Dreams Do Come True

It was announced that your group was going to have a Chinese and Japanese version of your songs recorded and there was going to be a new MV for it. You were pumped upon hearing the news but also worried about your knee injury; whether it would recover in time. However knowing yourself, you would still go on with an injury, not letting the others know. You manager gave you guys a brief rundown of your schedules and it seems that you will be traveling to China, Taiwan and Japan pretty often for the next month.

"What are you thinking about?" The youngest asked.

"Nothing much, just about our new schedules and stuff." You said.

"Oh, Yixing oppa is looking for you." She said, pointing towards the door where the Chinese boy was standing.

"What's up?" You ased him in Chinese, thinking that it was odd for him to look for you at this time.

"Let's have dinner together." Yixing suggested.

"Huh?" You found it add because he hardly asked you out for dinner. "Just us?"

"What do you think?" He flicked your forehard playfully and gave you his dimpled smile. You didn't quite get what he was trying to say and just stood there and stare at him. "So? Are you just going to stand here and look at me?"

"I... I need to ask my manager first though." You pointed to your manager who was chatting with your members

"Already done." 

"Huh?" You frowned. You were totally confused.

"Hyung, we'll be going then!" Lay shouted to you manager who nodded and waved at the two of you. Lay bowed politely and placed both his hand on your shoulder, pushing you out of the practice room. He brought you down to the first level and walked towards the door.

"Yixing ge, where are we going?" You asked. 

"Just follow me." He said. 

"We are just going to walk out openly like that?" You pointed at the door where you could vaguely see shadows of peopole standing outside. Lay nodded his head and motioned you to follow him. You felt like you were being kidnapped openly since you didn't know where you were going. Lay stepped out of the door first, making his way through the fans that were outside, giving autographs and making small chats with them along the way. You followed behind him, getting weird stares on why you are with Lay. The two of you soon made your way onto the streets and walked to where Lay intended to bring you. "You're not going to sell me away are you?" You joked.

"I might consider that if I'm in need of money." You were slowly lagging behind Lay because your knee was hurting and couldn't walk properly. He then made a right turn which lead up to a street that you were rather familiar with. Lay stood infront of a shop and wait for you before going in. It was the Chinese restaurant that you guys always frequent whenever you all were craving for authentic Chinese food. Lay said something to the staff member and he lead the two up a flight of stairs to one of the rooms upstairs.

"I never knew they had private rooms." You said rubbing your hand over your injuried knee. There wasn't anyone in the room yet but there were six chairs laid around the table. You took a seat and looked through your phone while Lay excused himself to the toilet. Lay has been gone for a while and you found it weird that he took so long to go to the toilet. "Ge what took you so-" You raised your head up and looked towards the door which was being opened. It wasn't Lay. "What are you doing here?" You asked the giant standing by the door.

"Why do you sound so upset to see me?" He pouted slightly and walked in, followed by the usual chinese line gang. You were confused why Lay had to bring you over first since they were all coming here eventually.

"He was afraid that you will reject the idea of eating with us so he had Yixing to bring you over first." Luhan said. The last to enter was Shimin who gave you an awkward smile before settling down beside you. You narrowed your eyes at her, visually scolding for not telling you anything when she knew about it beforehand.

Your food item was served shortly after. It seemed like they already decided what to order before coming up looking and you guys have been almosrt ordering the same things each visit you guess the staff probably knew too. Even though you often brush shoulders with each others in the company, there wasn't much time for the six of you to have a proper chat. Even though it has only been months since you guys gathered around, too many things have happened. "How did the four of you get here? Did you guys walk?" 

"No, silly. We took a cab of course." Tao replied and made you divert your eyes to Lay who was laughing awkwardly.

"Oops?" He rubbed his neck with his hands. "I mean.. it's quite close so there's no harm walking right?"

"Of course, no harm..." You replied, placing a piece of meat into your mouth. "What's the occasion?"

"We don't need a reason to gather together." Luhan said. "But someone wanted it so we're here." You could see Luhan diverting his gaze to the boy seated on your right. You didn't know what he was up to but you guess he just wanted to spend time with you, and the rest.

"I guess we can take this as a celebration that your song is finally approve." Shimin chripped.

"What song?" Tao asked.

"For the drama that I was in. The company wanted to let me try writing a song for the ost since I'm in it and it could better portray the emotions of the main characters. I have been working on it for quite some time and it finally got approved."

