Epilogue-our story continue

Fox and the Wolves


(Years later)

"XiuXuan! Roan! Be nice!" I heard XiuMin hollered from the living room. Guess that 2kids is fighting again. Suddenly pitter-patter of little feet can be hear. 

"Mama!~ she bully me again!!" Roan came running towards me whining. 

"Daddy! Is she being mean first!" XiuXuan stamp her little foot while whining to XiuMin. 

Me and XiuMin eye-contact with each other and shake our head. 

"XiuXuan, you are the older one here. You should know how to handle things more." XiuMin said sternly while still ruffling her little head.

"Yes daddy..." She look down.

"Alright now, go apologize to Roan alright?" Xuan, who is sitting beside XiuMin said gently to her. 

"Yes mommy..."

"Roan, you are wrong too. So you should apologize too." I push Roan towards XiuXuan gently.

"Sorry..." XiuXuan stretch out her little hand and Roan grab it, "I'm sorry too." And they just run off together hand in hand and play together again, as if nothing happened. 

Footsteps can be heard coming from the upstairs, seems like someone is coming down.

"Is dinner ready?" Came the sleepy voice of little Kyu. With Yura following behind.

"Kyu!!~" both XiuXuan and Roan stopped whatever they are doing and run to hug Kyu. I chuckled at the sight.

"Soon alright!" I smiled at them. Continuing with the preparation. Actually D.O is the main cook while me and Suho are only assisting. And now Yura came to help as well.

But peace was soon broken...

"Kyu will married me when we grow up!" XiuXuan shouted.

"No it's me! Kyu like me right?" Roan tugged at Kyu's sleeve.

"He will have to married me! Cause I'm the oldest so he have no choice but to listen to me!" XiuXuan retorts.

"No, he like me! So he can only married to me! No one else can touch him!" Roan screams back.

"Alright girls," Kyu hang his shoulders around both of them. I will married both of you when I grow up alright?" He winked at both of them, and this effectively ends the fight.

I am amused by the sight, why do all of them behave so much like their father? Even XiuMin was shake his head at the sight and sigh. Xuan, Yura and Suho was chuckling while D.O was too concentrate on his masterpiece to care about anything.

Suddenly the door open, Kris, Kai and Tao was back from work. 


Both Roan and Kyu rush towards and throw themselves on to them.

"Have you been a good kid today?" Kris picked up Roan and snuggle their nose together causing her to squeal.

"Kyu~ what have you done today?~" Kai hugged his son and asked.

"Obviously flirting with the girls. Mister, thanks to you." Yura eyed Kai with the it's-all-your-fault look.

"Eh?! Kyu! How many time must I tell you to behave like a real man?" Kai sternly looked at his son. 

"But you tell me to flirt as much as possible when we are young." Kyu said innocently.

"Oh, right!" Kai smiled sheepishly and when he caught Yura's death glare..."nooo! I will teach you again spend again. Let's play some game now alright?" It's was gonna be a smooth escape for Kai until...

"Alright! Daddy! Is it the challenge to see who can make find more pretty girls photos online?" Kyu said innocently and a horrified look was plaster across Yura's face. The rest of us was trying to stifle our laughter. 

"Kai! What have you teach our son?!" Yura shouted at him, who only looked away. "But mommy! I always type in your name but I can't find it!" Kyu whine to Yura, and Yura broke into smile. Forgetting about the matter completely. 

Kai, you should say thanks to Kyu. Really.

Kris and Kai both carried their little ones while Tao...

"Hey! Why no one come and greet me?!" 

Upon hearing this, Suho immediately run out from the kitchen and towards Tao opening his arms wide.

"Come to mama~" 

And Tao just walked away from the door. "Go away." He said coldly. And Suho who was unable to stopped himself in time run through the door and Tao even close it behind him. 

Evil. I thought to myself. 

"Oh right? Where is the rest?" Kris asked.

"Luhan and Sehun is on a double date. So they, plus Lay will be late, Chen and Chanyeol..." A guitar sound from upstairs break his word. "Well, you heard it." 

"Luhan and Sehun had girlfriends?!" Kai asked in amusement.

"Yeah, didn't you know. They are twin sister somemore." Kris added.

"Eh?!~ Tao! When are you gonna find one. You are so late!" Kai suddenly tease Tao who is playing with Kyu.

