Maknae + New Girl= a Happy, Plotting Evil Couple

His Perfect Match

Zee’s POV


            “what time will oppa pick you up anyway? It’s almost 8.” Kim Shin said looking at her watch.

It’s only been 2 hours since I got to the hotel and all we did was talk about what happened back in Canada. They both laughed at what I did to Alexander and said I should’ve let my horse kick him. I made a mental note on that one.

            “he said he’ll be here around 8. We didn’t exactly set a specific time.” I replied leaning on the counter.

            “I thought you two would have a date to celebrate your belated 100th day?” Eun Hee sniggered.

            “I don’t really know what we’ll do yet. Probably just have dinner or something.”

I honestly didn’t think what we’d be doing that night. I doubt Heechul made any preparations as well. bah! Whatever. I guess I’ve been too preoccupied in just meeting him to think about it.

            “what kind of a couple are you two anyway?” Kim Shin said raising an eyebrow.

            “whatever you two you’re definitely not normal. You two are probably from another planet!” EunHee added before bursting out into laughter with Kim Shin. I walked over to the couch and flopped myself on it as the 2 continued on with their cackles.

These girls are really…

Then all three of us turned our heads towards the door as someone in a hoodie mask and shades came through the door. I felt myself freeze for a second coz the person looked like he was about to declare a hold up. But then again it’s ridiculous for a person to wear shades at night.

            “Who’s he?” EunHee asked Kim Shin in a loud whisper. I guess if this guy has a bad intention I’d be the first to go coz I’m the one who’s outside the counter.

            “I have no idea, but he looks dodgy to me, should be call the police?” Kim Shin suggested and glanced at me.

I was about to answer when something on the guy caught my attention. The mask he was wearing has the character ‘Gui’ (圭) on it; Kyuhyun’s Chinese name.

“yah, why would you call the police?” The guy angrily said and suddenly pointed his finger at my friends.

That voice sounded all too familiar to me that I stood up and peered at him closely.

            “Kyuhyun? Is that really you?” I asked.

to answer my question he took off all his “disguise” and made a frustrated face. His tired and make-up free face then came into view. Kim Shin and EunHee breathed a sigh of relief and gave out a nervous giggle.

            “ah! It’s only you, oppa.” Kim Shin held her chest obviously very relieved.

            “we’re sorry about that oppa, anyway now that you’re here you can stay with Zee wait for your hyung. Kim Shin and I will go ahead. Bye Zee!” EunHee said grabbing her back and gave a quick bow to Kyuhyun before walking out of the hotel with Kim shin.

            “do I really look like a bad guy to you?” Kyuhyun asked as he pulled his hood off.

            “you can’t really blame them, shades, mask and a hood at this time of night? You’d look like an amateur burglar if you ask me. I would’ve been fooled too if it weren’t for your mask.” I said pointing at the mask in his hand.

            “ah. I forgot you could read Chinese.” He muttered flipping his mask then sniggered.

            “anyway, what brings you here, oh evil one? If you didn’t get a pet in the 2 weeks I was away there is no reason for you to be here. Unless you miss me that much?” I teased. He grimaced.

            “cut the crap Zee, I’m not Heechul hyung,” he made a disgusted face at me. Since when did this guy lose his sense of humor?

            “well, fine. Do you want to check yourself in here since you don’t have a pet?” I said crossing my arms and he sat beside me.

            “that’s not a bad idea though. That way I can get away with all these stresses.” He ped his hoodie and tilted his head back and closed his eyes as if getting ready to go for a nap.

            “stresses? Like what?” now I feel like I’m asking a very stupid question. He’s a celebrity for crying out loud! Need I ask what’s stressing him?? Geez Zee!

            “Fan girls were chasing after me earlier! Good thing I was able to make it here alive. This is all her fault! If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have gotten into this situation. That stupid troublemaker!” he ranted.

I guessed it, the usual fangirls and another girl…

Wait! What!? REWIND!

            “wait! Her? Who is she?” I asked confused. He looked at me as if he thought I knew already.

            “well, it’s kind of a long story.”

            “try me.” I said tapping a finger on my elbow and face my whole body to him to show him I want him to spill every single detail.

He ran his hand through his hair as if trying to think of a way to start his story right.

            “See, last week, some of the members and I along with the soshi girls passed by Gangnam on our way to fetch the other members.” He started then looked at me nervously.

            “and?” I asked pressing him on.

            “well, on our way to the dorms, well I was the one driving—I nearly ran over a girl.” He said quite hesitantly.

