Getting the Cat Out of the Bag

His Perfect Match

Zee’s POV


The sunlight through the window woke me up so suddenly that it was as if someone hit me hard with a golf club. But when I opened my eyes it was like my head was about to split open, and it definitely isn’t caused by the sunlight coz the curtains were still drawn. That sunlight I imagined must be from this headache.

Jeez! I can’t remember the last time that my head feels like exploding like this.

            “good morning, sunshine.” Angela said in an amused voiced.

            “where did you learn that?” I asked as I sat up. Being in this state will not hinder me from noticing her heavy accent when she spoke Korean.

            “Leeteuk oppa. Why? Did I say it wrong?”

            “not really, but I don’t feel like a ray of sunshine right now. headache.” I said weakly.

            “more like a bad case of hangover.” She grinned at me. That’s when I slightly remember yelling last night about the glass switch.

            “who switched the glasses? I want to strangle the one that did.” I said venomously.

            “no one did, Zee. When Siwon oppa handed Heechul oppa’s glass back to him you kind of picked it up by accident.” Angela looked like she was about to get ready for my explosion.

That’s not gonna happen. If I would explode, my hangover would probably explode.


            “drink this, it’ll help. Just don’t ask what’s in it.” Angela handed me a glass of what looked like a watermelon smoothie but it doesn’t smell like it.

it just looked red and probably a lot of other things went into the blender with it.

I drank it but pinched my nose. It tasted like eggs and banana. After tasting those two I don’t even want to know what else she had put in it.

            “whatever it is, it’s definitely close to disgusting.” I wrinkled my nose after downing half of the glass. Angela laughed.

            “a cure for hangovers doesn’t always taste good.” She took the glass and put it on the table by the door.

            “did anything happen last night that I should know about?”  I asked remembering my crazy drunken habits.

I noticed Angela froze.

            “uhmmm…let’s get you something to eat first, shall we? Besides I’m really hungry, I didn’t get to eat much last night coz the food was gone in a flash.” What she said made me nervous even more.

Whatever it is that I did better not be embarrassing.

            “fine. Wait for me downstairs, I’ll just brush my teeth.” I swayed a bit when I stood up but steadied myself quickly.

            “ok, see you downstairs.” Angela grabbed her bag before she walked out.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before following her downstairs. If I could I would’ve showered, I’ll just do it after breakfast.

 I grabbed my bag and walked out our room and walked down the stairs. The warmth from the sun finally made me feel like spring is finally here…yey!

As I walked near the dining room, I can sort of hear rumbling noises. Am I hearing snores?

I peeked inside the room and my mouth fell open.

Other than the non-drinkers, most of the boys were sprawled around the table and couches. These boys must’ve been too drunk to even go to their rooms.

Heechul was still seated where he sat last night, the only difference is that he was slumped on the table, snoring. Yesung oppa looked like he fell from his chair, as he was lying spread-eagled on the floor.

Looking around I saw Angela was standing in the end of the room in one of the couch that we ‘hid’ during last night’s game. Kyuhyun was lying snuggled up and sleeping soundly. Angela looked like she had put a blanket over him.

I cleared my throat to get her attention…it worked. She jumped.

            “Zee! You scared me.” She whispered walking briskly towards me.

            “not my fault you were too…preoccupied.” I grinned.

            “he looked like he was freezing all curled up there. I can’t just leave him in that state.” She defended herself. I had to laugh.

She’s really starting to show her concern openly now.

            “if you say so.”  I shrugged but smiled a teasing smile. “c’mon, let them sleep, I’m getting hungry.”

            “aren’t you going to put a blanket over, oppa?” Angela said gesturing towards Heechul.

            “nah! he should take care of himself whenever he gets drunk.” I shook my head and walked out with Angela.

We continued to chat as we walked towards the small café just a few blocks from the resort. It was just a tiny place but very homey and pretty as it overlooks the ocean.