"That's great. Are you going to sing it by yourself?" Lay asked.

You nodded your head slightly. "I actually feel kind of bad because I would rather the whole group sang it together plus my vocals aren't that good compared to the rest."

"Don't say that. You've earned this. Plus your voice isn't that bad." Shimin assured you. You didn't have as much singing lines in your album and you were the rapper of the group. Even though you know you could sing, you just weren't confident enough.

"Maybe I should voice out and at least let you sing with me." You replied.

"Don't be retarded. It's your song. Have confidence in yourself!" She assured you once again. 

It seems that both the group will be having promotions overseas more frequently during the next two months. M will be going around various places in China and your group will be flying to Japan, Taiwan and China, especially you since your drama promotion starts next week. Although there is one or twp similar schedules in China, you were a little upset that you couldn't spend much time with Kris. On the other hand, you were worried that too much interactions between the two of you would cause another uproar since the news of the two of you dating have died down quite a bit. You scrolled through your phone while taking a break from all the eating and your frowned at one of the news you saw.

"Why?" Kris asked realising the look on your face.

"Nothing." You quickly placed your phone away and continued with your dinner. Kris grabbed on your phone that was on the table quickly and checked what you were reading. You managed to grab hold on his left hand but he quickly took the phone with his right hand, holding it out of your grip. Your little commotion caused the other memebers to look at the two of you.

"Why are you reading this?" Kris sighed. 

"It just happened to be on my timeline." You said softly. It was another news article about the two of you in regards to what happened at the airport earlier. There were pictures taken, clearly seeing the both of you holding on to each other. There were also comments that followed, some understanding ones and of course some rude comments as well. "Aren't you reading it too?" You snatched your phone back and slammed it a little too hard on the table. 

"I just don't want you to get affected reading all these."

"Why do you keep thinking that I will get affected?" You raised your voice slightly. The others were taken a back by your sudden outburst of emotions and Kris isn't that happy either. Your phone just happen to ring at that moment with a call from your producer and you went outside to take the call, cooling yourself down at the same time.

"What are the two of you planning to do?" Luhan asked, refering to your relationship.

"I suggested going public since we are already seen but she doesn't seem to be in favour of it." Kris sighed. "I feel that this whole situation is affecting our relationship slowly."

"Don't mind me saying this, but she has been under a lot of stress lately even though she was on break, especially since we were just told about our new singles. She keeps a lot of things to herself because she doesn't want us to worry so I guess that's why she would reply in that tone. And I guess you should know, she's lying when she says she doesn't read the comments and not get affected by them." Shimin said. Kris took a sip of water from his cup and kept his gaze on the table. "I know you are under a lot of stress as well but she's more emotional sometimes. Not to mention the amount of prank call she has been getting ever since. She didn't tell us anything but we could see that she has been answering calls and then hanging up the very next second." Kris was a little hurt that you didn't tell him about the calls you have been getting and him not being able to be there for you. "I'll go check on her." Shimin stood up but she was stopped by Kris.

"I'll go." He said and left the room.

"Let them talk. It's better for them to clear the air." Luhan said.


He was you leaning against the wall, facing the window still talking on the phone. Not wanting to let you know he was there, he quietly walked behind you and leaned on the wall, waiting for you to be done with the call.

"Yes I got it. I'll bring it down to the studio tomorrow." You hung up after speaking with your producer. There were little changes that needed to be done and he needed you to make a trip down after your schedules tomorrow. You sighed at how busy you got the moment you head back to Korea but could only it up because this was what you signed up for. You turned back and saw the boy standing there. You felt a little bad for raising your voice at him because you knew he said that because he cared about you. You walked up and stood one feet away from him.

"Why are you standing so far away?" He asked with a gentle voice. All you did was just shrugged and kept your eyes on your feet. "What happened?" Once again, you kept your head hung low and shook your head. You didn't know why you just felt like crying. Maybe it was his voice or maybe it was just him being there, asking how you were doing and it hit the right spot in your heart. He could see that you were trembling with the built up emotions. It pained him to see you like that. "Come here." He reached out his hand and grabbed yours, making you walk closer to him. "Do you want to talk about it?" You shook your head once again. This time, wrapping your arms around him and placed your head on his chest. Kris rested his chin on your head, one hand gently patting you on the shoulder, the other holding you firmly around you, using his body language to tell you that he is there for you.

