Prank Goes Bad

His Perfect Match

Heechul’s POV


The aftermath of the dating scandal I had less than a month ago was nothing short of being forgettable. Sure the paparazzi followed me around a bit for quite some time hoping to catch me meeting up with a girl but of course they got nothing. SaeMi and I always meet at the company during practices or at her apartment if I do drop by for dinner if I got the chance. Which nowadays I don’t, since our dear members are now bothering her with English lessons!

I have no idea what came over those lunatics that they suddenly want to study English. Yeesh!

Anyway, after the whole heartbroken maknae drama we just had things had been pretty strained between Kyuhyun and my girl. Not that I care much, at least Kyuhyun wont be bothering SaeMi anymore but they are really close and I am not that bad to be heartless about it. I asked SaeMi if she talked with Kyuhyun and she just said flatly that the last time they talked was when Kyuhyun decided to move out.

            “Heechul-ah, wacha doin?” Leeteuk’s head poked inside my room as I was playing with my cats that I just picked up from the hotel.

            “just playing with the cats, why?” I replied. Leeteuk seemed to be in a really good mood, almost giddy.

Unfortunately for me, he suddenly flopped on my bed and laid down there, arms spread wide.

            “nothing, just want to bug you that’s all.”

            “are you crazy or something?” I straightened up hands on my hips. “or did anything happen to make you this happy?”

ever since Kyuhyun moved out Leeteuk hasn’t been the bundle of joy he usually is.

            “well, if you must know SM is considering another comeback for us.” he grinned sitting up. My eyes went round as marbles.

            “you serious!?” I asked in disbelief. This is great news! Leeteuk and I have always talked about a new album before we go off to the army next year.

            “yup! There’s no concrete plans yet but there’s an 80% chance of it pushing through!” Leeeuk said. I swung Baengshin up in my happiness and Leeteuk and I high fived.

            “let’s not tell the others yet until it’s absolutely sure.” I suggested and my dear same-aged friend nodded.

            “speaking of the members, I need to get Yesung.” He said standing up.

            “why? You’re going somewhere?”

            “yeah, I need his help dragging Eunhyuk to the hospital, it’s about time to get his annual shots and  you know how he is with needles.”

I snorted. It isn’t that our dancing machine is afraid of the shots it’s more like he’s afraid of the needles. But he needs to get his shots so he better follow Leeteuk or there might be another embarrassing episode like last year when Leeteuk revealed how Eunhyuk talks in his sleep and says a lot of pretty weird stuff.

            “good luck with that then, but after what happened last year I doubt he’ll put up much of a fight.” I said amusedly as I followed him out.

            “I know but we can’t be too sure. We’ll be back in an hour or two.” He said putting on his shoes by the entrance.

After the door closed silenced filled the dorm, not counting the meows from my cats.

What to do now?

My eyes fell on my suitcase and I realized I still haven’t unpacked ever since we got back from our concert in Japan 3 days ago. I got so busy when I arrived that I forgot about it.

I dragged my suitcase to the living room and grabbed an empty hamper from my room. I sat on the couch, opened my bad and started to sift through everything. 4 days in Japan and I already had this much laundry? Yeesh! Thank goodness for washing machines…

Beep beep!

I looked up and stared by the entrance when I heard the door open. It usually beeps after pressing the code.

            “Heechul hyung?” Kyuhyun’s voice called out from the hallway. He’s probably taking off his shoes.

But wait, what is that kid doing here?

            “Kyuhyun?” I said standing up from the couch and walking towards his way. Kyuhyun entered a few seconds later.

I guess moving out did him a bit of good since he didn’t looked depressed much lately. Wait, he may not look depressed but he’s now temperamental. So erase that bit about his moving doing him good. It didn’t do anything to him at all. It’s be better if he just moved back in, less expenses and no more awkward question from fans and reporters as to why Kyu moved out, not that anyone questioned that yet since they’re busy preparing for SJM’s comeback but it will happen eventually.

            “annyeonghaseyo, hyung.” he bowed as he met me.

            “yah, what are you doing here?” I asked walking back to the couch. I guess he came here specifically for me since he followed me to the living room.

            “I kind of wanted to talk to you.”

            “me? What about?” although I kinda knew what’s this is going to be.

He flopped himself down on the couch and breathed out.

            “it’s about Zee. She just wouldn’t talk to me anymore.” He sulked. I raised an eyebrow.

