The Love of the Devil, Luhan
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“I’ve been thinking…” Lay raised an eyebrow when Kyungsoo opened his mouth to talk. “Can Jihyun’s memories be recollected again?” Lay looked up from his book to Kyungsoo who was looking outside the window. “What do you mean?”

Kyugsoo put down the teacup and sat on his bed. “I actually had a talk with Baekhyun last night. Do you remember the reason why Jihyun wanted to leave Heaven the last time?”

“Because she has to talk to Baekhyun.” Lay answered and Kyungsoo nodded in return. “Because Baekhyun knows a way to at least stop the war. Her memories.” When Kyungsoo said ‘her memories’, Lay knew what Kyungsoo is leading to. He already knew Kyungsoo’s motives for choosing to talk with him and Lay’s eyes widened. “Oh no, Kyungsoo. No, I won’t do whatever you’ll ask me to.”

“But hyung! Please, help Jihyun find a way to regain her memories. Now that Suho hyung has commanded us to remove all things that can make Jihyun remember Luhan, there’s no way she’ll have her memories back.”


“Hyung, trust me on this. We all don’t want the prophecy to happen, especially now that Luhan and Jihyun are involved. They are both close to our hearts and it will crush our hearts if they both hurt themselves.”

Lay sighed knowing that what Kyungsoo’s saying is a fact. Even if the five of them has come to the Princess’ teenage life late, where they met Luhan, they have cherished each moment with the couple. They have shared jokes, laughed, ate and played together along with Luhan’s ‘cousins’ so standing by their side when they knew they could do something to prevent the worst from coming, will just add to one of their regrets in their life and they as an angels won’t manage to live a life full of regrets.

“I’ll take your suggestion into consideration.” Lay sighed for the umpteenth time that day and Kyungsoo could only send him a smile.





Jihyun woke up after a few hours of resting and upon opening her eyes, she found herself inside an unfamiliar, yet familiar room. She wandered her eyes around the room and found picture frames of mostly her, and some with Suho, on a desk on a corner. “Oh, you’re awake?”

She spun around when she heard Kyungsoo’s voice. He entered her room with a tray of meal on his hand. “Are you feeling well? Do you need Lay?” She then chuckled at Kyungsoo for she really thinks that out of all her brothers, Kyungsoo is the squishiest one. “Hey, don’t look at me like that! I know what you’re thinking about.” And Jihyun can’t help but to softly laugh at her brother. “I’m sorry, oppa. You’re just so cute with your round eyes and all.” She then composed herself again. “I’m fine, oppa and no, I don’t need Yixing oppa to heal me. You’re forgetting that I’m capable enough of healing myself, thank you.”

It was now Kyungsoo’s turn to chuckle. How silly and forgetful of him. “Oh hey, I cooked some soup for you. We were all worried about you, especially Baekhyun and Suho hyung.” He stated and Jihyun had to close her eyes to remember what took place before she fell asleep. “When you shouted Hanbin’s name, when you cried, and when you fell unconscious, we didn’t know what to do.”

And then she remembered…She remembered the memories which flashed back in her mind. The truth behind all the death of the Prince

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nanayeolxx #1
Chapter 55: this fic is so beautiful the pure love its 3 am and ive finished reading it ksjejwjssj
Taemin22 #2
Chapter 55: This story is perfect, it's not an ending were they end up together but the impact is really strong because they didn't end up with a happily ever after
I'm crying so much T.T
Chapter 55: This story is just so beautiful ;;
Chapter 55: I AM crying right now it just so sad , well atleast he won't suffer anymore
Chapter 55: Sobs hard ;AAAAA; how did u make luhan die like that authornim?? Too much sad ;;;;;;;;;; ugggghhh thanks for write the official ending of this story :))))
Chanchaniee #7
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
Chanchaniee #8
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 55: T_T haaahaaa sobbing. ..sad that he left his brothers but at least he can rest now and I will think as he will meet jihyun and be together :D
kaylalukman #10
Chapter 55: OMG, even though this isn't the ending I imagined it would be, I still freakin' love it! I love how you made the ending different from other stories, though I can't say that this is a happy ending, it still touches my heart
I'm anticipating another fic from you ;D