Chapter XXXVI

Dreams Do Come True

"The two were reportedly seen having dinner togther at a Korean resturant late in the night and proceeded for a night stroll after dinner. The two hung out until past midnight before leaving. The leaders of the two groups were know for their close relationship since their predebut days. Could this be the start of a blossoming relationship?"

'What...' You thought.

Pictures of your date with Kris yesterday night was being inserted in the article. Dinner at the restaurant, taking a stroll in the neighbourhood and even the ones in the hut. The photographer was obviously following you guys and you were oblivious about it. You were a little relieved that the photos weren't too obvious that the two of you were actually dating. It was just casual shots of the two of you walking closer together, laughing and occasionally grabbing of his arm. You finally understood why your manager sounded so stern over the phone. There was a strict dating ban on the new debut artistes and it's even more serious when you are dating someone from the same company. 

You hit the back button on the tablet and it brought you back to the search engiene site. You typed your name in and you were second in the real time search results. Kris was the first. The news was all over the internet and people were sharing it like crazy. You clicked on a few and scrolled down to the comments section. There will always be people from two sides. One saying that they two of you look compatible and they don't mind you being together, the other bashing you like there is no tomorrow. Calling you names and accusing you of using Kris' fame to climb higher. Of course, there were more hate comments compared to the positive ones.

You placed the tablet back into the front compartment of the van, and turned to look at your manager. His expression was the same as before. He hasn't spoken a single word since you got into the car. Your phone was constantly vibrating with messages coming in from your memebers and other friends, including the Exo memebers but there was none from Kris. He's most probably being lectured as well, you thought. The short 20 minutes trip down to SM seemed like forever and you felt more scared as you were reaching. You could faintly see the amount of fans outside the building through the tainted window pane and the shades you were wearing.

The car pulled over at the front door and you opened the door, alighting from the car as quickly as you could and made your way into the building. You made your way up to the third floor, following your manager, and he stopped outside one of the meeting room's door. You took a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. You gave your manager the okay sign before he opened the door to the meeting room. As the door opened, you saw the red-haired boy seated in one of the chairs and his manager by his side. He turned towards the door when he heard the door open, standing up to greet whoever that was coming in and both your eyes met. You flashed a slight smile and greeted the people present before proceeding to take the empty seat next to him with your manager on the other side.

There were four people in the room but it was a complete silent. You wanted to speak but you didn't know if you should. You tilted your head slightly to look at the boy and your eyes met again. This time, looking at each other a while longer before the two of you were being disrupted by the opening of the door once again. You both stood up and greeted the staff who came into the room. There was the head manager, Lee Jinwoo, who was in-charge of all the managers, and the head of artiste department, Kim Taeyong.

"I guess the both of you know why you are here." Taeyong started as the two settled down opposite. You and Kris answered almost unanimously. "I'm sure you guys know about the dating ban the company has, especially towards the newer groups. But I know, sometimes things just happenes like that. Jinwoo and I are here because it's our duty to understand what is going on. We're not going to scold you like little kids, you are all adults now but we still need to say what is needed." He paused. 

"The dating ban," Taeyong continued. "It's there because we don't want things like that to happen, especially between artistes of the same company, which is why most entertainment don't allow internal dating. Well, at least that's what we tell the public. Secondly, you know how fans have this attachment to you and we don't want them to get all worked out about their favourite idols being attached, not when the both of you just started up in the industry."

"I understand from your managers that the two of you have been dating for quite a while now." Jinwoo said. "We're quite surprised your managers didn't say anything to us. We're not going to force the two of you to break up cause we are not that unreasonable. We just want to you know the seriousness of this news. I'm sure the both of you already know how much shares the article got and fans are already making noise about it."

"We're going to release a media statement this afternoon, saying that the both of you are just senior and junior relationship. The reason why the two of you went out is because the two of you wanted to update each other about your lives recently and nothing else. People know about your close relationship so it wouldn't be so difficult for them to think that way." Taeyong said. 

"Can't we just tell the fans that we are together?" Kris said all of a sudden, giving everyone present in the room a shock. The look on the two staff's face got more stern than before and you could see Kris' manager nudging him, asking him to keep quiet. You too, grabbed his arm gently and shook your head. It was not the time for such comment.

