Chapter 62 – “beau palais” 1

Youngest of Pieces: Five Years in History (9)

There is a yard following as long as the eye can reach, flower beds and a fountain on one side, the garden with perfectly cut bushes circulating around the big palace of stone, enormous windows and every inch of it looks vintage and magical. Outside the garden the yard keeps going with short grass, a gravelled road passing through and reaches out to the forest that is the last thing you see of the yard. In the blue sky there are gray and white clouds circulating around the sun, shining up the colours of the green grass, the flower beds in red, pink and yellow and the small cobblestone pathways leading around the garden are bright in the late March sun.

A South Korean man is walking around the garden with a camera, filming the beautiful area with a light interest. He is wearing a thin wind jacket even if the sun is warming outside. His interest in the magnificent palace is long gone when he spots two girls far, far out on the yard, and he starts to walk with the camera focusing on them. The walk takes minutes, and slowly the two girls grow bigger in view and he can see that they are photographing each other with a system camera.

The girl holding the camera is standing with her back towards him, but her long honey brown hair is shining in the sun, her bare and thin pale legs are wearing a pair of sneakers that seem to be too big for her and she is wearing a loose cardigan over what could be a short dress underneath. The other girl, both of them Europeans, is happily embracing the sun for the camera, she too wearing a loose cardigan but hers is closed to hide what is underneath, only bare legs seen in what seems to be her own shoes, but you can see a glimpse of a pair of tight leather shorts when she lifts her arms up in the air. The biggest difference meeting her today compared to a few days ago is that the medium blonde hair colour is now pastel pink, all long with heavy curls, matching her fair skin colour and her fierce and edgy make-up.

“What are you two doing?” the camera-man asks in Korean, and Emelia turns around to look at him. She is wearing a gorgeous silver corset fringe dress under the cardigan, so short that she is wearing matching hot pants underneath that barely are visible unless you know she has them; she looks like a gorgeous lady.

“We are enjoying the beautiful scenery and killing time,” Emelia answers in perfect Korean, giving him a look at the pictures she has taken of Hannah and of the scenery.

“Where are we now?” he asks her.

Hannah smiles behind Emelia. “In France,” she answers.

“We are currently in France filming the music video for our 4th album,” Emelia starts to professionally give the information but the smile in her face can not hide just how excited they are, just how much they are enjoying the change of scenery, “This location is a little outside of Paris, and it is a beautiful palace we are filming the video at as you can see right over there, it is massive and we are loving every minute of being here. It is a beautiful country and this palace seems to fit our concept perfectly too so we think it will turn out well for the album.”

The camera-man is smiling over how talkative Emelia is; the charismatic rapper of 5 Pieces seems to be in a very good mood, and he takes advantage of that by asking about their hair colours. Hannah is fast to shake her head for her locks to fly back and forth.

“5 Pieces are going on a different concept than usual this year. For our pre-single, everyone went blonde,” Emelia says and touches her hair, “now I have gotten it darker… and Hannah here,” she turns around to look at Hannah playing with her hair, “has for the first time dyed her hair for our promotions. All of us love it.”

“I love it,” Hannah laughs and starts to jump around, Emelia fast to join her and they starts singing their song and jumping around together, hand in hand on the wide grass.

When 5 Pieces arrived in France they spent the first day in the practice-room, that evening going to a hair saloon to prepare their styles with new hair-colours and cuts. And the second day they went with their crew to this palace out in nowhere, half the time just gaping and looking around with amaze, most of the time just getting hair/make-up and clothes done and a small time filming for the music video. They spent the night, half of it filming the music video and the other half getting some rest before they got up to keep filming. It is day two of the music video filming now, after lunch, and the two girls were told they have more than three hours to wait for their filming so they went out and have been walking around in the garden and on the grass, taking pictures and just enjoying the sun and scenery.

As if the camera-man who is filming for the making of knew what time it was, he is with the two ladies when someone from the garden is calling for them. He is in fact calling for Hannah to go to the make-up, but all of them go. It is Manager Kim who leads Hannah to one of the rooms that they use as a dressing- and make-up room; one side filled with clothes for 5 Pieces and one side with mirrors and tables filled with make-up and accessories, stylists circulating the room to fix things and someone grabs Hannah’s hand right away to place her in a chair to fix hair and make-up.