So this is what happened when he got into that accident!

            “you what!?” ok I already freaked when Heechul told me about Kyuhyun’s almost accident but almost running over someone is a completely different story! “you have got to be careful with your driving, Kyu!”

            “I know it’s my fault but it’s not like I intended for it to happen. It was an accident! Besides, she’s okay now. She’s even under our care.” He said.

Heechul said something about Kyuhyun having something, is this what he meant? He kept getting cut off then.

            “you mean she’s living with you guys?” poor girl.

            “I didn’t want to but the hyungs insisted on it.”

            “all of your hyungs? Even Casey knows about this?” I’m temporarily back to calling Heechul Casey since he pretty much waited a week to tell this to me. He could’ve done it in those emails of his!

            “Ne. That night, all of them at the dorm came over at my place to discuss about what we’ll do with the girl. Heechul hyung was actually the one who initiated the idea of keeping her. He originally wanted to take her in their dorm but Leeteuk hyung had to remind him that girls aren’t allowed in there.” Great! He was even the one who suggested it.

            “tch! You’d think he’d mention something like this to me.” I scoffed. Kyuhyun was sitting there looking like he said something wrong and looked really guilty.

            “maybe hyung just forgot.” He said on his evil hyung’s behalf.

            “he’d better have one heck of an explanation for this. How long are you planning to keep her anyway?” I asked.

            “I dunno, maybe when she gets enough money so she can go back to the Philippnes.”

            “oh she’s a Filipina?”

            “she’s part Chinese too.” He said lazily. Daebak! Now there’s another Chinese girl in town! Yey!

            “what’s her story exactly?” I asked curiously again. Better to know more about my future friend..kekeke

            “well, from what she told us, she ran away from home then on her first day here some guy took all her money and that’s why she’s stranded here.”

I looked at Kyuhyun with a very annoyed expression. Guys…they always sum everything up in one sentence…yeesh!

            “that’s really unfortunate of her and on her first day here too.” Counting the fact that she’s going to live with the boys too. “but it’s really good to know that you guys are helping her.”

            “it’s pretty much a win-win situation since she’s also helping us with the chores.” He said yawining. “which reminds me, she’s at the grocery store and—“

Kyuhyun’s eyes suddenly balled like marbles then looked at me with his horror stricken face.

            “which reminds you of what?”

            “erm… we went out to buy some groceries earlier when these fangirls started chasing me. With all the commotion I hurriedly went out of the store and left her there. I’m afraid she hasn’t even realized I’ve gone.”

Heat flooded through my face and I hit Kyuhyun so hard he almost fell.

            “OW! That hurts!” he shouted hands on his head.

            “neo micheosseo!?” I shot angrily back. I didn’t even realize I was standing already. “Why would you leave a girl by herself? Especially a girl who doesn’t even know her way around here!”

never should a guy leave a girl for whatever reason at all, may you be a celebrity or a normal person you are not excused. Moreover, she’s a girl who doesn’t even know her way around here nor can she speak the language! Kyuhyun really is an idiot!

            “I was chased by a mob of fangirls! You don’t expect me to linger and await my death, do you?” he defended backing away from me.

            “then you should’ve dragged her with you, babo!”

            “I was in another aisle at the time! There wasn’t even a chance for me to grab her!”

            “then why did you even leave her side? The idea was to prevent her from getting lost, not the other way around!” aish jinjja! Why are guys so simple minded!?

            “People recognized that it was me, Zee.  If they saw me with her, the situation will just get worse.” There was too much truth in that statement for me to argue anymore.

I just rubbed my temples in attempt to alleviate the headache I was having.

            “you really should not make that your excuse all the time, Kyu. You should’ve made the necessary precautions first.” I said calming myself down a bit.

            “I know I’m sorry, I should not have left her there.”

I turned around and grabbed my bag from behind the counter and walked towards the door.

            “come on, you need to say that apology to the person you left.” He quickly followed after me like a robot. But before I could open the door someone came in.

            “Zee?” Heechul’s familiar face appeared in front of me and he gave a goofy grin when he saw me. But his face became confused when he saw Kyuhyun behind me. “what are you doing here?” he asked Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun looked nervously at me and Heechul’s gaze went back to me. I crossed my arms clearly telling him he did something wrong to piss me off.

            “what’s with that look? Aren’t you happy to see your handsome boyfriend?” he gave a smug smile.

            “right now, no.” I said flatly.

Heechul’s round eyes became irritable.

