There's a New Girl in Town

His Perfect Match

Toronto, Canada, 8 am


Lau residence


Zee’s POV



The warmth from the sunlight woke me up in this chilly morning but not wanting to get up I just wrapped my blanket over my head. It’s already been a week and my body just got to adjust to the change in time zones. I almost drifted back to sleep when my door banged open.


            “Zee! Get up, mom and dad says to eat breakfast.” Here comes the morning shout from my annoying little brother, Josh.

            “go away, Josh!” I said waving a pillow at him. I got to be frank I didn’t miss his wake up calls back in Korea.

            “c’mon! I don’t like coming back up here! Go and have breakfast!” he nagged. He’s honestly more annoying than Heechul.

            “fine, I’ll be right down.” Finally admitting defeat.

I sat up and groggily looked around my room. The beige walls still reminded me my old classroom but at least my decorations are still the same. My parents decided on the room colors, I hated it so I tried my best to cover it with picture frames and posters.

I groggily walked down the stairs after brushing my hair. I have to at least look decent. The smell of pancakes and freshly brewed coffee hit me and it instantly woke me up. Mom sure knows how to wake me.

            “morning, mom, dad.” I greeted them and sat beside Arnold. As usual he shuffled my hair.

            “morning, Zee.” My mom said giving me a plate of pancakes and a glass of juice.

Something tells me this morning will not be any other breakfast we’ve had this week. I glanced at my brother with a look and he nodded. We understood each other so much that we’re almost telepathic, at least to each other’s thoughts.

            “how’s your sleep?” dad asked. it’s starting.

I have been busy taking care of my papers this past week that we didn’t have much time to talk and catch. They probably chose to strike now since I’ve finished all paper works yesterday.

            “it’s ok, wished I could sleep more.” I stabbed a pancake and shoved it into my mouth. My brother almost choked in his juice.

            “you’re still, Ms. Sleepyhead eh?” he teased.

            “I sure hope you’re doing your responsibilities in Korea and not slacking off by sleeping in. I winced.

            “dad~” I whined, they all laughed. One thing I liked better in Korea than here is that they don’t treat me like a kid over there.

            “just kidding, honey.” My dad said putting down his newspaper and took a sip at his coffee.

            “where’s Josh?” I asked realizing my human alarm clock wasn’t there.

            “James drove him to school.” My mom answered.

James is my brother-in-law and they just live just a block away from us. Well, most of my dad’s brothers live just around here. Henry’s house is even right across the street.

            “oh, so is Annie here?” I asked.

            “no, she went with James since she needed to go for a checkup.” My mom answered and sat down to eat with us.

for being just 4 months pregnant my sister has a huge belly already. How fun would it be if she actually has twins!

I looked up when I heard my dad clear his throat.

            “so how’s Henry?” and it starts. My dad just had to drop ze bomb.

            “he’s doing really well, dad. He’s got his own solo in their new album.” I answered lazily waiting for the main topic of discussion.

            “oh that’s good. The other members treating him good?” my dad asked and I felt my brother kick me from under the table. I responded by stomping on his foot. He flinched. I decided to act innocent and play along.

            “yep, they take good care of him…” most of the time “…Henry is really enjoying himself.”

            “so you said one of the members is your new boyfriend?” dad asked. I groaned in my head and my brother started sniggering.

            “yes, dear. His name is Kim Heechul. I’m sure he’s a nice boy.” I looked up in surprise hearing my mom come to my rescue.

            “maybe, but we can’t be too sure. He’s Korean.” Here comes dad’s argument.

            “and?” I tried not to sound insolent.

            “and they have different beliefs and customs as us.”

            “they do, but there are some similarities too and at this time of age, dad, not many people care about it anymore.” I argued.

            “they might not but I do.” We weren’t raising our voices yet, not that we will coz I feel like my dad was just testing me or something.

            “I’m sure Henry’s friends are as nice as you say they are, Zee, and I don’t exactly oppose your relationship with this guy but…” he paused to look at me.

            “but what?”

            “but I just prefer you going out with a Chinese man like Alexander.” He had to say it!