Emelia turns around by the door, shaking a finger to the camera.

“No camera’s allowed; ladies room,” she says and gives a wink before laughing and closing the door between them.

Hannah is making faces to stylist Mi Young while getting her red lipstick on, making the stylist laugh and her self too. Everyone are in good moods filming the music video. It is exciting, something new, and they love the place they are at.

The palace has been renovated with time for tourists to come visit, but it stays classic with marble floor, beautiful golden walls filled with mosaics, archways and doors looking like the walls, high ceiling and a lot of open space with wide hallways and halls big enough for a ball to be held. Crystal chandelier are hanging everywhere in every room, in the halls there is one hanging down from the highest ceiling every fifth meter and every crystal chandelier Hannah has seen has been bigger than her embrace. Everything is massive, the chairs and tables and furniture all matches to the rooms in golden and white or brown.

Hannah is wearing a pair of y and tight leather shorts with a high waist, leather belt and zipper details makes it look really hot and she wears a leather black cropped top to it, revealing two inches of her rips – leather, tight and black. She is wearing stockings underneath over-the-knee leather high heels and a leather captain hat, finishing the leather outfit with red lips, edgy make-up, and long pink pastel hair. Hannah looks taken from a real club live performance, which is also what she is supposed to be.

Hannah covers herself under the cardigan when she is told to go to the set, the camera-man filming making of stalks behind her, making Hannah shyly laugh when being asked about the concept.

They are filming two music videos, one for [Girls Power] and one for [POWER UP], and also teasers for their comeback. Though [Girls Power] won’t be filmed until day five or six, the music video for [POWER UP] will have a drama version of it. All songs and scenes are linked into a story, and that is why Hannah is in this outfit now as the outfit is for her teaser video. It will also appear in the scene she will film now.

Hannah meets the director and staff in the entrance hall, with two stairs leading up to the main hall. Everything looks like it belongs in a palace where kings and queens live; everything is so graceful and massive, while Hannah walks around in leather clothes. She smiles when greeting a French model/actor who will act in the video with them, and when shaking his hand he introduces himself in English, introducing himself as Edmond in a French accent – he says his whole name but that is all she catches up on. Maria is also there, having a lot of questions to him.

“You’re twenty-two?” Maria sounds shocked when hearing he is a year older than them.

“Yes… Why? Do I look older?” he laughs with his accent, reminding Hannah of popular high school guys with a lot of confidence. He is tall and handsome with dark Edward Cullen hairstyle, a nice face and thin lips, but he looks much younger.

“No, definitely not, you look to be eighteen or something,” Maria shakes her head. Hannah agrees.

He laughs at them praising his young look. “We look to be of the same age then,” he tells them and the ladies laugh this time. They talk for just a few minutes before they start to go through the scene. The director explains to them, having a French translator to Edmond and Hannah is nodding, thinking of this as serious work. She will be acting – she knows how to act.

The main concept of the music videos for this comeback is a sort of classic club with live music and performances of female dancers, where 5 Pieces are part of the crew – dancing and waitressing. For the drama version of [POWER UP], Hannah’s boyfriend will take her outside to say she embarrass him when he comes there with his friends and she is performing or working, and that is the scene they will film now.

Hannah and Edmond walk up to almost the top of the stairs to do their part, going through what to say to each other in English and the producer is listening to them intensely, wanting the acting to be shown in their faces and body-language as they will just for the music video mostly just show the two of them fighting without really hearing what they say. Hannah finds it awkward. When he does his part, the camera focusing on him and she is just responding in the background, she can smile and look away when saying her lines, but when the cameras are turned to her she just smiles and gets lost in how to react. Maria is down the stairs, watching them and waiting for her turn. Hannah has changed her cardigan to a silk robe, the stylist had put it on when going through the lines and making sure to tie it around the waist while showing the leather underneath to make people understand it is taken after a performance.

They do a take of Hannah, and she puts her hands on her hip to talk back to him but bites on to her lip and tries to hide a smile.

“Cut,” the director says and Hannah starts laughing.

“I’m sorry,” she tells them all. “I don’t know what to do with my hands. Should I have them on my hip or should I fly around with them or-”

She laughs even more when the staff starts laughing at her saying ‘fly around’.