            “what’s wrong with you?” he asked sounding really frustrated. He walked closer to me but I didn’t even move an inch. Heechul is intimidating to most people, to me too to be honest but I just stood my ground.

            “you see, hyung, that thing that happened last week? she kinda knows already.” Kyuhyun intervened.

            “thing? What thing?” Heechul asked irritably at Kyuhyun.

            “Angela.” Kyuhyun answered with a name. probably the name of the girl.

            “ohh..” Heechul looked at me his expression softening a bit and gave a nervous laugh. I gave him a sarcastic laugh in response.

Well I can’t really blame him since he did try to tell me about it. but it’s funny seeing him like this. Keke

            “we’ll talk about this later.” I threatened. “come on Kyuhyun, we need to go.”

I felt Heechul’s arm wrap around my waist and pulled me close to him as we got out. he was arguing with Kyuhyun about something but I was too busy looking around for any onlooker to notice.

            “we need to go find your missing guest quickly.” I said.

            “missing?” Heechul sounded shocked and confused.

We started to explain to him what happened as we got into Kyuhyun’s car. I sat in the back while I pushed Heechul to sit with Kyuhyun in the front.

            “I know I know, I should not have left her. It’s really my fault.” He sounded apologetic and irritated at the same time.

            “OW! Hyung!” Kyuhyun shouted as Heechul hit him in the back of the head; the same place where I just hit him a while ago.

            “stop being insolent!”

            “you might want to start the car now, Kyuhyun, you’re the only one who knows where you actually left her.”

Kyuhyun just started the car and started to drive through the city. I still can’t get over the fact that he left a girl alone though. If I were that girl I would definitely hunt Kyuhyun down, which is not so hard to do since their fans are like ninjas who almost always know where their idols are.

Looking at the back of Heechul’s head it made me think of more things to do. I’d really love o keep trolling him. Keke

Kyuhyun slowed the car down and parked outside a grocery store. It wasn’t that big so I guess those fans of his easily spotted him.

            “you better get off first and look for her.” I told Kyuhyun as we all took off our seatbelts.

            “right.” he opened his door but froze before he could step out. “there she is.” He pointed at a girl standing outside the store; she seemed to have spotted us already. Kyuhyun immediately walked out of his car.

            “can we talk now?” Heechul said looking back to me.

            “later.” I opened my door and quickly followed Kyuhyun. I heard Heechul open his door behind me. He was mumbling something about the situation being not his fault…whatever.

I walked towards Kyuhyun and the girl, Angela, if I’m not mistaken. She was looking pretty mad at Kyuhyun and was already shouting at him. I really want to laugh; Kyuhyun looked like a guy who was late on a date with his girlfriend.

The girl caught sight of me as I walked behind Kyuhyun. Her eyes became curious and slowly put down the finger she used to point angrily at my bestfriend.

            “hi! You must be Angela.” I greeted in english and extended my hand for a shake. I guess it’s time for me to save my friend even if he doesn’t deserve it.

            “ah, yes, I am.” She nervously shook my hand. I can’t help but notice how cold her hands were. She was only wearing a cardigan. Even if winter just ended spring nights can still become quite chilly and coming from a tropical country she must not have adjusted yet.

            “I do have to apologize for what Kyuhyun did to you.” I gave her a warm smile before giving a glare at Kyuhyun beside her.

            “oh, you don’t have to. Are you his girlfriend?” her question seriously caught me off guard.

            “excuse me?” I responded automatically, probably due to shock.

            “why you say that?! She’s not my girlfriend!” Kyuhyun shouted, he was probably in shock as well.

his outburst made Angela take a step back.

            “YAH!” a familiar voice rang loudly behind me. “she’s mine!” Heechul pushed Kyuhyun away from me then pulled me close to him.

I rolled my eyes. He really liked to joke around even at a time like this. What he intended was probably supposed to be a joke but then Angela seemed scared. She’s probably not used to him yet. Hehe poor girl.

            “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” She apologized. Her voice sounded shakey, either from fright or from the cold. I rolled my eyes and pulled away from Heechul.

            “ignore him, I’m Zee, by the way.”

            “nice to meet you, Zee.” She said giving me a slight bow. I guess living in a place with Koreans will make you get the habit of bowing.

            “you too. So, I guess we all need to get the hell out of here before people starts to recognize these 2 schmucks over here?” I suggested jerking two of my thumbs to the celebrities in out midst.

            “good idea.” The 2 said quickly.