I saw Arnold’s hands clench and my mom’s lips purse. Of all the people in my family it was dad who really liked my ex. A Chinese man, comes from a great and wealthy family, has a stable job etc. it’s perfect right? oh yeah, except for the fact that he’s one cheating good-for-nothing bastard!

            “not all Chinese men are good people, Lester. Let’s just trust her on this one.” My mom said coming to my defense. After what happened she forbid Alexander from ever coming to our house. Serves him right! go mom!

            “fine, you women seemed to have better judgement than us men.” He grumbled and opened his newspaper again.

            “leave me out of it, dad, you’re the only one who likes that bas…err…guy…” Arnold changed his word of choice halfway after my mom gave him the look.

            “whatever, just carry on ganging up on me. No one listens to me in this house anymore.” He continued to grumble behind his newspaper.

            “yeesh, he doesn’t like Heechul but he acts so much like him.” I whispered to my mom and brother and they both laughed.

            “you know what they say, you tend to end with men that are like your fathers.” Arnold teased. And I kicked him from under the table, which made him choke.           

            “knock it of you two.” My mom reprimanded in a stern voice. We both followed as if we’re teenagers again. “so have you two talked yet?”

            “not yet, we’ve sent emails but as for really talking we still haven’t gotten the chance.”

            “how about now? it’s what? 10 pm in Korea?” my brother asked.

            “I think he’s still out with the other members, he emailed me last night and said they’ll be having a get-together with the Soshi girls.” I answered calmly.

I have no problems with it since I’m friends with the Soshi girls especially with Yoona and Sunny.

            “you’re ok with that? That you two can’t even talk regularly with each other?” my brother asked.

            “that comes with being in a relationship with a celebrity, Arnold.” I retorted at him.

            “well, we might be able to meet Henry and his friends when we visit Korea.” My dad suddenly interrupted putting his paper down before he stood up and left.

My mouth fell open and I stared at him in shock.

            “mom, what is dad talking about?”

            “well, Zee, your dad and I are planning to go to Korea in June to check the hotel there.” This can’t be happening.

            “When do you actually plan to tell me this?” I was stunned beyond imagination.

            “right before you left, but then your dad just can’t keep his mouth shut, can he?” my mom smiled and stood up and gathered the empty plates bringing it to the sink.

            “think about it this way, sis, at least when we get there, you may have a day off.” My brother grinned before standing up.

            “you KNEW about this?” I said indignantly.

He acted like he was thinking about it deeply even putting a finger on his lips.

            “uhmmm…yeah, see yah, sis!” he said and bolted straight out the kitchen.

            “ARNOLD!!!” I shouted and ran after him to the backyard.


Meanwhile back in Korea…


Kyuhyun’s apartment


Heechul’s POV


Ok so maknae almost ran over a girl, unconscious girl now in his apartment and people are in panic. Yeesh! Talk about paranoid.

            “it’s getting late, I think you girls need to go.” Siwon told the girls after looking at his watch.

            “don’t worry we’ll stay. We want to be here when she wakes up.” SooYoung answered.

As much as we all want to huddle around the girl, we can’t so some of the girls sat at the dining table and some of the boys were squatting down the living room floor. Kyuhyun was still standing cross-armed by the wall. I really have half a mind to hit him.

            “are you sure she just fainted?” Leeteuk asked sitting on a footstool and staring at the girl closely.

The girl also had a fever so she probably couldn’t think straight when she tried to cross the street and wham bam hello Kyuhyun.

            “positive, Kyuhyun oppa stepped on the break before the van could even hit her. She doesn’t seem to have any injuries at all as well.” Taeyeon answered.

Both leaders were beside the girl who doesn’t seemed to look like Korean.

            “Hyoyeon-ah, can you pass me her bag?” I said gesturing to the bag beside her.

            “what are you going to do with it, oppa?” she asked as I opened it.

            “looking for something that we could actually use to know more about her.”

            “you sure you have to search her bag? That’s invasion of privacy.” Sunny commented sitting beside Hyeoyeon.

            “she’s unconscious anyway so she wouldn’t know.” I continued searching through her bag.