"Sorry." You said softly.

"Hmm?" He hummed gently.

"I shouldn't have raised my voice."

"It's okay. I know you've been going through a lot. But you should tell me you know, at least I could share the burden with you." Kris comforted.

"But you have your things to take care of as well. Exo has been so busy and M has been flying in and out. I don't want you to worry about me. I am old enough to take care of myself."

"Apperently not." He teased. "You'll always be a kid in my eyes."

You smiled slightly at his words. He never failed to make you feel better. You snuggled into the crook of his neck and took a deep breath of his scent. He planted a light kiss on your forehead and held you up, rubbing the tears that formed around your eyes. "Why do you always cry when you see me. Am I that scary?" He laughed and so did you.

"Extremely." You hit his arm slightly. "I was scared of you when I first saw you."

"Really? I thought I was your eyecandy?"

"Since when?" You hit him again, not sure how he knew about it.

"Since I caught you checking me out whenever we have similar classes."

"No I wasn't. How did you know I was checking you out if you aren't doing the same?"

"There's something called the mirror." Kris smiled.

"Oh." You paused. "So you were checking me out through the mirror?" You lifted your head up and look at him with a smirk. He flicked your forehead with his fingers and just smiled at you.

"Are you feeling better now?" You nodded. "Good. Remember I'm always here for you alright? Nothing's going to tear us apart." He added, quickly you a quick peck on your lips before heading back to continue with your dinner.


Laughters could be heard from outside the room when the two of your returned. "Everything settled?" Luhan asked and the both you nodded at the same time.

"See, I told you the two of them will be fine." Lay said. The six of you spent the next hour chatting and enjoying each other's company. You were glad that despite both your busy schedules, there was still time for each other. It was getting late and you started receiving texts from your managers, making sure you all don't hang out too late. 

"I guess we should be going soon." You said. "Our hectic schedules start tomorrow."

"That's fast."

"I guess it's crazier for her since she needs to record her song by this week, learn the new version of our song before flying to Taiwan next week." Shimin said.

"You're flying over next week? That's fast."

"Yeah. I was suppose to attend the celebration party but I can't cause of my other schedules. The drama promotions starts next week so I need to be over by I'll most probably stay there for a few days before flying back to shoot the MV and all." You sighed a little. “But it's going to be exciting. I can't wait to go around promoting though. I just kinda miss performing on stage."

"How are you guys going back?" Lay asked.

"Cab I guess." Shimin replied.

"Or we could walk." You added.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry for making you walk such a long distance even though your leg is injured." Lay apologised.

"I was just kidding." You hit him on the arm lightly.

You all finally decided to leave the place and you slowly made your way down the stairs with Kris' help. You all split the bill before headin out to hail two cabs for each of your own group.

"Take care alright?" Kris said.

"I will."

"This . I want to hug you and kiss you but I can't"

"Too bad." You stuck your tongue out him. "You'll get your chance." You managed to get two cabs at the same time and the boys make sure you all were off before heading back to their dorm.


"And we're done!" The producer said. You placed your headphone back on the rack and walked out of the isolation room.

"Thank you everyone!" The four of you thanked in unison. You were done with all your recordings and all you need to worry about is the actual shoot itself which takes place in a week. Since it was already late, you decided to order in food to your dorm since you needed to pack for your flight the next day.


"Unnie the food is here!" The youngest yelled from the living room.

"Coming!" You stuffed the clothes your were holding on into your luggage.

"You're coming back on Monday right?" Shimin asked.

"Yes.. three days before the shoot. Goodness this is so stressful." You sighed.

"Don't worry. You so good at remembering steps it's not going to be a problem. Besides, there isn't any change to it anyways."

"Hopefully." You replied, left hand rubbing your injured knee hoping that it would be better by then. You turned in earlier that night since you had a morning flight to catch with your press conference starting in the afternoon.


"Jie your phone..." You vaguely heard your roommate mubbling. You grabed your phone and switched off the alarm. It was only 7:30 but your manager is coming to pick you up in an hour's time. You reluctantly dragged yourself out of bed and to the bathroom to wash up before making the final checks that you brought the things you needed. There actually isn't anything much since your stylists are bringing the clothes you are wearing over. All you had to bring was the casual clothings you are going to wear off schedule and your toiletries. Not wanting to wake Shimin up, you quietly pushed your luggage out and stoned in the living room until your manager came.

