
His Perfect Match

Zee’s POV


I had a splitting migrane after lunch so I left to buy some medicine at the pharmacy, seemed like Casey had another friend drop by. But judging by his expression he wasn’t really happy about it. I didn’t bother to stop and ask so I bolted out.

I got my medicine and started back to hotel it was still 2 pm but I felt like leaving for home already. I seldom get really painful migraines but when I do it hurt like hell.

            “Zee?” I heard a familiar voice call me but I really didn’t believe it. Maybe I’m hearing things coz of my migraine?

I didn’t turn I just kept walking but my instincts tell me that someone’s following me. I am almost at the hotel anyway so whoever it was couldn’t possibly do anything.

            “Zeebird?” that familiar voice said again. It just can’t be. Finally I turned and there he was; my ex…standing there with flowers in hand looking like a lost child with sad eyes. He called me by the name he used to call me and that made me more furious.

            “SaeMi-ah, what are you---?“ I head Casey come out of the hotel and walked to me but stopped when he saw what I was staring at, I didn’t even look at him.

            “Alexander?” I finally managed to say…he just smiled and walked towards me. Somehow I felt Casey tense a little beside me.


*note: the following italicized conversations are said in English…:D


            “hey babe, I missed you.” The two timing jerk said as he walked towards me with his arms wide attempting to hug me. I took a step back and Casey moved a bit to block him.

Alexander looked at him, scrutinizing him from head to foot. Casey may be a celebrity but he wasn’t in his celebrity self now but in his disguised self. Just jeans and a casual shirt, but nonetheless his aura was scary. I knew that Alexander didn’t know Korean idols so I’m sure he didn’t know who Kim Heechul is, he didn’t think they’re worth his time. He even insults Henry sometimes and that causes most of our fights.

            “what are you doing here, Alex?” I asked in a tone that clearly says I was not happy to see him.

            “visiting my girlfriend, what else?” he was still looking at Casey. They were having a stare down and none was giving up. Alex may be buffer but they were at the height.

            “girlfriend? You must be in the wrong country, Alex, coz your girlfriend is still back in Canada awaiting to lock lips with you again.” I put a lot of venom in my voice. He clearly does not want to admit it. Typical!

He didn’t respond but continued the stare down with Casey. I held Casey’s arm and tried to pull him back but he shrugged my hand. I didn’t expect him to do it gently but he did.

            “Casey, I can handle this.” I said looking at him, my hand on his shoulder now.

            “SaeMi-ah, if there’s one thing I hate in this world, it’s two timers.” He is clearly not in the mood for negotiations. I wish I knew what goes inside that head of his.

            “Alex, just leave. You’re not welcome here.” I am really trying to avoid a fight and I don’t plan on causing a racket.

            “whatever you say Zee, you are still my girl.” He was always stubborn and always values his pride. He can’t accept defeat.

            “we’re over, Alex, so go back to Canada with that new of yours.” I finally exploded. I turned and pulled Casey with me. Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my arm and I shouted in pain.

The grip suddenly went away as Casey pushed Alex away from me.

            “don’t touch her.” I looked at Casey. I forgot that he could speak a bit of English. His voice was menacing.

Alex pointed at Casey and looked at me.

            “is he the reason why you broke up with me huh, Zee? You’ve been wanting to ditch me and now that you’ve found some Korean pretty boy you can finally get rid of me, is that it?” how dare he! Now he’s trying to point everything to me again!

            “leave Casey out of this, he’s got nothing to do with me breaking up with you. I’m breaking up with you coz I can’t stand you cheating on me over and over again. I’m so sick of it that I can’t even look at you without feeling sick.” I didn’t realize I’m ranting now and I felt Casey’s hand on my shoulder.

            “leave this to me. He doesn’t speak Korean right?” I looked up at Casey and nodded. But I saw that famous sseokso(dirty/evil smirk) of his.

            “hey yo my man!” I stared at him, mouthing hanging wide open. I honestly want to know what goes on that head of his. He's mad one second and now he turns into this. His usual crazy self!

I saw Alex giving him an are-you-crazy-or-something look. Casey put an arm around him.

            “you want my SaeMi right?” what does he mean by “my”!?

            “SaeMi?” Alexander gave him a quizzical look. Casey just nodded towards me. And I was just standing there dumbfounded.

            “why?” Alex asked.

            “you, me, fight for her, ok?” Casey replied in his broken English. What is he talking about now?!

I was about to say something but he put his finger up at me.