I found a small pouch inside her bag. A bag in a bag. If I, as a celebrity, didn’t have anything like this in my things and I’m just an ordinary guy, I’d probably freak out. you just don’t go through a woman’s bag coz you will never know what you’ll find.

I guess the small pouch is her make up kit. Foundation, face powder, concealers, lip glosses, shadows, she packs like she’s a celebrity! Whoa! High quality, not mention expensive, brands too. No Korean brands though but there are stuffs from MAC, Estee Lauder, Benefit etc. what life is this girl exactly living back from wherever she is from?

Daughter of a rich businessman maybe? Politician? I wonder how this will turn out. this will be fun though. Will just keep this to myself and just watch what’ll happen.

            “you think Zee unnie will agree to this?” I could already imagine the grin on Sunny’s face as she watched me go through the girl’s things.

            “what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, and don’t you tell her.” I warned and picked up her passport. “that’s odd.”

            “what? what did you find?” Sunny asked a few heads turned to our direction. Mostly the girls.

            “all that’s in her bag are some cosmetics, notepads and other stuff.”

            “uhhh…oppa, she’s a girl, she would have those in her bag.” Jessica said.

            “yeah, but look she has her passport with her and a luggage.  If you’re traveling won’t you have at least some money with you? Look no wallet, credit cards, atm nothing!“ I said opening the bag wide for them to see. They looked at each other.

            “do you think she was robbed?” Seohyeon asked her innocent eyes widened in disbelief.

            “that’s the theory.” I stood up and looked at the passport.

Angela Victoria Go. Wow, maknae sure has a lot of luck running over a girl named Victoria. A Philippines passport; A Filipina!

Then it hit me.

How are we going to communicate with her when we all have limited English? Those English lessons they have with Zee better be worth it.

I gestured to the girls and walked back to the others.

            “She doesn’t look like she’s from here.” Leeteuk said peering even more closely at the girl.

“hold it right there, Romeo!” I grabbed the back of his collar and yanked him away from the girl and he fell to the floor.

We could hear the stifled laughs from the girls and our members.

            “what? I’m not doing anything.” He said defensively as he stood up.

            “cut the crap, JungSu-ah we’ve known each other for years now, do you think I still don’t know your moves?” I said rolling my eyes. Everyone in the room roared in laughter and even Teukie joined in.

            “so this is one of your moves? How cheesy of you, oppa.” Taeyeon said laughing so much, tears were visible in her eyes.

            “she never really woke up since the almost accident?” I asked after the laughter died down.

            “no, she hasn’t woken up since she collapsed.” I turned around and saw Kyuhyun finally moving.

            “wow! The maknae has finally spoke!” Shindong uttered in mock disbelief.

            “yeah, we thought you conscience has eaten you up already.” HyukJae joined in the teasing. Donghae grinned and high-fived his idiot of a friend. Kyuhyun looked like he was debating whether to hit em or not.

            “yeah, go ahead. Keep rubbing it in.”

sensing some tension, dear old leader Teuk stood in between them

            “no fighting, you guys. Now isn’t exactly a good time for that.” He said then looked at Kyuhyun. “but seriously Kyuhyun-ah, you should be careful when you drive next time. You could’ve hurt a lot more people when you don’t.”

aish! I hate moods like this. It’s time for~~~ mood-maker HEE!!

            “especially this innocent girl.” I said loudly so that they’d not over think the tension. I tilted my head to match the way head was tilted. “she’s a pretty girl, by the way.”

I bent over to look more closely. If we could only get her to wake up then all this heat between the members and Kyuhyun would stop. Hmmm…Zee wakes me up by a slight poke, or was it a sort of caress? She does it that way to me when we’re on the plane or bus ever since I got so shocked with her when she shook me that I shouted on the plane once.

Maybe a poke or caress will work on her?

I tried to poke her slightly and when there’s no reaction I brushed the back of my index finger on her cheek.

            “Heechul-ah, do you have a crush on her?” Leeteuk teased, I knew he was trying to get his revenge on me.

            “hyung, what about your girlfriend?” Yesung interrupted holding his turtle before I could say anything. The girls behind him giggled.

            “you idiots, just because I said she was pretty doesn’t mean I have a crush on her. And Yesung, why did you bring that thing here?”