"You obviously didn't understood what we were saying earlier." Taeyong said, sounding a little pissed at Kris' statement. "I'm going to say it bluntly. If you tell the public that you are dating, sure, there will be people who will congratulate you but it's going to affect both of you more or less. If you say you don't care, fine. Think for your group. Maybe it's not that bad for Exo but Gems? Think about it, people are going to lash it out at Enjing and her group. I'm sure you all have heard of such cases in the industry before. And do I need to move on to the sasaengs? I'm sure you know what they are capable of."

"Basically, we're trying to safe your here by telling them there is nothing going on between the two of you. Like we've said, we're not going to stop the two of you from dating but just tone down a little for this period of time? We are hoping we don't see such pictures anymore in the future." Jinwoo said. "Remember who you are and what kind of job you are doing. Sacrifices need to be made for the dream you are chasing after."

Just then, there was a knock on the door and another staff entered, passing him a tablet. You could see the obvious change in facial expression of the two opposite and it was obviously for the worse. "Thank you. We'll take it from here." Jinwoo said, taking the tablet from the staff before she took her leave. You kept fiddling with your nails under the table, a subconscious action you would do whenever you are nervous or scared. Kris saw it and placed his hand over yours, giving it a quick squeeze, assuring you everything is alright. Or so he thought.

You could obviously see Taeyong trying to keep his cool but it wasn't working very well. He turned the tablet showing the both of you what was on it. It seems that more photos from yesterday was being posted online and this time, the pictures were more intimate than the ones posted before. There were pictures of Kris placing his arm around your shoulder while the two of you were walking, you hooking your arms around his and the last two pictures were the ones which made the whole situation more serious. The both of you were shot coming out from your dorm during the wee hours in the morning.

'Additional photos from yesterday shows the intimate relationship between Exo M's leader Kris, and Gems' leader Enting. It seems as though the two were on a date.'

"Can you explain to me what is this?" His voice boomed through room. It was no doubt that he was furious. The new photos were showing obvious signs that the two of you were dating and the article content wasn't really helping the situation.

"I..." You didn't know what to say. "Sorry. Really sorry." Taeyong stood up from his seat and placed his arms on his hips, turning his back to you so he could cool down and think rationally.

"So what are we going to do now?" He said. "This just ed the whole crisis management plan we had initially." Taeyong walked towards the door and opened it forcefully, slamming it close as he left. Jinwoo followed suit, leaving the two of you and your managers in the room. A million thoughts were running though your head. Was this the end of your career that just started more than a year ago? You kept your head hung low and you kept fiddling with your nails, threatening to peel of the manicure you have on.

"Enjing..." Kris called. You turned your head slightly to look at him. He looked worried. Both for you and himself. He was at the peak of his career, with their ever rising popularity, the news would definitely affect him in a way or another. It set him thinking on what he should do. He had the responsibility of being M's leader and he had to answer to his fans. Was he going to break up with you? Of course not, but this whole incident came too sudden for the two of you. Especially Kris since he is busy with his group's promotion. How is he going to answer to his fans and most importantly, s? 

You pressed your lips together, slightly smiling and shaking your head a little, telling him you were alright. Your managers left the room shortly after receiving a call from Jinwoo. They needed to have an urgent meeting with the other staff to discuss on this topic. It was just the two of you left in the quiet room. You finally took out your phone from your pocket and replied all the messages that you had. Kris too was fiddling with his phone, replying messages from s and friends and reading the news article one again. You threw on phone onto the table and rested your head on the table with your right hands as a support underneath, facing Kris. "What do we do now..." You said softly in Mandarin.

"Everything's going to be alright." He assured, using his fingers to push away the few strand of your fringe that was covering your face. "We've been through tougher times, I'm sure we can get through this as well." Your lips curved up at what he said, nodding in response. You could hear talking coming from outside and you jolted up at the sound of the door knob turning. It was Kris' manager.

"The meeting is going to take a while so the two of you can leave first but we'll need the two of you back here again." Kris' manager said. "The kids are already here so Kris, you can head to the practice room to meet them. Enjing, Junyong needs to settle some things before he can send you back to your dorm so if you want, you can hang around the company or wait in Exo's practice room as well." You thought for a while and picked the latter. It was better for you to be around people because you know you will start over thinking once you are alone.


You headed to the practice room after visiting the washroom. You stood outside the door, hesitating if you should go in but someone broke your trail of thoughts by tapping your shoulder.

"Why aren't you going in?" Sehun asked. The maknae have been following behind you since you got out of the washroom but you were too deep in your thoughts to notice.

