Our past

Fox and the Wolves


Few weeks have passed since then. I've been visiting the cafe during Roxy's work time, just hope to can see her more. Even though I know I shouldn't but...I like her. And the most annoying part is SeHun can read me and keep use this to tease me.
"Big brother, your saliva is dripping out already!" SeHun tease, successfully breaking my gaze on Roxy who is serving another table.
"Yeah right." I retort back.
"C'mon big brother, if you like her, chase her! Even if XiuMin will be mad, I'm behind your back, I will give you all my support!" 
"I don't know, she's a fox. They are intelligent beings with handful of tricks up their sleeve. I..."
"But through this few weeks even you've seen it yourself didn't you. Roxy is not like other fox. She's so straightforward and naive. And the most special part about her is she don't accept any guys that come along her way. You should know for normal foxes, it's a great chance to consume their heart. What is holding you..."
"I don't want to end up like BaekHyun. In case you forget, he is killed by her kind." Luhan sighed.
"In case you forget, you are sitting this cafe admiring Roxy now." SeHun sneered.
"I'm observing."
"Yeah right." SeHun rolled his eyes.
"Ge!~ accompany me to shower~"
Oh my gosh, it's Tao. Before he reach my bedroom, I must escaped! I throw open my window room and run of the house. 
"Ah~ it's so relaxing here."
I said as I took a seat on the green grassy floor. The lake is dazzling like every other day. It kinda amaze me that the lake and sky will never lose it brightness. It has been so many years since I came back here. The place where it hold all the memories...
A little girl was crying by the lake, causing a curious young boy to take a look at her. 
"Why are you crying?" The boy asked.
"Because mon and dad died in an accident, only leaving me and big sister now." The girl wail loudly. 
The boy patted the girl's head and sat beside her.
"You have to be strong you know, for your sister. You're the only one she have now." 
The girl continue sobbing, but at least she stopped wailing.
"Promise me after you've finish crying, you will start smiling and become stronger." The little young boy smile and pat her head again.
The little girl finally lifted up her head and use her hands to wipe of her tears, she then turn to the boy and give him a small smile, "Umm!" 
The boy was limping along the lake, coincidentally the little girl was there too.
"What happened, Big brother?!" The little girl was shocked to see there are so many bruises and scratches on him.
"Just a brawl with one of my brothers, no big deal." The boy spat.
"No! It's a big deal! It's bad to fight with your sibling! And on top of that seeing big brother getting hurt is a big deal to me!" The girl stomp her feet, causing the boy to look at her, surprise.
"Why are you here again? Don't you have school?" The young boy asked the little girl who is munching on her strawberry shortcake while admiring the little water at the end of the lake. 
"I don't have friends...they all don't want to be friends with me..." The girl suddenly stopped munching and stare at the cake on her hand. 
But she suddenly look up at the boy with her bright watery eyes, "we're friends, aren't we?" 
Upon looking at the face of the little girl, he smiled at her, "yeah, we are."
"YEAHH!!" The girl was so elated she begin to jump around, suddenly offering a packet of drink to the boy.
"Strawberry Milk?" He raise one of his eyebrow.
"They taste great!" She beam brightly, "by the way can I ask you something?"
The little boy nod while drinking the strawberry milk.
"Why do your eyes have such a unique colour? It's so pretty!" 
The little boy was shocked for awhile, before continuing, "I'm an elf."
"That's so cool! Haha~"
"You're leaving?" The little girl was crying.
"I have to, my family are migrating..."
"But I finally got a friend, don't go!" The girl was crying louder by now.
The little boy took out a purple crystal bracelet from his pocket and place it in her hand.
"This will keep you safe whenever you are. And the most magical part is it will shine it brightest during full moon." He grinned at her.
"Uwa, it's so pretty." The girl finally broke into a smile.
I open my eyes and look up into the limitless sky. The us as children was so simple. But now we both are grown-up, have we change?
"Hey! Why are you here?" I sit up and look at the person, it was her.
"It's my secret hangout." I replied her non-chalantly.
"Oh, it's mine too!" Roxy broke into a smile, "along with boy in the past." She whispered at the last part. 
"Oh well, I don't mind sharing."
"That sounds cool." She smile brightly at me, the same smile back then.
"I'll tell you a secret then" Roxy use her hand and asked me to bend closer to . "The boy who used to share this place with me is also the one who gave this bracelet to me. He is actually..."
She suddenly stopped and look left and right, then lean into my ear,"an elf." she whispered.
Upon hearing that, I chuckled softly.
She really believed in that? Animal spirits do exist in our world but things like faires, pixies etc, nah. 
"You don't believe me?" She asked, looking at the floor.
"I never said that."
"But you laughed."
"Cause it's interesting"
"But he had migrate to some other place, which mean I could never see him again." She sighed. 
Roxy, you've still haven't change. I smiled to myself.
school has already starter so my update will become slower. Really sorry >< 
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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be mean....it's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^