"Bye kids!" You yelled from the door to the three who was obviously still sleep.


Four days in Taiwan pass faster than you though it would and you pretty much enjoyed yourself, seeing the people you worked with after a long time. You headed back to your dorm after touchdown to freshen up yourself before going back to SM for your practice. Your members were already there and you joined them for warm up before starting your practice. Although there were little changes to the positioning of each member, the practice ended rather smoothly. It was past midnight after everything ended and all you wanted was to lie on your bed and sleep, especially when you need to wake up early the next day.


"Woah Enjing your hair!" Chanyeol said as he saw you from a distance.

"Chill dude, it's not like you never had blonde hair before." You raised your eyebrows at the overly excited boy.

"Are you guys going back already?"

"Soon I guess, we've got an early flight to China tomorrow."

"Oh, same as M?"

"Really? I don't know about them. I know we have a smiliar schedule two days later and another one I think...." You replied. It was two weeks since the release of your music video and the start of your promotions for the various countries. You just came back from Japan the day before and you are flying again the next day. At the rate you are flying, you swear you were going to have phobia of planes.

"Enjing ah, could you come here for a bit?" Your manager singalled you to the practice room where your members and the M members were. It almost slipped your mind that you had to practice the special item for the concert in China. It was almost 12 and it was only the start of your practice. Your felt a nudge on your shoulder and looked up at the mirror to see your boyfriend handing you a large cup of coffee.


"Not exactly, it's ours actually." He smiled. "I think you need some of this to keep you awake. You look half dead." You looked at yourself in the mirror to inspect yourself.

"I don't look that bad," you took a step closer, "I just look like I need some grooming." You reached for the rubber band in your pocket and tied your hair into a pony tail. "See, much better." He just stood and laughed at you.

"Yah yah the two of you snap out of it!" Tao yelled from the other end of the room while stretching but you just brushed him off with some insults.

"If I can't sleep later, it's your fault." You brought the straw to your mouth but just when you wanted to sip the drink, it was being pulled away from you.

"Then it's better that you don't drink it." Kris teased, holding high up so you couldn't reach it.

"Hey! That's unfair. Give it to me!" You exclaimed but he didn't compromise. "Lu ge, look at your leader, so childish!" You complained, stomping your feet in defeat.

"Don't bully the kid." Luhan laughed. "If she can't dance properly later it's going to be your fault." Kris looked at Luhan and then back at you, giving you the coffee after some hesitation. You gladly took the drink and ran off to your members. You had to do a special two-minute dance item as a transition between both your group's performances. Being the main dancers, you, Lay and Luhan had more parts with a little more complicated choreography compared to the other members. It was only a two minutes piece but too you guys 2.5 hours to perfect it to your choreographer's standard. By the end of 2.5 hours your were dead beat and all you did was lie down on the ground with your towel over your face.

"Are you dead yet?" Kris asked and you just nodded, making as minimal movement as possible. You didn't know how long you have been lying there since you fell asleep until you felt someone nudge you. "Hey sleepy head, time to go."

You mumbled something incoherent and pushed yourself up, pulling the towel down from your face. Kris was seated beside you and the other members were scattered around but your saw your managers packing up, getting ready to leave. You reached up and stretcheded yourself before reaching front for your leg, mumbling something else along the way.

"Why do you keep mumbling?" Kris asked. You stuck your tongue out at him and stood up.

"Let's go girls." You signalled the girls to leave. "Oh, are you guys flying to China tomorrow as well?" You turned to Kris who was still lazing on the floor.

"Yes. But tomorrow night though."


"Why? Are you disappointed?"

"No. Why would I?"

"Cause you don't get to see me as much."

"Oh please." You rolled your eyes. "Who wants to see you." 

Kris stood up and placed his arm around your shoulder. "Why did you say?" 

You flashed him your widest smile before running to the door where your members already was at. "Bye guys, see you!" You waved before leaving.


"Unnie wake up!" Someone was yelling in your room, most probably Miko since it was her turn to wake you guys up. You groaned and flipped to the other side, throwing the blankets over your head, hoping to get more sleep. "Unnie~" Miko whinned.

"Wake her up first," you pointed to Shimin's direction. Defeated, the maknae went over to your roommate who was easier to wake up than you. You were a heavy sleeper and the one who got up the latest when it wasn't your turn to wake the members up. You dreaded morning flights. it was just never your thing. You were so lazy that you just threw on a oversized tank and paired it with jeggings and a random varsity jacket you had in your closet. You didn't even feel like putting your contact lenses on you just went to the airport with your oversized glasses. Not the most glamorious but you couldn't careless for that day.