“Have them on your hip if you want to, do what’s natural,” the PD tells her with a big smile, almost chuckling and Hannah apologizes to Edmond in English before gathering herself. The PD waits for a few seconds before asking if she is ready and Hannah nods.

When they came to France, Hannah had no idea she was the main role in the drama. She didn’t even know they were having a French guy featuring until they came to set yesterday and the PD was talking about it.

Hannah is smiling when the making of camera-man walks up to them, Edmond standing a few meters away perfecting his make-up and Mi Young is helping Hannah with hers. “He is my co-star,” Hannah tells the camera in a low voice, smiling at the camera-man who is filming Hannah from the side to capture Edmond in the back. “Maria fancies his French accent.”

“He is handsome,” the camera-man comments, wanting her to comment on that and it makes Hannah’s smile to grow.

“He is handsome,” Hannah nods in agreement, thinking of Jonghyun though, and she continues to smile when Mi Young is heard holding her laughter. “But I’m awkward around him. I think Maria would have done the part better than me, because she is more comfortable around guys.”

“You aren’t comfortable around guys?”

She shyly smiles and shakes her head, laughing when the camera-man looks to not believe her. “Don’t look like that as if I am lying to you,” Hannah laughs at the camera-man, “I’m standing in leather clothes in front of a handsome man I only met an hour ago, it is awkward.” She laughs when walking over to continue the filming.

The camera-man walks over to where Maria is watching from a distance, asking what she thinks of the acting going on and the co-star. Maria is hugging her own arms, eyes focused on the acting when whispering;

“He is super handsome, and Hannah is adorable. She is too happy that she looks good in her pastel hair that she can’t stop laughing… I think that’s the reason anyway, I’m not sure… But Hannah is the actress in 5 Pieces, so just like she is doing now; once she gets in character, she is mind-blowing.” Maria sounds like she is just focusing on the acting up the stairs, not interest at all in what she is saying because Hannah has finally got into character.

Maria looks great. She has an edgy make-up too, her lips are in a dark red colour and she is wearing a short blonde wig, standing ready to when her little part is. Maria’s role is to catch the fight from a distance, and when Edmond storms off after Hannah telling him it is all the ladies walking up to Hannah to say “We’ll show what he takes for granted,” and take Hannah’s hand. After doing most parts they just wait for all the ladies to arrive, barely greeting Edmond before they do the part and finishes up to prepare for the next scene.

As soon as they are done, Hannah asks the PD if she can go change, and he tells her to go so Hannah is in a hurry to get back to the dressing-room.

“You are going to have to get used to that kind of outfit,” stylist Yong Hyun says when following her back to the room, knowing she is in a hurry to get out of the clothes.

“No rush, Oppa,” Hannah smiles at him. “If I gain weight, I won’t be able to wear this, you know that right?”

He walks with her inside the room, laughing at her comment and they can hear Emelia laugh further behind them too. “First of all, Hannah, I am pretty sure you will not manage to gain weight. And secondly, if you gain weight just to not have to wear that, I am all in and will prepare a bigger size for you.”

The clothes are gorgeous, ever single part of them, but Hannah has never, ever, ever worn anything like this before. Fitting leather outfits; it does not make your skin feel good afterwards. She isn’t even sweating but the leather makes it sweaty, but the good part is that both the shorts and the cropped top have a zipper, so after getting that down it is easier to just pull and it’s off.

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It is a completely different style, no leather or edgy make-up but instead 5 Pieces gets dressed in pretty dresses. The first to film the making of camera out in the entrance hall is Carolina, a lady who has made a huge transformation this time. Her hair has been dyed from bronde to deep red, she looks gorgeous and more mature than ever in the shoulder-length, styled to be in perfect position and when the camera-man walks up to her she is waving the -coloured strapless hi-low dress lightly back and forth.

“We are dressed nicely for this scene,” Carolina tells the camera-man brightly. “Feeling pretty… we will make a really grand entrance in a limousine, being photographed as if we were walking the red carpet… And now we are going to film what happens after that, when everyone is entering this beautiful place and Hannah will have a cool moment with the co-star. I haven’t talked to him, but Maria seems to like him.”

