
His Perfect Match

5 months later


Just Got Pawed


Zee’s POV


            “It’s so boring without Heechul here. It’s so quiet.” Eun Hee sighed flopping on the lobby couch. It was a slow day and most of us have nothing to do.

It’s been a few months now since Casey had worked here. Time flew so fast that it felt it was only yesterday he was wrecking havoc around here. Now every time we have a slow day either Kim Shin or Eun Hee would whine how dull it is without him. I on the other hand would just keep on telling them that Casey being here back then was only temporary.

After the release of their repackaged album, wherever you go you will always here fans talking about Super Junior and humming their song new “No Other”. Leeteuk had given us an album when he dropped by once and their songs were actually good. My favorite is All My Heart the one Henry composed with Leeteuk. I was so proud of my cousin!

Casey drops by sometimes, but it would really be rare. For the past five months he dropped by at least 7 times. Not that I was counting or anything, but his visits were always fun. We would be chatting all night away when he doesn’t want to return to a noisy dorm.

            “Zee, can’t you invite him here or something?” Eun Hee asked turning to me.

            “aren’t you tired of seeing his face? When we watch tv its always Super Junior on variety shows.” I said rummaging through the piles of paper work.

            “It’s different when he’s actually here, and I know you miss him.” She said grinning.

            “I do not!” I protested. Both Kim Shin and Eun Hee laughed.

            “you don’t miss him? Yeah sure. Is that why you always seem to be in a good mood when he drops by?” Kim Shin joined in the teasing. I stared at them, hands on my hips.

            “I don’t miss him period and to make things clear we’re just friends, ok?” I better clear everything now before this teasing gets out of hand.

            “if you say so, Zee.” Kim Shin said winking at me. I just shook my head in exasperation.

I felt my phone vibrate as I was going upstairs. It was Henry.

            “hello? Henry?”

            “Zee! I’m back!” he answered excitedly. I so miss my cousin! Glad he’s finally back!

            “really? Where are you now? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I demanded.

            “I just arrived in the dorm, Zhou Mi is here as well.” He said and I heard a door close on his end.

            “say hi to him for me. Are you dropping by the hotel?” I asked. I wanna squish that chubby cheek of his.

            “I’ll try. I still have to go to the company, if I can’t maybe I’ll just drop by your dorm later.”

            “fine. See you later then.”

            “see you later, Zee. Bye!”  we hung up.

It might be a little exaggeration that he’s back more like he’s back again. He got back in August for their concert with Super Junior, but we really haven’t met due to their constant practices and activities. When he had a break on activities though he went back to Canada to work some things out in his school. He, along with the other members have invited me to watch, but I was just so busy that I really didn’t have the time.

Hopefully, we can meet before he leaves again.


SJ Dorm


Heechul’s POV


            “Donghae-ah! Get you lazy up that couch and let’s get a move on. We’re running late!.” I shouted at the fish who was still watching tv.

            “arasso, hyung.” He hurriedly stood up and ran to wear his shoes.

We were running late for a variety show taping Teukie was already waiting in the car and kept calling us hurry up.

We finally got to the car and the driver immediately stepped on it.

            “What took you so long?” Leeteuk asked impatiently.

            “ask that fish there.” I said pointing a thumb at Donghae at the back.

            “mianhe hyung.” Donghae just smiled cutely. He really thinks acting cute can make him get away with being late? Aish!

            “oh by the way, we will be having a party later.” Leeteuk said looking over his schedule list.

            “what for?” Donghae asked leaning on out headrests.

            “for our concert’s success so far. We’ve been so busy that we haven’t really celebrated so I asked our manager hyung to clear our schedules for tonight to celebrate.” Leeteuk said smiling at us. He’s been through so much during out album promotions and concerts. He’s been having a hard time, he just wont show it, but I know.

            “that’s good, at least we can also rest this way.” I replied lazily slouching on my seat preparing to get some shuteye.

            “yah! Heechul-ah, call Zee and tell her to come, too.” Leeteuk said hitting my knee with his schedule list.

            “WAE?!” I reacted. Why would he invite Sae Mi? we usually just celebrate with the members and the manager hyung.

            “Henry arrived today, so at least they’d see each other there. They avent even met when Henry was last here.”

            “Can’t they meet any other day? Why tonight?” I protested.

            “aish! Just call her, arasso?” seriously Leeteuk should get his senses back. He’s talking nonsense.

            “hyung, don’t act as if you don’t want her there. We know you want to see her.” Donghae teased poking his head back in front again. I hit him lightly on the head.

            “yah, don’t talk nonsense.”

            “hyung, do you think we don’t know where you go sometimes when you suddenly vanish in the dorm?” laughed Donghae. Leeteuk joined him.

I know its been a few months since I worked at Zee’s pet hotel, but I do drop by some time if it gets too loud at the dorms, but I never really hid that to the others, they just never asked where I went.

Even though we just talk about normal stuff most of the time I don’t really mind coz it’s a great way to relax. Sae Mi can be a very good listener and talker if you don’t get on her bad side.

