Chapter IX

Dreams Do Come True


As the platform closely rises, you could slowly see the people in the audience. They were a mixture of reporters and fans who are anticipating your debut. You all performed two songs before you all did your self intro. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo wo ri neun GEMS imnida~" you all said in unison and followed by your self introductions. Following that was an Q&A session lead by Shindong to let the audience know more about you.There were questions like where were you all from, how long did you all stay as trainees and things like your nicknames for each other. It was a very light and happy session since Shindong was able to make everyone laugh with his comment. It really helped to relieve your nervousness. After the Q&A session, you all proceeded to prepare for your individual stages. First up were Shimin and Miko who sang a ballad following by you and Gayeon who did a rap performance. Next up was a dance performance by the group. You had a solo part before the other memebers joined you on stage. After the dance, you all ended the performance with two more songs from your debut album. 

You took over and said the thank you speech to everyone that came down for the showcase and hope that they would continue to support you all in your future promotions. You all bowed and left the stage.

You headed back to the waiting room and everyone was cheering and clapping for you guys. Just then, Exo walked in to the waiting room clapping and congratulating you all. "I never knew you could dance so well," Kris said to you.

"Well, I'm the main dancer for a reason," you replied.

"We should do a collaboration for SMTOWN or something in the future," Luhan said giving you a pat on the back.

"Of course we should! It'll be really cool and fun working with you!" you replied. Kris looked at you and gave you a slight pout and you laughed at him.

"What about me?" Kris said.

"Well.. we could do a rap performance together," you said, making him nod in content.

Your managers gathered GEMS around a table and said he has a surprise for you all. He placed a laptop on the table and played a video. The video showed some video footage of you guys when you were still training two years ago. Just then, you heard Gayeon saying 'oh my gosh' her parents appeared on the screen, sending her a video message. Your managers went to ask your parents to record a short clip of what they wanted to say to you all. Gayeon started crying when she saw her parent's video message. Next were Miko’s parents and followed by Shimin's. Every one of them started to cry after seeing the video message and your tears fell as well. And it was finally your turn. Your parents appeared on the screen and you were trying to hold back your tears but you couldn't. Your tears just fell. It was really emotional for all of you since it has been a long time you met your parents and seeing their video message was a huge encouragement to all of you.

The video ended and you all were still in a crying mess. Your manager gave you a while to settle down before he continued with his debrief. You hugged the girls and went out somewhere quieter to calm yourself down. You plugged in your earphones and went to the staircase and sat there. You leaned your head against the wall and closed your eyes. 

You opened your eyes and saw a figure seated next to you. "How long have you been here?" you asked, removing your earphones.

"A little while." Kris replied.

"It's amazing how you always know where I'm hiding."

"Of course. I know you too well remember?" he answered. "Feeling better?" You nodded.

"I thought Exo had schedule? How come you're able to make it?"

"Actually we only had to go to the salon to get our hair done," Kris said removing the hood of his jacket revealing his light blonde hair. "We pushed back our practice timing so we could come and watch you all."

"Aww.. that's sweet!" you said "And this blonde shade looks good on you. Makes your features stand out more. How come I didn't notice any changes to anyone's hair colour.."

"I guess you were too busy crying." Kris laughed and you rolled your eyes at him. "Anyways, awesome performance just now. I told you you could do it." he said while caressing your cheeks with his thumb. You blushed when he touched your face and you looked down, hoping that the makeup you had on would cover the blush. You phone vibrated and you took it out to check your message. 

"Why do you have my face as your lock screen wallpaper?" he said, snatching your phone away.

"Hey! Give it back!" you exclaimed, trying to grab your phone back.

"You know, you could have chosen a nicer picture," he said. He pressed the camera icon on your phone and signalled you to take a picture together and he set it as your wallpaper.

"But you sent that yourself..." you whined. You reached out to grab his phone that was on the steps. "Isn't my face on your wallpaper as well?" you asked.