            “don’t tell me you’ve finally forgotten about Victoria and moved on to SaeMi?” I asked suspiciously. I know it’s not the case but it’s nice to see him get flustered once in a while…ekekeke

his head spun to me so fast I swear I heard a crack.

            “OW!” Kyuhyun screamed putting a hand over his neck…I guess he’s got a stiff neck now. “of course not, hyung! Liking Zee would be like liking my own sister. Ew!”

            “BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!” I rolled on the couch laughing so hard I had to clutch my stomach.

            “can you be serious for just one second?” he was massaging his neck with a very irritated look on his face.

I sat up and inhaled deeply to catch my breath.

            “ok…ok…what made you think she’s not talking to you anymore?” I asked trying not to break into laughter again. His face when I told him…EPIC!!!

            “well, she just wouldn’t talk to me.” He said and played the edges of one of the cushions.

            “did you even try talking to her?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

            “well, no, not exactly.”

I found myself drumming my fingers on the back of the couch.

            “did being heartbroken made you stupid? How can you expect her to talk to you when you aren’t even talking to her? Pabo!”

he looked at me wide-eyed.

            “I never really thought of that, but is she still mad at me?” he looked at me bothered.

            “well, if you really know her, she’s not exactly the type to hold grudges.” I said and stood up carrying the now full hamper to the laundry room and dropped it on the floor beside the washing machine.


Now who could that be now!?

I walked out of the laundry room to be welcomed by the rowdy voices of Eunhyuk, Henry and Shindong.

            “annyeonghaseyo, Heechul hyung!” all three of them greeted.

            “what are you three doing here? Don’t you have schedules?”

            “Shindong and I finished early and I only have Sukira for tonight…” Eunhyuk replied as he dropped onto the couch.

            “I live here now, hyung, remember?” Henry replied as he and Shindong walked hurriedly towards the kitchen.

I grabbed Shindong and Henry by the back of their collars, which made them, stop and choke.

            “where do you think you’re going? And as far as I know YOU live downstairs.” I pointed a finger at Shindong.

            “but, hyung, we’re hungry.” Henry pouted.

            “yeah and there’s nothing else to eat downstairs. There’s only frozen stuff there.” Shindong mumbled, a hand over his stomach.

            “so? Does the dorm look like a restaurant to you? Go find Wookie and ask him to cook for you.” I said grabbing all the stuff that’s left from my suitcase.

            “but hyung Wookie lives with HIM now.” Eunhyuk argued pointing a finger at Kyuhyun who I just noticed hadn’t said a word since the 3 stooges came in.

            “well, what am I supposed to do about that? And as far as I know you’re all already adults not a bunch of five-year old kids. Go cook for yourself…” I snapped waving a hand to shoo them.

            “but hyuuuuuung!” both Henry and Eunhyuk pouted and stared at me.

Some part of me is regretting that Intimate Note guesting we had. Ever since that shoot, Eunhyuk and I did become close but his aegyo really gets on my nerves.

            “do you want me to hit you?” I said as casually as I could but with a frown. And they know whenever I say it in that tone I will absolutely do it. Well, I hit them whatever tone I use.

As soon as I said the words both of them straightened up.

            “what is Kyuhyun doing here anyway, hyung? why are you only shooing us?” Shindong pointed at Kyuhyun.

            “if you must know our maknae has some problems other than his shattered heart and came to me to ask for help.” I said sounding smug and greatly amused at the same time.

            “ehhhh…it’s about Zee, isn’t it?” Eunhyuk said walking towards Kyuhyun and put an arm around his shoulders. Kyuhyun looked at him with a puzzled look.

            “how’d you know?”

            “yah, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out.” Shindong interrupted with a pack of biscuits in hand.

            “we’ve all noticed that you two don’t talk anymore.” Henry replied with the same pack of biscuits in hand.

            “yah, where did you get that?” I asked.

            “I kept a whole lot of this in my room, hyung.” he replied innocently.

I always forget he’s like a squirrel saving up food for the winter. Zhou Mi told me about always finding food in his room in the most unusual places.

            “I think I have to go now, hyung.” Kyuhyun said standing up.

            “ok, oh and Kyuhyun stop being stupid and get over it, arrasso?” I said as he walked to the door.

            “ne, hyung.”

            “Kyuhyun-ah! Get over it quickly and come back home! we need Wookie’s cooking!” Eunhyuk and Shindong shouted at Kyuhyun’s retreating back.

I just shook my head and tossed some ramen to them. They caught it easily and celebrated as if I gave them gold instead of noodles.


