

Chaerin and Lee Seunghyun were walking back from their shopping trip.

"We've got some great stuff," Chaerin said happily, "I can't wait to wear these clothes and see you in the clothes I picked out for you."

"Well, it'll be interesting at least when I try on these clothes, very interesting." 

"You know you like them really!" 

"Yeah, sure I love them," he said in a patronising voice.

"Shh, you know I have the best style," she smiled. 

There was an awkward silence and they both just walked smiling for a while. Even if Seunghyun was doubting whether she was entirely truthful to him or not, there was still nowhere he would rather be and no one he'd rather be with then her.

"Chaerin, this morning we well we uh kissed," he said.

"I know," she said,"What are we going to do about that?"

He stopped walking, and said:

"Chaerin, I love you so much, you know that but I think you know as well as I do that we don't love each other like that." 

"I'm glad you said that. You know I'm in love with Teddy-oppa anyway."

"Yup, that never ending obsession with the famous Teddy Park, I have heard about that."

"So, friends?" she held out her hand to shake his.

"Yes," he said, shaking her hand, "Friends, friends forever."

"Ah Seungri, you're so cheesy," she smiled, "But yes forever sounds good." 

"Come on, then lets get going," he took her hand and held it.

"Alright," she said starting to walk again.

"Wait is that your phone beeping?" he said.

"Oh yeah, wait... umm," she tried looking through her handbag but it was pretty hard with one hand. "Other hand?"

"What, huh? Oh..." he said letting go of her hand.

"Oh I got it," she said finding her phone, "Now messages... hmm it's from Minji, She's probably texting me about Da... Oh no.."

"What is it?" he said.



Daesung broke up with me. He didn't give any reason, he just said that he didn't love me anymore. I really need to talk to you, come home soon!

Love you xx


"Oh, but since when... why, I thought he loved her," Seunghyun said.

"I thought so too. So he didn't talk to you about this?"

"He never talks to me about anything nowadays... Maybe he's in love with someone else?"

"No he couldn't be, there isn't anyone else..." 

"What if he's in love with you?"

"Don't be ridiculous Seunghyun, we barely even talk anymore."

"I don't know then. You better get back, we're only a few minutes a way now. I'll talk to Daesung and see what he says and you go talk to Minji, alright?"

"Sure, sounds like a plan."


Minji was sitting at the kitchen table with her head laying in a pool of tears. Chaerin ran through the door, breathing heavily.

"Minji, sorry, I got here as soon as I could."

"It's fine, you're here now," she lifted her head of the table and smiled.

Chaerin came and sat on the seat next to her, "I'm really sorry. I don't understand why he even... You're just amazing, how could he even consider dumping you."

"He just stopped loving me, he said that he was sorry but he just didn't feel the same way."

"What an idiot. How can he just stop loving you like that?"

"I'm the idiot, I'm the one who fell head over heels in love with him."

"Don't ever say that, you fell in love with him it's not your fault. It's his because he lead you on. Now, let's not cry over him, look on the bright side, you're now single and you can go chase after Usher."

Minji smiled, "Thanks, you can always cheer me up."

"And also we have the performance tomorrow which we are going to be amazing at, you can show Daesung what he's missing."

"True," Minji hugged Chaerin, "At least that's something to look forward to."


"Daesung, why did you break up with her?" Seunghyun said.

"I just don't love her anymore. I don't know, maybe I never really loved her before. I think I was just lying to myself."

"But you were such a perfect couple," he said.

"No, we never really argued, true. We could always make each other smile, true again but she's not a woman who I could spend the rest of my life with, she's just a friend, that's all."

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Still rooting for skydragon~ XP Seungri, mianhe...
Chapter 31: I was rooting for SkyDragon too. But then that'll leave SeungRi alone again which I was feeling bad for throughout the whole MinDae catastrophe.
Chapter 31: Omg cute ririn~
But I thought It will be a skydragon? Well I hope so kkk please update soon author-nim...
BurningDown #4
Chapter 31: Please update author-nim! I am really enjoying this story.
Oh, and congrats on the random feature the other day! You deserve it ^^
Infinite_8 #5
congratulations in getting a random feature (:
Infinite_8 #6
congratulations in getting a random feature (:
congrats on getting randomly featured :)
Im your 100 subscriber. What do I win?
congrats on the random feature(: