Chapter XXX

Dreams Do Come True

You held on to Lay who was standing next to you to balance your tired and weak body from falling. Lay got a shocked when he felt the temperature of your body against his. "Are you alright?" He asked you in Mandarin.

"Manager oppa.. Did you see him? I need to go to the hospital..." You whispered. Lay looked around but he didn't see your manager. 

"He's here, he's here." Lay said as he see your manager walking towards you.

"Okay everyone let's move." Your manager said as he got Gems to move off first before the Exo boys. You were walking slowly behind the members, trying to get yourself together but your head was hurting and the things around you were spinning. You couldn't take it any longer. You managed to grab onto one of your member's hands before everything infront of you turned black.


The Exo boys were talking among themselves after you all left. All of a sudden, there was a loud thud and commotion coming from infront.

"Unnie! Unnie!" A few girls were yelling. The boys walked forward and before they could reach, Kris yelled your name.


He pushed himself to the crowd and held you in his arms, nudging you trying to wake you up. "Zhang Enjing, don't scare me!" He exclaimed. You opened your eyes slightly, regaining abit of consciousness but your eyes closed again. Everyone was in a state of shock. Since it was the backstage of a fashion event, there were reporters that were present and with the commotion, it is unavoidable that they would be interested to know what happened. With the help of the staff members, they got you onto your manager's back and covered you with a jacket and quickly made his way to the exit where your vans were parked at.

"She's gonna be fine." Luhan said as he sat down beside Kris in their van. Kris just nodded.

"Do you think they'll let me visit her?" Kris asked.

"I doubt so." Luhan replied. "You have your schedules and I don't think manager with let you risk going to the hospital."


"Junyong oppa..." You called out with your croaked voice. The first person you saw was your worried manager seated by your bed. "Why did I-"

"You fainted due to exhaustion and high fever. This is what happens when you force yourself to work when you're seriously sick." He reprimanded. "It's gonna make it sound like we are still forcing you to work when you're sick. It'll reflect badly on us you know."

"Sorry..." You apologised. That was all you could say since it was you who assured everyone you were well enough to work despite knowing that you were not well.

"Here. Call whoever you need to call to inform them you are alright." You manager said, handing you your phone. You texted your members first, letting them know you are fine. You went to your call log and pressed the name that was at the top of the list. It rang for a long time but no one picked up. 'I guess he's doing his schedule...' you thought. Just when you were about to text him, your phone rang.


"Zhang Enjing you scared me to death." Kris exclaimed through the phone. "Do you know how worried I... we were?"


"How are you feeling? Better? Do you need me to come over? What did the doctor say?" Kris bombarded you with tons of questions at one go, making you smile at his reaction.

"I'm feeling better but I need to stay the night for them to monitor my condition. I'll be able to go tomorrow. I don't think you can come over since the visiting hours are over and Junyong oppa's leaving soon too."

"Oh? If that's the case, rest well. I'll go and visit you if it's possible."

"Okay. Bye." You hung up. You replied the various messages you got and waited for your manager to return with the doctor. After doing a few checks and making sure your current condition was fine, your manager left and you were left to rest.


"You're good to go. Report shows that everything is fine just that you have to remember not to push yourself too hard. Lots of artistes are like you, forcing themselves to work even when they are sick and end up fainting of exhaustion." The doctor said. "I'll get your manager to do the discharge procedure when he reaches."

The doctor left, leaving you alone in the room. Just then the door opened, making you think that it was your manager. "Oppa, the doctor asked you to..." you paused. The person who entered the room wasn't your manager but a female, Hannah. Her baby bump was showing more than before which hit you back to reality that the baby inside might be Kris'. "What are you doing here?" You asked.

"I'm here to see how long more can you act. I know you're doing all these to get back with Kris. Your date in Japan, the endorsements and fashion show, and then this. Don't think I don't you what you are up to Zhang Enjing, you are one scheming person." She said. 