A few pictures of tourist spots in Jeju hung over the walls and on the shelves were different kinds of tea sets decorated with fresh flowers on vases. There were also pictures of celebrities who had visited the place and the majority was from SME…I guess they already knew about this place. There were old pictures of the still complete DBSK and SJ as well, the 13 boys crammed together with the café ahjumma in between them. It really looked adorable; the dorks in their usual dorkiness.

            “this place is really nice.” Angela said looking around the café.

We sat by the balcony to enjoy the view better. There were only the two of us there so it felt really quiet.

            “yeah, I saw this place on our way to the resort yesterday and thought this might be a nice place to have breakfast.”

The ahjumma of the café came to us and gave us menu. I looked over the menu, which was written in Korean. I admit I used to be a slow reader but being here for almost a year now made me improve my reading skills.

            “uhmmm…Zee? A little help?” Angela muttered shyly as the ahjumma got our drinks.

I laughed a bit and helped her through the menu. We both ordered American style breakfast and handed the menus back.

            “so when are you going to tell Kyuhyun about Jonghyun?” Angela choked from her drink.

            “what are you talking about?” she said wiping .

            “oh you know what I’m talking about. That confession he did almost a month ago.” I reminded her and formed an ‘oh’; I nodded.

            “I don’t really think he needs to know.” She said looking down.

            “why not?”

            “I don’t know, it’s just that Jonghyun’s really nice and sweet but…”

            “you like Kyuhyun better and you’re afraid that if you tell Kyuhyun about Jonghyun’s confession to you he might be all gallant Kyu and give way to is friend?” I finished her sentence. She looked up at me shocked.

            “I didn’t—“

            “oh there’s no use denying it, Angela, even kids can tell that you like that friend of mine.” I said with finality.

The ahjumma brought our food and we thanked her. She smiled sweetly at us before she left.

            “fine, but I hate that I like him and no matter what he does I won’t give in!” she said defiantly stabbing a fork to her pancakes.

            “so you acknowledge that Kyuhyun likes you too?” I grinned.

            “uhmmm…yes? I mean he did kiss me and…” she blushed scarlet. She must be remembering something embarrassing that happened between them.

            “is this about Kyuhyun’s abduction of you on that canoe yesterday?” I asked pressing on.

            “how’d you know about that?” Angela froze halfway through slicing her pancakes.

I took a bite of mine and swallowed before answering her.

            “Eunhyuk oppa saw you two.” I replied casually.

            “so that means—“

            “everyone knows about it too.” I finished her sentence. Angela groaned.

            “I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.” She said staring at her food.

            “don’t worry about it. I threatened them not to tease you. If I hadn’t, they’ve would’ve already teased you last night.” I said continuing to eat.

I felt like that dinner I had last night didn’t happen at all.

            “thanks.”  Angela said but sounded morose. “by the way, I heard Heechul oppa is planning to make your relationship public, are you ok with it?”

 I took a sip at my juice and contemplated a bit.

            “yes, but not 100%. Idols confessing their relationships can either bring them positive or negative responses.”

            “so you’re more concerned for oppa than yourself?”

            “I thought about it. How it would affect my family and me at least, but I got myself into this so I should be able to handle it and be ready.” I said calmly.

I admit I’ve thought about this a lot when Heechul mentioned about going public and he knows that I wouldn’t like it if my business was compromised because of it. so hopefully it wouldn’t be affected…sigh my wishful thinking.

            “aren’t you even nervous about it?” Angela asked. we were halfway through our breakfast now.

            “of course I am. This will also change my life drastically, but I’m more worried for Heechul than myself. It will affect him more than me you know.”  I exclaimed. Angela nodded silently.

I’m sure she’s also thinking about the possibilities between her and Kyuhyun.

We finished breakfast in silence and asked for the bill after.

            “I’ll tell him when the time is right, not because of what you suggested earlier but just for the reason I don’t want their friendship ruined because of me. I am not worth that.” Angela said sounding defiant.