            “ I mistook it for my cap when I put down Kkoming.” Errr…right… ok… moving on.

            “anyway, hyung, why did you have to touch her face like this?” Sungmin then reenacted they way I brushed the back of my finger on the girl’s face onto Kyuhyun, who was caught off guard and shivered in disgust.

            “duh, obviously, I was only trying to see if her face is as smooth as mine.” I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. They probably didn’t get it since the smirks were still there. Yeesh! “besides, I already have Zee, maknae can have her if he wants.”

            “thanks, hyung, but I’m not interested.” He said angrily. The nerve of that kid to get angry, when’s the one at fault here.

            “YET” Siwon said joining in. Kyuhyun opened his mouth to retort but Ryeowook’s squeal halted that.

            “OMONA! She’s waking up! She’s alive!” he said in his thin voice.

The girls huddled in front of her, with Jessica by her head.

            “I think we should wake her up. She must be having a bad dream.” Jessica observed as the girl started to twitch and mumble in her sleep.

Siwon who was nearest to her knelt beside the couch and started to shake her lightly, when it didn’t work he tapped her vigorously. That seemed to work coz sleeping beauty slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at each one of us as if we were aliens and slowly leaned back away from us. With 19 people staring at her, can’t blame her if she’s this shocked.  Awkward silence filled the room. Ok time for the master of ice breaking to step in.

            “she must have been too dazed to believe all this. She must be a fan of ours!” I said over excitedly and the girl looked scared.

            “Heechul-ah, I think you’re scaring her.” Leeteuk said through gritted teeth and nudged me.

            “with this face? You must be kidding, right?” I stepped beside Siwon and knelt beside him.

            “your face does look scary, oppa.” Tiffany giggled but I ignored it as I noticed Yuri tug her arm.

            “hey, Super Junior’s Kim Heechul, nice to meet you, so would you like me to give you an autograph?” I said grinning. I am not stupid I already know she doesn’t understand me. I’m just doing this for the fun of it just like how you do it in variety shows. Kekeke

            “I’m sorry but I only speak English.” She said in a soft voice. And here is our problem. Language barrier.

            “oh! So sorry about that. Here let me help you.” Siwon said in his engrish and helped her as she weakly tried to sit up. “how are you feeling?”

            “weird…I thought I had died.” She answered putting a hand to her head.

            “do you remember anything before you lost consciousness?” Jessica asked in her fluent English as Tiffany also stepped in to probably help translate to the others.

What she said was already what I had pieced together earlier. Her fever made her light headed and not notice the things around which resulted to this. Oy vey.

            “I was so scared I thought it was the end of me.” The girl sounded really scared and seemed to be on the verge of tears.

Just what I hated, crying girls. Yeesh!

            “stop being such a drama queen, it’s not like you died, ok?” Kyuhyun suddenly snapped behind us.

            “Kyuhyun-ah, what’s wrong with you? You can’t talk to her like that.” Yesung reprimanded Kyuhyun as he seemed to be the first to snap out of shock.

The girl obviously didn’t understand Korean but she seemed smart enough to read body language and by Kyuhyun’s reactions I’m willing to bet she’d already figured out who almost ran her over.

            “so you were the one driving! And you have the nerve to get mad at me!” oh feisty little girl we have here.

            “hey, it’s not my fault you so clumsy that you can’t even watch where you’re going! In fact, you’re the one who almost got us all into trouble.” Kyuhyun shouted back at the girl.

Leeteuk made a move towards Kyuhyun but I held him back. We’ll see how dear evil maknae will do with this girl.

            “look who’s talking! You were the one behind the wheels!” her eyebrows furrowed.

To our surprise that shut the maknae up.

            “that would be a first right?” Yuri asked in shock staring at Kyu, I nodded amusedly.

            “why can’t you be just damn thankful that you’re alive?!” he shot back after a few seconds of being stumped and gestured angrily at the girl.

            “why can’t you just admit that you made a mistake!?” nice one! 2-0 in favor of Miss whoever. What’s her name again? Oh yeah… Victoria.

I have had about enough of this bickering.