"I don't know... It's going to be awkward... Maybe I should just-" Before you could finish, Sehun pushed the door open and walked in, dragging you along, hooking his hand onto yours like what he always does.

"See, it isn't that bad." The younger said with a smile. You greeted the boys and proceeded to the couch by the side to sit down in order not to disrupt their rehearsal. You sat in such a way that your side could lean against the back rest of the couch and you could see straight into the mirror from where you are. You took out your ear phones and plugged them in without playing anything from your ipod. You stared blankly into the mirror while the boys practised unknowingly, you fell asleep on the couch.


"Enjing..." You felt someone nudging you and you opened your eyes, realising that you have fallen asleep. Kris was seated infront of you with Luhan behind him. You looked around you and it seems that the boys were done with their rehearsal and are resting before the have their hair and makeup done for their schedule. "Are you okay? You seem really tired." Kris asked.

"I'm fine. I guess there's too much for me to process for the moment, and I didn't really have much rest. I'll be better after sleeping all this off." You gave him a slight smile. 'Hopefully...' Kris patted your head gently and ran his fingers through your hair.

"Enjing ah, let's go." You heard your manager calling you from the door. Kris stood up with you and walked you to the door where your manager was standing, giving you a little squeeze on your arm before you left. You looked up at the giant and flashed him a smile and nodded, "All the best." You said in Mandarin before walking off.

You reached the ground floor and proceeded out alongside your manager. News of you and Kris was already spreading around and fans were talking about it among themselves. As you stepped out, you could hear the commotion among the fans. Phones were being raised, taking photos of you and you could faintly hear what they were talking about. Mostly was about the news, guessing among themselves if it was really true. Just then, you heard someone yelling from the crowd, "So are the both of you really together?" You just smiled slightly and continue walking. There were more questions being shot after the first person initiated but all you did was maintain your smile. You could finally breathe when your van pulled out of SM. You threw your head against the head rest and closed your eyes.

"Sorry oppa..." You said. "I guess we were too confident we won't get caught... You must be getting hell from Jinwoo oppa and the rest. I'm really sorry." You were guilt striken. Your manager had to attend meetings with the stuff on how to manage the situation and he obviously was getting reprimanded as well.

"This is why companies don't want their artistes to date, especially the younger ones who just started out. I'm hoping this wouldn't affect both your groups much, especially Gems. We are working on the media statement and some other details." He said. "Don't worry too much. We're not all that unreasonable. They might seem scary but they have the company and your interest at heart as well." 


"Do you need me to get you anything to eat?" Your manager asked before leaving.

"I'm good. I can just settle with whatever that is in the kitchen." You replied.

"Don't think too much yeah. I'll come back for you when the meeting's over." 

"I'm good. I'll most probably be working on my song and checking out the flights back. I guess it's a sign that I should fly back earlier." You replied. 

It was a little pass noon after your manager left. It seemed like a really crazy day and not such a great start for your break but you were a little relieved that it happened when you were on a hiatus because then you won't need to face with the media and fans being in your face all the time. You were, however, worried for Kris because their group was currently active and you could imagine the amount of stress he's going through. Being one of the most popular group was already stressful enough, and now with this news, it's going to be worse for him. Fans will ask him and so will the media. You were praying really hard that people are just going to talk about it for a couple of days and forget the news was ever published.

You made your way to the kitchen to look for something to fill your stomach since you rushed out before you could grab something. You opened every cabinet but there was nothing that you wanted to eat plus, there wasn't much food left in the dorm since no one was home. You simply didn't have the appetite so you just settled for a cup of hot chocolate. You headed to your room and started working your song. You were asked to sing for your drama's OST and the company thought it would be good if you could write your own song. You accepted the offer since you have been constantly composing songs during your free time. They needed a ballad and somehow, your current mood was the right one. You scribbled phrases in your notebook, writing down whatever that was coming to your mind.

Half way through your work, you heard your doorbell rang. You were wondering if you were imagining it yourself but the continuous ringing told you otherwise. You wondered who it would be, a little freaked out because besides your manager, your members and the Exo members your were closer to, no one knew the exact address of your dorm. You excluded the possibilities of it being your manager or your members because they would know the pass code to the house. It couldn't be the Exo members either because they have a schedule to go to. Who was it?

"Yes?" You asked as you opened the door slightly. 

"Enjing-ssi right?" The boy standing infront of you asked. He looked just around your age with brown hair and he was wearing a uniform, most probably a deliver boy. Well, that was what he looked like to you.