I saw Angela picking up the grocery she had. I wonder how she managed to pay for those if Kyuhyun left her alone. I doubt this maknae would give some money to her. He’s becoming as stingy as Eunhyuk oppa these past few days.

            “yah, you should help her with those.” I told Kyuhyun who immediately took some bags from her. Angela looked quite shocked.

            “yeah, bring out the gentleman in you.” Heechul chuckled. I told him to help too and he took a few bags from Kyuhyun.

I really am enjoying this! On normal circumstances you can NEVER get Heechul to do that!

            “Kyuhyun told me you have Chinese blood?”

            “yes but I’m only ¾…I suppose you’re full-blooded?” she asked. she knew I’m Chinese right away?

            “I am. How’d you find out?”  I asked out of curiosity as we got in the car. The 2 boys were still stuffing the bags in the trunk.

            “you have very sharp features.” She said shyly pointing to my face. True, Chinese folks really does have a much sharper feature that Koreans. Only not many people notice that.

I nodded and smiled.

            “ni zhi bu zhi dao zhong wen ma?” (do you know Chinese?)

            “yi dian dian.” (a little)

Kyuhyun and Heechul already got in the car and when Kyuhyun heard her answer he turned his head towards us.

            “you can speak mandarin?”  he asked Angela.

            “Pi tsui! Wo men bu gen ni shuo hua!” (Shut up! We’re not talking to you!) I looked at Angela as we both said the same thing. Ahh…a girl who’s like me. She’ll fit in very well, plus I feel like she and I will get along pretty well…muhahaha

            “you are so like that hyung of yours.” I unconsciously said in Korean.

            “whoa whoa whoa! What has this got to do with me?” Angela looked nervous at Heechul’s almost violent response, plus the fact that she couldn’t understand what we were saying.

            “that’s what he asked me when he first heard me speak in Chinese, we’re speaking it now so it’s obvious duh!” I told Kyuhyun as he drove off.

            “I was just surprised, ok?” he muttered before continuing on blubbering something incoherent.

            “uhmmm…Heechul?” Angela spoke. I stared at her. Heechul is very particular with honorifics!

As expected Heechul whirled around from the front seat and glared at her.

            “what did you call me?”

            “isn’t that your name?” she replied sounding scared and confused.

            “Well, obviously it is. But aren’t you—OW!” I flicked a finger to his forehead and he started thrashing in the front seat from the pain.

            “stop scaring her, she’s not Korean so she wouldn’t know about honorifics, now would she? babo!

            “oh yeah sorry, Angela. Not exactly used to younger people calling me by just my name.”

            “it’s ok but what should I call you then?”

            “see here in Korea younger women call older men as ‘oppa’ as a sign of respect.” Heechul started, then he caught sight of me, and his eyes lit up. Oh dear here he goes. “it’s kind of an endearment too for those who are in a relationship.” Aish I knew it!

            “do you call him oppa?” Angela asked me curiously.

            “nope.” I replied flatly. Angela looked like she’s starting to doubt if we actually are a couple.

            “she’ll die if she calls me that.” Heechul muttered bitterly in the front and crossed his arms. My hand automatically found the back of his head again.

He shouted threats to me but I countered it by saying he still owes me something. He gave up for now by muttering under his breath. Now I’m starting feel guilty. Heechul-ah, I’m only playing with you.keke

Turns out Heechul hasn’t put his seatbelt on and Angela told him to put it on.

            “since you’re younger than all of us, you should call us oppa. Even Kyuhyun over here.” Heechul said putting his seatbelt on.

            “don’t call me that. We’re not close.” Kyuhyun opposed.

            “call him ahjussi then!” both Heechul and I said at the same time and we both laughed hard.

            “yah!” maknae shouted angrily.

            “keep your eyes on the road!” Heechul reprimanded. Angela looked at us as if failing to get the joke.

            “what does ahjussi mean?”

            “it’s something nice and sweet.” I said stifling a laugh.

            “a grouchy old man.” Heechul said finishing my sentence before breaking into fits of laughter.

Angela laughed hard with us leaving Kyuhyun in a bad mood. He’d better not get us into an accident.

            “Angela, ni xi huan ta ma?” (do you like him?) I smiled evilly at her.

Might as well play matchmaker for fun. As I can see Angela is definitely not a normal girl; seems like a pampered princess. It’s pretty obvious by the way she carries herself and her branded clothes definitely does not go unnoticed.

As soon as I asked that question her eyes went wide.