I smiled. She definitely is a keeper, Kyuhyun should know that.

            “just hope he doesn’t find out from someone else other than you.”  I said and she nodded.

We bid the ahjumma goodbye and thanked her for hospitality. What might happened between Angela and Kyuhyun is something I will definitely look forward to. But other than them I still have other things to think about like Heechul’s plan on revealing our relationship to the public.


Leeteuk’s POV


Just as I had predicted, I woke up to an empty room. After Henry and I brought Zee to her room I didn’t go back downstairs. I’m also guessing that the rest passed out downstairs.

I wondered how many bottles of alcohol did Siwon and Kyuhyun bring? I only saw a bottle of red wine and 2 bottles of Jeju beer.

I walked out of my room to check on the others, it was almost 10 in the morning and we would be leaving later this afternoon.

What I saw in the dining room made me really happy that this was a private resort. If the fans would see this…tsk! I just shook my head and walked towards Heechul who was already stirring.

            “Heechul-ah, I need to talk to you.” I shook his shoulders.

            “what?” he groaned irritably running a hand through his hair and probably massaging his head which was probably throbbing in pain from his hangover.

            “do you really want to do what you’re about to do in Strong Heart on Friday?” I asked. he mentioned it to last night during dinner while Zee was preoccupied.

            “yes, I am. how many times do you have to ask me that?” his face scrunched up at me, obviously mad now.

            “I’m just trying to make sure that you’re thinking straight and not just spewing things because you got carried away in the moment.” What he will say willed finitely affect the group, especially now that we will be preparing for out new album soon.

            “I am not a kid, Jungsu. I know what I’m doing. If I put this off and rumors get worse, it will be very bad for us. It’s much better for me to tell it first.” He said leaning back on his chair.

I sighed and put my hand inside my pajama pockets.

            “fine. We’ll be there if you need a hand.”

            “thanks.” He said stretching, he glanced over at the other members who were either slumped on the tables, curled up in couches or laying flat on the floor.


Heechul’s POV



After Teukie woke me up, I immediately noticed that Kyuhyun was the only one who had a blanket over him. I stared at him who was snoring quietly.

            “and don’t bother about me too much, if you want to worry about something, worry about the him.” I pointed a finger at the snoring kid.

Leeteuk looked at me with a puzzled look on his face.

            “Kyuhyun? Why would I worry about him? Did he get into some kind of trouble?”

            “not yet, but I’m guessing he will be.” I grinned a mischievous smile and walked out to the garden and sat by the pool.

Leeteuk followed and sat beside me looking like he wanted to get all the information that he could have about my cryptic statement.

            “what did you mean by ‘he will be’?”

            “tsh! C’mon I thought you’re more observant than this? Didn’t you see that blanket over him?”

            “yeah so?” he said still looking blank. I looked at him in exasperated disbelief.

            “you want me to hit you? All of us didn’t have blankets over us. any idea who’d put one over him?”

he thought for a while and realization dawned upon his face.

            “you don’t think—“

            “yes, I’m guessing Angela did it.” I said closing my eyes to calm my aching head. Alcohol should never have this kind of side effect. Yeesh!

            “after the things we saw last night about those two, I bet it’s going to happen soon.” Even with my eyes closed I could almost see the grin on Teukie’s face.

            “uh huh and you better talk to him and make sure before it’s too late or Zee will have his neck on platter.” I opened my eyes in time to see Leeteuk nodding in agreement.

            “by the way, have you seen Zee yet?” he asked suddenly.

            “not since last night, why?” I asked curiously.

            “I checked their room this morning and they’re not there. I’m guessing the girls went out for breakfast at that café we used to go…”


            “and you better prepare when she arrives.” He said warning me.

            “why would I?” I sat up. Leeteuk raised an eyebrow.

            “don’t you remember anything last night?” he said. I started wracking my brain but it made my head ache more.

            “can you just please tell me what happened? Don’t beat around the bush, my head is killing me already.” I massage my temples and just waited for Teukie to tell me everything.

