Weekend Getaway

His Perfect Match

12 midnight


Zee’s POV


The dinner with Yunho was more than I expected. It wasn’t really awkward but it was the same as when I was having dinner with Casey, just comfortable conversation. Yunho, I admit is a very charismatic man; you just can’t help but look at him whenever he’s around; the aura he exudes is just plain catching. We walked around the park near my apartment after dinner and chatted more.

He only has a few schedules these past few months since 3 of DBSK’s members left, I can see that he’s sad and hurt about it so I didn’t ask too much questions. I knew how the members of Super Junior felt when Hankyung left; coz it happened during SJM’s promotions and Henry was there and told me everything. It was one of those rare occasions that I saw my cousin cry. If Henry had cried back then, how much more the other members, who were closer to Hankyung than Henry. I knew Casey went into a slight depression when his best friend left.

But at least Yunho and Changmin are now preparing for their comeback on January, I’m sure it’ll be a blast. I can see he’s already excited about it although I knew he’d be happier if he could do it with the other 3 members.

            “did you enjoy yourself tonight?” Yunho said turning towards me. We were still sitting at a bench staring at a frozen pond.

            “of course. I haven’t had a proper night out since a few months ago.” I said letting out a small laugh while cold fog came out of my mouth. It’s awfully cold since its already winter.

            “aren’t you cold? Your nose is getting red.” He said touching my nose. Actually the cold here is not much different back in Canada.

            “nah, no worries. It gets this cold in Canada.” I said as I rubbed my bare hands. I actually forgot my pair of gloves, that’s why I’ve spent most of the time with my hands in my pockets.

Something cold fell on my nose, when I touched it I realized it was snow. When I looked up tons of white flakes were now falling. I smiled a huge smile.

            “It’s snowing!” I exclaimed standing up and spread my arms wide. Yunho laughed behind me.

            “you love the snow?” he asked as he stood up. I looked at him. Why is he so damn good looking? It’s a good thing I have the cold as an excuse for my red face.

            “yup! When you’re Canadian you should love the snow. Ahhh! I miss snow boarding!” I sighed putting my hands back inside my pockets.

            “you snowboard? Cool! Me too!” I stared at Yunho and we high-fived each other.

Suddenly the thought of Casey snowboarding popped in my mind, it would be funny watching him do it. Why am I thinking about that guy? Urgh!

            “listen we’re going to a ski resort in Gangwon this weekend. Do you want to come?” Yunho suddenly asked. I just stared at him. Is he effing serious? People were already staring at us in the restaurant. And by “we”, whom did he mean exactly?

            “no thanks! I think I’ll just be a burden to you and your friends.” What a lame excuse. I want to go of course but if it’s going to the resort with Yunho then I might have doubts about that.

            “of course not! It’s actually an outing for all SM artists, it’s for the whole weekend, and we leave on early Saturday morning and return by Monday morning. What do you say?” it was really tempting to be honest…really…

            “I don’t know, Yunho-ssi.”

            “just call me oppa.” I looked at him and he was grinning. I can feel my heart thumping hard now.

            “it’s on the 11th right?” I confirmed and he just nodded. Is it just a coincidence? Coz the hotel will be closing for two weekends this month. First will be on those days and on Christmas. Kim Shin and Eun Hee are also going to their hometowns, Kim Shin in Mokpo while Eun Hee in Busan.

            “say yes? Pleaseeeee!” he put his hands together and made a cute begging face. No, he didn’t do ageyo but it was till very cute to me.

            “ok fine, you win, I’ll go…” I finally agreed. As long as I don’t get in trouble for it then I’m fine.

            “yes! Promise?” he held up a pinky. A grown man still doing pinky swears? Haha

            “promise.” I said wrapping my pinky around his and pressed our thumbs. He smiled and then his eyebrows met as looked at our hands.

He suddenly took my hand.

            “where are your gloves? Your hands are turning blue.” He said looking at my hands.

            “I forgot to bring it, actually.” I grinned guiltily.

            “aish! You shouldn’t forget about things like that. Here.” He said taking his off and putting it on my hands before I could even protest.

            “but how about you?” I said worrying about his hands.

            “don’t worry my pockets can do the job. Unless you want to hold hands?” he remarked jokingly.

            “yah!” I disagreed slapping his arm. He flinched automatically and laughed.

            “just kidding. C’mon, I’ll take you home before we turn into popsicles.” He said as he put a hand on my back and lead me the way.

He is a perfect gentleman and he kept me smiling until I reached the apartment building. We just walked from there to the park since he parked his car only a block away from the apartment.

