Chapter XXXI

Dreams Do Come True

"One month?"

"Yes. You'll need to be in Taiwan the next whole month for filming, minimal. I'll give you some time to think about it. Try to give me an answer by tomorrow alright? It's a good opportunity for you to venture into something new."

"Alright, I'll think about it."


"Annyeonghasaeyo! Gems imnida~!" You all greeted. You were invited to the opening of the flagship store of the clothing collaboration along with the Exo M members. It was a three-storey store that had the different clothing you designed and also some of their own brand collections. You got to explore the store, looking at the final product of your various designs. You felt a sense of achievement when you see the various items on display. It was a short 2 hours schedule at the store before you all were brought back to SM.

"Since we don't have any more schedules today, shall we go somewhere to celebrate our anniversary?" You suggested. 

"Sounds like a plan." Gayeon said.

"Oppa, can you help us do the reservation?" You asked. You all decided on your favourite Korean BBQ restaurant for your anniversary celebration. Although it's only the first year after debut, you were glad that you had the three of them by your side to go through all the good and bad times. It was a warm atmosphere during dinner along with your manager and a few other staff members. 

"Let's cheers to more wonderful years to come." You said, raising up your glass of coke. You tried to refrain yourself from drinking too much alcohol, not wanting to get drunk again, and since your members were still underage, it's better not to drink in front of them. 

"Let's aim to be as successful as the rest of our sunbaes!" Shimin added.

"It would be really cool if we can have our own concert." Miko said. "What would you guys want to do for your solo item?"

"Ahh that's a tough one.." Shimin said. "Unnie can do a dance solo"

"I want to do something different. Maybe a ballad or something since I hardly sing." You said. "Wouldn't it be cool if we do something that we don't usually do? Like imagine Miko rapping."

"It'll just sound like a small kid rapping." Gayeon joked, causing everyone present to laugh. It was great thinking about the bigger picture of how your group would go, making you more motivated to work harder to reach your goals. You all ended the night on a high note and headed back to your dorm.

"I want your opinion something." You said as you sat down on the couch with your members. "I've been offered an acting gig and I'm not sure if I should accept it. It's a supporting role of a drama."

"Accept it!" Gayeon said, with the other two members agreeing as well. "Why are you having second thoughts anyways?"

"Then I'll need to be in Taiwan for at least a month for filming, depending on the casts' schedule."

"It doesn't matter. It's a rare and good opportunity for you, unnie. Accept the offer." Miko said.

"Yeah, just accept it. We'll be supporting you. It's not like you can't contact us at all. You can always Kakao us and stuff. Unless there's something holding you back." Shimin said. 

'Something holding me back?' "There isn’t anything holding me back..." You answered.

"Then why are you still hesitating? Say yes already!" Gayeon said.

"Alright, I'll tell oppa tomorrow."


"So you've made up your mind?"

“Yes. I’ll go. Like you said, it’s a good chance and the members are supportive as well.” You replied.

“Very good. Although it’s a small role but you can take this as a learning opportunity. It might open more doors for you in the future.” Your manager said. “I’ll get them to tell the Taiwan side about your decision. You will most probably need to leave next week since filming is starting soon.”

“Next week? That’s fast…” You said. “Are there gonna be any clashing schedules?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. We’ll fly you back or you’ll be absent from the schedule depending on what it is.” He answered. After the meeting with your manager, you headed back to the practice room to find your members who were preparing for a open concert later that week.

“So how was it?” Shimin asked.

“How else can it go? Oppa was happy that I accepted the offer.” You said as you stretched. “I’m flying off next week though.”

“Next week?!” The three girls exclaimed. “But that’s so fast.”Gayeon added.

“I know you all will miss me.” You teased. “Yall better treasure this one week with me if not you can only see me the next month.”

“What makes you think we’ll miss you huh?” Shimin said.

“Shimin unnie you sound jealous cause Enjing unnie is going Taiwan for a month.” Miko said.

“We all know she is.” Gayeon added.

“Whatever.” Shimin replied. “But you can consider packing me in your luggage.”

“Why not you take over the role as my manager and follow me along?” You suggested

“Sounds like a plan!” Shimin said, clapping hers hands together and the others laughed at your conversation.

“You can try to convince Junyong oppa.” You laughed. “Okay enough of jokes, let’s start practicing.” Instead of them missing you, it seems like you will be the one missing your members more because you will be alone, with no one you know besides your manager. Although you will make new friends along the way, it is still not the same as being with your members because of the time you all have spent together since trainee period. You are a rather quite person whenever you meet with new people so it will take you quite some time before you become close with someone. What worried you the most was not being able to fit in with the cast and not being able to perform your best.

“Is there anything you are craving for? You should settle your cravings before you fly off.” Shimin asked.

“You make it sound like I’m not coming back any more.” You said. “Since you asked... Jajjang myun? We can order in. I'm up for anything."

"We shall satisfy your cravings before you fly off. You're gonna miss it while you're gone." Gayeon said. "Someone call delivery!" Dinner was settled with Chinese food that was delivered to the company. You found it cute that your members were pampering you just because you were leaving for a month. 


"Unnie your hair!" Miko yelled when she saw you walking in from the enterance. You just came back from the salon and your blonde hair has now became dark brown.

"I haven't seen you in dark hair colour for like... forever." Shimin said.

"It's just one year. Aren't you being a bit exaggerating, my dear." You replied. "My hair has always been brown pre-debut"

"But not so dark. It's almost black."

It was the day of the open concert and you were back in SM to meet your members before you went for rehearsal. One week was real quick and you had to leave for Taiwan the following day. After gathering your members and the staff members, you set off to the concert location. You members were being talkative as usual, making jokes and just being themselves. You turned your head and looked out of the window. Looking at the scenery outside. Ever since you were discharged, you hardly contacted Kris. He would send you messages everyday but you would reply selectively. You forced yourself to keep a distance away from him because you made up your mind that you didn't want to come between him and Hannah. Even though he assured you time after time that he didn't have any more feelings for her, you still felt that  you should maintain a friendly, professional relationship with Kris. After all, she is pregnant with his child. You were contemplating whether to tell him that you will be leaving for a month but you though that it wasn't anything much since you were going to work.

You reached the concert venue and was brought to your holding tentage while waiting for your turn to rehearse. You were sharing the tent with Exo since you were from the same company. You only saw Exo's stylist and makeup artists in the tent, signalling that they are most probably rehearsing. You got ready and went for your rehearsal as well. After running though a few times and understanding the flow of the whole programme, you were brought back to your resting area to rest before heading to change. 

"Are you done packing?" Someone patted your shoulder lightly, you turned around and see Chanyeol standing behind you.

"Almost. There's nothing much to bring anyway." You replied.

"Where are you going? Oh! Your hair..." Sehun said as he walked in.

"I'm leaving for Taiwan to film a drama. Needed to change my hair colour to a natural one, that's why I got it done earlier in the day."

"You're going to Taiwan?" Kris' voice could be hear even though he was far away.

"You didn't tell him?" Chanyeol asked softly and you shook your head.

"When?" Kris asked as he walked up to you, looking a little unhappy. 


Before he could ask you another question, they boys were asked to leave to change and Gems had to too shortly after. The concert started at 6pm and you waited backstage till it was your turn to perform. Since there was nothing much to do, most of you were talking and some went around to look for other artistes. You one the other hand, was busy confirming the necessities needed for your long trip to Taiwan with your manager. 

Kris sat in one corner with his ear phones plugged in and eyes closed. He was indeed unhappy that you didn't tell him that you were leaving and the fact that Chanyeol obviously knew way earlier than him made him even more upset. He opened his eyes and scanned the room. He looked at your direction but you didn't seem to notice him since you were scrolling through your phone. He sighed and looked around. Chanyeol just came in, along with Baekhyun. Kris signalled Chanyeol to go over to him, wanting to talk to him about the issue.

"Yes hyung?" 

"There's something I want to ask you." Kris said. " When did you know she was leaving?"

"Huh? Enjing? Last week." Chanyeol replied. "It's not that I'm hiding it from you on purpose. She said she wanted to tell you personally..."

'Well she obviously didn't...' Kris thought. He sighed and looked at you, who was now talking with your members and munching on the snacks that were given by your fans. "The two of you... are progressing well uh." 

"Hyung... What are you talking about? There's no 'progress' between us. We have always been close and you know it." Chanyeol said. "She'll never accept me, I know it and I'm fine with it. Although there are times that I feel that she's willing to accept me, I know deep down she still cannot let go of her feelings for you."

Kris felt a little more assured after hearing what Chanyeol said. However, your actions weren't reflective of what Chanyeol has told him. Your interactions with Kris were getting lesser compared to before and you seem to always avoiding instances where the two of you spent time together alone. Kris couldn't understand your intentions and what you were trying to tell him with your behaviour. Gems was called to be on standby for their performance. The boys stood up and cheered for you all before you all left.

"Hey,"  Kris grabbed you by the arm just before you stepped out. "All the best." He said. 

"Thanks." You replied with a smile.

Exo's performance was a few groups after yours and all the performing artistes were asked to be back on stage after the last group performed. As you all stood on the stage, Kris slowly made his way next to you. "Let's talk after everything ends." He whispered. You looked at him confusely but you agreed anyways. Everyone made their way back to their holding tents after the concert ended, waiting for their transport to pick them up. 

When you reached your tent, Kris was already standing outside, talking to a few other artistes. He excused himself when he saw you and walked towards you. You guys went to a quieter place so you both could talk without being sighted unnecessarily. You both sad by the ledge at the far corner of the loading and unloading bay. "How long are you going for?"

"One month..." You said, already imagining his possible reaction. " At least..."

"One month?" Kris sighed and tilted his head up. "That's long."

"It's not like I'm not coming back..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kris asked, making you feel guilty. "To be honest, it really to know that Chanyeol knew and I don't."

"I wanted to tell you but..." You paused. "I thought about the situation that we are in so I wasn't sure if i should tell you..."

"What situation?" He asked.

"Me, you, Hannah... and your baby." You mumbled. "I though that it was good you didn't know until I left. I mean... it's just one month."

"Why are you always using Hannah and the baby as an excuse to avoid me? I know you have been doing it ever since you were discharged. Selectively replying my texts, hardly talking to me whenever we meet in the company or when we have similar schedules. You know how much it's killing me?"

You took in a deep breath and sighed, keeping you vision straight in front. 'it's killing me as well...' "Sorry... But every time I see Hannah, with her baby bump getting bigger and bigger each time. It just... snaps me back to reality."

"There's something you need to know." Kris said and placed his hands on your shoulder, turning you to face him. " The baby's not mine-"

"You've said that countless times but-"

"Hannah admitted. She sabotaged the results." Kris said, leaving you speechless at his words.

"But how..."

"Remember Jason? The friend of mine that you saw during SMTOWN? He works at the clinic that Hannah's mum opened. Her mum's a gyne so when I saw the papers, I have my doubts which was why I got Jason to help me check. It turns out that she did something to the results when her mum wasn't around. She admitted it herself too." He said. You were still stunned by the reply. You didn't know exactly how to react to the news. On one hand, you were overjoyed that the baby was not Kris' but on the other hand, the things you have been through these few months have indeed hinder the relationship between the both of you in a way or another.

"That's a relieve." You answered, giving him a smile and turning to face the front again.

"You don't seem too happy about the news." Kris said. "What's wrong?"

"It's just that these few months have been really tiring for the both of us. Mentally and physically. All the things that happened within this short period is just.. overwhelming. First was her getting pregnant, and now her forging the results. It's just... too much. I need some time to process and think through before anything." You answered, your legs kicking the small pieces of stones that were lying around.

"So are you saying you're not getting back with me?" Kris asked.

"I'm just saying that I need time to clear my thoughts. I'm really drained, Yifan. GIve me sometime okay. At least wait till I'm back from Taiwan." You turned to Kris who looked genuinely upset. You stretched out your hand and ran your fingers across his brows. "Why are you frowning? It's not like I'm rejecting you."

"It sounded like it." Kris grabbed your hand and gently kissed it, giving you butterflies like it was the first time he ever did it. "I'll wait. I know you'll come back when you are ready."

"What if I don't?"

"I know you will." Kris answered firmly. You face lit up with a smile unconsciously and so did his. You sneezed all of a sudden and you finally stopped after a few consecutive sneezes.

"I think someone is talking about me." You joked. Kris laughed and shook his head. You were still in your performance outfit. Leather leggings with a long sleeve crop top was obviously not enough to keep you warm in the cold weather. "Why didn't i bring my coat along...." 