            “err…well, after Zee got drunk—“

            “SHE GOT DRUNK!? Who made her drink!? I thought she didn’t drink!?” I shouted. Leeteuk got so surprised that he almost fell from his seat.

            “calm down, I’m not yet finished telling you what happened.” He said rubbing his ears. Can’t help it since we have wolves for members. “Henry mentioned Zee’s personality change when she does get drunk and when she accidentally drank a glass of beer…well…”

our gazes met and a peculiar expression appeared on his face. It was slightly nervous yet amused at the same time; I can’t quite put a finger on it.

            “what with that face? Get on with it, stop dawdling!” I said irritably.

            “fine…well, let’s just say you two made quite a scene last night.” This time I raised an eyebrow.

            “what kind of scene?” I asked thinking about the possible answer. We couldn’t have done something really bad.

            “I want to find a better word for it but there’s none. To put it simply, you both made out in front of everybody, until Henry managed to stop you two and dragged Zee to the bedroom with Angela.” My mouth fell open. Zee is going to kill me when she finds out about this.

I was about say something when a shout from a familiar someone stopped me.

            “SAY WHAT?!” Zee enraged voice echoed through the air, Leeteuk and I flinched and we heard some shouts and clatter from the dining room. I’m guessing her shout woke the others as well.

Angela was standing beside Zee looking scared.

            “well, goodluck.” Leeteuk tapped my knee before he stood up and ran inside.

Yeesh some friend he is. And hang on! Why would Zee be mad at me when I didn’t even know what went on half the time?

Zee’s eyes and mine met and although her voice sounded mad her expression had a look of embarrassment. Who wouldn’t? the non-drinkers would have a memory of it.

            “don’t look at me like that. We are on the same page here.” She was only 10 feet away from me but she looked like she’s thinking a lot about something.

She breathed in hard before speaking.

            “just a sec.” she walked towards the door leading to the lounge area.

I quickly followed her and I noticed the nosy heads of the members peeking from the dining area.

We heard the restroom door slam. I looked at Angela.

            “didn’t you tell her anything?” I asked.

            “nope. I thought you might want to tell her but turns out you don’t remember anything as well.” she replied with a slightly guilty smile.

She walked towards the restroom door and knocked.

            “hey Zee, you ok?”

The piercing shriek from the bathroom told us that Zee is definitely NOT ok.

            “ermm..hyung?” I turned around and saw Siwon standing behind me holding his iphone.


            “I think you better not let Zee get anywhere near any gadget with internet connection.” He said nervously.

            “why?” I asked and he handed me his phone.

Why am I not surprised? Apparently the photo I posted last night caused quite a stir among netizens. Now they’re talking if it’s just one of the members with a wig or actually a girl and as expected the company has nothing to say. I did tell them I’d handle this and I will.

            “she’d be pretty upset if she saw this.” Siwon said looking at me.

            “she won’t since she can’t be recognized with all the icing anyway.” I said motioning all of them to leave.

We still have a flight to catch and a show to film.


Friday, Strong Heart recording


Leeteuk’s POV


Suffice it to say that the flight back to Seoul 2 days ago was pretty uncomfortable. Zee could not look at us or talk to us, most of the members couldn’t remember anything aside from, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Henry and me but she kept close to Angela on our way back. Not unless you count Heechul dragging her out the airport when fans suddenly appeared and almost ran us over.

Zee’s shades and cap prevented the fans from seeing her, which was a good thing coz photos of Heechul holding her hand went viral a couple of hours after that plus a photo of their couple bracelet that was given to them by Heejong. Heechul’s name had been the top most searched name in Naver since the stunt he pulled during our last concert and now it’s because of his rumored girlfriend.

Heechul, on the other hand, was just being Heechul, saying it wouldn’t be him if he wasn’t talked about for days, he even showed us a screen cap of when ‘Heechul’s Grilfriend’ trended at number 1 worldwide.