            “you sure you don’t want to come up for coffee?”

            “no thanks, it’s getting late and you still have work tomorrow.” He said.

            “you know it is not like you don’t have work too. Take care on your way ok?” I said.

            “arasso. You have a good rest too. Good night Zee-ssi. Annyeong!” he said as we waved each other goodbye.

When I stepped into the elevator I realized I was still wearing Yunho’s gloves. Aish! I should’ve returned this to him it looked expensive. I’ll just return this to him this weekend.

When I looked at it, I was sure it was custom made. It was all black and simple but his initials were engraved on the thin metal plating around the wrist. It was really cool.

When the elevator doors open, Casey’s face appeared in front of me. He took a short look at me and looked away as he entered the elevator without saying anything.

            “oh Casey…” I began to but he had already pressed the close button on the elevator.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion and looked at my two best friends who were standing outside our door. I guess they sent him off…

            “what’s up with him?” I asked jerking a thumb at the closed elevator.

            “weeell…if you must know…” Eun Hee began to say but was cut off as Kim Shin put a hand over .

            “he’s just tired, he just came by and dropped off some food. He said it was a peace offering for waking you up so early yesterday.” Kim Shin hurriedly explained. But I felt like something was amiss, these two are hiding something from me.

            “are you keeping something from me?” I asked taking off my coat as we entered our apartment.

            “nothing much. Oppa just waited for 2 hours for you.” Eun Hee said grinning.

            “aish! Why did you tell her?” Kim Shin said poking her friend on the ribs.

            “ow! What gives? There’s no reason why we should keep it from her.” Kim Shin reacted massaging her ribs.

Why would Casey be waiting for me? He could’ve just dropped the food off. And if he did wait for me why didn’t he even talk to me when we saw each other? Yeesh! Understanding that man’s mind is really impossible.

            “so how was your dinner with Yunho?” Eun Hee asked sitting with Kim Shin and me on the dining table. The food was still there since they wouldn’t eat without me.

            “it was good. He’s very nice. Why didn’t you just eat these?” I said looking at the food.

            “well, he brought it mainly for you and it would be pretty thick-skinned of us to eat what he intentionally brought for you. Besides I already cooked some food when he came.” Kim Shin said putting the food on plates.

            “you should’ve just told him that I ate out.”

            “we did. But he said he’d wait for you.” Kim Shin said giving me a bowl of soppy noodles… it’s a bit cold already but it still looked good’ I felt hungry again.

            “you had no idea how frustrated he looked waiting for you. We could almost see steam coming out from his head.” Eun hee continued to say as I ate the noodles. “and he wouldn’t stop asking about Yunho and you, if you two were going out for a while now or if you two are officially together…etc…I felt like going mad.”

            “why would he ask those questions? Yunho and I are just friends.” Casey must be crazy assuming thing like that.

            “that’s what we told him actually and that tonight was the first time you two went out but it just made him even more uncomfortable. He finally left when he got a call from Leeteuk oppa.” Kim Shin said but as I looked at her, I saw her and Eun Hee sharing a knowing glance. I didn’t bother to ask anymore since I knew I wouldn’t get a straight answer from those two anyway. And what’s with them and “oppas”… when did they start using it?

As I continued to eat, I can’t help thinking why Casey would act like that? Did he know something about Yunho? If so, why didn’t he tell me? Aish! I need to stop reading that crazy brat’s head.


Heechul’s POV


I met SaeMi when the elevator doors opened, I was about to talk to her but then I saw the gloves she was wearing. It was Yunho’s favorite gloves; he got it as a gift from his fans. I felt a surge of anger rise and I just entered the elevator as SaeMi got out.

“oh Casey…” she started to say but I already pushed the close button. I saw her look a bit confused but didn’t care.

I bring her food as a peace offering but what does she do? Go out with my dongsaeng for dinner and even wore his gloves home! Did they have some lovey dovey moment during this effing cold night or something!? Grrr!

            “about time you came.” I was greeted by Leeteuk’s impatient voice when I entered the dorm.’

            “what did you say it was that you wanted to announce?” I said ignoring his previous statement as I took off my shoes and coat.

I glanced around the dorm and saw that all the members were there, Henry and Zhou Mi included. Some of them were sitting on the floor but Siwon stood up and gave me his seat on the couch and he sat on the floor.

            “now that we’re all here…finally.” He said glaring at me. I just rolled my eyes and slouched and tinkered with my phone. “I have an announcement to make.”