            “bu shi! Zhen de bu shi! Da shi huai ren!” (no! really no, he’s a bad person!) she almost screamed the words out. Strong denial eh?

            “Yah! If I’m a bad person then I shouldn’t have taken you in my house in the first place, nor should have I came back for you earlier!” Kyuhyun retorted in Korean so that Angela won’t understand.

I knew Kyuhyun can understand Chinese a bit but apparently Angela doesn’t know about that bit.

            “ta shuo shen me?” (what did he say?)

            “mei you. Ta shi feng le.” (nothing, he’s just crazy.)

            “yah yah yah! Stop talking in Chinese I can’t understand anything!” Heechul complained scratching his head. “Kyuhyun-ah, what are they saying?”

            “ask your girlfriend”

            “SaeMi-ah…” he looked at me with pleading eyes, so now he’s back with that nickname? For some reason I kinda missed him calling me that. “what are you guys talking about?” he pouted and rounded his eyes. This is his look everytime he tries to make his fangirls melt.

I just looked away and ignored him.

            “Ni zhen de shi ta de nu peng you ma?” (Are you really his girlfriend?) Angela asked looking at Heechul then to me. I just nodded.

            “wo dao mei.” (I’m unlucky.) I replied which made Kyuhyun snort and Heechul snap his head at him. Baby kyu quickly held his laughter in at his hyung’s gaze.

            “help me out here, Kyuhyun!”

            “were here, hyung!” Kyuhyun announced and I realized were already parked outside my hotel.

Heechul and I started removing our seatbelts when Angela held my arm.

            “can I ride with you guys instead?” Angela pleaded innocently.

            “Still mad at him for leaving you, eh?” I asked chuckling. “Well, you know I’d actually love to but now isn’t really a good time. Either way, you’re gonna have to deal with him sooner or later since you’re living with him. Also, my boyfriend and I have something important to discuss. Right, jagiya?” I looked at Heechul in a sweet voice but with a slight threat in it.

            “if I die later, you’re next!” Heechul threatened before he stepped out of the car and opened my door roughly and dragged me out. “come on let’s get this over with!”

we hurriedly walked towards his parked car and got in. his expression did not change one bit. He looked like he was prepared to go into world war 3. Well I didn’t think what I did was too much. Why am I doing this? To sum it all up, I missed this idiot like hell!


Heechul’s POV


I really don’t get why Zee is suddenly mad at me. It was pretty clear and obvious that I did want to tell her something but we just get cut off. Now she’s giving me this attitude and I’m not going to put up with it anymore. I will put my foot down as a man and there will be nothing she can do about it.

I exhaled as soon as I closed the car door before I thought of starting what I needed and wanted to say.

            “ok, look, I seriously don’t get why—“

I didn’t know what came over her; she just leaned over and kissed me full on. I didn’t back off and just kissed her back. I missed her too a lot, to be honest. And now I don’t know why I’m getting these stupid butterflies in my stomach.

My hand unconsciously went to the back of head and I held her in place. The last time we kissed like this was probably the first time we kissed. Only this time there weren’t any possible disturbances.

After a few seconds, we broke apart. We just sat there and stared at each other. Good thing my car is tinted or else we would’ve attracted some unwanted attention.

            “you really think I was serious? I was just trolling with you, you know that.” She said laughing then poked my nose. She had no idea how much I missed that.

            “Oh really? You know you’re not going to get away with it that easily.” I threatened. You don’t tease a lion if you don’t want trouble.

            “tch! As if there’s something you can do about—“

it was my turn to cut her off this time and for the second time that night we kissed. It was shorter but still just as great.

            “you were saying?” I bragged arrogantly.

            “fine you win this one.” She crossed her arm and sulked. She looked too cute that I laughed. I started the car and drove away from the hotel.

            “can we just not go to Kyuhyun’s place?” I suggested. I’d rather walk all night in the park catching up on the 2 weeks that we didn’t see each other.

            “yah, do you really want to miss a chance to annoy Kyuhyun to death?”

            “if you say it that way, of course I do. Do you even need to ask that kind of question?” I grinned. I met her eyes, which were already glinting evilly.

            “do you think those two could actually become something?”

            “possibly, with a little poking here and there on our behalf, it could work.” I thought, Kyuhyun did like that destiny rubbish and she did seem like a challenge to him. Don’t stuff like this often happen in those cheesy movies?

            “so you get Kyuhyun I get Angela how about it? playing cupid could be fun.” She said excitedly.

            “sure! We could switch too if there’s opportunity. But it still looks like Angela is scared of me.” I remembered how she always shrinks whenever I say something.