"Come here." Kris said, signally you to move towards him. He spread his legs wider (omg it sounds so wrong i'm sorry ack. :X) making space for you to sit on the space in between. You stared at him, raising an eyebrow. You slowly stood up and moved over, seated yourself in front of him. He pulled you down so you were leaning on his chest and wrapped his coat and jacket around you. You felt warmth slowly running through your body and so did your heart. You tilted your head down and smiled to yourself, enjoying the moment.

"You are as sneaky as ever. You could have just taken off your coat and gave it to me."

"But then I would be cold too." He whinned. "I know you like this so don't complain." 

You relaxed yourself against him, feeling the faint heartbeat of his against your back. 'This is what I really want, right?' You held pulled you in slightly resting his head on your shoulder. There wasn't any conversation exchanged between you two but the silence was confortable.


Yeah she is.

Alright we'll be coming back.

"Looks like we need to go. Our vans are here." Kris said.  You stood up and stretched. Kris got up and dusted the dust of his pants.

"Let's go" You said walking in front of him. Kris followed closely behind and grabbed your wrist once he got the chance to, swinging you back and once again, making you end up in his embraced. Swiftly, he leaned down and pecked your lips before letting you go and walked away with a victory smile on his face.

"Yifan!" You exclaimed, turning to look at the boy who was walking backwards with the smile plastered on his face.

"Hurry up. Do you want to get scolded?" Kris said, making you sigh in defeat as you walked towards him.



"What time's your flight tomorrow?" Sehun asked. 


"Oh. So you have a free night before you start?"

"More like settle down and prepare myself to meet the cast the day after." You replied.

"All the best!" Sehun said. "I won't have anyone to pester for a month."

"You have your members. Or you can pester my members until I come back." You laughed.

"In case you don't appear at SM tomorrow, all the best." Luhan said, spreading his arms initiating a hug. The other boys took their turn to wish you all the best and so did the staff members you shifted your gaze to Kris who stood in one corner, observing everything with his stern face. Your manager led the way to the carpark. Kris was fidgety as he waited and he kept looking at your direction. He had something he wanted to say but he wasn't sure if he wanted to say it. Before he could make up his mind, your van door closed and slowly drove off.



"Everything packed?" You manager asked one last time before setting off to the airport.

"Yup. I've gotten everything." You replied. 

"Bye unnie." The girls said, each giving you a hug before you left.

The trip to the airport seemed longer than usual. Maybe because your members weren't around for you to talk and joke with. It was just you and your manager. You were excited about this trip because it was something new for you and like what everyone told you, it could possibily open doors to many opportunities for you in the future. 


"Hello?" You answered your phone.

"It's me."

"I know. What's up? Aren't you suppose to be practicing or recording?" You asked.

"I urm... Are you at the airport already?" Kris stuttered.

"Almost reaching I guess." You could hear Kris inhaling and exhaling deeply over the phone. "What's wrong."

"I just... Take care of yourself okay. Don't forget to eat your meals cause you always do that and it's not good for your gastric. Don't catch a cold and don't tire yourself out too much. You know how a perfectionist you are but don't push yourself if you can't do it okay? I think it's changing season over there so it's easier to fall sick cause of the weather so drink more water and sleep more." Kris said. You smiled at the things he said, touched at how much he cares about you.

"Dude you sound like a dad." You said. "But thanks, I'll take care of myself don't worry." You could hear one of s calling him to go for practice over the phone and him sighing after replying him. 

"I need to hang up. Practice is starting." Kris said, still unwilling to hang up.

"You better go then. All the best for the new album preparation." 

"Mmm. Text me when you reach okay? I.. urm.."


"I'll miss you." Kris finally said it out. "Okay I need to go now. Bye." He hung up before you could even respond. It left you smiling like an idiot to yourself while looking out of the window, with your eyes fixated on a plane that just took off from the airport.



'I'll miss you too, silly'


NEW UPDATED! Sorry this took more than a week. >.< Hope you guys like it so far. The secret is finally out and THE BABY IS NOT KRIS'! WOOHOO~! ^^ There might be more fluff coming up so you all can expect that. (: Hope you all have a wonderful week ahead yeah! ^^

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333