and shook furiously.
"By the end of the beach..."
I immediately run off with Tao, SeHun following behind, plus Lay who is ringing up the rest of the brothers. 
I looked at the Roxy on top of me. She seems soulless. 
"C'mon Roxy, wake up!" I tried to shake budge her, but she just wouldn't move. For some reason, Roxy seems to over-powered me. And it feels unfair!
Suddenly, Roxy's hand move to my chest and she starts digging her nails into my skin.
"Argh" I tried to swap her hand of me but she just can't be move, I can feel her nails digging further.
Suddenly. a quick and powerful push Roxy off me, it's Tao.
"I shouldn't have trust you!" Tao scream in rage at Roxy who is still struggling in SeHun and his grab.
~No One~
"I'm really sorry." Lay was about to claw at at Roxy's neck vein, and Luhan can only look away, when suddenly...
"Stop!" Kris shouted, who is hanging onto Luhan now. "She's not Roxy."
"Huh? Really?!" Lay brightened up, glad to know that she is not the real Roxy. 
Suddenly another girl voice came from somewhere, saying something that seems like a spell. Roxy stopped struggling and her body went limp, it was then purple tribal pattern starts to appears on her body. Under her eyes were 2 purple lines across face, ending with a pointed end. Her hair starts to turn orangey red, her skin become whiter, and her tail sprung out. 
"Eh!?" All of them were shocked at what they see.
The other half of the pack suddenly run in and surprisingly, Yura was with them too. She go near Roxy who is now lying lifelessly on the floor. 
"Just like what I've expected..."
Silence...everyone was waiting for Yura to continue something but it seems she dazed out...
"Erm...Can you tell continue?" Lay suddenly asked.
"Someone set a spell on her, those purple tribal mark indicates it." Yura points at Roxy who is cradled by Kris, "she might stay in this state forever..."
"What?!" Kris exclaimed.
"This spell is one of forbidden ancient spell. It's to force a person animal's instinct out completely and take away their humanity. She's in a fox form now like what you've seen. Roxy has one more spell set on her too, she is supposed to kill the person loves. But I put another spell to make her fall into eternal sleep, so it's either she wake up and killed Kris or sleep forever..."
"What...who would do such a thing?!" Kris shout, raging.
Yura shrugged her shoulders. "You guys were kissing, weren't you?" She asked, with a bit of teasing tone. This cause Kris to look at her feeling surprise. "Well, a kiss is all it took to trigger the spell." She explained.
"That aside, what are we gonna do with Roxy now?" ChanYeol suddenly asked.
"She can only be in this state for now, I will try my best to find or create a spell to break it." She said.
"How long would that take? Please don't make us wait till we die!" Chen groan dramatically.
"Hey! Watch it! We snakes are great at witchcraft!" Yura snapped.
I looked at Roxy who is lying on Luhan's bed now. She look so lifeless. Even her skin loses their glow. I hold her hand, it's cold. Is she still really alive? 
'Knock! Knock!' I snap out of my thoughts.
"Dinner is ready!" D.O pop his head in.
"I'm not hungry..."
He come into the room and closes the door behind him. He place a hand on my shoulder and squeeze it.
"You know, she will cry when she wakes up to see her boyfriend looking like as if he had been dead for century. She wouldn't want her to blame herself, would you?"
"But I'm not sure if she will ever get to open her eyes again..." 
"Yura is our personal doctor for a reason, and don't forget, Kai is helping her out too! Everyone is trying their best to figure or something. Trust us, things will work out! Even if you don't trust us, you have to trust Roxy, she wouldn't leave you like that!"
D.O mother mode is on. I look at him and nod my head, giving him a small smile. He then lead me to the dining room. 
Dinner is as noisy like usual, or livelier. Man, they all are trying hard to cheer me up. 
I'm at Roxy room, walking around here and there, picking up her belongings. Since her sister won't be here to look after her. Tao was with me too when suddenly...
"Ge! Look at this!" Tao exclaim.
I walked over to him as he pass me a photo frame, cover in dust. My mouth drop agape.
It's BaekHyun...with Roxy sister.
"Why is Roxy with BaekHyun?!" Tao asked shock. 
"That's her sister...."
"They do look really alike. If I can't tell the difference by now, don't you feel that I fail as a boyfriend?"
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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be mean....it's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^