"But it's a picture of us. Not just your face."

You pressed the camera icon and took a few selcas of yourself. "Come here," you said to him and you took another picture with him to set as his wallpaper. "Now we're even." you said returning his phone. "Let's go back," you stood up and you both walked back to the waiting room.

"You need to stop disappearing for dates," Chanyeol whispered when you and Kris walked pass. Kris nudged and looked at you, making sure you didn't hear anything. The boys left for the dinner place first while you all had your debrief.


Dinner was at a Japanese restaurant and you had the whole of second floor to yourselves since there were so many people. The boys already started eating when you arrived. The night was great as usual, filled with laughed and fun. You walked out of the room with Luhan and Sehun to go to the bathroom (separate ones of course) and you all heard Kris talking to someone. You all walked closer and saw him talking to a girl. You didn't think too much cause it might be someone he knew. When you guys walked nearer, you saw both of them hugging each other, for quite a long time and the girl kissed him on the lips. You froze on the spot, trying to make sense of what just happened. 'So he has been seeing someone all these while?Your heart felt like it was going to break. Tears were forming but you held them back. You didn't have a reason to be crying because things were never official between the two of you. 'So what have all those texts and actions meant?'

Kris turned around and saw the three of you and he froze when he met your gaze. "I..." he said. "She's just.." 

You walked passed him without saying a single word. Sehun followed closely behind you to make sure you are alright. Luhan walked up to him with a really angry expression.

"I think you have some explaining to do." Luhan said before walking off to find you and Sehun.

Kris let out a deep sigh. 'Is she gonna be alright...'


You stood in front of the mirror and looked at yourself. 'Why are you even crying? He never once said he like you.' you on the tap and washed your face.

"Noona, are you okay?" Sehun asked knocking on the door.

'Snap out of it.' you told yourself and grabbed some napkins to wipe off the water on your face. "Yeah I'm fine," you opened the door and see Sehun and Luhan standing outside with a worried expression. 

"You don't look fine to me," Luhan said.

"Ge I'm fine.." you reassured.

"Come on noona let's go. You can sit with me and the others when you go back." Sehun said, putting his arms around your shoulder and brought you back to the room with Luhan walking on your other side. Kris was still standing at the spot where you last saw him. He walked up to you when he saw you and the boys walking over. 

"Enjing, I..."

"I'm fine." you cut him off, walking pass him with Sehun and Luhan without looking at him. Kris let out another sigh and followed behind.


You spent the remaining time eating and talking with everyone. You tried to be natural and not look like you were affected by what happened. Dinner ended and you all prepared to go back to SM. Just like last time, your manager made sure everything was ready before letting you all leave. They evacuated half of the room first while you waited. Your members were gone so you were left in the room with Kris, Luhan, Chanyeol, Sehun, Lay, Xiumin and Kai. Your manager came back in and brought you all out. There were quite an amount of fans outside the restaurant so you all had to rush up the car.  You boarded the car and sat down next to Sehun. Kris boarded behind you and sat with Chanyeol behind you. You plugged in your earphones and lean you head against the window, keeping quiet all the way back to SM. 

Your phone vibrated constantly throughout the journey. Kris kept texting you to ask if you were okay even though he's just seated behind you. "Aren't you gonna read it?" Sehun asked. 

"Later." you replied and shut your eyes to catch some rest.

You left to find your members after you reach SM. You had another debrief session and your manager told you your schedule for the next few days. "You have half day rest tomorrow and practice will start at 6:30pm tomorrow. M! Countdown on Thurs, Mubank on Friday, Music Core on Sat and Inki on Sunday. Clear?" your manager said. "Oh and you have pre-recordings for the show as well so I'll confirm the timing again. I have to meet the other staff members so we'll leave in an hour's time." he said and left you all in the meeting room.

"Everything okay jie?" Shimin asked. "You haven't been yourself since you came back from the bathroom just now."