            “yah yah yah!” I shouted breaking up their verbal squabble and raised a finger at Kyuhyun. “you dear maknae should know better than to fight with this girl, who you just almost ran over I might add.”

            “easy for you to say, hyung, you and Zee always argue over the littlest thing!” he countered. True but we don’t exactly wallow on the argument for too long.

            “it’s different with us and don’t you start comparing or else I will drag you over to this girl and force you to kneel and apologize. You understand me, Kyuhyun?” I said with the authority I knew I have.

At that point, he finally looked like the maknae that he is and nodded, not with a few grumblings but what the heck at least I got my point across. I looked at the girl who had a smug look on her face. She was probably feeling happy that I shut the maknae up. Yoona went over to her and asked her if she was feeling ok now.

            “just a bit dizzy, but it will subside in a while.” She answered.

            “see? If I hadn’t stop your bickering you would’ve passed out again.” I said. The girl looked at me with a scared and amused expression.

            “thank you, Heechul. Now let me handle this ok?” Leeteuk said pushing me lightly.

            “you can speak English now?” I asked.

            “of course, Zee is a great tutor.” He smirked.

            “not you too!” but he ignored me and went to the girl.

He started to apologize in behalf of all of us and explained how Kyuhyun was the maknae and how it stands for youngest in Korean blah blah blah…I kind of laughed a bit when she asked if we were all siblings. Yeah if we were all biological brothers our parents must be already crazy by now. This girl is just seeing 10 of us, how much more if she could actually see all 15 of us together. That would be a riot! I was too bored to listen much and just sat at a nearby chair.

The girls were just quiet though aside from Jessica and Tiffany who became the translators for the non-fluent speakers. They couldn’t help but roll their eyes at some of the cheesy lines though.

When Hyukkie mentioned how ‘our fans’ call Teukie the umma rather than the appa(coz that’s Kangin’s role) the girl’s eyes widened.

            “so you’re all celebrities?” she asked.

            “we are. We’re actually working under one company. All of us boys are collectively known as Super Junior; and the girls, they are a part of SoNyuShiDae aka Girls’ Generation.”  Donghae answered in his heavily accented English. I’m surprised that the girl even understood that. “my name is Lee Donghae.”

It looked like it took a moment for her to process Donghae’s answer then her eyes widened.

            “you guys are Super Junior?!” aha! So she does know us.

            “you got that right, babe, pretty hard to believe, isn’t it?” I smirked putting both hands at the back of my head and crossed my legs like a boss. Eyes were rolling from around me.

She looked really shocked for a second then excited then she thought deeply about something.

            “is there someone here that goes by the name Ry…I forgot how it’s pronounced but it has a Wook in it.” she said fumbling over the name.


            “oh! Me! That’s me! She knows me, guys!” Ryeowook jumped out from behind Tiffany and started bouncing and waving his hands.

The girl seemed surprised but smiled nonetheless. Turns out, her best friend is a great fan of Ryeowook.

            “guys, I think she needs to rest now.” Siwon said standing up from besides Yoona. I saw the girl’s eyes widened. Oh yeah unlike any other woman meeting Siwon for the first time, they will always fawn over his hotness. Like hyung like dongsaeng…kekeke

            “don’t worry about me, I think I’ve slept for quite a while but I would like to get to know all of you, if you don’t mind.” She asked shyly.

            “sounds good.” Leeteuk said excitedly. Oh no. he’s in his ‘mode’ again. “uri Super Juni-oir!” as soon as he said it all of us automatically did our thing. Well as for me I just raised a V sign lazily. “I’m Park JungSu aka Leeteuk, the leader and eldest here.”

            “how old are you then?”

            “28, turning 29 this July. But subtract 1 year for the American age.”

            “say what! but you look so young!” she looked really surprised. JungSu must’ve loved that. He never wanted to age.

            “don’t say that to him, it’ll go to his head.” I said. “hey yo what’s up baby! I’m Kim Heechul, the second eldest, not to mention the hottest. JungSu and I are just 9 days apart.” She giggled over what I said. But I still notice I kind of scare her. Nice!

Before she could say anything, JongWoon’s hand appeared suddenly in front of her and introduced himself with his turtle. Why does he always have to get his turtle out and freak the innocent girl out?

