The Love of the Devil, Luhan
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Luhan was seated under the big mahogany tree nearby the lake, resting. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. He was thinking too much, working up too much. He didn’t even get to rest for more than an hour. He was too restless due to the hatred he’s been feeling since the incident of his mom.

He’d definitely get the revenge he wants.

“What are you thinking?”

Instantly, he opened his eyes upon hearing that beautiful voice he didn’t know he’s longing for until now. Seating just in front of him was the girl he forgot the whole time he was carrying the anguish feeling inside him and surprisingly, he felt guilty for forgetting her. He looked at the girl in front of her who was just staring at him curiously.


“Never mind, though I can sense that you’re having a hard time?” Luhan widened his eyes. How would Jihyun know? Was he that obvious for her to know? Or as cheesy as it may sound, do their hearts connect with each other? Prince Luhan chuckled inwardly at the thought. What the hell was the Luhan, the human side, thinking?

“I can be a friend and listen to what you have.” The human side of him was tempting. It was too tempting that he wanted to open his mouth and just tell everything to the girl in front of him. He wanted to tell him who he was, what he is, what he does to live (taking woman’s souls to be stronger), the hatred…he wanted to tell it all to her but the beast inside him was stopping him from doing so.

That beast part of him was telling his other being that he shouldn’t trust this girl in front of him. That there’s no one in this world that he can trust and most of all, ignore what he’s feeling for his mother, for his friends, and to the girl in front of him. It was telling him to forget all the humanity in him.

“It’s nothing.” He finally responded and looked away.




Jihyun knew very well that this guy in front of him is a demon. She knew very well that she is taking the risk by seeing him every time she has the chance to see him. However, it didn’t stop her to be interested in him. She didn’t know why she is interested in him but every time she sees him, she just wants to stay right beside him.

She stood up and takes a seat closely beside Luhan and she motioned for him to lay his head on her lap. She saw the hesitation in his eyes but she just flashed him her smile. “There’s no harm of lying down. I just want you to feel a little bit relaxed. Don’t think of anything at the moment and just close your eyes.”

And he did.

While his head was lying on Jihyun’s lap and his eyes closed, she started to hum a song that can make him relax. It was one way of

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nanayeolxx #1
Chapter 55: this fic is so beautiful the pure love its 3 am and ive finished reading it ksjejwjssj
Taemin22 #2
Chapter 55: This story is perfect, it's not an ending were they end up together but the impact is really strong because they didn't end up with a happily ever after
I'm crying so much T.T
Chapter 55: This story is just so beautiful ;;
Chapter 55: I AM crying right now it just so sad , well atleast he won't suffer anymore
Chapter 55: Sobs hard ;AAAAA; how did u make luhan die like that authornim?? Too much sad ;;;;;;;;;; ugggghhh thanks for write the official ending of this story :))))
Chanchaniee #7
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
Chanchaniee #8
Chapter 55: T_T aaahhhh i'm crying... luhan died... aahhh daebak ! i'm speechless... i don't know i just feel hurt ... oh my God... thx for giving this official ending... :D
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 55: T_T haaahaaa sobbing. ..sad that he left his brothers but at least he can rest now and I will think as he will meet jihyun and be together :D
kaylalukman #10
Chapter 55: OMG, even though this isn't the ending I imagined it would be, I still freakin' love it! I love how you made the ending different from other stories, though I can't say that this is a happy ending, it still touches my heart
I'm anticipating another fic from you ;D