"Yes, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Oh, this is your order." He said, holding up a paper bag and handing it to you.

"But I didn't order anything." You were a little confused.

"Someone got it delivered to you." 

"Somone?" You raised an eyebrow wondering who was it and what was inside. "Do you know who it was?" You asked.

"Not too sure but he signed off as F."

"F? As in the english alphabat F?" You asked and the boy nodded in response. 


You placed the paper bag on the coffee table and took out what was inside. There was a cup of drink and a box. You removed the lid of the drink and you could smell the fragrance of the earl grey tea. You proceeded to open the box and you smiled at the sight of what was inside. You could already guess who it was from. You walked back to your room to get your phone and there was a notification on your Kakao. Reading the message confimed your guess on who sent the items to you.

"You got the things that I sent you?"

"Yes." You replied. "But why did you got those sent to me? I could have just went out to get them."

"Because I know you will not eat unless something is placed infront of you." Kris replied. Yes, Kris got the items delivered to your doorsteps. It was your favourite tea and cheesecake from that pastry cafe you liked.

" I never knew they had delivery."

"They don't." Kris said. "It was a special request."

"And they agreed?" You smiled. You were really touched by his actions. "Thanks Yifan." What else could F stand for besides the 'Fan' in his Chinese name.

"I know it's a rough day for the both of us. I know you wouldn't eat anything because you will give your usual 'I have no appetite' excuse. I hope this will make your day a little bit better." He said.

"It sure did." You laughed. "All the best for your schedule."

"We'll get through this together alright?" Kris assured. 


Kris wasn't being himself during his recording . He was dazed half the time and he didn't speak much unless he was being cued by the host. He hardly smiled as well. Kris was relieved when the recording finally ended 2 hours later, he felt that the whole world's attention was on him even though he didn't speak much. It was a open studio so fans could see them outside of the set. 

"How are you feeling?" Suho asked. He could see that Kris was bothered by the news. Suho needed to make sure Kris was alright because Kris is M's leader and his partner as well.

"I'm fine, I guess... I'm sorry Junmyeon." Kris said. "It's rather irresponsible for me to cause such a big trouble to the group."

"Don't think that way. It's not the best thing that should be happening to us but don't blame it all on yourself." Suho said. "Things like this will die off after the media and fans have their fair share of commenting. Don't think too much into it. I still need you to help manage the boys, I don't want you to be all affected by the report. I'm sure Enjing feels the same." Suho gently patted Kris' shoulder, showing his fellow member his support.


Exo still had a few hours to spare before their radio schedule at night so they headed back to their dorm right after. Kris hid himself in the room after washing up since he wanted some time alone. "Kris." Luhan knocked. "Kris? Wu Yifan?" Kris didn't answer him so he decided to just open his room door. He walked in and sat on the empty bed opposite his. Kris was lying on his back with his arm covering his eyes. Kris shifted the position of his legs but he still remained how he was.

"How are you feeling?" Luhan asked. Kris was getting a little irritated because the whole world has been asking him the same question. He knew they mean well but he was too tired to repeat himself over and over again. Kris sighed, "I'm fine." Sounding a little pissed.

"I know you're tired of people asking you the same questions over again but I'm hoping that you are really feeling okay, because your performance just now said otherwise." The other one said. "It is definitely going to affect you one way or another, especially when the both of you have been dating in secret for the past year and everything seem to be out in the public. I know you're worried about the group, about the fans and about Enjing, I'm just hoping that you wouldn't keep everything to yourself and share it with us, we are your brothers. We'll help you no matter what."

"I don't know what I'm feeling right now but there's so many things going through my head. Enjing and I have been through so much and I'm really afraid I'm going to lose her one day. I'm sure she's going through a more difficult time compared to me..." Kris paused, sitting himself up and facing Luhan. "I'm just... really sorry. I feel like I've failed as M's leader when I had so much responsibility on me and I still had the guts to date so openly."

"It isn't your fault. No one knew this is going to happen. They must have been on both your heels for quite sometime before they actually publish the news. Like I've said, the 11 of us will be here with you no matter what and don't worry about Enjing. She's way stronger than you think she is." Luhan comforted.

Kris felt better after talking it out, at least it was off his chest for now. He needed to find a chance to talk to you but it was quite difficult given the current situation. The company will definitely not want the two of you to see each other that often.


You reached SM earlier than you were supposed to so you decided to head to the music room and continue working on your composition. You picked up the guitar that was in the room and starting strumming the various chords and humming tunes that were coming to your mind, trying to match them with the lyrics you wrote earlier.