            “and your point is?” I raised an eyebrow at the two laughing idiots.

            “our point is…” Leeteuk started to say and looked at Donghae.

            “YOU MISS HER!” they both said looking at me.

            “I don’t!” I denied. I really don’t…do I?

            “don’t deny it. You’ve not vanished from the dorms in a while and you're getting moodier by the day.” Leeteuk pointed out.

            “aish! That’s because you guys constantly bugging me, like what you are doing now, are irritating me. I haven’t even rested well since we got back from our super show in Nanjing and that was 2 weeks ago!” I ranted. It’s true, everyday I can get only 3-4 hours of sleep max and lack of sleep makes me cranky.

            “and you haven’t seen her ever since our concert in Nanjing. We also won’t be bugging you this much if you just admit it.” Leeteuk said.

I didn’t reply anymore and just crossed my arms and leaned back to sleep.

            “yah! Don’t pretend to sleep. You better tell Zee, arasso?”

            “ara ara!” just to make em shut up. Yeesh!

I slept for a good 1 hour before we got to our destination and filmed for 4 hours. We filmed outdoors and by the end of the shoot I was almost frozen to my toes. Why does it have to be outdoors? It so cold!

I texted SaeMi when we arrived and she said she will come. I guess she misses her cousin that much. I wonder if she’ll like my new “look”. Hehe I cut my hair and dyed it black. Fans loved my look although I didn’t really like it too short.

            “did you tell her to come?” Donghae asked for the nth time. I was already getting tired of his incessant asking.

            “if you ask one more time I’m gonna throw you out of this van, Donghae.” I threatened the fish. We were on our way to the restaurant now. The other members were already there.

            “relax, Heechul-ah, we’ll be eating soon.” Leeteuk said giving me a look that says he knows I’m not pissed coz I’m hungry. If I really have “feelings” for SaeMi I would know it.

A few painful minutes later we arrived at the restaurant. Another car also pulled over beside us; it was Zhou Mi and Henry.

            “oh Hyung!” Zhou Mi waved excitedly.

            “Zhou Mi-ah, how are you?”Leeteuk asked giving Zhou Mi and Henry short hugs.

            “I’ve been well. Let’s talk inside though, it’s cold out here.” Zhou Mi gestured after our greetings.

I guess the whole place was reserved for us since all I can see is the members. The place is small too, we don’t really like to eat at fancy places.

            “Henry, where’s your cousin?” Siwon asked.

            “she’s coming?” Henry asked confused.

            “yes, I invited her.” Leeteuk cut in with a sly smile. I don’t think Henry knows anything aside from that bet, unless Zee told her.

            “he invited her but asked me to do the actual inviting.” I smacked Leeteuk’s arm and sat down beside Zhou Mi. I missed talking and teasing seasoning…muhahaha

sitting in front of me was Eunhyuk and Donghae who was as rowdy as ever. On my other side was Siwon who was talking to Henry.

            “how’s the new song going, Zhou Mi-ah?” I asked the Chinese man beside me.

            “it’s going well. I’ve been asking for Henry’s help for the lyrics and melody so it will be finished in time for SJM’s new album.” Zhou Mi replied sounding excited. I can’t blame him; SJM is a big deal to him and Henry.

            “you sound excited.” I grinned.

            “of course, it’s been a long time since we released a mini album. Henry’s is excited too. He has a new song put in.”

            “really? That’s good.” I replied happily patting Zhou Mi’s back.

            “Zee!” I saw Henry stood up and ran to the door. SaeMi just arrived.

I saw Leeteuk call Siwon and talked to him. I guess he was telling him something amusing coz he was smiling all throughout their short conversation. Siwon then greeted SaeMi along with the other members who stood up and greeted her. I did too of course.

Siwon gestured her to her seat, which was his previous seat. Now I know what Leeteuk told him, I would be mangling an angel later. I glared at him and he gave me a thumb up.

            “oh! Casey, you changed your hair again…” Zee said as she sat down beside me.

            “yea, I never get satisfied with one style for so long. And I don’t really care since all styles suits me.” I grinned at her and she just rolled her eyes.

            “whatever, but if you ask me black is definitely your color.” Did she just compliment me on my hair?

I felt giddy…why??? Girls compliment me all the time so why do I have butterflies on my stomach?

Dinner arrived and all of us casually talked. I saw Leeteuk glancing at me most of the time; maybe he’s waiting for a chance to catch me talking to SaeMi. But I felt lucky that almost all throughout dinner she and Henry were chatting away in English.

From time to time SaeMi and I talked, during our conversation I realize Leeteuk was right I missed her…maybe a little.

            “HYUUUUUNG!!!” we turned to look at the end of the table and saw Kyuhyun pleading at Sungmin who had an evil look.

            “andwe.” Sungmin said then he laughed.

            “yah, what’s wrong with you two?” Yesung who was closest to the two asked the question we wanted to ask them.