2 days later


Manila, Philippines


Zee’s POV


            “hey Henry, you’ve been here last year right? how was it?” I asked my cousin who was groggily putting his gadgets back into his bag as we were just about to land.

            “the crowd is great, they’re really loud. It’s just too bad we didn’t get to see more of the city much.”

            “I’d sneak out and go around the city if I were you.” I said looking out the window.

            “you’re not thinking of sneaking out again like what you did in Singapore, are you?” he asked sulkily. He was still feeling bad that I didn’t bring him along then.

            “no, but if we had more time I probably would.” It just that we had to fly back again tomorrow morning.

            “if you must sneak out next time, tag me along, cuz!” he pleaded.

            “only if you promise not to act like a 5-year old in a theme park.” I said laughing.

            “I promise and I don’t act like that.” I raised an eyebrow at him. “well most of the time.” He said grinning widely.

I glanced towards Heechul who was sitting beside Siwon. His seat was already up but he was resting his head on his hand with his eyes closed. He really wasn’t feeling well at the moment he has a bad migraine and a slight fever.

After a few minutes we waited for most of the people to get off the plane before starting to move ourselves.

I was about to follow Henry up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I saw Heechul standing behind me when I turned to look. He didn’t look good he looked almost pale.

            “hey, you ok? Still feeling sick?” I asked and felt his forehead. He still felt a bit warm.

He put his hood up and held my hand.

            “I’ll be fine as long as I hold your hand.” He grinned. I raised an eyebrow.

            “you’re probably not as sick I thought you are if you can still manage to say cheesy lines.” I rolled my eyes and started to walk out. Heechul still held my hand though.

            “of course. I am Kim Heechul and I am unstoppable!” he shouted energetically. I don’t know if he was really giddy or he’s just faking it as to not let me worry.

            “whatever, but you’re going to get some sleep as soon as we get to the hotel. A few hours of sleep will do you good before rehearsals.” Now I sound like his mother. Oh dear goodness!

            “arrassso, gong junim.” He replied mockingly and stuck my tongue out.

            “hurry up, love birds, or else manager will have your necks.” Leeteuk oppa called us out by the exit door.

            “right behind yah, leader!” Heechul saluted and walked out of the plane. The way he became all-hyper made some of the female flight attendants giggle. Thinking that there’s nothing I could possibly say or do to make him quit acting like a kid, I just let myself get dragged by him out.

as usual crowds of fangirls gathered and flocked the airport to see their biases. I don’t know if it’s just me but I reeeeaaaallly can’t breathe walking through a crowd like that even if there’s a wide distance between the fans. Of course I’m not the focus of their attention but you get the whole gist of the thing.

I was walking behind the boys beside the concert organizer who I was introduced as Ms. Happee Sy, well, she’s not actually a miss since she’s married but a lot of people just calls her that. Oh and she knows who I am of course since the whole SM thing that organizers should treat me like they treat the boys kind of thing. All in all she seems pretty nice.

            “Zee, just ride with us, there’s still some space here.” Jay said glancing back at me.

The other members were already in the other vans along with the managers and cordis. So those who lagged behind rode in the last van, namely, Jay oppa, Jungmo oppa, Heechul, Kyuhyun, Ms. Sy and me.

Ms.Sy, Kyuhyun and I were seated at the last row of the van while the other 3 at the front. Ok talk about awkward. Kyuhyun and I haven’t talked for quite a while and I’m squished between him and Ms.Sy.

            “so, you’re Henry’s cousin?” the pretty woman beside me asked in english. It didn’t sound like she was curious but more on the happy, kind of question as if she’s looking forward to meeting me. Talk about her impeccable timing too…hihihi

            “yup! The one and only.” I said smiling back at her.

            “you’re prettier than I thought you would be, it’s a shame you have to cover your face with a mask.”

            “well, I’m not really into the whole center-of-attention thing. I guess it’s just not for everybody.” I shrugged my shoulder and she let out a short giggle, as she seemed to understand my point.

            “can I ask you something? How did SM get you to do this gig?” she asked curiously. We were talking in a bit of a low voice but I’m sure we’re going to be forced to talk louder soon by the way Heechul is so hyper while explaining to Jungmo oppa about those yellow ribbons tied around trees, poles and pretty much almost anything.

            “it’s a very long story. We might not be able to finish it by the time we get to the hotel.” I laughed. “But to make the long story short Soo Man seonsaengnim saw me playing and offered to be the boys’ violinist for their SS3 tour.”

