The Love of the Devil, Luhan
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Baekhyun led the seven angels to Luhan’s residence after Jihyun requested him to. Suho didn’t want to go to Luhan’s residence for it is too risky for the Princess to go to. He suggested that the six of them can go to Luhan’s residence to check the place and how the whole crime happened but Jihyun insisted to go with them. So after a little talk with Xiumin and Lay, he agreed.

“Come in.” Baekhyun said once he unlocked the place. It was still a mess just like how he remembered it to be the last time he went there—which is when they received the news that Luhan’s mother died. The ground was still covered with a now dried blood and there were still white feathers along with it, probably an angel’s feather. The place smelled awful too, maybe because they never cleaned it up after the incident. The only thing that wasn’t there was the corpse of Luhan’s mother. “I’m sorry if it smelled awful.”

“Did they take the corpse away?”

“I don’t know.”

Chen walked towards his hyungs but stopped halfway when he sensed something behind the door in front of him. With utmost curiosity, he decided to open it and peeked, only to saw the corpse they were looking for. “J-Jihyun…Baekhyun? I-Is this—“ He didn’t dare to continue his words and went to Chanyeol’s side with fear in his eyes. “Yah Jongdae, what was it?” Chanyeol inquired but the latter was too shocked to even answer.

When Jihyun felt Chen’s heart, it was beating too loud, too fast and she, too, became curious of what’s behind the door. Without any hesitations, she rushed to the door and opened it only to see a familiar woman lying on the bed—a corpse. She knew the woman but she just can’t remember any memories of her. “Who is she?”

“The Prince’s mother.” Baekhyun muttered, confused as to why she’s still in the house. He thought that Luhan had put her into the grave or anything like that. Why…Why did Luhan left his mother in that dark room?

Suho’s jaw dropped upon seeing the familiar woman lying in front of him. The woman was a great mother figure to him and Jihyun when they were still living as a ‘normal teenager’ and he was utterly surprised to know that she’s the Prince’s mother. *She’s the Prince’s mother and she only has one son that I know. Does that mean…* “No, Mrs. Lu. No…” Everyone turned to look at him whose eyes were now teary. He rushed towards the woman and held onto her lifeless hand.

“Oppa, do you know her?” Suho stopped muttering incoherent words. Should he tell her? How will he explain who she is? “She’s a great person…she helped us before” because you were her son’s girlfriend who is apparently the Prince. Jihyun knew there was more to it but let it passed because of the hesitation in Suho’s heart. “Oppa, I have to check on her. I have to know how her death happened, who killed her…”

Lay looked at her in surprise. How will she know about the things that happened towards the corpse? *Don’t tell me she has that kind of power?* And his question was answered right after Jihyun bent down and rested her palm just on top of the corpse’s body. Her palm was glowing and she was whispering in angel’s language.

When Jihyun had finished reciting a spell, she saw events flashed before her.


“Omo, Jihyun-ah! You came again, I’m glad.” The woman smiled gently at her. “Son! Come down here, Jihyun

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nanayeolxx #1
Chapter 55: this fic is so beautiful the pure love its 3 am and ive finished reading it ksjejwjssj
Taemin22 #2
Chapter 55: This story is perfect, it's not an ending were they end up together but the impact is really strong because they didn't end up with a happily ever after
I'm crying so much T.T
Chapter 55: This story is just so beautiful ;;
Chapter 55: I AM crying right now it just so sad , well atleast he won't suffer anymore
Chapter 55: Sobs hard ;AAAAA; how did u make luhan die like that authornim?? Too much sad ;;;;;;;;;; ugggghhh thanks for write the official ending of this story :))))
Chanchaniee #7
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
Chanchaniee #8
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 55: T_T haaahaaa sobbing. ..sad that he left his brothers but at least he can rest now and I will think as he will meet jihyun and be together :D
kaylalukman #10
Chapter 55: OMG, even though this isn't the ending I imagined it would be, I still freakin' love it! I love how you made the ending different from other stories, though I can't say that this is a happy ending, it still touches my heart
I'm anticipating another fic from you ;D