"I'm fine... I'll tell you when we get back yeah. Anyways I'm gonna go somewhere so call me when you all are leaving." Shimin nodded.

You left the room and walked up to the rooftop. You leaned over the short wall and looked at the night view of Seoul. You thought of what happened the other night with Kris. You smiled but you could feel your heart aching because of what happened today. "So is he playing with me?" you said softly. A few drops of tears fell onto your cheek. "Stop crying you idiot. Why cry over someone who doesn't like you?"

You wiped away your tears and continued looking at the night view.

"You okay?" Luhan said walking up next to you. "You know you can talk to me about it."

"Luhan ge..." you said and he pulled you into a hug. He held you close to him for a while and pulled away.

"I'm all ears," he said.

"It hurts," you pointed to your heart. "I don't know why but I when I saw him with another girl, I just felt like I was going to lose it. Is it because I like him too much.. More than I should?" you sighed. 

"Why don't you give him a chance to explain?" Luhan asked.

"For what? I'm not his girlfriend. He isn't obligated to tell me stuff that he doesn't want to."

"But aren't you dying to know? At least it would not make the two of you so awkward."

"I'm willing to listen if he's willing to say. I'm not going to force it out of him. There's not point ruining our... friendship over this." you said letting out a big sigh.

"Wait here," Luhan said and he walked towards the rooftop entrance and signalled someone to come out. 


You hoped that it wasn't him but it was. The person you didn't want to see at the moment, Kris. 

"I think you two should talk." Luhan said bringing Kris over. "I'll be over there with Sehun and Chanyeol so just shout if you need any of us." he said and walked off.

The both of you stood there rather awkwardly. "Look." Kris broke the silence. "About just now.. it's not what you think. She's a friend from my high school who had um.. feelings for me..." he said.

"Seems like you like her too.." you said.

"No I don't..." he said hesitatedly

"I saw you smile after she kissed you."

"I.." Kris didn't know what to say. "She was my girlfriend back in high school. But we broke up after a year cause I found out that she was playing with me." You felt your heart dying a bit more after hearing this.

"So do you still like her?" you asked, still not looking at Kris. 

"No." he said firmly. You placed both his hands on your shoulder and turned you to face him. "I'm sorry. I don't want that incident to ruin our relationship."

"Why would it ruin our relationship? You're open to like anyone," you said looking away from his eyes and on to the floor. "Don't have to worry about my feelings. I'm not your girlfriend anyways..." You said the last sentence softly but Kris heard it.

"But I like-"

"I got to go. No hard feelings yeah." you took a step closer and hugged him. "Still friends?" you lifted your head and smiled at him.

"Urm..yeah. Of course." Kris replied, returning your hug. 


You went off the find the rest of your members and headed back to the dorm and rest after a long tiring day.

Kris, Luhan, Chanyeol and Sehun sat at the dining table of their dorm and talked about the what happened. Kris was upset that he allowed his ex-girlfriend to kiss him but he didn't see it coming.

"Why did you smile after that then?" Sehun asked.

"I don't know.. I was just shocked I guess.."

"At least she's not angry at you anymore." Chanyeol said.

"You should do something about it." Luhan suggested

"Like what?"

"Tell her how you feel." Luhan continued. "It's obvious enough that both of you like each other. So man up and ask her to be you girlfriend."

"I wanted to but she cut me off just now. I was thinking of letting us go back to normal again before telling her. At least it doesn't seem like I'm saying it for the sake of saying it." Kris said.

"Like I've said before, do it before it's too late." Luhan said. After a long chat, they headed back to their rooms and rest for the day.


'I'm not your girlfriend anyways...' That sentence kept replaying in Kris' mind. 'Enjing ah.. I'm sorry. I'll make you mine soon...


New chapter! Decided to make this a longer one cause I might not be able to post over the weekends since I have a a few events on! Hope you liked the little conflict in between! Decided to add in to spice up the story a little. (: Happy reading~


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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333