            “Sungmin hyung!” it was all Kyunhyun could say pointing an accusing finger at the ageyo king.

            “this is a payback for painting all over my face, remember? My face was sore for a week so this payback will also last a week!” Sungmin replied while Kyuhyun groaned in despair.

I could still remember that day. My paints! Oh how they messed up my paints! I was saving those for my drawings but the two idiots used it to doodle on their bffs faces.

            “what did you do, Sungmin-ah?” Shindong asked mouth still full of food.

            “I found out all of his starcraft password and I changed it, along with his other accounts.” The evil smile on Sungmin’s face was back.

We all laughed at Kyuhyun. That would be indeed torturous to gamegyu.hahaha

Kyuhyun now had his face on his hands.

            “which reminds me, I haven’t gotten you back on that prank, Eunhyuk-ah.” Donghae put an arm around his best friend.

            “tsh! There’s nothing you can do to scare me, you fish.” Eunhyuk put his tongue out at his besfriend. Donghae meanwhile took out his phone.

            “oh yeah? We’ll see.” He said dialing and then putting his phone to his ear. We were all silent.

            “oh! Annyeonghaseyo, it’s me Donghae.” Donghae started to say. “I’m good. Listen I want to tell you something that Eunhyuk did…” he then recounted the details on the prank that happened months ago.

            “yah, who are you talking to? My sister? You know she doesn’t scare me.” Eunhyuk said grinning.

            “Eunhyuk-ah, something tells me that’s not anyone from your family.” I was also grinning, I already knew who it could be.

            “yah, Casey, who do you think Donghae is talking to?” Zee whispered to me, she gave me goosebumps.

            “well, there’s only one person that can scare him and that’s…” I was about to say who it was but Donghae’s action cut me off.

            “here, she wants to talk to you.” Donghae wriggled his eyebrows. Eunhyuk then took his phone.

            “yoboseyo?” Eunhyuk started…his eyes then turned as round as marbles and stood up quickly. “Ji…JinMi-ah…ani ani…” he stuttered as he walked away from the table and went out the door. We laughed at his panicked expression.

            “nice one, Hae!” Sungmin gave Donghae a high five.

            “Who was that?” SaeMi asked again.

            “that was Park JinMi aka Flame the leader from the group The Elements*.” I looked and SaeMi and grinned. “his girlfriend.”

As soon as I said it SaeMi laughed. It was the only thing I heard even when everyone in the room was laughing too. What’s wrong with me!

            “Where is she now? Shouldn’t she be celebrating with him?” SaeMi said as she caught her breath.

            “well, she’s promoting in Japan right now so she can’t be here.”

            “Have they been together long?” she asked. I just nodded.

            “I think they’ve already been together for a year. They met when JinMi was still a trainee at the company and got together a few months after their debut. You can’t imagine how Eunhyuk acted back then. The constant pining and was driving everyone nuts!” I recounted. Eunhyuk was really frustrated at the time. But at least they overcame their differences.

            “well, everyone has their experiences I guess. By the way, how big is their group?”

            “they are four in the group, Flame, Frost, Zephyr and Aqua.”

            “their stage names are really cool.”

            “yup! They are the new jewels of the company to Japan.” I said taking a drink.

            “Heechul-ah! I would like to speak to you.” Manager hyung suddenly called me over. I excused myself and left the table.

            “ne, hyung?” we were outside now and I can see at the distance Eunhyuk was still talking to Jin Mi on the phone. Poor anchovy…hihihi

            “you will be a guest on a new variety show on Monday. You will also film it then.”

            “eh? What is it?”

            “I don’t know, they said you would only find out on Monday.” Manager hyung said. Somehow it made me nervous.

            “why are they making it so mysterious?” I asked.

            “beats me, anyway just do your thing and it will be ok.” Hyung said patting me slightly on the back and went back in.


SJ Dorm, Monday 6am.


I was half awake when I answered the doorbell. It was the crew. I didn’t know they would be coming here at this hour! I haven’t even changed yet.

            “oh! You’re here? I thought we’d film at the studio.”

            “anniyo, we’ll now tell you how this show works.” PD-nim said. I am getting nervous at this. They reminded me of my time in manwon haengbok.

            “so how does it work?” I notice the cameras were already running.

            “well, this is for charity and a bit similar to manwon haengbok”

            “eh?! You mean I’m starving again?” oh no! this can’t be happening.

            “but you will only have to do it for a day but you won’t have any money.”

            “how am I going to eat if I wont have money?”

            “same with manwon haengbok, you will have to ask the people around you. If you succeed 50,000 won will be given to charity but if you fail the charity will get nothing.” Wow this is one heck of a challenge.

            “can I bring food from here? I need breakfast.”

            “no. your breakfast must be from someone else.” PD-nim smiled. Maybe he thinks I will not succeed. I just laughed at my current challenge.

hmmm…where to get breakfast.



I know!


*JinMi is from my other story "Fires on the Dance Floor"..=D

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D