            “trust me on this one. I won’t even lay a finger on him. Yagsog(yaksok)!” he said and winked the grin is still there which made me doubt. But somehow I knew that knows what he’s doing.

            “deal!” I turned towards Alex who just agreed and was now cracking his knuckles.

I looked at Casey who was still standing there oozing with confidence.

            “gaja!” he gestured to Alex to follow him.

            “where are you going?” I almost panicked.

            “some place we can settle this without you.” To my surprise Alex replied. Casey had a triumphant grin on. He looked at me and gave me a salute and left.


Heechul’s POV


This guy must’ve underestimated the powers of the great Kim Heechul. He should not have stepped in to this country without knowing me. That’s his greatest mistake now he’s going to pay for it. Of course this little plan of mine is also a payback for SaeMi. I hate cheaters.

We walked a couple of blocks in silence and I had my hands in my pockets walking casually. I had a cap on so hopefully no one would notice me. And thankfully no one did, maybe because the streets were a bit packed.

            “are we there yet?” the jerk asked. And a few steps away stood our destination.

            “yes. Here we are.” I gave an evil grin and walked towards the building.


Zee’s POV


I was already back inside the hotel, sitting at the lobby hoping for the return of either one of them. To be honest the return of Casey would most welcome. Kim Shin and Eun Hee also heard the commotion outside but didn’t go out, they just watched from the inside…I stood up and started pacing.

            “will sit down and stop pacing? You’re giving us a headache.” Eun Hee complained and I looked at her.

            “Eunnie, it’s been almost an hour already. I have no idea what that guy has on his head.” I said flinging my arms.

            “but he did promise he won’t lay a finger on him right?” Kim Shin asked sounding a bit worried too.

            “yes, but Alex didn’t.” Alex was always one to throw punches to get his way. And if a bruise appears on Casey’s face he will never let me hear the end of it and so will s.

            “relax, I’m sure nothing bad happened.” Eun Hee really is the type that doesn’t worry too much. She said once that worrying makes her age faster.

A few minutes passed and still no Alex or Casey. We were sitting on the couch at the lobby. Should I really go after them? But the problem is I had no idea where they went.

            “hello ladies!” we turned to look at Casey walking in the hotel as casually as he usually would spinning the cap on his hand. He definitely looked unscathed, but the question is where is Alexander?

            “yah! What happened? What took you so long? What did you do? And where is Alexander?” I asked as fast I could, I’ve wanted answers ever since they left.

            “yah, one question at a time please. But to answer your last question…” he grinned. He put an arm around my shoulder and gestured towards the streets. He pointed at something… it was still far to clearly see what it is but from what I can tell it looks like a mob of students…female students.

Kim Shin and EunHee also appeared beside me. As the “mob” got nearer I finally figured why they were running. They were chasing someone…and that someone is none other than my ex, Alexander, to add to that bit of shocking image of him running, his clothes were torn as if someone tried to rip it off.

I looked up at the laughing Casey.

            “where in the world did you two go?” I asked, I myself was amused at the sight of Alex running around like that…serves him right. Casey looked at me and with that triumphant grin of his replied…

            “at a highschool.”




Heechul’s POV


We are finally here Min Hwan Ryong all girls highschool. This Alex will finally get it now.

            “an all girls’ school?” he sounded surprised.

            “yes, why?”

            “why here?” why can’t it be here?>:D

            “we fight here. Many students to witness, but I promised SaeMi I will not touch you, and I keep my promises unlike you.”

            “whatever, let’s just do this.” He rolled up his sleeves; I must say his physique is good. But our Siwon’s is better.

            “wait.”  I said walking over to the security guard. I shushed him when he recognized me and I struck a deal him, I borrowed his megaphone in exchange for an autograph. His daughter is a Super Junior fan…muhahaha turns out most of the students are out for physical education too…sweet! Perfect timing.

"what are you going to do with that?" it's obvious. duh!

            “to get their attention. What else.” It’s showtime!

            “annyeonghaseyo!” I saw the students turned to us and I took of my cap. Some of them squealed their fan girl squeals. Oh this is just epic! How I wish the other were here.

I noticed Alexander was starting to get uncomfortable. He should..>:D

            “wait! This guy over here…” I put an arm around Alex. “…wants to fight with me.”

They all gasped in shock and some reacted violently.

            “I just want you all to witness. But maybe with all of you here who support Super Junior will make him not to fight me anymore.” I continued.

            “Oppa, we will not let him get away if he touches you!” one girl screamed.