“You say that just because I am here,” Maria says, walking up a little behind Carolina, her wig is away so the thin sunny blonde hair has been beautifully styled, wearing the same kind of dress as Carolina but in pink. All the ladies have the same dress but in different colours; Emelia is in blue, Hannah in white and Julia in peach.

“Maria likes it when we talk about her,” Carolina tells the camera-man.

“Because I’m fabulous,” Maria gives a pose by Carolina’s shoulder before walking off.

Carolina smiles at the camera. “Her confidence fits this comeback concept,” Carolina comments. “Which is good. Our leader takes on the leader role. 5 Pieces will show a lot of new things for our fourth album, we hope our fans will look forward to it.”

It is different to actually be on set and see how it might turn out like rather than sweating in the practice-room, wearing sweats and just trying to imagine yourself pulling the whole concept off. Carolina is almost convinced. It hasn’t been any dancing scene yet, so you can’t know.

Starting to film the part, you can see 5 Pieces in the centre walking through a crowd of well-dressed people giving them admiring glances. It is a mix of Asians and Europeans, mostly Koreans and French – French hired for this and Korean dancers, mostly – and among them is Edmond, wearing a olive coloured suit and his hair styled back with gel, brown shoes. He is standing with his friends, the camera filming from a distance and moves around to first film 5 Pieces from the front and then turn around them to capture him standing with his friends on the side looking at them with this proud look as if saying “that is my girlfriend”. In the role for the drama version, he will have complained about her work and all that but when the night comes and all the attention is on 5 Pieces, he sees her in a pretty dress and all the admiring eyes, he will get proud and confident and stand next to her. They film up closer when he takes Hannah’s arm to take her to the side (everything is done in parts, a few minutes in between to just check if they need to re-do and let the stylists give a touch on their looks) and whispers in her ear that he knew she could look good enough for him.

In two takes, Hannah scoffs and gapes at him.

“You think I did this for you?” she asks and takes a step back, letting him see her full body in that pretty dress. “Don’t flatter yourself. You didn’t have the patience to see all my charms, now you lost your chance.”

With a final, teasing smile (that the PD even applauds for, saying it is done in one take), Hannah walks away from him with the other guests looking after her with admiration and he just gapes after her, loosing his face for being turned down. He touches his collar and glances around in hope no one caught what happened and then walks off like a little boy. The ladies love it. They laugh when watching the takes together, commenting on this and that. It is funny with the face-expressions, and it should be. The PD seems very pleased. Hannah likes how it stood on the papers for the scene “he is quickly next to her, smiling at the cameras and the attention she gets”. Somehow, she just keeps thinking of that specific line.

The making of camera keeps capturing 5 Pieces taking pictures during the days. Now too, they pose together in the entrance hall, standing closely together and looking both tall and pretty with their stylist taking the pictures, borrowing Emelia’s system camera. During the days 5 Pieces are constantly seen taking pictures of themselves in the different outfits, often with their own cell phones or with Emelia’s system camera – they are fascinated by their own looks, it is great.

“It isn’t the most professional camera, but I am the most fond of it,” Emelia tells the camera-man when he mentions that she is often seen with that camera. “I have three different cameras with me, but this one makes the best pictures.”

“Who looks the best in the pictures?” the camera-man asks her.

Emelia smirks at him, taking a small step back. “It’s me, isn’t that obvious?” she jokes and laughs with the camera-man when he asks what they are going to do now. “We …” she takes a look around in the entrance hall, so massive and beautiful, “we are waiting to go out and shoot our glorious entrance. Are you coming out with us?”

He nods and Emelia smiles at him, her smile disappears when Carolina walks up to her. “There is a plot twist,” she comes up with on the spot, “Maria steals the boyfriend and they live happily ever after.”

“The plot twist should be that-” Emelia is cut off by their stylist suddenly putting her fingers on Emelia’s lips to fix her make-up, and Carolina laughs brightly.

“That’s the plot twist, living happily ever after. And Hannah will be happy dancing in leather ever after,” Carolina is laughing behind her hand, her whole face laughing and she hits her other hand on her leg while Emelia is just making a grimace to the camera-man, letting him know that Carolina is a little out of her mind.

“She thinks we are making a Disney story because we are in a palace,” Emelia says once she gets her lips back. Before following Carolina to walk over to the others, she whispers to the camera, shaking her finger; “This is not your typical love story, no, no.”