"I'm not acting." You defended yourself. "Yes, I want to get back with him but I won't put my health on the line to do so. For Japan, it was a mutual decision to go out together and the rest is purely work, you should know that.."

"Don't use work as an excuse. You could have rejected it or worked with someone else but why of all people Kris? You could have just gone back to your room when the day ended. Why did you spend the night with him?" Hannah asked, stepping closer to you. You didn't know how to answer so you just kept quiet. "You're hoping that you are pregnant and he would go back to you right?"

"I won't put my career on the line and I wouldn't ruin his either. If it makes you feel more secure, I'm not pregnant." You replied. 

"I warning you, stay away from him. I don't think you would want news to go out saying that you are a third party, wouldn't you?" Hannah threatened. "Don't try to play games with me because you will lose before it even begin."

"That's enough." A male voice said coming from the door.

"Chanyeol?" You said.

"Take back what you said. Enjing's not that kind of person." Chanyeol said.

"Looks like you managed to trick another person with your acting huh." Hannah scoffed and turned to Chanyeol. "She's treating you as a spare, can't you tell? Why are you still speaking up for her? You don't think that she'll like you eventually will you? She can even spend the night with Kris after they break up. She loves him too much to let him go. Even if she has feelings for you, it's diverted because she's making use of you to get over Kris."

"I said enough!" Chanyeol raised his voice and grabbed Hannah on her arm. "Apologise for what you said." Hannah kept mum and looked away. "I want you to apologise to her!" Chanyeol grabbed Hannah by her shoulder and shook her.

"Chanyeol let go!" You exclaimed, rushing over to pry his hands off her. "She's pregnant. Stop! You're gonna injure her."

"Why are you still helping her when she said all those nasty things to you?" 

"Are you okay?" You asked Hannah, ignoring what Chanyeol asked.

"I'm fine." Hannah replied, a little shocked at your actions but she kept her poker face on. 

"Enjing the doctor said you're... What are you doing here?" Kris said, not expecting to see Hannah in your room.

"She came by to visit." You said. "What did the doctor say?"

"He said you're fine to leave. Junyong hyung did the discharge procedure already and he's waiting at the carpark." Kris replied, feeling a little uneasy at the current situation.

"I'll head down to meet him then. Yifan, maybe you want to send Hannah back? I don't think the two of you have met up for quite sometime." You suggested.

"But you-"

"I'm fine. Chanyeol can go back with me." You said, shifting your eyes to Hannah, "You both should spend sometime together. Thanks for making a trip down." You forced a smile. "We'll be going then." You said, making sure you've gotten everything and left the room with Chanyeol, with Kris and Hannah following behind.

"Bye." You said as you entered the lift, avoiding eye contact with Kris.


"Caramel Macchiato please." 

"Not Green Tea latte?" Chanyeol asked.

"It's good to try something different sometimes." You said. You got a corner seat by the wall while waiting for Chanyeol to collect your drinks. You wanted to spend sometime outside before heading back to the dorm and you wanted to talk to someone to clear your thoughts. You rested your chin on your palm, keeping your vision on the table, recalling the things Hannah said to you ealier. You were deeply hurt by the things she said, which you knew weren't true. 

"Still thinking about what she said?" Chanyeol asked as he placed the drinks down and took the seat opposite you.

"I can't help it."

"I know you're not like that. What she said isn't true, right?"

"You're having your doubts as well aren't you?" You laughed slightly and took a sip of your drink. "I didn't fall sick on purpose and neither did I ask anyone to make me and Kris walk together during the fashion show and the commercial shoots. It's work and the decision is obviously not done by me. But Japan... I guess we both just wanted to reminisce and make up for the times we couldn't go out as a couple."

Chanyeol remained quiet. There was think unexplainable expression on his face, as if you said something that he didn't want to hear. "But there are somethings she said that was true." You continued. "I can't let Kris go, not any time soon. I love him too much and it hurts so much just thinking about it."

"I can help you if you give me the chance." Chanyeol spoke.

