The Love of the Devil, Luhan
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Long chapter ahead. I suggest you to not skip any parts so that you won't be confused.

Confused? Explanation at the end of the chapter.

Two days.

Those were the days where I was unconscious. I haven’t heard anything from my eleven friends. Nobody showed up to me since the silent war. No one. No angels, no demons.

And as painful as it is, there’s no Jihyun.

Right now, I’m looking blankly at the unfamiliar white ceiling, processing everything that had happened.

The war has ended before everyone even knew it was starting. The war has ended without even me moving a finger to save Jihyun, to save my friends. I became a puppet of my father. My father possessed me. I became a puppet of that King, without knowing what’s happening.

I can still remember that time when he possessed my body. The transfer of his evil soul was too excruciating as if I was being stabbed. But what my father didn’t know was that before I even allowed him to take me, to take my body, Kris had put a spell on me that greatly took almost all of his energy. He was almost drained after putting the spell on me.

He had put a spell on me so that our father can’t harm me in any ways. The spell was to put me in safety, that no matter what our father will pull onto me, I’ll be protected with his spell. It was before he took me to hell. Before we went to hell, he told me what our relationship really was. That he and I are brothers. He also told me about the truth behind our mother’s death. I was shocked and angered by hearing the truth. The truth that Kris lied to me when he showed me that it was Jihyun who killed our mother. But more than that, I was highly disgusted by our father’s sly moves.

I want to ask more but he refused to give me more information about the relationship of our mother and that demon because like what he had said, Jihyun needs me, us, more at the moment.

And just like what I’ve said about Kris, draining out himself for me, before we had even stepped one foot in the dungeon, he was easily knocked out by someone who’s emitting this dangerous and powerful aura. When I looked up at that moment, I was surprised—‘surprised’ is even an understatement. There stood in front of me was a perfect replica of me. I demanded who he was but he refused to tell me, instead, he just gave me a dark chuckle which brought shivers to my body.

A dark and evil chuckle coming out from my mouth.

He snapped his fingers and I felt as if a rope was tied around my body, holding me back from moving. The next thing I knew was that I was being lifted and headed to somewhere. I was supposed to be the one who’s commanding and doing these things to this clone of mine but I found myself weak at the moment. I found myself unable to move, as if I’m paralyzed. I can’t deny that this clone really is powerful. Maybe even powerful than me.

He stopped. I stopped and was put on the ground. I heard his dark and evil chuckle once again before he talked. I didn’t react. I didn’t want to react but he said some lines between killing my princess. And guess what? There’s only one princess in my life, Jihyun. In reflex, I immediately looked up and saw her pale beautiful face and cuffed wrist above her head. If it wasn’t even enough, her neck was also cuffed onto the wall by some strong poisonous cuffs. My heart was as if being pinched—no, it was being hammered by the sight of Jihyun like this. She isn’t supposed to be in that place. She isn’t supposed to be having a hard time. I wanted to approach her and release her from the cuffs and after beat the culprit for it who’s obviously this clone before me but it was no use. Like I said, my body was like paralyzed. I am imaginary tied.

The clone told me to accept the title of the King but if it was Jihyun whom I have to kill for the price of that title the no, I won’t do it. I didn’t even want to be the King in the first place. I refused the offer of being the King right in front of this clone and his face was contorted with disgust, madness and all expressions that tells me that he really does not take no for an answer.

I knew he was testing me the moment he moved to Jihyun and pierced her neck with his long claws and I was ashamed of myself.

I was ashamed that I gave up.

I think I lost consciousness that time because the next thing I knew was that I was woken up on the unfamiliar red velvety bed I’ve never seen and in a room I’ve never been that looks like it was inspired with the Victorian period due to the design.

I wanted to get off and I tried to get off the bed the moment I remembered Jihyun but my body felt suddenly heavy and then I heard a familiar voice. I’ve hear it more than a couple of times whenever I’ve had a dream that is quite related to this war. I’ve heard it before: the voice of my father. It was the same exact voice he heard in his dreams, the only difference is that it’s clearer and it didn’t seem any more distant now.

He offered me to be the King—which remind me of my clone and after observing him and knowing how powerful he is, I realized that he can make a clone of me and that he’s the same demon who offered me the title of the King.

Jihyun’s always been my weakness that’s why upon knowing what he might do, I surrendered myself to him, trusting everything Kris had given me.

I was aware of what was happening to my body. Upon being announced that the King has died and that I’m actually the killer and now, the King, this demon who possessed my body did what a King has to do. The demon that possessed me—which is probably my father—still ruled the Kingdom and the earth, killing everyone who makes mistakes, killing any human that my eyes will see. He was the one doing everything and I was a bystander.

My soul was locked up and his soul that possessed me kept my body moving.

Like I said, I was a bystander. I saw how many people, demons, angels he had killed—I can’t even count it anymore. I wanted to close my eyes but he kept it open for me to see it and suffer in the process; and for him to enjoy it.

I felt tired. I was sickened to my whole body for everything that was happening. Finally, I had slept. I was put to sleep by something, someone—I don’t even know anymore and in that dream was the very dream I don’t want to ever happen in my whole life.

Jihyun was telling me to stop being controlled by my father, to come with her but like how I was in front of Jihyun’s body in the dungeon—when my father hasn’t possessed me yet—I was helpless. I want to run so badly to her and embrace her. I want to tell her I’m sorry for not protecting her well, tell her that I love her but my voice was stuck inside me, my foot was frozen in place. I was helpless and I felt ashamed.

In front of the girl I love, I was helpless, useless.

She told me to stop everything. I thought back the things I’ve done but suddenly, I can’t remember what I should stop. As if on cue, she told me that I should stop killing people, that I should stop the war. I still wondered what she was telling me to stop doing because the last time I checked, I’ve done nothing.

And it hit me.

I’ve done nothing.

I’ve done nothing.

I’ve done completely…nothing.

Jihyun was in the verge of death in that dungeon but I did nothing to save her. I was possessed by my father; I refused but didn’t fight enough against my father’s desires. I watched people being killed by my own hands—with the control of my father—I watched how he destroyed the world, yet, I didn’t do anything.

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nanayeolxx #1
Chapter 55: this fic is so beautiful the pure love its 3 am and ive finished reading it ksjejwjssj
Taemin22 #2
Chapter 55: This story is perfect, it's not an ending were they end up together but the impact is really strong because they didn't end up with a happily ever after
I'm crying so much T.T
Chapter 55: This story is just so beautiful ;;
Chapter 55: I AM crying right now it just so sad , well atleast he won't suffer anymore
Chapter 55: Sobs hard ;AAAAA; how did u make luhan die like that authornim?? Too much sad ;;;;;;;;;; ugggghhh thanks for write the official ending of this story :))))
Chanchaniee #7
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
Chanchaniee #8
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 55: T_T haaahaaa sobbing. ..sad that he left his brothers but at least he can rest now and I will think as he will meet jihyun and be together :D
kaylalukman #10
Chapter 55: OMG, even though this isn't the ending I imagined it would be, I still freakin' love it! I love how you made the ending different from other stories, though I can't say that this is a happy ending, it still touches my heart
I'm anticipating another fic from you ;D