            “that’s coz you’re always scaring her. You’re too aggressive and she’s not used to it yet.” Zee said slapping my arm. “drop by the grocery near Kyuhyun’s place, will you?”

            “why? We just went to one a while ago.”

            “we didn’t exactly go in now, did we? I want to cook tonight, they’ve bullied Ryeowook oppa into cooking for quite some time now he needs to rest.”

She’s worrying about Ryeowook and to think she just landed from a 14-hour flight a few hours ago! This girl! Aish jinjja!

            “you just arrived from a almost half a day’s flight and now you want to cook?” I said angrily. She just frowned at me.

            “why not? I’m not tired and besides I still have jet lag. Just think that this can get me Angela all by myself.” I stared at her. Her devious mind is scary soemtimes. Just like mine so DAEBAK!

            “wah, no wonder you’re my girl, you can think of a plan as fast as I can.”

            “of course! Now step on it, I still have to cook.”

There was actually a small grocery store just a few blocks from Kyuhyun’s place but I guess there were refilling the stock in his place that they needed to go to a bigger store.

I just let Zee go in by herself since we might have a runaway driver part 2 if I went in with her.

In less than 15 minutes she went out with a pack in her hands. Meat and something else, she’d better be cooking beef wanton coz I missed it so much!

            “are you cooking what I think you are cooking?” I asked staring at the bags as she got in the car.

            “yes, it’s beef wanton.”

            “wah! Daebak! Let’s get to Kyuhyun’s now, I’m getting hungry!”

            “you and that stomach of yours. No wonder you’re getting fatter these days.” She teased.

            “yah! It’s your fault that your cooking is that good.”

            “you actually want me to at cooking?” she replied scoffing.

            “well, no. whatever! I’m hungry!” I stepped on the gas and sped towards the familiar road to Kyuhyun’s apartment.

It was a good thing that there wasn’t much people around to spark some unwanted questions. I took the bags from Zee as we walked towards the small apartment/house.

            “stop for a sec.” I said. I was really itching to do something ever since I got to the hotel but since circumstances wasn’t in my favor I had to hold it in.

            “why? You forgot something?” Zee asked looking at me curiously and pointed to the car.

            “yeah I have.” I put the bags down and just hugged her.

            “hey, what are you-“ Zee started to protest, maybe because of the fact that were in the middle of the sidewalk. But who cares of awkward questions now!

            “just stay still for a minute.” I said seriously and she stopped pulling away for me.

I think she finally caught on because she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me back. I tightened my hug and so did she. I missed my girl so much that I don’t care what passersby might think.

            “I really missed you. Welcome back.” I said the words that I could never have if I was looking at her. If I did that she might think I’m not serious.

            “I really missed you too.” She replied and snuggled on my neck.

This might be operation get Kyuhyun and Angela to make peace with each other part one. But this is also Heechul and Zee’s sweet reunion night.



new chap is up!hihi i added the slight mushy part, i hope you all liked it. i really dont know why im having a hard time making those scenes now(almost cringing while writing)..dont worry will add more in the next chap...once again Angela is a fictional character by my friend mychokyumintchip who's writing the seoul getaway please do read her story. the link is on my foreword and hope you can all support our crossover and stories!

ps. unedited and the gif is not mine. there might be quite a lot of mistakes since i started wrting this chap just last night and finished this tonight..hihi


jam_9445: ahihi thanks so much, i couldnt really update during the holidays coz i was pretty busy and there was a lot going on around. the mushy part is not that much so i will still be adding some on the next chap. hope you like this one though.:D cheers!

NicoleKim: that bit will be revealed in the next chap or may be on the next chap but still depends on how pany pages it will take...hihi thank you!:D hope you like the update.:D

BLOOP2530: here's the next chap!:D good thing it didnt take me 1 week to update this..hihi thank you!

achillison: wow i didnt know my previous chap was squeal worthy! thanks so much!!!:D :)) i really miss Heechul too it really made me happy when i saw his tweet. he's been appearing on some artists pics too so that's good..hihi oh and i hope you liked The Seoul Getaway!:D here's the update...i hope the tiny mushy part is to your liking...;) more to come in the next chap..:D

mychokyumintchip: i'm happy that the chap made you feel better...:D i guess you've already patched things up with you know who..hihi yeah, i had Kangin in the last chap coz im excited for his discharge in 100 days..weee! i guess his short appearance didnt make most readers notice..hihihi

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D