"Wow, look at you. Dressing casual for once." Your manager teased.

It was your first official trip to China as a group and you were rather nervous, thinking about how the fans will accept you. As your van approached the airport, you throw on your jacket so that you look more presentable. You stepped out of the van and waited for your members to alight before crossing the road to the departure hall.

"Are you sure you're going to wear this jacket?" Shimin asked.

"What's wrong?" You scanned your black jacket. Even though it's a little too huge for you, you didn't find anything wrong with it. Your manager rushed you off before Shimin could reply you. There were a number of fans at the airport waiting for you, not too much to make it difficult to walk. You kept a slight smile on your face while walking to the departure gate since you knew pictures of you were taken. You could vaguely hear people talking about what you were wearing which made you a little uneasy. 'I can't even dress down for a day?' You mentally cursed, thinking that they were refering to your wardrobe combination for that day. 

"About your jacket," Shimin turned to you while you slouched comfortably by your window seat. "Aren't you wearing Yifan ge's jacket?" 

"Huh?!" You shot up and removed your jacket, fliped it overto the bacl. 'KRIS 00' was printed at the back and your mentally face-palmed yourself. "..." You threw your head against the seat.

"I guess it isn't going to be that much of a problem..." Shimin tried to console.

"Really?" You answered sarcastically. "People will be more sure that we are together now since I have his jacket with me." You sighed. "How did it end up in my closet anyways." You felt cold as the plane flew to a higher altitude and you wore the jacket back on again, asking Shimin to remind you to take it off once you all land. You don't want to be pictured wearing that jacket again. You didn't want unnecessary commotions once again just because you happened to grab the wrong jacket.

The flight to Changsha was around four hours but you managed to sleep through the flight. As soon as you alighted the plane, you took off your jacket and held it in your hand while you proceed to the immigrations. Since it was your first time in China, the local media were curious and interested in you. You had two interviews scheduled before and your show recording plus you had a flight to Beijing to catch that night. The arrival hall was filled with people, both media and your fans who were there to see you. You were quite shocked to see the number of people that came, it was more than you had expected. With the help of security, you managed to make your way out to your van that was waiting for you outside the airport. Since you were only staying there for less than a day, you went straight to where your interviews were held and had your hair and makeup done for the day.

It took two hours for both the interviews to finish and you were starving. You headed to the TV station before you were given your lunch backstage. You had 2 hours to spare before the start of your recording and from what you heard from Exo, it was going to take nothing less than 3 hours. You were invited to Happy Camp and you were all really excited since it was one of the most watched shows in China and it would definitely help to boost your popularity and let more people know about you.

You were brought to the hosts' dressing room to greet them first before heading to the stage for rehearsal. "We're going on in 20 minutes!" One of the staff knocked on your door. You looked through the whole run down again, making sure you knew the flow and the questions the hosts would be asking. The stylists did some final touch up before you made your way to standby. The show started shortly after with the host making their usual enterance and talked among themselves before going to the topic about your group. You could feel your heart beating faster as time passed. It was your first time on China's TV programme and you were nervous and afarid that you would make mistakes while speaking along the way. Just as you were imersed in your own thoughts, the hosts has given the que and it was time for you to go out. 

You really liked the atmosphere of the recording. The hosts and audience were very passionate and supportive, knowing that it was your first time here. They cracked jokes to make you feel more at ease although you were still a little stressed since it was you and Shimin who were doing the talking most of the time. It took a total of four hours for the whole recording and before you had time to rest, you were rushed to another venue for your interview.

By the time you were done with all your schedule for the day, it was already 8pm and you had a 11pm plane to catch. You all left for the airport immediately after you were done. Since there wasn't much time for dinner, you all grabbed a quick bite at the cafe in the airport before boarding. It was so rushed that you were still in your performing clothes and makeup when you boarded the flight. By the time you finally reached your hotel in Beijing, it was already past 2am and all you did was to bathe and sleep.


You had a morning call at 8am in the morning asking you guys to head down to the restaurant for breakfast. After throwing on something decent, you head to the lobby to meet your members. The lift door opened and the four of you, along with your manager stepped in. "Good Morning." You heard someone greet in Korean. You saw Chen, Tao and Lay plus one of their managers in the lift as well. "You guys look tired. Did you guys reach really late last night?" Chen asked.