"What?! There are D.O, Suho, Chen and ChanYeol! They are even later than me!"  

D.O suddenly stopped his cooking and shout back. "Wait till I find a girlfriend, you brat!" 

And from the upstairs...

"We heard that!!" Chen voice echo clearly.

Oops. Seems like he rub on a sour spot. 

Loud banging noise were heard.

"C'mon Tao go open to door for Suho." Kris ask Tao to which he comply like usual.

"Eh?! Why are you here?" Tao asked in astonishment.



Looking at the girl beside me now, I feel bliss. Although she had the same face with the one beside SeHun, their personality is different.

"SeHun ah~" SeHun opened his mouth and  the girl put a chocolate into his mouth. And he eats it with a blissful face smiling at each other.

I chuckled. "Jura, you're gonna spoilt him." 

"Luhan big brother, you're spoiling Juri too!" SeHun retorts.

"Girls are meant to be pamper, not the other way round. Aish!" 

I look at Juri who is giving me a shy smile.

"Aigo~ my sister getting shy?" Jura tease.

"Oh my, my big brother is too!" SeHun join in the teasing.

I'm really happy with the way things are now. Kris and Roxy get their happiness. SeHun and me too. I finally let go completely of the feelings I had for Roxy. To say the truth, it's actually feel kind of relief. And to be able to meet a good girl again. It feel as it I'm given the second chance. And they are rabbit spirit. Which makes everything feel more fated cause by nature, wolves eat rabbit, not fall in love. But fate really had it's way in life, like how we used to despised fox yet actually accepted Roxy into the family.

"Oh ya, Luhan big brother, Suho just sent a message, so please drive a little bit faster." SeHun said.

"Okay, tighten your seat belts." I step on the pedal.



"Who?" I asked Tao. And a pretty girl came in after Suho.

"Erm, she is..." Tao keep fidgeting. "My girlfriend..."

"What?!" Me and Kai both shout in surprise whole XiuMin go wide eyes. 

"Hi, everyone. I'm Ice." The girl introduce herself in a gentle voice.

"Haha~ so you're afraid of heat?!" Kai try to crack a joke which no one laugh to, causing him to get all akward by himself. 

"When you guys meet?" Kris ask Tao, who is resting his hand on the girl's waist.

"Ermm, few years back where we just had a talk and you went to chase after Roxy, leaving me all alone. Then I heard a distance howling so I run towards it...and that's how things happen and on..." He starts to look down shyly.

"So long ago?! Why didn't you tell us?!" XiuMin shouted in surprise, accidently scaring Ice too.

"Cause I'm too shy to announce..." Tao trail off, and his face turn red.

"What?! Haha~" Kai broke out into a laughter "said the one when everyone in the family knows he had a "crush" on Kris!" 

I went over to hit his head. "It's Kris BIG BROTHER." And I caught Roxy wriggling her eyebrow at me.

"Well, now you guys know, can she join us for dinner?..." 

"Of course she can!" XiuMin said cheerfully which cause Tao to glee.

Tao suddenly turned to Ice, "so why you come here for, you should told me before hand to let me prepare!" He pout.

"Oh, I come to return you this bracelet. It dropped on my bed, guess you didn't realize when you are too eager in taking your clothes of yesterday. Haha~" she said as if nothing was wrong. Everyone in the family,including D.O who was so concentrate on his cooking, go wide-eyes looking at Tao, who is blushing madly in red right now.

"Why did you say that out loud?" 

"What's wrong?" She said innocently.

"Aish, come with me." And he pulled her by the wrist to upstairs.

"Hey, stay away from my bed!" Kai tease, which earn a glare from Yura successfully shutting him up. 

I looked at Roxy who is chuckling. Seems like Tao has really grow up. But we are really brothers, to fall for girls who's a bit air-headed.

"What you're smiling at?" Roxy came to my side and poke my cheek.


Suddenly the door click open.

"Oh, you guys are back." I greeted.

"SeHun uncle! Luhan uncle!" And the kids went over to hug them.

"Hello, little ones!" They both hug them, but quickly stand up again to introduce the two ladies behind.

"This is Juri and Jura" SeHun introduce.

"Wow...you guys really look alike." XiuMin gasped.

