The Love of the Devil, Luhan
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“Jihyun! Jihyun! Are you in there?” It was the voice of Suho who was knocking on her door. It didn’t take much time for him to figure out that there is a demon around the kingdom and it scared him that the presence of that demon is very near Jihyun’s room. He continuously knocked on the door but he heard no response. He could only hear inaudible whispers in the room.

And because he was scared that the demon might come to Jihyun, he didn’t hesitate to open the door even without Jihyun’s consent.

Inside, he saw his little sister with a familiar guy. There’s Baekhyun who stood right next to his sister and fear crossed Baekhyun’s face.

Suho felt the urge to smile and greet Baekhyun since it’s been awhile since they saw each other but he decided against it when he smelled the scent and felt the stronger presence of a demon inside the room. Then a question popped into his head. What was he doing here and moreover, how did he get into the Heavens? “Suho oppa, are you looking for me?”  She asked but Suho’s gaze was still at Baekhyun whose eyes were looking somewhere else but him.

“Are you a demon, Byun Baekhyun?” It was the first time Baekhyun heard him talking with a stern voice and it scared him even though he is a demon. “Answer me.” It was a demand and he wasn’t used to this side of Suho. He only saw Suho always smiling to everyone, greeting them in the process. He only heard Suho’s soft voice whenever he talks to everyone else and he wasn’t sure if he still wants to see Suho’s eyes.

Was Suho giving him a hard and cold gaze? Or is it still the innocent and warm gaze Suho gave to them each time? Maybe it was the first option.

Soon, hurrying footsteps were heard and the other five angels that Baekhyun has been friends with were now present in the room together with two more angels. “Baekhyun?” He cringed when Xiumin called his name.

“Why is a demon inside our kingdom? Get him to the dungeon!” He looked up to the angel who commanded it and found out that it was Archangel Michael. Never would he have thought that he would be face-to-face with an archangel like him. He had only heard of archangels through his parents and just by Michael’s aura, he knew he was strong.

Baekhyun felt someone gripping him and heard his loved one’s voice, pleading Michael not to get him to the dungeon. “No, please…don’t do this to him.”

Michael seemed to be taken aback. “What? But Princess, we can’t let some demon wandering off the Heavens! For all we know, he might do something that will just hurt you in the end!” Jihyun wasn’t scared of Michael. She looked at him directly. “I know he is a demon but we could just let him go back to where he is supposed to be instead of locking him up in the dungeon just because he’s a demo

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nanayeolxx #1
Chapter 55: this fic is so beautiful the pure love its 3 am and ive finished reading it ksjejwjssj
Taemin22 #2
Chapter 55: This story is perfect, it's not an ending were they end up together but the impact is really strong because they didn't end up with a happily ever after
I'm crying so much T.T
Chapter 55: This story is just so beautiful ;;
Chapter 55: I AM crying right now it just so sad , well atleast he won't suffer anymore
Chapter 55: Sobs hard ;AAAAA; how did u make luhan die like that authornim?? Too much sad ;;;;;;;;;; ugggghhh thanks for write the official ending of this story :))))
Chanchaniee #7
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
Chanchaniee #8
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 55: T_T haaahaaa sobbing. ..sad that he left his brothers but at least he can rest now and I will think as he will meet jihyun and be together :D
kaylalukman #10
Chapter 55: OMG, even though this isn't the ending I imagined it would be, I still freakin' love it! I love how you made the ending different from other stories, though I can't say that this is a happy ending, it still touches my heart
I'm anticipating another fic from you ;D