"Yeah. We slept at around 3am." Shimin answered. "Where are the rest though?"

"At the lobby waiting for us." Chen answered. The lift door opened and you saw the three boys and their manager standing there. You greeted the other three before making your way to the restaurant.They blocked out a place especially for you so there wouldn't be fans bothering you. 

"Morning." You boyfriend greeted as he stood beside you.

"Are you sick? Your voice sounds super husky."

"I think I caught a flu or something." He sniffed. "Oh, I heard someone daringly wore my jacket to the airport yesterday." He said while he placed some egg onto your plate.

"It was an accident. How do I even have your jacket in the first place?" You walked over and scooped some noodles onto your plate.

"You realise you have quite an amount of my clothes."

"Right... I'll bring it over to you later, or tonight."

"How about tonight?" Kris whispered in your ear with a smirk. "It sounds more appealing to me."

"We'll see about that." You teased. 

You headed back up to your room first since you didn't have the habit of having too much for breakfast and you wanted to shower before your long day of schedule. Your doorbell rang just as you were about to blow dry your hair and you went to answer it, opening it slightly. Seeing that it was your boyfriend, you open the door and let him in.

"Did you sell your soul to my manager again? Why do you always know where I stay?"

"Not excatly. I kinda went to ask your members." He grinned and threw himself on your bed. "I see someone is dressed very... y." 

"Contain yourself Mr. Wu." He stared at him. You were wearing a bathrobe over your undergarments because you didn't want to change into the clothes you needed to wear later. "Oh right," you walked to the cabinet and took out his jacket. "Before I forget and make us the headline again." You threw the jacket towards him before heading back into the bathroom to blow dry your hair.

"Let me help you." Kris walked in to the bathroom. You looked at your boyfriend through the mirror, smiling to yourself as he dried your hair.

"Stop smiling to yourself, I know I am good looking." He switched off the dryer. You squeezed out some of your hair products on your palm and started applying to your blonde locks. Kris leaned against the door frame and eyed you from head to toe.

"Stop checking me out. I know I'm your style."

"Totally." Kris hugged you from behind. "Especially when you are dressed like this." You hit him playfully on the hand while you continued your own things and his hands around your waist the whole time. 

"What are you doing..." You asked as you felt kisses being planted up your neck, slowly up to your jaw. Kris turned you around so you could face him. 

"What do you think?" He smirked before crashing his lips onto yours. You parted your mouth slightly and let Kris dominant the kiss. You knew that he liked it. He trailed his kisses down to your neck and then to your shoulers, his hands slipping the robe off your shoulder at the same time. You wanted him to stop but at the same time, you were enjoying it. He went back up to your neck and on your sweet spot causing you to let out a soft moan.

"Yifan..." You tried to make yourself sound normal. "We shouldn't be doing this. Miko's gonna come back anytime."

"No she isn't. She told me she'll be over at your other member's room." He grinned.

"What? You planned this didn't you?" You pouted slightly.

"Maybe? Don't act like you don't want this."

"But we have to-"

"We have more than enough time." He cooed. You looked down and you could see the bulge at his crotch. You wanted to a little seeing him in this state.

"Abstinence Yifan, abstinence." You pulled up the side of your robe that Kris pulled off.

"But it's been months!" He protested.

"Then the more you can do it." You poked his cheek.

"But Enjing..." He whined. You turned and head out of the bathroom, purposely brushing your hand against his groin which made him grunt. He grabbed you by the arm and pulled you back into the bathroom, trapping you against the bathroom counter with his arms.


"You're going to pay for this."

Hello everyone, chapter 38 is finally done! (: Thank you for waiting so patiently for this. I know most of us have been rather upset with the recent incident, I would be lying if I said I wasn't. No matter what the outcome is, we'll still be supporting Yifan right? (: I hope that you guys will be able to find joy through reading my fics and hopefully, it will make your day better, Whether or not Yifan is going back to Exo, I will still be writing fics about him so don't worry. Alright? (: 

I have read through the comments you guys gave on this incident and I guess all I can say is to wait for official statements. There have been too many people trying to bring Yifan and Exo down so we must stay calm. We don't know what is going through behind those door but all we can do is support them all the way. (: Take care everyone!


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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333