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It has gotten dark outside, the sun long gone during their indoor filming and the sky darker because of the darker clouds circulating. Big lamps have been put up for the filming, cameras and equipment is quickly filling the place and further on the side it is a limousine waiting for the filming. The people that had been inside; dressed up handsomely and pretty for the filming, have come outside and are taking their positions to continue. There are photographers there now too for the filming, holding old-style cameras to prepare for 5 Pieces’ “grand” welcoming. The palace is shining up in lamps, looking yellow and beautiful and huge. It is perfect for the filming, as if 5 Pieces will really enter a sparkling palace, fit for their music video. After filming some outside, they notice that the palace looks animated on camera; it is so beautiful that it looks unreal, and that makes it more special for those there, praising the palace and this experience.

It is the last scene of the night, so after spending some hours outside for the grand welcoming, everyone head inside to get some rest and sleep.

Because it is a tourist location, bathrooms and kitchen works. Most things in the palace are vintage and have to be used with care, but the bathroom and kitchen has been renovated to be used by tourists visiting, so the kitchen is filled with boxes of food and the few tourist bathrooms are occupied once the night is welcomed by the staff and crew. 5 Pieces remove their make-up and gets to wear sweatpants, cardigans and blankets when getting one of the bedrooms, sharing a king size bed and an uncomfortable vintage sofa. Not that they can sleep much. They are taking pictures, talking, dancing, laughing whenever their manager peeks inside the room, looking through old pictures of themselves to compare hair and childish expressions… Carolina fall asleep first, in the middle of their fun they see Carolina is just laying there on the bed behind Julia.

“When did you have long hair?” Maria asks Julia after seeing Julia share a picture of herself with “long” hair on Instagram; shoulder-long hair.

“Two years ago- No, in 2011?” Julia wonders.

“You never had looong hair,” Maria tells her.

“Not Emelia-long, but for me it was long.”

Hannah just lies down on the bed they are all sitting on, looking out at the big bedroom with high ceiling and vintage furniture, yellow and gold walls… She hurries up on her feet and runs off to the enormous window when seeing something, staring out in the dark.

“It’s raining…”

“What are you saying? Speak up,” Maria laughs at the youngest speaking in a low voice over by the window.

“It’s raining,” Hannah answers.

“Good thing we are done with all the outdoor shooting then,” Maria yawns and lies down on her back.

“We got a photo shoot in the day though,” Emelia tells her, standing up on her knees to lie down on a pillow. Hannah smiles at the members lying down in a mess on the bed. Carolina is lying along one side, head lightly on a pillow, Julia has lied down like a dog on the side with her by Carolina’s legs and lying in a C-shape towards the centre of the bed where Maria is lying, taking out the most space lying at the centre of the bed with her legs over Emelia’s who is calmly lying at the other end. “Hannah, go get my camera. It’s over there.”

Hannah does as she is told, and she takes a bunch of random pictures of the ladies, who are times are posing with a hand or foot in the air, Julia turns around to make a funny grimace and when Hannah gets closer it gets funnier because she holds the camera up above the bed until she even steps up to stand over them, the girls laughing and posing.

“That’s sick,” Emelia laughs when Hannah shows a picture she has taken.

Hannah sits down by the pillows, between Emelia and Maria, not having space to lie down but she has her back against the wall and it is comfortable enough for her. While they are talking in low voices, slowly the ladies drifting into sleep, Hannah is looking through the hundreds of pictures they have taken, smiling at each one of them.

They get to sleep for just a few hours before they are woken up (Hannah and Emelia are woken up) by a knock on the door. Hannah is still sitting up, lifting up her head to look over at the door where Manager Kim is standing.

“There is thunder coming this way, so they said we can’t start shooting until it has passed,” Manager Kim tells them. “The photo shoot will start in a few hours, so you can rest until we come get you for that. Make sure to tell the sleeping ladies too – I leave some flashlights here for you.”

Emelia says she will tell the ladies and lies back down again when Manager Kim leaves. Hannah yawns, stretching out her arms and legs as much as she can without touching the others. She tries to look around for a clock, not seeing one, and glances towards the windows on the same wall she is sitting by. It is dark gray and raining out there; she has no idea of what time it is, not even sure if she has slept or just slumbered a bit. She can see Emelia look at the cell phone she has been holding in her hand, mumbling something to herself before getting up. Emelia sees Hannah awake and says that she is going to the bathroom a little quick, stopping her steps when Hannah starts to crawl out of bed to go with her. They both grab a warm jacket to stay warm in the morning coldness of the old palace.