            “so that’s how it is. Well really good for you, we actually did a survey here on what the fans think of the ‘Phantom’ and the response were pretty good. They especially love your performances with Heechul and duet with Henry.” As soon as she said it I felt myself blush.

            “really? Haven’t really heard of their responses, last I heard of any news bout me was the one when I first performed.” To be honest I didn’t care much about the whole entertainment world, why do you think I never really knew about the boys till I met them? Talking about it now made me feel like the dumbest person on earth, like I’ve been living in a cave for the past 22 years of my life.

            “I suggest you go online and look coz there are a lot. Some ELFs even go to the extent in pairing you with the members. The most popular is your pairing with Heechul, they say your chemistry on stage is really fantastic. Too bad he has a dating scandal, I wonder if it’s true though.” She said curiously and we heard Kyuhyun give out a short chuckle and I elbowed him slightly.

            “hey SaeMi! Can you make me something at the hotel?” Heechul suddenly turned behind us and rested his chin on the headrest and pouted. “it will help make me feel better.” I raised an eyebrow.

            “Heechul, are you high or something? You’ve been so…so…”

            “energetic?” Jungmo said finishing my sentence. Heechul just whacked him on the back of his head.

            “yah, I just want my girlfriend to take care of me when I’m sick. I’d do the same for you, you know.” He argued and bumping his head on the roof of the car when he straightened up too quickly. “OW!”

            “sick? Yeah…more like sick in the head.” I heard Kyuhyun mutter silently beside me and I found myself sniggering.

            “what are you laughing at?” Heechul asked irritably.

            “nothing. Fine, I’ll get you some ramen and some other food from here. It’s good to try new things.”

            “fine. Just don’t poison me.”

            “I will if you don’t shut up now.” I threatened and he immediately sat down and began talking to Jungmo and Jay again.

I just stared straight ahead and let out a sigh, sometimes I don’t know if I’m his girlfriend or nanny.

            “you two seems close.” Ms. Sy commented.

            “yeah well, being with him at practice and on these trips will definitely do that.” I replied casually and took out my phone. I really don’t want to sound guilty for hiding the fact of me being his girlfriend and all.

            “but if you don’t mind me asking, I’ve learned a lot of Korean phrases from my Korean friends and if I heard it right he called you his girlfriend?” she sounded confused more that curious. I stared at her.

Oh shoot!

            “well…” I trailed off before I paused and looked pretty uncomfortable. I looked at her again and saw her give an understanding smile.

            “don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” Her warm and kind smile comforted me a bit and I hope she’ll be true to her words.

            “thanks.” I replied, the relief in my voice surprised me, but I just leaned back on my seat and looked at Heechul become energetic.


Sheraton Hotel, 2 pm


            “hey Zee, here’s the food you wanted me to buy. I added some native foods in there too so you guys can try some.” Sungjin said handing me 4 bags of food. Since Sungjin was already here, Sungmin oppa just called him to bring some food to the hotel instead of us going out to buy it ourselves.

            “thanks, Sungjin. Will you be staying here tonight?” I asked.

            “nah…but I’ll be at the concert with some friends so I guess I’ll be seeing you backstage.” Sungmin oppa’s little brother wriggled his eyebrows excitedly.

I met Sungjin last year from that ski trip and my impression of him still remains. He’s definitely manlier than his aegyo king of a brother. The only thing that those two have in common aside from some similar features is that Sungjin is also a child at heart.

            “oh, thanks for these anyway, Heechul has been whining about food ever since we got here.” I said adjusting my hold on the heavy bags.

            “hyung is always like that, you know I kind of even wondered how you two even got along. Your personalities clash so much.” He commented amusingly and adjusted his backpack. He seemed like ready to leave already.

            “well, the world is a very mysterious place filled with weird people and unlikely couples.” We both laughed.

            “anyway, Zee, I really have to go. Oh and those fluffy cake looking stuff in there are called puto it’s this country’s version of a rice cake, it tastes good, there’s also some taho in those cups right there, it’s a soy bean product with syrup and taro balls and uhhh…” he paused looking at the bags I’m carrying. “oh! Some sisig in that big box, it’s still hot since I just ordered it. I pretty much just picked everything else.”

That’s kind of a lot of food. And to think were just staying overnight. Wait…why am I having trouble getting rid of these foods? SJ are guys with bottomless pit stomachs, especially Eunhyuk!