            “that’s right! no one touches our Heenim oppa!” all of the others nodded in agreement.

            “enough of this talk, let’s just finish this!” I felt Alex whirl me around but I blocked his punch. Thank you Siwon and your self defense tutoring.

            “YAH! That guy dared to punch Heechul oppa!” one fangirl screamed. Fury arose among the watchers. Alexander looked at them, now looking confused.

            “he almost ruined oppa's pretty face!”

            “let’s get him!” I heard one particularly enraged girl say with the sound agreement from the others they stared at him.

            “hey girls, don’t be like that he may have not did it intentionally.” I halfheartedly tried to soothe their anger.

            “ani oppa! He attempted to hurt you and that is unforgiveable, no one hurts or attempts to hurt our Super Junior oppas and gets away with it.” Another answered. I smiled…I almost grinned…

            “whatever you girls do please don’t hurt yourselves and take care of your bodies, ok? It is very precious. I am leaving now. Keep supporting Super Junior!” I said holding the hand of one of the girls and they squealed.

I turned to walk away and I saw Alex trembling at the glares he’s currently getting from the students.

            “hey you! What did you say to them?!” he started to walk backwards.

            “me? Nothing. I even tried to calm them down but they wouldn’t listen.” I said putting my cap back on. I was clearly amused and he looked at me pleading for help.

            “hey! How do I get away? Why are they being like that?” he seemed so macho a while ago now he’s shivering like a rattlesnake’s rattle. I put a hand on his shoulder.

            “if you can survive after this. Look up the name Kim Heechul. It will give you a lot of answers.” I gave him a sseokso and left.


*end of flashback


Zee’s POV


As Casey ended his “tale”, Kim Shin and Eun Hee were laughing themselves to death. I was just too dumbfounded and speechless.

            “yah! Close your mouth before a fly enters it.” Casey said pushing my chin up. I didn’t realize my mouth was hanging open.

            “so to summarize it all, you used your fans to do the beating for you?” I cant keep the tone of amusement out of my voice.

            “yeah, that’s about right. I can’t ruin my pretty hands you know.” He flaunted his hands. Looking at it they were indeed very nice.

            “well Casey that plan was actually pretty impressive.”

            “are you complimenting me, Sae Mi-ssi?” he sounded proud. I rolled my eyes.

            “yeah yeah, I’m complimenting you. You can now erase that stupid smile off your face. You look ridiculous.” I waved my hand at him and he burst into laughter.

            “you two really look good together.” Eun Hee suddenly commented which silenced us both.

            “MWO?!” Casey and I said together.

            “Eun Hee’s right you do look good together. You match in personalities too, minus the fact that you always bicker."

            “you two stop talking nonsense and lets finish up, it’s getting late.” I said, changing the topic, it’s obviously preposterous!

            “yah! What do I get for repayment for doing you a favor?” Casey suddenly interrupted.

He volunteered himself to “take care” of Alex and now he’s asking for repayment? This guy is absolutely hopeless!

Normally I would argue with him to death but given the current circumstances I should just give him what he wants. I am thankful to him for getting rid of Alexander.

            “hmmm…how about you don’t have to come here next week? It’s your last week anyway. You can use the time for resting and practices for the new repackaged album.” I suggested and he raised an eyebrow.

            “are trying to get rid of me?

            “no, I’m just stating the fact. In any case you wont be able to come next week anyway so I might as well take the burden off your shoulders.” Why do I feel sad saying it? I will not see him a lot anymore so I should be glad right?

            “fine…but can you add dinner to that?” he said touching his stomach. “I actually am getting hungry.” I laughed and agreed.


Heechul’s POV


SaeMi and I spent an amusing dinner together. For once we didn’t argue, we just laughed the night away, eating at a sidewalk eatery. It was good not to be noticed once in awhile and just be normal. I was quite surprised as to how normal I felt when I was with her. She didn’t make me feel like I’m a celebrity, and surprisingly I felt good about it.

We talked about our quirks a lot, how we are when we were kids and in school. We both listened to our stories with great interest. She didn’t bore me and I assume I didn’t bore her too coz she kept on laughing at my jokes. But one thing is for sure I am addicted to her laugh.

I don’t know but I felt sad about our bet almost ending, I liked ahem! her cough! company…I didn’t want it to end so soon.

I dropped her off at her floor and I went to mine. I didn’t realize it was almost midnight. We really did talk about a lot that we didn’t notice the time.

I opened the door and the members were at the living room watching TV.