Turns out she loves animals and wasn’t freaked out. Yesung got so happy he almost hugged her. Shindong’s impeccable timing saved her from Yesung and he apologized in behalf of Mr. weirdo and introduced himself. Next up were the Lee brothers, which got her confused for a bit with them having the same surnames.

After our introduction, except Kyuhyun who was still sulking, it was the girls’ turn. Unlike Teukie, Taeyeon didn’t go all greeting mode and just made all the girls introduce themselves on by one. The girl seemed to be pretty at ease with Tiffany, Jessica and Yoona though.

After a few pushing and threatening by Leeteuk that he’d confiscate all his gaming devices he finally introduced himself.

            “it’s really nice to meet all of you, I will try really hard to remember all your names considering that you all resemble each other.” Oh no she did not just say that!

            “you won’t find a face as goo-looking as this one.” I said pointing at myself which made her laugh.

            “you haven’t told us your name though.” Ryeowook chimed in.

            “oh sorry I forgot. My name is Angela Go. 20 years old from the Philippines. I’m part Filipino and Chinese.”

She’s Chinese too? Why is it that all the girls that seem to come across our way seem to be Chinese or at least seem to have Chinese blood? Zee’s Chinese, now this girl.

They were now talking about how we had a concert last month in the Philippines. It only reminded me of that prank I had on Zee that went wrong and made me completely paranoid when she left first. Turns out that she left coz of some hotel problems, silly me and I had to make it up to her by helping her find that missing dog.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t notice that Kyuhyun and Angela started bickering again. Why did they remind me of how Zee and I were when we were still getting to know each other? Hmmm… I might actually make these two get together. Angela doesn’t look too bad, in fact she’s really pretty, not as pretty as my girl, but still pretty.

            “that’s because I ran away from home, ok!”  Angela suddenly burst out in response Kyuhyun’s irritating interrogation.

            “you mean you came all the way from the Philippines only to seek refuge here?”  Jessica asked in shock.

            “yes, and the only reason why I couldn’t afford to go to a hotel is that I was robbed, the man took all that I have and just left me with nothing.” Sunny, Jessica and I looked at each other and knew what I told them earlier what right.

            “you are quite the trouble-maker aren’t you?”  Kyuhyun muttered and the teary eyed.

            “Kyuhyun-ah, remember what I told you earlier? I am THIS close in making it happen.” JungSu faked a smile as he talked in Korean through gritted teeth not wanting to appear angry in front of Angela. I of course knew what he’s talking about. Kyuhyun’s gadgets.

            “but hyung!”

            “no buts! Either you behave or all of it will be going back with me to the dorm for a month!” Leeteuk pointed at his gadgets. “SO BE NICE!”

Kyuhyun suppressed the protest that he wanted to say and just sulked. I wonder how Zee will respond to this if she was here and how she’ll handle Kyuhyun?

Uh oh…Zee…how the effing way will I tell her about this?


Toronto, Canada


Lau Ranch


Zee’s POV


After that on heck of a breakfast and after I beat up my crazy big brother, I finally got to unwind on the ranch. Our whole family owns this ranch, my dad and uncles and they’ve done a lot for this place. They set this up in order for the kids around our neighborhood to be able to unwind from their hectic day and just spend the time riding on the trails.

The huge ranch is accessible for all but still with a fee for how many hours you spend with the horses, but it’s still cheaper compared to other places.

            “hey Zee! Here’s Priam. I sure know he misses you. He’s been restless ever since you got here.” Clinton laughed as he brought my horse out. My muscular black Nokota horse, he has a white star-like mark on her forehead which I really love. We have a lot of Mustangs and Arabian horses for the public, but for the family horses they were usually different breeds

Henry’s brother looked so much like him but just an older version of him. His eyes crinkle when he smiles but unlike Henry who often gets into mischief, Clinton does everything that’s asked of him.

            “thanks, Clinton. How’s my big baby doing?” I asked rubbing my hand on my horse’s nuzzle.

            “he’s been doing good. The kids love him since he’s really sweet and all. one thing’s for sure though is that he really misses you.” He smiled and gave Priam’s back a pat.