"Sounds great." Someone said, giving you a shock. You were so engrossed that you didn't know someone was in the room. You turned your head and saw Chanyeol standing behind you. "Although I don't know what the lyrics meant but the tune sounds nice. Are you already working on your new album?"

"No it's for the drama's soundtrack." You replied. You looked beyond Chanyeol and could vaguely see a tall figure standing outside the room. "What brings you... guys here." Your eyes darted towards the direction of the door again.

"We have a schedule later at night but we came down earlier to practice since we have a few special performance for the show." Chanyeol said. 

"Oh..." You nodded. "How is he?" You asked.

"He's fine I guess. Luhan hyung talked to him earlier so I think he's got some stuff off his chest." Chanyeol replied. "What about you?"

"I'm fine, too. I'm leaving Korea tomorrow so... I can finally get some peace?" You laughed.

"You're leaving tomorrow?" Kris said from the door. "Why the hurry?"

Chanyeol patted your shoulder, giving you an assuring nod before leaving the room so the two of you could have some time together. He figured you guys needed it after what has happened.

"It's no hurry. I was already planning to leave these two days but since the news came out, it's better for me to leave earlier isn't it?" You replied. 

Kris pulled a chair and sat down next to you. "I hope you're not too affected by the comments online." He said.

"I would be lying if I said I'm not." You laughed a little. "But it's not the first time people criticized me. It's something I'm going to have to get used to. Maybe this trip home would make me feel better."

"So we don't have anytime to spend together before you head back?" Kris asked.

"You still want to go out together after we've just been caught?" You answered. "Shouldn't we tune it down a little like what they said earlier?"

"I don't see why we should. We are together, and that's a fact. Too bad if the public can't accept it." 

"Do you realise what you are saying?" You replied in shock. 

"I do. In fact, I'm serious about what I said earlier on us going public with our relatiunship. I don't think there's anything to hide."

"There isn't. But have you thought about your fans? How will they react when they know their oppa is in a relationship? Haven't you heard that most relationship die off quickly when they are know to public (there's a chinese term for it called 見光死)?"

"It's not going to happen to us." Kris replied confidently. "They are going to know eventually, so why not just tell them now?"

"Because we can't, Yifan." You sighed. "There's no way the company is going to acknowledge that we are dating."

There was a knock on the door and Chanyeol peeped in. "Sorry to disturb but Seunghwan hyung told me to ask the two of you to go to the meeting room."

"Alright." You replied and started packing the things you had on your table before proceeding to the venue with Kris.


You felt butterflies in your stomach as you approached the meeting room. Kris rubbed your shoulder, giving you a little assurance before he opened the door. It was the same four people you saw earlier in the morning. You proceeded to sit next to your manager after greeting those present in the room.

"After discussing, we're going to tell the public the two of you are only senior and junior relationship and the two of you would often meetup after your schedules since it is difficult for the both of you to do so while you are promoting. There's no romantic relationship going on between the two of you." Taeyong said. "So if the media asks you anything, I hope you know how to answer although we'll be preventing such questions being asked during any interviews."

"Kris, you will continue with Exo's promotional activities as scheduled and for Enjing, it would be good if you could leave Korea a little sooner. I'm not saying this in a negative way, don't get me wrong."

"I understand." You replied. "I've already booked the afternoon flight back tomorrow."

"Give yourself a good rest these two weeks while working on your song." Jinwoo said. "One more thing, I'm hoping the two of you would tone down on your meetings. If you have so much time, why don't you spend it on practices and rests instead? I don't wish to see anymore news regarding the two of you anymore. Okay?"


Kris left the room along with him manager shortly after the meeting since they had a schedule to go to and you headed back to your dorm to pack for the next day's flight.You finally felt hungry after not having a proper meal for the whole day. You decided to head out for dinner since you have been cooping up at home almost the whole day and you needed to run some errands for your family and friends back home. You strolled down the streets of Seoul with your earpiece plugged in, observing the things and people around you. You wondered where will you be now if you didn't leave home to chase after your dreams. Would you be just like the university students, spending your time mugging for exams, meeting deadlines for assignments? Taking up part time jobs for extra pocket money. You wondered what it would be like to date someone normally. Openly holding hands in the public, not bothering about what others have to say about you. But you already knew the sacrifices you have to make when you decided to become a trainee.