            “thanks so much for these, Sungjin. I’ll make sure all of them gets to eat some of these.”

            “or you’ll shove it in their mouths if they won’t.” he grinned naughtily.

            “dude, you just read my mind.” We laughed again at that.

We said our goodbyes after that. Most of the boys are still settling in and I’m rooming with one of the cordis. I usually room with Sulli when she’s with us during the other concerts but she couldn’t make it this time coz f(x) is getting ready for their comeback. I really do miss that girl; it’s like having a little sister I never had.

I walked towards Heechul and Yesung oppa’s shared room and yes, they’re paired up again our Hee may not be feeling all the great about the idea. He told me even when he’s sleeping Yesung’s weird aura kept creeping on his back and it made him restless.keke I am not really sure about that, sure oppa does have a weird vibe to him but it could become quite pleasant if he wants it to be.

I rang the doorbell twice and waited for someone to open the door. A few seconds later, Yesung oppa’s droopy face came into view, but his expression changed to great relief when he saw me.

            “thank all the turtles! You’re finally here!” he said ecstatically relived. “hyung’s been badgering me about food ever since we got here. He wakes up every 5 minutes from his nap only to be grumpy about being hungry. Manager hyung won’t allow us to order room service because of what happened last time.” He said as he ushered me in and took the food bags from me.

I stifled a laugh at the memory. It wasn’t Heechul or oppa’s fault or anything; it was Eunhyuk and Donghae oppa’s. They decided to have an eating contest one evening after the first day of the SS3 in Japan. They kept on ordering until the food bill went way over budget and to think we still had 2 more days in Japan. The manager yelled at them for that and they ended up paying for half of the total food they managed to eat. So now only the manager will order room service for each room at specific times.

I guess Heechul just flopped onto the bed and slept. He didn’t even bother with the bed cover and blanket.

            “how long has he been asleep?” I asked walking towards Heechul and felt his forehead. He still has a fever, hopefully it will go down by tonight.

            “around 3 minutes since he last woke up.” Mr. voice of art replied after he put the bags down on beside the couch. “it means I only have 2 minutes to get out of here.”

I heard the sound of the bags and since they’re plastic it quite a lot of noise. I turned around only to find oppa squatting down and searching for food. He already took out 2 instant ramens.

            “uhhh…oppa, what are you doing?”

            “I couldn’t sleep because of hyung and it made me hungry. I can have some of these right?” he said looking up at me with a pout. If Heechul weren’t sleeping, I would’ve laughed.

            “sure. Those unfamiliar food you see id some of the Philippines’ delicacies that Sungjin brought over.” I informed him as he took out what looked like the small cupcake like delight.

            “oh? Nice! What is this called? Mini cupcakes?” Yesung held the pack of the rice cakes up.

            “Sungjin said it’s their version of a rice cake. I think it’s calledputo or something.” I replied bending over to take a better look.

            “ohh…I’ll take 2 of these and 2 ramens then, I’ll share it with Henry, he’s alone now since Sungmin is with the manager the last time I asked. Thanks Zee!” he said and ran out the door.

I glanced toward the sleeping celebrity before taking out the electric thermos and plugged it after cleaning and putting some water in it. I put all the seasonings in and waited for the water to heat up. I didn’t put too much in so it won’t take long and sure enough the switch clicked as the heating finished. I poured the hot water carefully and covered it.

Time to wake up sleeping beauty!

            “Heechul-ah, wake up! Your food is here.” I said loudly before turning towards him, but he didn’t even stir.

I walked towards him and shook his shoulders lightly. He still didn’t move even calling his name a few times didn’t do anything good. And I thought Yesung oppa told me he wakes up every 5 minutes.

            “fine. You don’t want to wake up then just keep on sleeping.” I said stomping towards the table and getting the instant ramen and putting it on his bedside table. “eat this when you wake up. It’s going to be soggy by then but it’s your fault for not waking up.” I mumbled.

Just as I was about to leave, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me so hard that I fell on top of him and slid to the side. Before I could even register what he did his arms wrapped around me. He maybe thin but I felt like he covered me like a blanket. I couldn’t help feeling my heart that's beating like war drums.

            “warm.” He mumbled silently and I felt him nuzzle my hair with his nose.

            “y…yah! Heechul-ah! Let me go.” I tried pushing him but he just hugged me tighter.

            “warm…cozy…” he mumbled again. I don’t know if he’s doing this on purpose or he’s asleep but either way this has got to stop!

            “YAH!!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs and woke with a start.

