Chapter XXXV

Dreams Do Come True

Exo headed back to Korea after their four days stay and you were back to your filming schedules. Occasional calls from Kris were the motivation to keep you going even though your schedules were draining. Even though each conversation weren't very long because of his tight schedule and the difference in working hours, it was enough to keep you going.

Time flew by really fast and it was already your last day on set. It has been a really wonderful 2 months for you and you were really grateful to all the seniors who have guided you through. Your fellow actors decided to hold a farewell dinner for you since you were going back to Korea the day after. It was a short goodbye with them since you will be seeing them again for the drama promotional activities. 

You spent the night packing your things for your flight next morning. You didn't know why but you felt rather pumped about going back. You switched on your laptop and tucked yourself under the sheets while using it. You finally had time to watch the shows you wanted to and also catch with with the various updates in the industry. You didn't know how long you've been at it but you finally started to feel a little bit sleepy. You switched off your laptop and placed it on the floor since you were too lazy to get out of bed. Just as you were about to sleep, your phone rang, making you jump since the room was quiet. You looked at the caller and smiled to yourself.

"You really know when to call don't you?" You said.

"Wow, I don't even get a hi? And you sound like you're not excited to talk to me."

"Hi Yifan." You chuckled. "There, is it better now?"

"It sounded forced, but it will do." He replied.

You looked at the digital clock on your night stand and it showed 0200. "Did you just reach your dorm? It's 3am already since it's 2 here."

"Yeah, kinda." He paused and you could hear him coughing on the other end. "We just finished recording."

"Are you sick? You don't sound very normal."

"Is that a pun?" Kris joked.

"I'm being serious here, Yifan." You sighed.

"Okay okay... I guess it's just a slight flu? My throat's a little dry and itchy. I guess it's because we've been flying around quite a lot and lack of rest."

You sighed again. "Stop sighing, I'm fine." Kris assured.

"I'm just worried. It's only the start of your promotions and I don't want to you fall ill and still work." You said. "Don't be like me." You were referring to the time where you fainted right after Seoul Fashion Week because you inisited on walking while running a fever.

"You still have the nerve to bring that up. I was worried sick. But don't worry, hopefully I'll be better after some rest. " He said.

"Then I guess I better let you rest. It's almost 4 and you have to wake up early later don't you?"

"Yeah. We've got inkigayo promotions tomorrow we gotta wake up early to prepare."

"Go sleep then. Why did you even call me in the first place."

"Cause I missed your voice." He said, making your heart melt a little. "I know you're gonna say I'm cheesy and all but I really miss you." You laughed a little at what he said, smiling to yourself over the phone.

"Aww... I miss you too, Yifan. But it's really late and it's not good for you since you're falling sick."

"You realise you keep saying the same thing over and over again?" Kris laughed at how you kept repeating yourself, but he knew you were just worried. "You sound like a naggy mother."

"I do? That's a sign of aging." You laughed. "But seriously, you should go catch some sleep if not you're gonna fall asleep while performing tomorrow."

"I won't do that. I actually called to ask when are you flying back. Judging from your weibo post, it seems that you are done shooting."

"What a stalker. I was going to surprise you but since you already know, I'm flying back tomorrow." You replied. "I'm not going to tell you what time. You really need to stop ruining surprises that I have installed you know."

"I'm sorry that I can read your mind." He teased. "But tomorrow, really? Then can I meet you tomorrow? I don't have any schedule after inki so maybe we can go to our usual place? It has been a while anyways."

"We'll see about that." 

"Ge I'm gonna sleep soon. Are you coming in?" You faintly heard Tao in the background.

"You can sleep first. I'm coming in soon." Kris pulled the phone away and replied the boy.

"Looks like I'm not the only one asking you to sleep." You said. "I'll text you when I reach Korea tomorrow yeah?"

"Alright. At least there's motivation for me to do finish my schedule properly tomorrow. Goodnight baby."

"You better give it your best. I'll be watching. Goodnight. Rest well." You did a kissing sound to the phone before hanging up. You pulled the sheet over you and finally slept.


You were woken up the next morning by your manager's morning call. He wanted you to make sure all your things are properly packed so he could send them over to the airport for check in first. You headed down to the restaruant below for your breakfast with your manager and stylist before they head off to the airport. You walked around the few streets after breakfast before heading back to your room. Your phone beeped with a message from Kris. 

'Morning sweetheart. Just in case you are wondering, I'm feeling better so don't worry about me alright? I'm heading off for pre-recording now and I really hope to see you later. Please don't reject me cause I know you miss me as well. Haha!'

A smile formed unconsciously on your face while you read his message. 

'Do your schedule well! Don't keep your hopes up to high though. *merong*'


"Oppa, can you drop me off at SBS later?" You asked your manager while waiting for your luggage at the belt.

"Hmm? Why all of a sudden?"

"Exo are having their stage today so I was thinking of popping by and give them moral support." You replied.

"Give them moral support or give him moral support?" You manager teased.

"Yah oppa!" You pushed your manager slightly.

"You're suppose to go back to SM for a meeting with the artist department but I guess it's fine to push it till evening." Your manager replied. "You look like you will die if I said no."

"I'm not that desperate to see him. It's just... you know."

"Yeah yeah I got it. I don't know what to do about the two of you some times."

"You're the one who told him my room number when they came to the hotel, oppa." You said. Your manager just shrugged it off. He placed the luggage onto the trolley and pushed them out of the arrival hall to where your van was parked.


"Aren't you going to buy anything for them?" Your manager asked. "You're not going there empty handed are you?"

"I was thinking of bubble tea... Is that feasible?"

"I guess..."

The car pulled over at a bubble tea store that you usually frequent and your manager and you got off to order the drinks before heading down to SBS. Your manager made a call to one of Exo's manager to make sure the boys were there before you went down.

"Annyeonghasaeyo~" You greeted as you walked into Exo's waiting room. The boys just left to prepare for their live stage so you waited in the room with their stylist and makeup artists. Since they were the last group to perform, you had to wait till they announce the weekly winner before they return.

"And this week's number 1 goes to... EXO! Congratulations!" The MC announced. You smiled at the TV in the waiting room when you heard the announcement. The members took their turn to say their thank you speech and prepared for their encore stage.

"Great job everyone!" You could hear the boys even before they reach the waiting room. It's always easy to know where they are since they have so many members. Cheers and congratulations could be heard the moment the first member walked into the room. You stood up from your seat and greeted them as well.

"Oh! Look who do we have here!" Chen said as he noticed you in the room.

"Annyeonghasaeyo~" You bowed politely at your seniors.

"Yah... Since when were you so polite." Chanyeol teased.

"I am to everyone but you." You rebutted. "Oh, I bought bubble tea for you guys so feel free to help yourselves."

"Really?" Sehun's eyes sparkled at the mention of bubble tea. "Wah noona you're really great."

"You always say that when I treat you." You said. "I guess this can be counted as your special prize for winning first?"

"Enjing you're here?" Luhan said as he walked into their waiting room. You hummed and you gestured him to the bubble tea you placed on the table. Kris followed behind him along with Tao and his face lit up upon hearing your name. A smile spread across his face as he slowly made his way to where you were standing.

"It seems like you do miss me a lot, judging from where you are now." Kris said.

"I just came to support my seniors which you happen to be in the group as well." You replied.

"Oh really. What a coincidence." Kris went along with your reply. "Do I get any special orders this time?" You shrugged and asked him to go try his luck at the remaining bubble tea that was left on the table. He turned to you after looking through the various cups but you just laughed. In the end, he just took one cup and poked his straw in.

"I can't be that biased all the time you know." You said. "Well, at least you still got a drink."

"Thanks." Kris said. You settled down while the boys changed before going back to the company. You noticed that Kris has been coughing quite constantly throughout. "You're still coughing? Why does it seem like it's more frequent compared to yesterday?" You asked as he sat down beside you.

"It was better in the morning. Maybe it's cause of the singing and all." He replied. He reached out his hand to grab the cup of bubble tea in front but you pulled it towards you.

"Then you shouldn't be drinking so much of this." You said.

"But... It doesn't have anything to do with it..." Kris whined. Seeing that you weren't paying attention, he took the cup of drink back and slipped on it happily. You shot him a disapproving look but he just smiled at you.

"You're like a big kid."

"So you can do your job to take care of me." He said.

"I'm not always gonna be around you."

"Then make yourself be around me every single time." Kris said. You heard giggles coming from the group of boys in front of you who were obviously eavesdropping on your conversation. 

"My goodness Wu Yifan, I never knew you were so... cheesy?" Luhan laughed, along side with Tao since the both of you were conversing in Mandarin with a little English and Korean here and there. Kris glared that the boys but there was nothing he could so to them anyways. You hand brushed against Kris' and you felt his body temperature was a warmer than yours. Wanting to make sure, you reached out and placed your hand on his forehead.

"Dude, you're burning up." You commented.

"It's probably because we've just finish performing." Kris replied. "You need to relax. I'm fine, really." You frowned a little, not really buying what he said.

"Alright kids, time to get going!" Their manager called. "Enjing ah, you can just follow one of the vans since we're all going back."

"You still have to go back to SM?" Kris asked.

"Yeah. I've got a meeting with the artist department."

"And you'll be free after that?"

"I don't have anything until the drama promotions some time next month so I guess..." You said.


You walked behind the boys out to the carpark where most artistes' vehicles were at, bumping into a few of your closer artiste freinds along the way. There were fans surrounding the area so the staff needed everyone to be quick. You followed Kris and hopped into the front seat of M's van while you waited for the other members to board. 


You thanked Exo's manager and staff before you headed up another level to meet your manager. "Jing ah." Kris called for you from the back of his group. "So tonight?" He asked.

"Mmm." You hummed. "I'll text you after I'm done." You patted his arm.

"Wow the two of you..." Luhan commented.


"Nothing. It's interesting how you two can date and not get caught." Luhan said.

"I know right. It'll be a huge problem if we ever got caught." Kris answered.


You headed back to your dorm after your meeting and it was empty. Your members were given the green light to go back home since your group was on break. It felt a little weird because there were hardly times where the dorm was completely empty. You threw yourself onto the couch and closed your eyes to rest for a while. You reached out your phone and texted Kris, informing him that you were back in your dorm. You settled on a time to meet him for dinner and went to take a shower. You slipped on an over sized jacket and a pair of legging and sat back down onto the couch after shower, waiting for time to pass.

You met Kris at 9pm for a late dinner since you didn't want too many people to spot the two of you going out together. You decided to meet him at the Korean restaurant a few blocks away from Exo's dorm since you were craving for Korean food. "Looks like you are early." You said as you sat down opposite Kris. "I'm famished. The last propoer meal I ate was breakfast before I flew back." You opened the menu and started looking through it to decide on what to order. You settled for Sundubu Jjigae and Seafood Ramyun for Kris along with a Kimchi Pancake.

"What was the meeting about?" Kris asked.

"Nothing much. They just talked about the schedules I've completed and a little evaluation. Like a wrap up of all the work I've done from debut until now." You said.

"Which means you're free from anything now?"

"Yeah. So my break offically starts today until one month later when I need to go back to Taiwan for drama promotions."

"So you're going home?"

"Most probably. I haven't been home for a while now and I need to renew my passport and stuff so, why not." You replied. "But I'll be back in two weeks because I have to record for the drama's sound track."

"Oh... At least you'll be having some rest. Gems have been quite active every since your debut right?"

"Yeah. It's was quite an eventful year, but I'm really thankful for everything that we've went through whether it's good or bad." You said. "What about you? What are your upcoming schedules?"

"Korea promotions, of course. We'll be flying to China for programme recordings, fanmeets and stuff. I think we've got local programme to go on too. Quite packed though." He said.

"Wow... Work hard duizhang. I'll be watching you from afar." You laughed.

"I will, especially with you rooting for me." Your conversation paused when the waitress served your orders to you. "Let's eat, I'm starving."

"I haven't had authentic Korean food for so long I'm actually missing it." You said while you took spoonfuls of the soup into your mouth. "It's so good!"

"Eat slowly, we've got all the time in the world." Kris laughed at your comment. 


"I'm so full." You said as you placed your chopsticks back down onto the table. You leaned back against the chair and placed your right hand on your stomach and started rubbing it. "I think I ate more then I could take..."

"It's fine. It's good to stuff yourself with food sometime."

"I'll grow fat if I do that too often... Korean food..." You shook your head

"Don't worry, I still love you if you grow fat."

"Really?" Kris nodded with a smile on his face. "But you guys always say that but act differently in the end." You complained. 

"Shall we go?" Kris asked. "I'll go get the bill, wait for me outside." You headed out and stood by the the enterance of the shop. It was past 10 after you finished your dinner. Since it was still early, the two of you decided to take a longer route to Han River. There was a little hut that the both of you saw while walking and you decided to sit there instead of the usual place.

"When are you going back?" Kris asked.

"Not too sure... Maybe the day after?" You replied.

"Oh.. that's fast." He said.

"There's nothing much to do here since I have no schedule so why not so back home earlier?"

"You can spend time with me." Kris whined.

"But you're super busy." You laughed. "And I'm only going back for two weeks. You can see me after that."

"That's true. Wouldn't it be cool if we could travel together?"

"We did, didn't we? That time in Japan and every other time we go overseas for SMTOWN."

"But that doesn't count. It's work. We should go for a holiday together someday. I can bring you around Canada and Guang Zhou and you can bring me around Singapore." He said.

"Like that will ever happened." You replied. "It is a good suggestion though. We should try it someday." You stretched your hand out, wanting to place it on Kris' forehead but he grabbed your hand before you could.

"I'm not having any fever." He said, knowing that you wanted to check. You ignored him and stretched out your other hand but he held on to it as well. "You believe me?" He pouted. You shook your head and tried to struggle free from his grip but he was obviously stronger than you.

"You're such a kid!" You pouted in defeat. "You're really fine?" You asked again.

"Yes, MUM. I'm perfectly fine." He said, flicking your forehead with his fingers. "I know how to take care of myself." He leaned against the pillar and pulled you in so your were seated between him, resting yourself against his chest.

"How have promotions been?" You asked.

"Exciting but tiring." Kris said. "Especially when I don't get to see you that often." He said.

"It's not like you do see me that often when I'm in Korea as well."

"But at least there are chances of bumping into you in the halls and all." Kris said. "I need my daily dose of motivation and energiser you know."

"Aren't your fans the motivation to keep you going?"

"Yeah, but you're my energiser." Kris said. He was being his cheesy self once again but you liked it. You interlocked you hand with his and brought it to your lips and kissed it.

"Like this?" You asked.

"No." Kris answered, turning your head to the side and he kissed you on your lips. "Like this." He smiled. You gently smacked his chest, and stared at him. He leaned forward wanting to kiss you again but you shunned it. You felt that it was a little risky to have such intimate actions in the public especially when both of you are public figures. Even though it was late at night, you never know if anyone was watching the two of you from a far.


"Do you have any schedule tomorrow?" You asked as you traced the veins on Kris' hands which were wrapped around you.

"We're going on a radio show tomorrow and rehearsals for our fanmeets and the shows we're going on."

"Oh..." You nodded. You took out your phone and checked the time and it was a little past midnight. "Should we get going? You should be having more rest while you can. Especially when you're falling sick."

"But I want to spend more time with you though. There's so many things I've yet to get updated about."

"We can always chat, silly. I know you're checking your phone every now and then." You said.

"I don't want to go back that early yet. My schedule starts in the afternoon so I have a few more hours to spare." He said. "We can go somewhere else."

"My members have all gone home so there's only me in the dorm... You want to pop by or something?" You asked

"Really? I don't mind since I haven't really been to your dorm." 


"Welcome in." You opened the door, letting Kris in while you placed your shoe back into the cupboard. You jumped onto his back all of a sudden, asking him to piggyback you.

"You always become super touchy when it's just the two of us." Kris laughed. You lead him around the house, showing him your room and your other members'. The both of you made yourself comfortable on the couch, updating each other of the events that happened during the past two weeks. You talked through the few hours and you realise Kris was getting more and more restless.

"I think you should go back. It's getting late." You said. "And look super tired."

Kris stretched himself and checked his phone that was on the coffee table. There were a few missed calls and messages from s and manager. You got a few from Luhan as well, asking if Kris was with you and asking you to tell him to go back earlier. "Maybe I could sleep over and head back in the morning." He said.

"Don't try to be funny." You said. "I already told Luhan ge you'll be back soon. I don't want you getting into trouble just because you want to spend time with me."


"No more buts. I know you miss me and all. I miss you a lot as well but there are some things we need to prioritise. As for now, your rest is more important since it's your promotion period." You said. You stood up and held Kris by his hand, pulling him up and leading him to the door.

"Potential mother-material huh." Kris teased as he wore his shoes. He opend his arms and wrapped them around you, giving you a long tight hug. "Thank you for being such a wonderful support." He said and planted a kiss on your forehead.

"I'm always here for you, Yifan. Never forget that." You said. "All the best for the rest of your promotions. I'm saying this just in case I don't see you again before I fly off."

You headed downstairs to wait for a cab with Kris. It was late and cabbing would be a faster way for the tired boy to reach his dorm. Before he hopped on, he lean in and pecked your lips quickly. "Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight." You waved. You stood there until the cab was out of sight and finally returning back to your dorm.


'Who is it so early...' You groaned as you reached for your phone. "Hello?"

"Yah. How can you be still sleeping at this point of time?" Your manager yelled from the other end of the phone.

"What happened? Is something wrong?" You replied, a little more awake than you were seconds ago. Something was obviously not right. Your manager sounded really angry and worried.

"Go and get ready. I'm reaching your dorm in 10 minutes. I'll tell you when I'm there." Your manager hung up right after. You got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to wash up. You headed back to your room to change into something more appropriate when you hear the clicking of your door. "Enjing?" Your manager called.

"Give me a second." You shouted from your room. "What is it?" You asked as you walked out. Your could feel tension in the air and the look on your manager's face was not good at all.

"You're done? Let's go." He said.

"Go? Go where?"

"SM." He replied with a serious tone. The trip down to the carpark felt longer and deadlier than ever before. No one spoke a single word. As you approached the van, you opened the door at the passanger seat and went in.

"Oppa..." You broke the silence. "Is something wrong?"

Your manager sighed and passed you his tablet. "See it for yourself."

You unlocked his tablet and it was on a news website. Your heart literally sank when you saw the headlines.







Hello everyone. The super duper uber long awaited update is FINALLY here. Hehh. I'm really sorry this took so long I promise to be a more efficient writer. ;P And yes, I've decided to add another obstacle for the couple cause I just don't feel like ending the story like that. I hope this has been an interesting chapter. More interaction between Enjing and Kris. I guess it really shows how the two of them can't live without each other, esp Kris. Please do look forward to the next chapter alright? (:

I really appriciate everyone of you, constantly reading and commenting. :D Love yall~ 

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autumn1991 #1
Chapter 44: Authornim, I hope you dont miss this story to be updated :( like I missed the story soooo much :( been months already. How have you been authornim?
autumn1991 #2
Chapter 44: Authornim how have you been? I hope you're not missing out this story huhu, I've been anticipating you would update it hehe. Hope we won't wait any longer to read next chapter <3
autumn1991 #3
Chapter 44: Surprise~ surprise~
Thank you so much for updating huhuhu yes yes it was, Ive been waiting for these chapter to be updated, been quite long time. Excited to read next chapter!!! ^^
Merry KrisMas and Happy New Year~
Have a wonderful holiday! ^^
autumn1991 #4
Chapter 43: I miss your updates, authornim ;;;
Excited to read next chapter ;;;
autumn1991 #5
Chapter 43: I thought this chapter was gone, oooo so you fixed it kkk. Thank you again ^^ Lots of anticipate for another chapter <333
AnimeKitty #6
Chapter 43: O_O
Oh gosh.... it Hannah is in't it?!

Yup, Minnie's getting married! Woohoo! :3
autumn1991 #7
Chapter 43: Whoaa what a surprise! ^^
Thank you for updating. Im anticipating next chapter~ Like it soo much <33333
autumn1991 #8
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #9
Chapter 42: I came here and next chapter was unexpectedly updated, thank you so much! Ah, how I wish you could've written this story abit longer, I don't mind you write it too long and got so many chapters, miss authornim :'D Im seriously not yet ready to see this story coming to its end, I like it so much <3
autumn1991 #10
Chapter 41: Appreciated much! Bunch of hugs, thank you for updating authornim <3333