They don’t say a word, both quietly waking up when going to the bathroom together with their own flashlight, and on the way back they can hear low voices echo in the hallway. Like usually, Emelia is curious to find the source while Hannah just wants to go back to the bed.

In one of the smaller rooms, a big bunch of Korean staff members are sleeping. There are mattresses laid out and they are lying tightly together to stay warm, some of them are sitting up in one part of the room, playing a game of cards and eating snacks with candles lightening up their faces like ghosts. When spotting the two ladies by the door they say some polite ‘good morning’ and ask if they want to join. Emelia wants to join the game, while Hannah just sits down – she is still not awake so she just follows quietly.

They sit there playing cards for a while before everyone starts to listen. Thunder. They can hear it roar outside, the rain falling wildly. Emelia smirks when seeing how everyone is stopping their movements at each thunder.

“It would fit perfect with a ghost story telling now,” Emelia jokes and puts down a card when it is her turn.

“Don’t do that,” one of the guys grimaces, “I hate ghosts. This place is creeping me out.”

“I think it’s beautiful,” Emelia says.

“We should gather everyone when we are eating later and just cosy it up and tell ghost stories,” another staff member jokes. “That is if the weather still is like this.”

Because of the rain and thunder, they are not allowed to continue the filming. But a photo shoot is alright; the photographer will arrive with his crew, taking equipment with them to be able to work without causing any power outtake. According to the internet and sources from Paris, they are told by the French staff that the thunder will go on for a while, so while waiting for the photo shoot crew to arrive, the ladies are just hanging out with their staff. Just like they joked when playing card games, when everyone gathers to eat among the candles, they are telling stories (it’s not scary though the setting is perfect because they are eating and laughing and joking at the same time). It is difficult to scare a crowd of over fifty people. They even fool around in the corridors with each other, making ghostly sounds to those coming back from the bathroom.

That’s how their morning goes like; trying to scare people. With the lack of light, the crew can’t even prepare for the filming, so everyone has too much spare time to joke around with each other. Carolina just eats and then goes to hide in the room, taking stylist Mi Young with her because both of them seem to be terrified to be joked around with the way everyone is acting ghostly and creeping up on each other in the hallways. Hannah has a blast with the members. She and Julia walk around making the weirdest laughs to try scare people, but everyone just ends up laughing hearing its them, beside from stylist Yong Hyun who right before was scared by another staff member walking out from the bathroom.

“Stop it!” he cries out in a light voice. “It’s not fun ladies!”

After an hour of having fun they go to get ready for the photo shoot. The photo shoot is elegant for a make-up commercial of 5 Pieces featuring the French model they have been working with for the music video; Edmond. He has also witnessed the ghostly palace in the morning, not eating with the others but when walking in the hallway he can hear others pulling pranks on each other because of the weather and beautiful place they are in.

Hannah and Emelia are lying on their backs in the bed, their long hair hanging down over the edge for Julia to take pictures of them. Hannah covers her face though her bare face won’t be seen in the picture because the focus is on their hair, and both of them are moving their legs after each picture, giggling at each other when lifting their feet up in the air. They are all easily entertained in France it seems like, enjoying the weather, enjoying their new hair-styles, enjoying everything. Julia has changed her hair too. Her hair was in a sandy blonde colour, a classy bob cut, but she has cut it shorter in an edgy pixie cut and dyed it in a dark blue colour, black in certain angles.

“How are we doing with our hairs after the filming?” Hannah asks them when Emelia sits up.

“What do you mean?” Emelia asks, reaching out for her camera to take a solo picture of herself. She has a basic make-up on, waiting to do the edgy one before her shoot begins – Maria is off doing her part now.

“After the filming, when we go back to Korea. The teaser won’t come out in a few weeks. It won’t be a surprise if we show it before, right?” Hannah wonders, covering her face when Emelia turns the camera around.

“We’re dying it back to blonde afterwards,” Julia answers with a shrug before she does a duck-face when Emelia focuses the system camera on her.