He looked at me confused at first then his expression became surprise as he sat up and jumped onto Yesung’s oppa’s bed.

            “y…you…” he pointed a finger at me while hugging a pillow on the other as if covering his body with it.

            “I what, you ert?!” I snapped sitting up on his bed.

            “me?! A ert!? You’re the one who was hugging me while I was asleep!” now he’s just being delusional!

            “yah! You were the one who pulled me and hugged even though I was just bringing you your ramen!” I fought indignantly and pointed to the ramen on the bedside table.

            “ohhh…I get it, you used that ramen as an excuse to come in here and me didn’t you? You knew I was sick and probably thought I wouldn’t be able to fight you off!” he said with an expression like a detective who just solved a really baffling and difficult case.

That does it!

            “believe what you want I don’t care. Like I said I only did what you wanted since I’m done I’m out.” I stood up and stomped towards the door in rage.

            “hey! SaeMi-ah come back here, I was only joking. I was awake the whole time. C’mon I just wanna play with you.” He hurriedly said walking towards me.

I am so not in the mood to tolerate his humorless pranks and now that my temper has already erupted there’s no backing out now. Hand on the doorknob I turned and glared at him.

            “I don’t care. There’s your food, eat it and I hope you choke on it!” with that I walked out and slammed the door shut.


Heechul’s POV


Women are so touchy! Play a harmless joke on them and they explode like fireworks on New Year’s Day.

We’re all getting ready to start the show now and since the rehearsal SaeMi wouldn’t talk to me. And since we had to practice for my solo we had to use an utterly bewildered Henry to pass messages along, even if it was just short.

I wish she would just talk to me; she already had her revenge since I really did choke on my noodles.

The concert started and went on as usual. There was a bit of tension when SaeMi and I did our performance but it ended well.

            “what exactly did you do to make her mad?” Leeteuk said as he glanced at SaeMi who just glowered at me when I tried to talk to her.

            “played a prank and she didn’t take it well.” I said now watching Ryeowook’s solo. I’m not all that worried if she’s mad at me, it’s not like it too big of a deal or anything.

            “pft! You should know when to prank her, Heechul-ah. She rides on with most our pranks but when it’s not the right moment it will never be right.” he grinned and walked away to change his outfit.

Why do I get the feeling all of the members will blame this to me? Fine! I’ll…ugh!...apologize right after the concert.

That left a bitter taste in my mouth.

After a few performances later, we finally concluded the concert. SaeMi and Henry were one of the first few who exited and she looked like she’s in a hurry. Whatever.

            “I call dibs on that rice cake thing!” Eunhyuk pointed at the delicacy on the table. He and Shindong finished the food that Sungjin brought earlier and had to ask him again to bring some over. He only managed to bring the rice cake though.

            “no way I saw it first!” Shindong grabbed the whole pack from the table and ran out the door followed by Eunhyuk.

            “yah! If you don’t give me those I swear I’ll make you smell my socks the whole night!”

            “I don’t know why they’re so bothered, I mean there’s a good looking pizza over here and I see my name all over it.” Henry said opening a large box of pizza. In a flash, all the other members gathered over it and took slices for themselves. Performing for 3 hours straight makes you reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy hungry yah know.

I looked around and noticed someone missing.

            “hey Henry, where’s your cousin?” I asked. Henry looked up from the pizza, his cheeks puffed up and it made him look like a hamster. He chewed fast and swallowed to be able to answer my question.

            “you didn’t know?” his looked innocently confused.

            “know what?”

            “hyung, she’s on her way to the airport now. she’s flying back to Korea tonight.”



after 2 weeks i am finally back! so sorry about the long break. this chap will be sort of a filler chap.i dont want to skip a lot dates to get to the parts that im planning to make something happen..err that didnt make sense..hihi so anyway hope you guys like this chap..

oh and i lost some subscribers..T_T and to the new ones..welcome! hope you guys will stick with me to the end...^_^

ps. once again still unedited..gif is mine..:D



MusicChibi: true..hahaha

mychokyumintchip: er for cheesy lines eh?hahaha

chrinleong: thanks for the comment!here's the next chap hope you'll like it..:D

achillison: hey there!thank you so much for the comment..hihi you sound like you just read this at one go..hahaha and thanks for loving this and well, dont we all call our biases as "my"? ;)well, here's the update for you hope ou can comment and tell me what you think..:D


will try to update before monday coz i will definitely have a lot of word next week...T_T

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D