            “stop worrying, I got this.” He tapped my shoulder as he passed by me and walked towards Miss A’s Suzy who was talking to Shindong.

Why do every time he tells me that I worry even more?

            “everybody shoot starts in 1 minute!” the PD shouted an we all sat in our designated chairs. Heechul was seated a couple of chairs from me but near enough that I can easily look at him.

The shoot went as smooth as it could be until we reached the second half of the show, the one that’s to be shown a week after the first part is shown. Eunhyuk and Shindong have no idea what Heechul’s going to do of course, even HoDong hyung Seunggi doesn’t.

            “next is Space Big Star Super Junior’s KIM HEECHUL!” Seunggi and HoDong hyung’s intro for Heechul snapped me out of my momentary trance.

I also saw in the monitor that Heechul wrote in his board “talks are sometimes true^_^”

            “Heechul-ssi, you’ve been talked about a lot recently, haven’t you?” Seunggi asked after reading the board.

            “I’m always talked about. I’m Kim Heechul.” He said airily which made the people in the studio laugh. “but yes, I’ve been talk about a lot recently.”

            “are you going to talk about it now? Especially with what your board is saying.” HoDong hyung gestured to his board.

            “ah yes, I will, actually before I did this I talked to Leeteuk about my plan to say this on air.” He said and all of them looked at me even Eunhyuk and Shindong.

            “Leeteuk-ssi, he consulted to you again?” Seunggi asked.

            “he did, but it’s more on telling me that he’s going to say it on the air rather than asking for my opinion.”

            “you look nervous, is it serious?” HoDong said jokingly.

            “it’s something none of the member had ever done before since debut so I’m nervous as to how it’ll turn out.” I said feeling the thumps in my chest increasing by the minute. I wonder how Heechul isn’t as nervous as I was.

Shindong didn’t actually confess to the public, but his code got decoded and so the truth is out. Heechul will still be the first to actually tell the whole wide world about the fact that he’s dating.

            “actually when I saw Heechul hyung’s board I thought I already know what he’s going to say.” Eunhyuk piped in from behind me.

            “so all of you knows what’s it’s going to be?” Seunggi asked.

            “we have an idea.” Shindong chuckled darkly and the hosts turned to Heechul.

            “Heechul-ssi, care to tell us about it?” HoDong hyung asked as he turned his attention to Heechul.

            “ah ne…well, before I go on to the long story, I will just get this out there. I, Super Junior’s Kim Heechul, am currently dating someone.”



wah! so sorry that i took so long to update my story..2 weeks right? so so mind was blank and just as i was about to get the story going we had to leave for the weekend for my grandmother's birthday..

this update might seem a bit disorganized especially in the last half so i apologize for that, but the next update will be the continuation of the ending scene here, worry you guys not..hihi i really did not sleep early coz i wanted to update this story of mine already and since it's my birthday (the 14th) i want to treat you guys to an update..hihi hope i didnt disappoint..:D

ps pic not mine..:D although i think it'll not show coz of the site craziness thats been goin on. and if any of you has me2day you guys can add me UN is undertherain..:D


Coralie_x_SHINee: hahaha i see you are spazzing for KyuGela now..haha glad you're happy with the update..:)) it's on the lips..hihi and for angela's thoughts it's going to be on the other story..she's busy with ehr exams now so she cant update as of the moment..hihi

mari_038: maybe he'l scream his head off in embarrassment like what Zee did?haha

jam_9445: haha thanks so much, i really wasnt sure how that making out scene was going to turn out since it was my first time doing it..i hope i got it right..and thanks!

mychokyumintchip: haha i also cant wait to read that part in your update! but you still have your exams so we'll have to wait for it..hihi

hanhayoung: haha well you know how people get when they get drunk, they do thing that they dont really mean to do..:))

achilison: wow! i think i can hear your scream all the way here..haha henry will appear next chap, you just gave me an idea for it..hahaha

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D