Priam’s my parents’ graduation gift to me in high school and we’ve been together since then. During spring and summer, Priam, Hyung and I would always go to the trail and just enjoy the day even just lounge by the lake.

My thoughts were momentarily cut short but loud bangings and neighing from the barn where the horses were kept. We turned around to see what’s going on just in time to see a huge black Friesian horse bolting from the barn with a few ranch staff running after it.

            “is that, Cuzco?” I asked. and yes that is Henry’s feisty horse. It won’t let anyone ride it but Henry. Only problem is that Cuzco is really slow due to it’s heavy built.

            “yep that’s him, the one and only.”

            “haven’t changed much, I see.” I said laughing at the sight. That horse isn’t what you can actually describe as well-behaved.

            “that horse is a lost case, I think he’ll only behave whenever Henry’s around.” He said taking his horse from one of the keeper who brought it out.

his was a beautiful, white, American Cream Draft named Dala. He used to be an equestrienne but had to stop due to college.

            “Dala is still very beautiful.” I praised putting a hand on her nuzzle, that earned a slight huff from priam.

            “thank you.” He smiled kindly and patted her. “you’re going to be on the trails all day?”

            “yep, I missed going to the trails it’s almost spring anyway so it would be great.” I said as we both climbed onto our horses.

            “well, I’ll just go check around the ranch and maybe I’ll catch up with you after. Still want to talk to you about how Henry’s doing back in Korea.” He said turning his horse to the left.

            “sure! See yah, Clinton!” I said turning my horse and giving him a light kick.

Priam ran through the open field like we how we used to. The chilly air whipping through my face and the feeling of exhilaration makes me not want to stop. Every time my horse and I run though the field or go to the trails I always feel at peace and free, like the world around me just vanished and all my problems being washed away.

I made Priam turn to the right and as I did so he just went to the place I always go. I come here so often with him that he knows already. That just proves horses are not dumb animals.

After passing through some trees we finally got to the edge of the lake; I smiled to myself and got off my horse. I sat by the huge rock, which I always sit and felt Priam nudge my bag. I laughed knowing what he wanted. I opened my bag, took an apple and gave it to him, which he happily ate.

            “you know, looking at you actually reminds me of Siwon oppa. Not that he looks like a horse but he’s muscular enough to be compared to one.” I said scratching his head. He then walked over to the edge of the lake and drank some water.

I missed seeing how peaceful this place is. Looking at the surrounding nature and listening to the twittering birds I’d definitely love to bring Heechul here. He’d probably appreciate this place. Maybe the other members could also come and look at this place that way they’d get some stress off their bodies, especially Leeteuk oppa and Kyuhyun. I wonder how Kyuhyun is right now though.

            “there you are, I knew I’d find you here.” A familiar deep voice said behind me snapping me out of my reverie. It was only then that I thought why I didn’t even hear the huge mustang’s hooves clip clopping throught the forest.

I looked up only to see the face I’d never wanted to see ever since I came home.

He had to ruin my day even more. Can this day get any worse?



whew! finally posted it..i actually finished this last night but i decided to post today..i hope you all will like this even if there's no zeechul moment..hihi promise you there will be in the next chap.

the crossover has finally arrived in my story!weee to know more about Angela's side of the story you can check my friend's story The Seoul Getaway, it's one hell of a story i promise you..hihihi

some parts of our stories will differ but pretty much the same whenever there's angela and kyu or zeechul interactions with angela and kyu...:D

i also based some of the lines in this chap by the lines that were already made, i just changed the slightly to match the flow of my story..with permission of the author of course..:D

ps. chap still unedited and the gif is not mine..:D enjoy everyone!



mari_038: thanks for the comment. and i will definitely try to make that part fun for you guys..:)) im already cooking something up for that..;) stay tuned!

mychokyumintchip: it's finally here! i hope you'll like this bit liss...i  mean Lijjy...;) hahaha stress reliever? just listen to your bb's voice then you'll be able to relax..hihihi

jam_9445: thanks so much for your comment and for saying that my updates make you feel good.:) hope you keep on tuning in..:D big bro and hee interaction will be coming pretty soon..;)

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D