You settled for dinner at one of the cafes along the street since there wasn't anything particular you were craving for. It took you a while to realise that the cafe had tuned in to the radio station that Exo was on that night. You took your time to finish your dinner and stayed until their air time ended before leaving and went along with your errands before heading home.


"Yes, it's the 2:30pm flight. Okay, I'll see you at 11:30 tomorrow. Goodnight oppa." You hung up after confirming the time that your manager would pick you up to the airport tomorrow. You entered the passcode to your dorm's door and headed straight to your room to finish your packing before heading for a shower. Your phone has been ringing several times while you were in the shower and you saw four missed calls from Kris when you checked your phone. Just as you were about to call him back, he called you again.

"Is anything wrong? You seem to be looking for me urgently." You said. Just then, you heard your doorbell ring and you went to answer the door. "Give me a minute, someone's at the door." Your eyes widened realising who was standing infront of you.

"I just wanted to make sure you were home so I didn't make a wasted trip down." Kris replied, standing right infront of you, smiling. You pulled him in before anyone sees him, closing the door behind you.

"Are you crazy? Do you realise what are you doing? How can you still come over after what happened today?" You raised your voice at the giant, a little angry at what he has done. He was a black dress shirt and jeans, he looked like he came straight from his radio schedule. He walked up to you and held you in his arms, trying to calm you down. "Did you sneak out of your dorm or something?"

"Not exactly." He replied. "I kinda told the members that I needed to see you urgently so they agreed to let me come over."

"And your managers?"

"They don't exactly know that I'm here..." Kris replied with a grin. You frowned and smacked him on his arm in displease. "I just needed to see you before you leave, and make sure you are alright."

"See, I'm perfectly fine. You should go now. What if more photos are taken? I can't risk this." You pushed Kris towards the door.

"Just 2 hours? I'll go after that." Kris asked and you complied.

"Just two hours." You replied. You picked up your phone and called Luhan, reprimanding him and the rest on allow Kris to come over to your place when they know it's such a sensitive period. 

"Don't you have schedule tomorrow morning?" You asked as you sat on your bed.

"I do." Kris replied, lying himself down, placing his head on your lap. "We have to wake up at 7 to get ready and it's a full day of events tomorrow."

"And you're still here. You're going to get dark circles and eye bags from the lack of sleep." You replied.

"Oh, before I forget," Kris pulled out a small pouch from his pocket and held in infront of your face. "For you." You turned the pouch over and a ring dropped out from it. It wasn't anything fancy, just a black ring with rosegold rim. Kris picked up the ring from your plam and placed it on your index finger. "It fits." He smiled. You noticed that he had a similar one on his index finger as well.

"Isn't it obvious if we wear the same ring?" You asked.

"Doesn't matter. We'll think of an excuse when people find out." He replied. "What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"2:30. So I'll reach around 9. I can't wait to get home after so long." You said. "Take care of yourself okay. Drink more water, rest more and eat regularly.  Don't think so much about the articles. I know you're always blaming yourself but it's not entirely your fault okay?"

"I know... but I never expected this to happen. Why does it seem that there are always obstacles in out relationship..." Kris sighed. "Wouldn't it be great if we could just date normally?"

"Like what Shakespeare said, the course of true love never did run smooth. And we've kind of know what we are up to when we first decided to become trainees didn't we?" You replied. Kris laughed, amused at your use of such quote at such a point in time. "We'll be fine. Everyone's going to stop talking about it after another bigger news comes up. Anyways, it's getting late. you should get going. I'll get the security to help call a cab into the basement carpark so you won't be seen by anyone."


You headed down to the carpark with Kris and waited for the cab to arrive. "Have a good rest during your break yeah? You deserve it after working hard for such a long time." Kris said.

"You too, don't tire yourself out too much. I'll see you in a few weeks then." You replied. Kris stretched out his arm and wrapped them around you tightly.

"Goodnight." Kris said, leaning down to peck your lips.

"Goodnight, I love you." You replied. You stood there and watch the car take off before heading back up for a good night's rest.


Hello homies! Here's the update! This is the longest chapter I've every written cause there 6.1K words when my usual chapters are around 4K. >.< I'm sorry if you found this chapter a little too lengthy and the ending a little weird. :P But nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed it so far! :D I have been really busy with work and university applications and all so it took me quite a while. 

Thank you all for the constant support throughout the 36 chapters so far. The comments, subscriptions and upvotes really mean alot to me. I love you guys! xoxo

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333