An amazing Panda for a best friend


*please note that the part in red is not written by me*

Seungri knocked on the door of Chaerin and Minji's apartment, and waited by the door. Minji was sitting on the sofa in her pyjamas, with a bowl of popcorn watching 'Seducing Mr Perfect'. It was near the end of the film so she was annoyed to be interrupted. She got up out of her seat and opened the door.

"Oh, it's you," she said staring blankly at him.

"Hey Minji," he said winking, "Nice pyjamas."

"Chaerin isn't here right now..."

"It doesn't matter I want to see you anyway.."

"Oh.... alright, I'm watching a film..."

"Great, I'll join you then."


They both sat down on the sofa together. Minji, though trying to sit as far away from him as possible, she had never liked him very much. She passed over the bowl of popcorn to him, "Popcorn?"

"Umm, yeah thanks."

They sat in an awkward silence, not speaking at all but just eating popcorn.

"Oh, I love this bit, it's so romantic."

Daniel Henney: "Wait. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. If I ever hurt you in any way. I am truly sorry. I sincerely mean that. You've brought me nothing but good fortune. You're more than worthy of any man's love. You're more beautiful than any woman I have ever met in my life..."

Seunghyun looked at her, he wondered if he would ever be able to confess his love for her, he'd always felt guilty for loving her before, but now, now she was single. He just wanted so much for her to be his girl, he wanted to hold her in his arms and never let go. She was the girl who would make him give up anything, even music. She was just so perfect for him but she had no idea. He knew he would be able to make her so happy.

When the film ended, they started to talk to each other.

"So, what did you do yesterday, the usual. Partying and gambling?" Minji said.

"No, actually me and well uh....."

"It's alright you can say his name."

"Me and Daesung went to the dance studio and practiced."

"Oh right, ok.."

"Minji, I want to ask you something. Do you still love him?"

"Well... yes of course. I can't just drop my feelings away can I? I loved him and I thought, honestly I thought he was the one. I can't imagine anyone else making me feel as happy as he did."

"Ah, so you really love him?" 

His heart sank, the woman he loved still loved his best friend. Perhaps he could persuade Daesung to date her again, he hated to see her in pain, he only wanted her to be happy.

"Mmmmm... yeah."

"Minji there's something I want to tell you," he said looking seriously at her.

He was going to confess, yes he could do this, he owed it to himself.

"Ever since I met you, I've...."

Chaerin burst through the front door crying and ran into her room.

"OMG, oh no she saw Teddy..." Minji said getting out of her seat and running to her room.

"But I uh... need to tell you.."



Minji walked into her room. Chaerin was sitting on the floor leaning against her bed and crying. Minji sat next to her and hugged her.

"Chaerin, what's wrong?"

"He said that he didn't like me, that he could never like me."

"I''m sorry."

"I just feel like my hearts completely broken, he's my world and I can never have him."

"Chaerin, do you want me to bring in Panda?"

Chaerin nodded wiping away her tears. Minji hugged her and went to get Seunghyun.

Seunghyun came and sat next to her and put his arm around her, he hated seeing her crying.

"Hey Princess," he said softly.

Chaerin smiled slightly as the tears streamed down her face.

"Chaerin, what's wrong?"

She rested her head on his shoulder and said, "The only guy I've ever loved will never be mine, that's what's wrong."

"You'll fall in love again, don't worry."

"But, what if I don't and he's the one for me? What if no one ever loves me?"

"Don't be stupid. You're my beautiful girl alright? How can people not love you? You're amazing. And guess what? You have something that no one else has."

"What's that?"

"An amazing Panda for a best friend," he said smiling.

Chaerin smiled and cuddled him, "Panda's very warm," she said another tear falling from her eye.

"Trust me Chaerin, you're going to be very happy, I'm sure of it. And I will always stand by you forever, through anything, I'll be here till the end, so you don't have to worry about being alone." He said kissing her forehead affectionately.

"I'll always be there for you too, forever."


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Still rooting for skydragon~ XP Seungri, mianhe...
Chapter 31: I was rooting for SkyDragon too. But then that'll leave SeungRi alone again which I was feeling bad for throughout the whole MinDae catastrophe.
Chapter 31: Omg cute ririn~
But I thought It will be a skydragon? Well I hope so kkk please update soon author-nim...
BurningDown #4
Chapter 31: Please update author-nim! I am really enjoying this story.
Oh, and congrats on the random feature the other day! You deserve it ^^
Infinite_8 #5
congratulations in getting a random feature (:
Infinite_8 #6
congratulations in getting a random feature (:
congrats on getting randomly featured :)
Im your 100 subscriber. What do I win?
congrats on the random feature(: