Chapter XXIX

Dreams Do Come True

'Please let everything pass and let her come back to me. Nothing else matters to me more than her. I love you, Zhang Enjing.'

'Please give him strength to pull through this difficult period. I really want him back by my side again. No matter what, I will still love you, Wu YiFan. Forever.'



You were woken up by the ringing of Kris' room telephone. It was obviously a morning call since you all had to leave for the airport by 9. "Yifan.. The phone.." You said with your hoarse morning voice, nudging the giant who was hugging you from the back. He groaned and her reluctantly stretched his hand out to answer it.

"Hello? Mmm... Okay, I got it." He replied the other party with his eyes still closed. He slammed the phone back down which gave you a shock. He turned back to you and nuzzled his head between the crook of your neck, planting a light kiss and inhaling your scent that got mixed with his last night.

"Why?" You asked, drawing small circles on his arm that was around you.

"Manager called. And we need to be down soon." He replied, sounding a little disappointed.

"Oh..." You sighed. Thinking about how everything would be back to normal once you were back in Korea. "How long more?"

"1 hour." You could feel Kris holding you closer and tighter, not wanting to let you go. You didn't want to leave him either but you had to looking at the current situation. It's only temporary, right?

You turned to face him, examining his features once more. When is the next time that you could see him so up close, snuggling up in his embrace again? You didn't want this to be the last time. You ran your thumbs over his lips and pressed yours against his for the the longest time. Kris moved his lips and you followed in unison.

"I'll be going then." You said, sitting up from his bed using the blanket to cover your bare body. You glanced at the pile of clothes on the floor and smiled to yourself, replaying the session you had with him the night before. 

"Already? We still have sometime left." Kris replied unwillingly.

"I need to pack." You answered. "And shower."

'We can shower together to save time." Kris suggested, receiving a glare from you. "What! It's not like we've never done it before..." He trailed off and gave you a grin.

"No, Yifan." You rolled your eyes."Why don't you just come over when you are done."

"Alright..." He said reluctantly. 


As soon as you got back to your room, you did everything at lighting speed. You packed all your clothes into the suitcase and took a quick shower. You got dressed and shifted your luggage to your manager's room so that they could send it for check in before hand. 

"Unnie!" Gayeon grabbed you by your hand before you could head back to your room. "Are you feeling better?" She asked.

"Yeah. Way better." You replied, giving the younger one a pat on her hand.

"That's great!" She chirpped. "Well, see you later then." 

You headed back to your room and as you opened the door, you saw the tall blonde resting on your bed, with his hands at the back of his head. "Missed me already?" You joked.

He pulled you down, letting you sit between his legs. "I'll miss you." He said, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Wait for me okay? I promise everything will be over soon."

"Of course I'll wait." You replied. 'Even if it's gonna take forever...' 


The phone rang and you picked it up. It was your manager, asking you to gather your members at the basement carpark to head to the airport. "Time to go..." You said. Kris stood up and walked to you, placing his arms around to hug you tightly before he leaves. You leaned your head on his chest, taking in the smell of his cologne and listened to the rythmn of his heartbeat. He lifted your chin up and chasted a kiss on your lips. 

"I'll be going first then." You nodded in unwillingness. He grabbed his things and you sent him to the door. Just as you were about to close your room door, Kris slammed his hands on the door and wrapped his other hand around your waist, swiftly pulling you to him and he crashed his lips onto yours. You didn't know how long to two of you were kissing by the door, not caring if the others saw what you two were doing, but you wanted it to last forever. You broke the kiss when you found yourself getting breathless. "I love you." 

"I love you too, Yifan." You answered. "You better go get your members. It's not good to keep them waiting." With that, Kris left for s and you headed back to grab your things to find your members as well.


"Alright, let's prepare to head for the next location!" The producer said.

You have just ended a photoshoot with your members and Exo M at the first location. The two groups were picked to work with a clothing line and collaborate with their designers to come out with clothing which suits the different style of each member of the group. You were really excited because you were always interested in fashion design. Since it was a street wear brand, the shoot was located outdoors but the March weather was still rather chilly. You spotted a coffee house down the street and you decide to head over to grab a cup of warm coffee before heading to the next place.

You waited by the corner with Exo's manager while Luhan, who need to satisfy his coffee cravings as well, helped you to order. "How is it with you and Yifan?" Luhan asked in Mandarin, not wanting his manager to know what the conversation is about.

"We're good I guess..." You were a little stunned by his sudden question. "Does it look like we're avoiding each other or something?"

"I'm just concerned about the two of you." He said leaning agaist the counter. "I know the two of you sent the day together when were in Japan."

"You do?" You gulped, shocked at how he knew but coming to think of it, it was a little obvious since the two of you were uncontactable for that day. "We kinda wanted to have it for ourselves... But I felt a little guilty because we actually did break up so... Is it wrong?" You asked. It was no doubt that you felt guilty for being with Kris the whole day after the break up but you enjoyed it. You felt more alive than you ever did after that two months you two broke up.

"I'm not in the position to really say anything but you and Yifan are both single so I don't see anything wrong with that."

"But he might be the father of... you know..." You trailed off your sentence.

"Don't you trust him?" Luhan asked

"I do." You answered firmly.

"Then have faith. I guess he told you that he has his doubts about what she said right? So before he comes back with the answer he needs, you will need to put your trust in him. I'm sure he hasn't done anything behind your back."

"So you are saying..."

"Here are your orders. Two hot mochas." The barista said, placing the two drinks on the collection counter.

"Thank you." The both of you thanked.

"I'm saying that I trust the Yifan we've know throughout the years." He placed a pat on your shoulder. "We know him better than anyone else, especially you. Everything thing will be over soon." You nodded at his words. 'Faith.' That was what you needed. Although you knew, but it was difficult. Honestly, there were times where different scenarios would pop up in your head, making you feel all depressed again.

"Let's go." The manager said, giving both of you a little suspicious look since you were conversing in Mandarin the whole time.


"Woah..." A gasp escaped your lips when you alighted from your van. The next location of your shoot was at Hongdae's Graffiti Street. It was your first time here and you were taken aback by the different graffiti art on the walls. It really complemented the street wear, giving it a more youthful and stylish feel. Your fits outfit was a colourful high-waisted harem pants, paired with a simple white bralet with a gold zipper down the middle.The bralet sat just nicely about the helm of your pants. It was paired with a black Jeffery Cambells Your blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun with strands randomly falling out and you also had a biker's jacket to go with what you were wearing. You really liked the outfit, something that you would actually try on if you had the chance to. You were by the side waiting for the M boys to finish their turn. The boys looked really stunning. The street style obviouslu suited them really well and the were naturals in front of the camera.

You gaze slowly shifted to Kris, who was wearing a ripped black skinny jeans with a simple white sleeveless graphic tee and a colourful plaid shirt wrapped around his hips along with a highcut boots. He looked really good, he does in anything he wears anyways. You could feel his connection to the camera and he knew which angle makes him look even better, the many reasons why you could never take your eyes off him.

"Unnie it's our turn." Miko said, snapping you out of your thought. Luhan walked pass you and grinned at you, as him you've done something embarassing. 

"Why?" You asked.

"Oh nothing." He laughed. "Just that someone was obviously mesmorised by... you know..." He teased.

"By you, you mean?"

"I wish!" Luhan gently pushed your head and walked to the photographer to see how their picture turned out.

It was first the individual shots followed by the group. You were happy with the outcome and the so was the photographer. "Exo, together!" The producer yelled, getting the boys be ready for the combined shoot. You were position in between Kris and Tao. Somehow, you felt that your heart was beating really hard everytime you interacted with Kris. "Relax." He sneakily s his hand around your waist, gently squeezing it a little, making you jump. "Why are you so nervous around me?"

You broke into a laugh and shoke your head lightly. "Maybe cause it's you." You replied. Everything went very well after that, your interactions were nore natural and the photographer and producers really liked it.

You were then brought to change to another outfit for the CF. You dawned on a pair of black translucent stockings with a sightly over-sized long sleeveless shirt which covered till your mid thighs tuckeed in at one side into the shorts you had on and an oversized varsity jacket. On your feet, you had on a pair of wedged highcut Nike shoes with various accessories on your wrists. You were split into your groups and had to walk towards each other, like your were about to fight. It lead on to a dance battle between the two groups and Kris had to puposely tease you because he was interested in you. Towards the end, you grabbed Kris shirt and pulled him close to you, almost like you were about to kiss but, you replaced your lips with your fingers and smirked, pushing him away. The final shot was Gems walking through the boys, and you turned back to wink at Kris. The camera then panned to Kris, showing him smiling and the boys teasing him.

"That's a wrap everyone!" The producer shouted.

"Great job everyone! You've worked hard!" The artistes thanked.

"Woah you good were really natural." The director commented, point to you and Kris. "Really good chemistry you have there." The both of you thanked him for his complete, looked at each other and laughed. Of course you had good chemistry. Luhan just happened to walk by and nudged you which you glared at him in return. Kris laughed even more at your reaction making you roll your eyes at him. 

"Whatever Yifan." You protested.

The boys headed back to SM and Gems headed to your next recording schedule. When you reached SM after your recording, it was already 11pm. You had a little practice session for your fanmeet which was held next week to celebrate your 1st year anniversay. "Hey guys can you follow me?" One of the staff members came in to the practice room to call you all. You walked in to a meeting room and saw the M members there as well.

"You guys must be wondering what this is about." One of the staff said. "We got a call from the boutique you worked with earlier and they are very happy with the outcome of today's shoot. As you guys should know, Seoul Fashion Week is in two weeks and they are one of the brands that will be showcasing their new clothes for F/W 2014. They decided to take that platform to lauch the collaboration between them and us." Everyone present was listening attentively, it was quite an honour to be able to showcase your very own designs at the fashion week. "They have selected one member from each group to represent your group's designs." You face lit up when you heard that. You really hoped that you would be able to do so.

"Kris and Enjing." The staff said. "They were exceptionally pleased by your performance today. The rest of you will also be attending the fashion show." With that, the meeting was over leaving the 10 of you hyperventilating from the news. 

"Wah daebak!" Chen said, throwing his body back on the chair.

"The two of you better not screw up!" Lay warned jokingly. "I can always take over you if you feel really stressed." He looked at Kris with a silly smile.

"Of course not. I'm made for this." Kris replied proudly, making all of you scoff and ignore his egoistic reply.


"Thank you all for being with us this whole year. We would have come so far without the support of you guys." You thanked the fans who were present at your fanmeet. It was just a short year into your debut and you already had quite a strong fanbase locally and overseas, making you really touched that all the faces your were looking at are willing to pour in their love and support for your group. 

After the fanmeet ended at 8pm, you were brought to the desginer's studio to work on the collaboration. You all started out from scratch. From concepting how you would want your outfits to look like, and to the different textures your were using for the different parts of the clothes. Gems and Exo was there almost everyday after their schedules but you had to miss a few session because you needed to go out of the country for your fanmeets. 

Two more days before the show and everyone was called down for fitting. You were really happy with the outcome of your product and everything fitted really perfectly. Your piece was a pair of ripped floral skinny jeans paired with wedged boots and an oversized graphic tank which you designed and a transclucent white boyfriend shirt as the overwear, also designed personally. The other piece you tried on was their very own design which mean you had two pieces to walk in.


"Enjing unnie are you okay?" Gayeon asked, standing outside the cubicle you were in You didn't know why but you felt nausea throughout the day and it wasn't your first time going to the toilet. You wanted to puke but nothing was coming out besides your gastric juices.

"Thanks." You grabbed the tissue Gayeon was holding and cleaned your mouth. "I must have caught the stomach flu from Miko." You said, trying to not to make the younger worry.

"Are you sure you're fine?" She questioned. "Do you need Junyong oppa to bring you to the hospital?"

"I'm fine." You assured. "I think I just need some rest. If I'm still like this, I'll get oppa to bring me to the hospital." The younger nodded and placed her hand around you, helping you out of the toilet.

"Can we talk?" A voiced said as you walked out of the bathroom.

"Kris oppa you scared me.." Gayeon said.

"Sorry. Enjing, I have something to ask you." He sounded a little uneasy. You nodded and you headed to a quieter corner of the floor.

"What is it?" 

"Are you okay? I've been seeing you running to the bathroom quite frequently."

"I'm fine. I might just have gotten the gastric flu from Miko."

"Are you sure?" His eyes were clouded with uneasiness. "Enjing, have you ever thought that you might be-"

"No." You cut him off with your answer. 

"But Enjing, we've-"

"No Yifan, no. I'm not... pregnant." You replied, shifting your gaze on the floor. 

"How do you know. We didn't have protection." 

"I took the after morning pill." You lied. You just didn't want him to have any other thing to worry about now. "Look, if you're concered, I'll buy a preganacy test kit. Don't worry, I won't add to the burden you already have."

"What?" Kris was speechless at your reply. "If you are I'll be responsible. Enjing, then we'll have a proper reason to be together."

"What about Hannah?" You snapped. "Isn't she already your responsibility? I won't be so heartless to use my child if I am pregnant. Trust me Yifan, everything is fine. I'm sure I'm not pregnant."

"What if you really are?" Kris said, grabbing both your shoulders. "Then.. I'll see how it goes." You said and you pat him on his hand. He flinched at the temperature of your body.

"You're burning Enjing!" He said, putting his hand on your forehead. You gently took it away, "I'm fine. I'm going back to rest already. See you tomorrow then." You waved and walked away.

'This girl... How can you not be a burden when you don't even know how to take care of yourself...'


You were awaken by the throbbing headache in the middle of the night. 4am, You groaned and quietly headed to the kitchen. You took the themometer and placed it under your tongue while searching around for fever medication. '38.5?!' Your eyes widen at the results. You shoke your head and popped two pillls into your mouth before heading back to sleep.

"Oh my goodness, what happened to you?" Shimin said when she saw you waking up in perspiration.

"Fever pills." You replied, heading out to shower before heading to the venue to prepare for the show, popping two more pills in before you head out.

"Enjing you don't look good." Your manager said when he saw you. 

"I just didn't sleep well. I'll be fine in a bit." You assured.


"You're burning up." The makeup artist said as she painted your face with the products. "You sure you want to walk like that?"

"I'm fine unnie." You assured. "My body temperature is a little high compared to others." She was doubtful about your answer but she brushed it away since you insisted.

"Break a leg you two!" Your members cheered before they headed out to the audience to wait for the show to start. You lined up with the models, waiting for the cue. Your head was still throbbing, your legs felt like jelly and your temperature was sure on the rise. 'Don't faint now!' You psychoed yourself, wanting to end this show perfectly.

You ended you first walk, everything went perfectly. You were rushed to change into your second set of clothes, which was the one you designed. Since it was the finale, you still had sometime to rest backstage before queuing up. You were staring into blank space, trying to get yourself together but you felt really uncomfortable. You back was killing you and you started to feel giddy everything you stood up.

"Are you feeling better?" Kris sat down beside you, placing his hand on your forehead.

"Yeah I'm-"

"Zhang Enjing you're burning even more compared to yesterday!" He exclaimed, a little too loudly cause a few people to turn to your direction.

"Look, it's the last walk already. I promise you I'll go to the hopsital right after that okay?"

Kris sighed, defeated at your stubborness. "Fine. You make sure you do that."

"Kris and Enjing, please prepare!" The producer shouted. 

The CF you shot were played in the background while you started walking out first, followed by Kris. You gathered all your energy left and strutted down the runway, earning cheers from your members and Exo. Kris was next, his tall built made anything he wore looked nice. All the models gathered on stage, clapping for the desginer and he specially thanks Gems and Exo for this collaboration.

You walked over to meet your members who were already at the backstage, praising you and Kris for the excellent performance. You felt that it was already your max and you will fall anytime soon. You all were making small chats among yourself and took photo with the designers and models present while waiting for your transportation. You were looking for your manager, wanting to tell him that you need to go to the hospital badly but he wasn't anywhere near you.








FINALLY AN UPDATE!!! I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR LETTING YOU GUYS WAIT SOOOOO LONG. *runs and hides" Have been really busy with my performance rehearsal this week so I hardly have time since I reach home around 11 everyday. T,T Anw I hope this chapter is good enough. Is Enjing really pregnant? Stay tuned for the next chapter alright! ^^

If you guys don't know what the two lines are, they are the wishes made by the two in Japan. But i think you all are smart enough so.. :D

Thank you all for the understanding and continuous support towards such a inefficient author. >.< Love you guys~ <3

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333