            “Obviously, since you gathered us all here.” I whispered but Kyuhyun who was sitting beside me sniggered when he heard what I said.

            “the company will be treating us all to a weekend getaway to the ski resort.” Leeteuk announced and clapped his hands. All of us immediately straightened up excitedly.

            “JINJJAYO??” almost all of us said together. This bit of information almost made up for my disappointment today.

            “yup! It has been a good year for the company and the president is treating all of the artists to the ski resort for the weekend. And by all I mean ALL.” he said eyeing Eunhyuk. We know why of course.

Eunhyuk’s girlfriend is from the band The Elements. They are currently promoting in Japan and they haven’t seen each other in months except when they have video calls. I glanced at Eunhyuk who was sitting beside Henry on the floor with a huge gummy smile  on his face.

            “someone’s gonna be having a very happy holiday this year…wooo!” Donghae teased his best friend and threw a throw pillow at him, which hit his face.

            “aish! Jinjja!” he grabbed the pillow and threw it back at Donghae but he was blushing like mad.

            “enough of that, we will be leaving on Saturday morning and will be returning on Monday. We will be riding in one bus, the company managed to find one big enough to accommodate us all. They figured we could bond in the bus since it’s been a long time since all of us got together.” Leeteuk continued to say although some of the members were already too excited to pay attention; Henry in particular was very excited.

            “that’s great! I need a vacation before we leave for Guangzhou in two weeks.” I said as I stretched myself. “by the way when did they tell you this?”

            “all group leaders or representatives were called in for a meeting this morning. Boa-ssi, Victoria-ssi, Taeyeon-ssi, Kangta hyung, Onew-ssi, Jay-ssi, Jino-ssi, Dana-ssi, Yunho-ssi…” I frowned at the last name he said. But I don’t know why I’m actually mad at Yunho. “and JinMi-ssi(Flame)” Leeteuk ended his announcement.

            “MWO!? She was there?? Why didn’t you tell me?! Why didn’t she call me?!” the anchovy stood up and threw a tantrum. It looked ridiculous!

            “yah yah yah! Stop throwing tantrums you stupid monkey! She joined us via videoconference. She said she’ll call you later.” Leeteuk said calming the rampaging monkey.

            “will Amber and Li Yin jie be there?” Henry asked. He’s pretty close with Amber since they can communicate pretty well.

            “yes, Amber just got back from the US, but Li Yin-ssi won’t be there, she said she’d want to spend her holidays with her family.”

            “can we bring someone along?” Ryeowook suddenly asked. We all looked at him.

            “Do you want to bring someone? A girl perhaps?” Kyuhyun teased.

            “anniyo, I just thought maybe Henry would want to bring his cousin along.” Ryeowook said his voice shaking a bit. We all stared at him.

            “well, the president said it was ok but only 1 guest per person. We have the whole place to ourselves so it should be big enough for extra guests.”

All of us talked to each other for a bit about what we’d do when we get there. I sighed in relief since my skiing skills have actually improved since the last time I was there, it was embarrassing back then.

Henry was now blabbing about how he missed snowboarding and how he always did it back in Canada. Zhou Mi was not all that excited, he didn’t know how to do winter sports and worried that he’d be left along on the side just watching the others have fun.

            “Don’t worry Zhou Mi hyung, I don’t know how to ski or snowboard either.” Said Ryeowook putting an arm around Zhou Mi.

After a few more minutes we dispersed into our rooms. My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket and I took it out to read the message.

            Thanks for the noodles it was really good. Good Night!

Somehow that message made me feel better that Leeteuk’s weekend getaway announcement.



Saturday 7am


Zee’s POV


Kim Shin and Eun Hee left earlier than me since the wanted to catch the earlier train so I decided to stay at Henry’s dorm Friday night. We’re already packed and ready. Henry had asked me to come to the ski resort and he was surprised when I said that Yunho had already invited me. It’s a good thing he didn’t ask too many questions.

            “hey Zee, our ride will be here soon, let’s meet them downstairs.” Henry said grabbing my bags.

            “Zhou Mi, C’mon.” I called the long legged man who was hurrying to bring his bags out.

            “err…Zhou Mi-ssi, we’re only going to be there for 2 nights, you don’t need to bring so many stuff.” I said seeing Zhou Mi’s 3 giant bags.

            “well, you wouldn’t know what you’ll need, would you?” he said simply.

I didn’t argue with him anymore; he’s the resident fashionista so no use in arguing with one when it comes to bringing too much clothes.

We got out of the elevator just in time for the bus to arrive. I stared at its size; it was really a huge bus. The driver helped us with our bags and we entered the bus. I honestly am worried that I’d be the only non-celebrity there.

As we finally got in, I saw SNSD, SHINee and TVXQ happily chatting. The bus seats were formed like an oblong, I guess it was to be able to see each other, but there were two six row seats at the end, the back row elevated a bit.

            “NOONAAAAA!!!” Taemin and Key ran towards me and hugged me so tight it was almost hard to breathe.

            “nice to see you too, let me breathe.” I said laughing a bit. Taemin and Key then dragged me by their seats. I sat in between Yunho and Taemin.

            “glad you could make it.” Yunho said smiling at me.

            “I promised didn’t I?” I smiled back at him. “oh, your gloves, thanks for letting me use it.” I said handing him his gloves.

            “no problem. By the way this is Choikang Changmin.” He said gesturing towards the guy beside him. Changmin bowed and introduced himself and I also did the same.

            “hi there! So you’re Henry’s cousin?” a girl with long wavy black hair from SNSD said. She gave me a warm and friendly smile glancing at Henry who was sitting in between Changmin and Zhou Mi.

            “oh yeah, sorry everyone. This is my cousin Zee, Zee they are SNSD, Taeyeon the leader, Yoona, Yuri, Sunny, Seohyun, Hyoyeon, Tiffany, Jessica and Sooyoung.” Henry hurriedly introduced us all. The girl who talked to me was Yuri, they were all very pretty ad it made me a bit self-conscious.

            “wah! Unnie you’re very pretty.” Yoona said giddily. I felt myself blush.

            “anniyo, you’re the ones who looks great.” I said. We talked for a bit but I talked more with Tiffany who was seated right in front of me. They were all surprisingly very friendly.

            “where are we going to next?” Zhou Mi asked.

            “I think its TRAX’s dorm then f(x) next.” Yunho replied.

The bus was getting filled with people, Jay and Jungmo sat at the end row while f(x) sat beside them, when we fetched The Elements the four members filled the last four seats at the end of the bus. Now the new comers would have to fill the seats near the front. I thought since we’re gonna be like facing each other it wouldn’t really matter.

Kangta, BoA, Jino, Dana and Sunday were the next ones to enter the bus. Now only Super Junior members are left. Somehow I felt a bit nervous at the thought of Casey coming.

Finally we parked at a very familiar building and the usual ruckus of noise filled the cold Saturday morning. The bus too, started to be filled with noise as all the other artists teased Eunhyuk’s already blushing girlfriend, JinMi.

The overly excited face of the leader appeared shouting and laughing followed by the Shindong, Donghae, Siwon, Yesung, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Casey, Sungmin and finally an overcooked anchovy, I mean a tomato red Eunhyuk. His eyes fell directly on the girl at the end of the bus. The bus erupted with nonstop teasing and all started to sing love songs.

I laughed along with the others but my eyes met Casey’s and he wasn’t at all smiling which made me a bit confused.

            “Noona! Look!” Taemin suddenly jerked me from locking gazes with Casey and pointed at the front end of the bus. Eunhyuk was left standing alone. When the noise subsided he looked at the other blushing person on the bus.

All of us were silent but grinning wide smiles.

            “yah! What are you doing there?! Come here!” Eunhyuk shouted pointing at his girl. Jin Mi then stood up suddenly.

            “yah! What did you say!?” JinMi shouted back, hands on her hips. Eunhyuk shrank.

            “a…ani ani…” he stuttered as JinMi walked towards him aggressively. His hands were in front of him.

JinMi then surprised everyone as she hugged the anchovy by the neck while a surprised and blushing Eunhyuk automatically hugged back, arms on her waist.

            “Hyuk-ah, bogosipeo!” as soon as Jin Mi said it, the bus erupted with cheers, teasing and some even wolf whistled; I can’t even help but laugh along with them. Eunhyuk then had a hand over his eyes and laughed his shy laugh that was a bit similar to Leeteuk's "ang ang" laugh.

I felt a little bit envious, they were so sweet and looked like high school sweethearts rather that a celebrity couple.

My eyes fell once again to Casey who was seated on the other side, so my side was facing his. It bothered be a bit because he was still looking at me. His gaze wasn’t angry but then again I couldn’t read it either.



I suddenly got the feeling that this was gonna be a very long weekend.



please do leave a comment it really does help me get inspired..:) Eunhyuk, Jin Mi and The Elements are again the main characters in my other story..thanks!

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D