"But I don't want to make you feel like I'm just using you as someone to get over him. I don't want to make you feel used. What if I can't return your feelings?" You looked down and fiddled with your fingers.

"I know how much Kris hyung means to you. Like I've said before, I won't force you to be with me but just let me be the one to protect you." Chanyeol said.

"It's funny how Luhan told me to have faith in Kris that he wouldn't do such things. I tried to convince myself too, too many times in fact, to have faith in us but whenever I think of Hannah and now, with her baby bump showing even more, I really don't know if I should just give up..." You said as you felt your emotions slowly taking over you, making your voice sound a littled croaked.

Chanyeol stretched out his hands and placed them over yours, gently rubbing them. "Whatever your decision is, I'll support you. Whether or not you still want to wait for Kris hyung or give me a chance, I'll always be here for you. Don't forget that, okay?"

"Mmm." You nodded, giving him a slight smile.


"Thank you so much, for listening to my nonsense and for sending me back. I feel so much better after talking it out." You said.

"No problem. It's better to say out than keeping everything to yourself. I'm always happy to be your listening ear." Chanyeol replied. There was a moment of silence between the two of you as you stood just outside your dorm building.

"I guess... I'll be going in then." You broke the silence. "See you."

"Bye." Chanyeol waved. You turned around and walked towards the entrance. Chanyeol was fidgety, thinking if he should call you back. "Enjing ah!" He shouted.

"Yeah?" You turned around and saw Chanyeol walking towards you with his left hand rubbing the back of his neck. In one swift action, Chanyeol pulled you by your arm and you ended up bumping into his chest. It took you a while to register that he was hugging you. He gently your hair with one of his hands and pushed your head so it rested on his chest. You didn't know how to react but you slowly wrapped your arms around him. You gently pushed yourself away from Chanyeol after a while, taking a step back.

"Well urm... I'll be heading in." You said, avoiding direct eye contact with him.

"Oh yeah, it's getting colder. Bye then." Chanyeol replied. You waved and quickly walked into the building. Chanyeol stood there, watching you walk in with a smile slowly showing on his face.


Kris and Hannah left the hopsital after you and Chanyeol left. It was a silent journey between the two. There were times where Hannah tried to put her arms around Kris but he avoided it. "We need to talk." Kris initiated. "About us." Hannah nodded and they settled on a coffee place a few streets down from the hospital.

"How's the baby?" Kris asked.

"You actually care?" Hannah said sarcastically. "He's doing fine. A healthy boy." Kris exhaled a long breath. Too many things are going through his mind at the moment but he needed to settle this issue once and for all.

"I'm going to ask you this one last time and I hope you tell me the truth. Is the baby really mine?" He asked. Hannah blinked and looked away, pressing her lips into a line, not wanting to answer the question. 

"What are you trying to do now? Shunning from responsibilities?" Hannah questioned. "I showed you the report and the answer is clear enough."

"How long are you planning to lie to me?" He asked.

"I'm not lying!"

"I got someone to check and I'm positive that you did something to the results." Kris said.

"Fine." Hannah said, running her her hand through her shoulder length hair and rested her back against the chair. "If you really want to know..."


FINALLY UPDATED! Sorry guys for the SUPERRRRRR long wait for this chapter. Was terribily sick and needed to be hospitalised as well.. D: Hopefully this chapter will make it up to you guys. Will try my best to update more frequently now. Do continue to support my fics cause it really means a lot to me, especially when you all comment and subscribe. (: I hope the story's not getting boring and draggy. I'm trying to add more interesting element cause I'm too attached to this story and OTP I don't want the story to end. Do give some suggestions and feedback so I know what to continue on. (:

On a random side note, 4 more days to Kris' birthday! And Super Junior's 8th anniversary! :D Such a joyous day and I'm going to spam my tumblr with pictures and gifs of Kris and SJ! :P

Thank you lovelies for reading! *throws hearts at everyone*

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333