"We get that alot. Haha~" Jura joke.

"Haha~ seems like everyone is ba..." 
Suddenly the door bang open, cutting XiuMin's words. 

"Sorry I'm late, school had something on." Lay bow as an apologies, and when his eyes caught the kids, he went over and play with them. Totally aware that everyone is looking at him, shock by the banging of the door.

"Alright! Let's start dinner!" XiuMin successfully broke the silence. "Kai, go get Tao, Ice, Chanyeol and Chen to come down."

"I don't want get Tao and Ice...who knows what they are doing?" Kai whine.

But the glare from the the alpha successfully sent the younger wolf to go upstairs.

"Alright, let's get to the table~" XiuMin immediately change his expression.

Due to the number of people today, we had to open up another table. D.O, Suho, Yura and Roxy had already finish setting up everything. 

"Wow!~ what's that smell?" A bright voice came from the stairs. Must be Chen.


"Alright everyone, dig in!" XiuMin said.
Everyone is loving dovingly feeding each other. But there's a few sights that is quite funny. Chen and ChanYeol are mimicking the way Yura and Kai are feeding each other. But they amplify everything to make it looks funnier, which cause Kai and Yura to sent daggers look towards them. On the other hand, Suho and D.O was eating quietly...and depressingly. I guess the atmosphere don't suits them...

"Kyu, eat this." Roan place a piece of of chicken into Kai's bowl. XiuXuan immediately take the chicken from the bowl and eat it.

"Hey!" Roan whine.

"Meat is not nice. Here, have this veggie." XiuXuan place lettuce in his bowl. And it's not one piece but a heap.

"But I like meat..." Kyu trail off.

Seems like they are enjoying...maybe except Kyu. Good luck when you grow up.

"Ah!~" I turn to my side and a piece of meat is right in front of my mouth, at the other end of the chopstick is Roxy. I bite down on the meat she is holding.

"I want to eat something more."

"Which one, I will get it for you."

"This one. I touch her lips." Which instantly cause her to blush. Cute, like the old times.

"This is public, kris!" She chided at me in a whispered tone.

"So you will give it to me when we get home?" 

Roxy immediately turn away continue eating, pretending not to have hear me. But that pink tint on her cheeks is the best evidence that she did heard me.


It's been a long day, and we're finally back home, getting ready for bed.
"Papa, mama, let's take a photo!~" came the bright voice of Roan who suddenly came running into our room with a cell phone in her little hand. Wait, isn't that my spare phone?

"1,2,3...I'm gonna show my classmate my good-looking parents!~" and she run off again, shutting the door. I heard a giggle coming from the side, and I found myself staring at her again. The face that no matter how many years pass by, I still find beautiful. It feels like it's just yesterday I saw her. She suddenly turned her head and caught me staring at her.


I lean in and kiss her on the lips, "thank you." I whispered.

"Eh, for?"

For giving me a family, for staying by my side, for everything.

"Just feel like saying it. Let's turn in early. We gonna wake up early tomorrow for your natal check-up, Roan should be quite excited to see her little brother too."

"Yeah. Let's sleep then. Goodnight." She give me a kiss before dropping into the bed, and amazingly, the moment she hit the pillow, she went into dreamland. 

"Good night, I love you." I kiss her on the forehead. "Our story wil continue on."

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 32: Shes a ghost! >o<
dhiya_arisa #2
Chapter 33: nice story, eventhough i hate the sad ending
MenaYifan #3
Chapter 32: WTF!!!!!!! Hat kind of ending was this?!!!?!?!?not to be mean....it's good and all but....Why!?
Sfivanyang #4
I was like wtf is going on ? The previous chapter was all over the rainbow and then BAM ! ..... I have nothing to say no more .... I don't feel happy with this ending ....
leebeelin #5
Chapter 32: this ending is sad..
Yoyo1014 #6
It's so cute and lovely!
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 31: Kai... is really a jerk. LOL
ILoveKDramas1 #8
Chapter 31: I Hopr THe Rest Will Find THeir Mates Too!!
Chapter 31: I'm going to miss this fanfic. This was my first fanfic and it made me like fanfictions.
Chapter 30: This was so good!:)..I genuinely enjoyed reading this story!:) Thank you for the oportunity^^