“Yeah, we’ll go blonde after filming to enjoy Paris for two free days and then head back to Korea to prepare the comeback with a bunch of live practice and then dye back for the comeback performances,” Emelia fills out for Hannah to understand.


As soon as the cell phone at the other end of the bed starts vibrating and calling, all three ladies gives out a shout and runs to it. Hannah laughs so loudly when Emelia is the one grabbing the phone, lying across the bed to reach for it, and the rapper answers the call while Julia hugs on to Hannah lying over the bed too, not letting the youngest grab the phone. “JONGHYUN!” Emelia & Julia shouts loudly for the loudspeaker, laughing and rolling around on bed as Hannah keeps struggling to get the phone, whining at them to give it back. Jonghyun is just laughing on the other end. They have talked on Skype two times during 5 Pieces’ time in France, so he has seen their transformations and talked to them all, and he is just laughing over how loud the girls are answering his call.

Are you having fun?” he asks when the laughter becomes chuckling on the other line.

“We are stuck indoors in the dark because it is raining and there is thunder outside but we are having a blast,” Emelia is fast to answer while Julia is covering Hannah’s mouth; Hannah and Julia are just laughing nonstop. “And right now we are laughing until we get really nice abs.”

Sounds really like fun. Are you planning on getting that as your summer hangout? It seems to fit Emelia very well if it is dark and thunder there,” Jonghyun is joking with them.

“Just as dark as my soul,” she reaches her tongue out at the ladies. “How’s Seoul? Is it boring? Do you miss your girlfriend? She doesn’t miss you. she is too busy having fun with us. Mohahahaha-”

“Emelia!” Hannah whines, by now lying on her back in the bed with Julia laughing on top of her, out of nowhere these two having a wrestling match. Jonghyun just laughs at the mess.

“Emelia,” a voice says by the door and the girls all turns to see who it is. Their manager interrupts by the door, saying Emelia is going to the make-up. Emelia mutters that the fun is over, putting the cell phone down on the bed and leaves, Julia letting Hannah roll around to take the phone and she smiles when sweetly greeting him. Their manager stays by the door for a few seconds before adding to Hannah; “Make-up in ten minutes”

Julia lies down next to Hannah to check her cell phone while Hannah walks to Jonghyun, the youngest telling some more about how it is living in a beautiful palace for the filming. She has only great things to say, Julia too when she comes with her comments.

She likes talking to him on the phone, liking the sound of his voice and everything he says even if he today wants to hear her talk. They talk for as long as possible, and half an hour later Hannah is watching the dress she will wear while she is getting her hair and make-up done.

The commercial will be simple, just for the ladies to walk down the hallway, some solo shoots of them standing here and there and a photo shoot for fashion magazines of the ladies and Edmond posing together. It is elegant and sophisticated with hair and dresses, but the make-up is edgy, focus on lips and eyes. The girls are relaxed and professional, not even worrying like the rest of the crew that the weather might pull out on the music video filming. They are enjoying the time there, the palace is beautiful. Like Carolina says in French “beau palais”

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Headline 20th: 5 Pieces Said In Japanese Interview That Their Language Skills Aren’t As Skilled As People Make It Be


Headline 21st: SHINee’s Key Says Maria Tries To Take A Fashion Item From Him Each Time They Meet


Headline 22nd: Julia Asks Fans If They Miss Her With Long Hair, Sharing Past Pictures On Instagram

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 81: Yo, it's almost time for going back to school
Could you keep uploading a chapter twice a week please?
Chapter 81: thank you for the updates.

have a nice holiday author-nim :)

figthing! ^^
I know that it's early but Merry Christmas
Could you upload this story with more chapters please
It's Christmas break!
Chapter 79: Aren't you uploading the lyrics too?
Chapter 78: All cause of me, I requested them
Chapter 74: oh! I thought this was completed already as it says earlier that it was completed... hahhahaa anyways fighting!
atowah #7
Chapter 73: Wow wonderful story ♡
I like this idea it is amazing ;)
Fighting ♥
Thank you for this such great story... I really enjoyed reading it... :)
Could you continue updating this story please, pretty please!!!
Chapter 69: another update! :) and I must say every update is worth waiting for... keep it up! fighting! :)