            “Heechul-ah, we’re really sorry.” Leeteuk stood and walked towards me. It took me a moment to recall why he was apologizing and just like that I felt it didn’t matter anymore.

            “forget it. It already happened anyway.” I said waving a hand and sat at the couch beside Siwon.

            “you seem to be in a good mood, hyung. What happened?” Siwon asked. The famous Sibrows up wth curiosity.

            “just had an amusing afternoon, it happened after that call, Teukie-ah.” I looked at our leader who confused. I noticed his other half is nowhere to be seen, only Donghae and Shindong…

            “it must be really amusing for your mood to change.” Leeteuk sounded suspicious.

            “and why did you return so late, hyung?” the fish suddenly asked. I answered without really thinking.

            “had dinner with SaeMi.” I just said simply. There’s nothing wrong with that anyway, but the room went deadly silent. I noticed the silence and I looked at them one by one.


They all started to burst in a loud ruckus, asking me why we were together, if the dinner made me change my mood, if I like her, if she likes me etc…never ending questions.

            “YAH! AISH! Stop! It’s not like that ok?” I started and they laughed.

In the end, I told them what happened and started form the very beginning when Sae Mi and Alexander broke up…

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final chapter almost finished!


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2018 and still my all-time favorite fic of uri Kim Heechul ♡
LeeAngel1004 #2
Chapter 64: LOVED IT!!! I have always had a soft spot for Heechul and this just sealed the deal^^
I really enjoyed the last chapter & look forward to seeing it come to pass in a small way in the future!
Chapter 65: Oh gosh I read your story again and still it is my favorite hee story <3 I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH ;; IT TAKES MY EMOTIONS OUT :)
hanhayoung #4
Chapter 66: Finally ~~~~~~
Can't wait for another update of sequel^^
hanhayoung #5
Chapter 65: 정망 미안해......
Very busy with school staff, coz the exam is nearby. Really sorry for my lateness..... :(
I've read this final chapter the days before but i coudn't comment at that time 미안 ㅠ_ㅠ
Finally the special chapter appearrr, why they're so sweet and cheesy <3<3<3<3<3 like it so muchhhhhh
This stro
When they're appear on strong heart is so touchy *_* but in the end the atmospher turn up with the mushy moment... Can't stop imagine their life, eventhough it's just fanfic but it felt so real.....정말
I wonder when they have a newly born baby ㅋㅋㅋ how they take care their baby? I imagine by myself=))
Kinda curious about the sequel autoooor....How was their marriagelife then?
Will surely read this fanfiction repeatedly coz this story is my 1st favorite fanfiction and the best fanfixtion i've ever read ㅋㅋㅋ
Keep writing the best fanfiction garie09 ~~~~~<3<3<3 Can't wait to see your next storyyyyy
Chapter 65: Aahh i love the last chapter ^_^
Chapter 64: Waaaaa, I just got the time to read this since I've been pretty busy with school stuffs ,_,
Author-nim, I know I'm late but I want to say that THIS FANFICT IS DAEBAK! :3
The final chapter is so adorable <333
I even imagine how it will be like if your fanfict really happens, turns into reality xD
Hankyung & Kibum coming back, future SJ Entertainment & future SJ:2 boyband <333
Will surely missing reading your fanfict!
hanhayoung #8
Chapter 64: Omoooooo finally this story is (really) end...the best story i've ever read....thank youuu very much for make this great story (my favorite) author!!!!!!!
JaeHee-SaeHee must be really cute like their parents^^ Why heenim so overprotective to his daughter? Kyeoptaaa*0*
After all that hapenned in the past finally all of them had their happy ending by themselves..... It's like really happened in their real life when i imagined this..... really like it <3<3<3<3<3
Can't forget this fanfiction for sureeee, i will reread this again and again =))))
Sequeeeeeellllll.......really wonder what the plot that you'll take? Is that ZeeChul in common life or......? Can't waitttt, so anxious really!!!
And also for the special chap.....can't wait tooo....
Thank you again authorrrrrr....good job! And hopefully you're succes on your next fanfic and your sequel toooo <3<3<3<3<3<3
정말 고마워여 =)))))
mychokyumintchip #9
Chapter 64: This is just too adorable for words!! :)) SaeHee and MinHyun-ah! Heechul appa for the win.:)) Can't wait for the sequel and special chap. Nyahahaha!
Chapter 64: Aww the kids are adorable! Hihi overprotective Heechul!
Yeeeyy sequellll :D